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Re: A very serious question(To Angelique)

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Hello Angelique, There is an old belief that I first read over the Secret Doctrine of Madame Blavastky, that talks about not getting in contact , or living along with some animals that do not have an erect spinal cord, which means most of our mammals pretty much. The reason is that they believed ( the ancient ones) that because they do not have the erect Spine they would not have the same process of ascension of the Kundalini, like us, and for some odd reason (never got to understand that one as much) this would influence our own capability of awakening The Serpent of Fire (Kundalini). Madama Blavastky talks nonetheless about how birds could help us. My personal believe , and this is just my two cents is, with the present situation and the level of energies that have been injected inside of our Atmosphere, we are witnessing the ascension of all the structures and living beings, Not only humans are ascending, but we are partaking with all the creation this new shift. So, what I want to say is, I do not believe that being around animals is bad, just the opposit. When you study your astrologic Karmic map, it is said that when we are about to conclude our Karma of Service to mankind, we notice the increase of interest on helping other beings (some in different stages of Evolution) and this includes animals. It is what they call stage 4 of karmic relationships.Maybe because when we are able to feel and express compassion and unconditional love to other beings we already conquered and mastered this learning of this virtue to our spcope of experiencesas a Pure Human being.This is all I know about it, but notice that I am no expert on Yoga ect.Much love and respect,Liane

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