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What is Man Without the Beasts?

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What is Man Without the Beasts? Don't Miss the 7 Gifts! By Val Heart

Maimonides, the 12th century philosopher and physician said that " if we took care of ourselves as well as we do our animals we would suffer fewer illnesses. " Many ancient tribal societies believed that animals could carry the illnesses of their owners. Today animal health care providers see a significant correlation between stressed owners and their sick animals.

Take a moment to notice how much you care for and love your pet. Notice the many gifts they have even though they may not be perfect. Love, appreciate and care for yourself at least that much. Also notice if you're in any way neglecting your animals, or have forgotten to be grateful for their many gifts to you. This is also instructive and shows you ways you may be neglecting, judging or mistreating yourself...

In order to stay healthy personally and within our community, we must stay connected with our animals. It's important to treat them and ourselves with respect and honor, listening and learning from them on many levels.

" What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected. " - Chief Seattle

We rediscover our connection with the planet and our own Divine nature when we connect with other beings. Can you imagine your life without animals in it? No animal games to make you laugh, or excuses to get out and get some exercise. No soft fur to stroke, or beautiful feathers to admire. No inquisitive face listening attentively to your problems without judging you. No unconditional love regardless of how your hair is or what you're wearing.

How would your home or heart feel if there were no furry or feathered face waiting to greet you, to connect with you, to share their day with you? If you have gotten distracted by all the daily chores and maybe got frustrated trying to cope with behavior problems, then take a moment to reconnect with the many spiritual qualities and gifts they bring every day.

To improve your relationships with your animals, you can start by counting the many blessings they share every day. Consider these 7 remarkable gifts: 1. Help with Illness: Do you get sick frequently? Studies have shown that pet owners make fewer doctor visits, have shorter hospital stays and take less medication than folks who don't have pets! Pet interaction also helps reduce the pain of arthritis, minimize the side effects of cancer, and even helps with Alzheimer's Disease!!

2. Help with Heart Attacks: Want to get well faster after a heart attack? Dog owners are 8 times more likely to survive for more than 1 year after a heart attack than those who don't have dogs! Increased survival rates are based on owning a dog, not on any other physical, psychological or social factor!

3. Help with Blood Pressure: Want to bring your blood pressure down? Before taking another pill, reach for your pet. Interacting with animals helps lower and balance blood pressure problems. Petting an animal is soothing to mind, body and spirit. We become more focused on loving and being loved which increases mood improving brain chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin.

4. Help with Weight Problems: Are you constantly on a diet? When you get hungry, play a game or going for a walk with your pet. Dozens of studies link higher levels of oxytocin with lower blood pressure, lower cortisol (the hormone associated with stress and weight gain), more positive social interactions, increased pain tolerance and faster wound healing.

5. Help to Live Longer: Want to live longer? Animals can even help lengthen life, and they certainly add to the quality of that life. In a study of nursing homes, when pets were included as part of the program, mortality rates were 25% lower than at facilities that didn't include pets!

6. Help with Self Improvement: Do you need a master teacher, love guru or role model? Your animal companions know a lot about health and healing, loving and living life well. They are not bashful about asking directly for what they need or want. They take naps when they're tired. And they know how to discharge energy through exercise and play.

7. Help with Fatigue and Depression: Are you isolated or feeling depressed, fatigued or sad? Studies have shown that the more true friends and companions we spend quality time with, the less ill, depressed and fatigued we are. If you have a minimum of 10 in your circle of friends, then statistics show that you won't get fatigued or depressed nearly as much.

Other Beings in our lives sometimes serve us by reflecting back to us the lessons we are here to learn. Many companion animals choose to spend their lives attempting to break through our barriers, help us heal and become reconnected with all Life.

They touch our hearts and for that we are forever grateful. ======== Val Heart, Expert Animal Communicator, Behaviorist, Author, Master Healer. Working with chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior, performance, euthanasia, specializing in dogs and sport horses. Animal TeleClasses, Free Expert Animal Communication eTips & Free eNewsletter. (210) 863-7928, http://www.valheart.com. Free Report: 10 Things You Must Know Before Hiring An Animal Communicator http://www.valheart.com/animalcommunication/freereport.html © Copyright, Val Heart & Friends LLC.


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Dear Liane,

Thank you for this interesting post Liane, I never seem to have much

internet time these days, but I try and read the digests, and caught

some of the recent discussion regarding the spiritual energy of dogs.

I love my dogs so much I thought it was time to MAKE time to stick my

head in and say hi. and of course throw in my two cents worth

I may say I'm not a lurker (Oh heaven forbid!! lol), but my life is

just too boring and time consuming right now, that the honest truth is

that I never seem to have anything of interest I feel the group might

enjoy....... The family has grown so much, I think it would take as

many hours as a full time job just keeping up with all the posts!!

lol...would that I could have a job so enlightening :-)

I once had a very good friend that became a Hare Krisna devotee. She

used to say that Krisna (or God, The Creator, however you prefer to

identify ...) exists in EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING, physical or non

physical on our earth. She would say that NOTHING CAN exist without the

divine will of Krisna or God. It just wouldn't be here otherwise.

Since then, I haven't been able to look at anything whether bird,

beast, fish, mankind, air, fire, earth or water...etc without seeing

God's pure energy, or feeling such gratitude for its presence in my

life. My dogs are Gods in my eyes, they're just a little dyslexic

that's all lol

Every time I look into their eyes, I see an unconditional expression of

God. They give so much love, I feel it's only fair I give it back


It's such a rewarding feeling, and I know in my heart that my life is

all the more enriched by extending unconditional love outward and not

just to my pets, but everyone around me. It is always returned and I

feel I'm just doing what God put me on this earth for, to be an

expression of Unconditional Love and to teach, not by preaching the

word of God or Love, but by BEING the example.

My dogs continually show me how easy it is and I'd be lost without the

little critters reminding me every day!

Love, light and prayers to all.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!! :-)


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Thank you for this, very nice... I know I couldn't imagine life

without my dog LOL

And I just wanted to share this little wish/poem with the Group...

since X-mas has taken up all of my time :)

These Are My Wishes For You (by Sturtz Hauss)


" May you find serenity and tranquility

in a world you may not always understand.

May the pain you have known

and the conflict you have experienced

give you the strength to walk through life

facing each new situation with courage and optimism.

Always know that there are those

whose love and understanding will always be there,

even when you feel most alone.

May a kind word,

a reassuring touch,

and a warm smile

be yours every day of your life,

and may you give these gifts

as well as receive them.

May the teachings of those you admire

become part of you,

so that you may call upon them.

Remember, those whose lives you have touched

and who have touched yours

are always a part of you,

even if the encounters were less than you would have wished.

It is the content of the encounter

that is more important than its form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters,

but instead place immeasurable value

on the goodness in your heart.

Find time in each day to see beauty and love

in the world around you.

Realize that what you feel you lack in one regard

you may be more than compensated for in another.

What you feel you lack in the present

may become one of your strengths in the future.

May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility.

Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.

May you find enough inner strength

to determine your own worth by yourself,

and not be dependent

on another's judgment of your accomplishments.

May you always feel loved. "

With love to all,


> *What is Man Without the Beasts? Don't Miss the 7 Gifts!

> By Val Heart *


> *Maimonides, the 12th century philosopher and physician said that " if we

> took care of ourselves as well as we do our animals we would suffer


> illnesses. "


> Many ancient tribal societies believed that animals could carry the

> illnesses of their owners. Today animal health care providers see a

> significant correlation between stressed owners and their sick animals.


> Take a moment to notice how much you care for and love your pet.

Notice the

> many gifts they have even though they may not be perfect. Love,


> and care for yourself at least that much.


> Also notice if you're in any way neglecting your animals, or have


> to be grateful for their many gifts to you. This is also instructive and

> shows you ways you may be neglecting, judging or mistreating yourself...


> In order to stay healthy personally and within our community, we

must stay

> connected with our animals. It's important to treat them and

ourselves with

> respect and honor, listening and learning from them on many levels.


> " What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man

would die

> from great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts,


> happens to man. All things are connected. " - Chief Seattle


> We rediscover our connection with the planet and our own Divine

nature when

> we connect with other beings.


> Can you imagine your life without animals in it? No animal games to

make you

> laugh, or excuses to get out and get some exercise. No soft fur to


> or beautiful feathers to admire. No inquisitive face listening


> to your problems without judging you. No unconditional love

regardless of

> how your hair is or what you're wearing.


> How would your home or heart feel if there were no furry or

feathered face

> waiting to greet you, to connect with you, to share their day with you?


> If you have gotten distracted by all the daily chores and maybe got

> frustrated trying to cope with behavior problems, then take a moment to

> reconnect with the many spiritual qualities and gifts they bring

every day.


> To improve your relationships with your animals, you can start by


> the many blessings they share every day.


> Consider these 7 remarkable gifts:


> 1. Help with Illness: Do you get sick frequently? Studies have shown


> pet owners make fewer doctor visits, have shorter hospital stays and


> less medication than folks who don't have pets! Pet interaction also


> reduce the pain of arthritis, minimize the side effects of cancer,

and even

> helps with Alzheimer's Disease!!


> 2. Help with Heart Attacks: Want to get well faster after a heart


> Dog owners are 8 times more likely to survive for more than 1 year

after a

> heart attack than those who don't have dogs! Increased survival

rates are

> based on owning a dog, not on any other physical, psychological or


> factor!


> 3. Help with Blood Pressure: Want to bring your blood pressure down?


> taking another pill, reach for your pet. Interacting with animals helps

> lower and balance blood pressure problems. Petting an animal is

soothing to

> mind, body and spirit. We become more focused on loving and being loved

> which increases mood improving brain chemicals like serotonin and



> 4. Help with Weight Problems: Are you constantly on a diet? When you get

> hungry, play a game or going for a walk with your pet. Dozens of studies

> link higher levels of oxytocin with lower blood pressure, lower cortisol

> (the hormone associated with stress and weight gain), more positive


> interactions, increased pain tolerance and faster wound healing.


> 5. Help to Live Longer: Want to live longer? Animals can even help


> life, and they certainly add to the quality of that life. In a study of

> nursing homes, when pets were included as part of the program, mortality

> rates were 25% lower than at facilities that didn't include pets!


> 6. Help with Self Improvement: Do you need a master teacher, love

guru or

> role model? Your animal companions know a lot about health and healing,

> loving and living life well. They are not bashful about asking

directly for

> what they need or want. They take naps when they're tired. And they

know how

> to discharge energy through exercise and play.


> 7. Help with Fatigue and Depression: Are you isolated or feeling


> fatigued or sad? Studies have shown that the more true friends and

> companions we spend quality time with, the less ill, depressed and


> we are. If you have a minimum of 10 in your circle of friends, then

> statistics show that you won't get fatigued or depressed nearly as much.


> Other Beings in our lives sometimes serve us by reflecting back to

us the

> lessons we are here to learn. Many companion animals choose to spend


> lives attempting to break through our barriers, help us heal and become

> reconnected with all Life.


> They touch our hearts and for that we are forever grateful.


> ========


> Val Heart, Expert Animal Communicator, Behaviorist, Author, Master


> Working with chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior,


> euthanasia, specializing in dogs and sport horses. Animal

TeleClasses, Free

> Expert Animal Communication eTips & Free eNewsletter. (210) 863-7928,

> http://www.valheart.com. Free Report: 10 Things You Must Know Before


> An Animal Communicator

> http://www.valheart.com/animalcommunication/freereport.html ©

Copyright, Val

> Heart & Friends LLC. *


> * *

> *

> *




> .


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