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A New Beginning

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Congratulations! Great Aunt Debby! Thanks for sharing, I agree, there are some things that happen that put everything else in perspective. May she be a healthy happy little girl.


-----Original Message-----From: tdcc2000 [mailto:tdcc2000@...]Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 7:13 PMLWLupus ; Subject: [ ] A new beginning

Hi everyone. I have been quiet of late because it is the end of the year and I have been busy. So much has happened in my life this past school year....some years are better than others. I just thank God that I am "better" than the year before that....I was really sick. I am still sick, but I know the prednisone has helped a lot to keep me "stronger" than in past....

BUT, today, we had a new beginning. My niece gave birth today. Zanah was born at 12:18 PM. She was 6 lbs. 10 oz and 19 inches long. She is precious, but truly a cone head! WHOA....a real conehead! But what was marvelous, was that I was able to witness the birth. I could not believe the miracle that I saw. The doctor was wonderful. He talked to my niece the entire way....he was as gentle as ever with the baby. I was in total awe. Then, after the doctor explained the placenta....turned it inside out, and we just all marveled at how tough the bag is and what the little critter lived in those 9 months. Oh gosh...I will NEVER be the same again.

It got a bit tense for a while. Zanah's heart rate dropped a lot...she apparently was lying on her cord. Then, they told us that she had the cord wrapped around her neck....she was also face up. But the marvelous thing, was that the doctor kept turning the baby around until she was face down.....he delivered a head....then the shoulders and arms popped out....then all of her......I am in total awe.

Thanks for letting me share....


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Patty, thank you so much. Yes, since her sister is a Downs baby (well, she IS going to be 5 this August), it is an added blessing to have a healthy baby on the scene.

Please don't get me wrong by saying we have a healthy baby....our Downs baby is SUCH a blessing - she came at a time when the family was in total disarray. This little child brough Unity to our entire family....she is a blessing!

Now, we have another blessing.....she is a delight! Thank you for sharing the joy with me!


RE: [ ] A new beginning

Congratulations! Great Aunt Debby! Thanks for sharing, I agree, there are some things that happen that put everything else in perspective. May she be a healthy happy little girl.


-----Original Message-----From: tdcc2000 [mailto:tdcc2000@...]Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 7:13 PMLWLupus ; Subject: [ ] A new beginning

Hi everyone. I have been quiet of late because it is the end of the year and I have been busy. So much has happened in my life this past school year....some years are better than others. I just thank God that I am "better" than the year before that....I was really sick. I am still sick, but I know the prednisone has helped a lot to keep me "stronger" than in past....

BUT, today, we had a new beginning. My niece gave birth today. Zanah was born at 12:18 PM. She was 6 lbs. 10 oz and 19 inches long. She is precious, but truly a cone head! WHOA....a real conehead! But what was marvelous, was that I was able to witness the birth. I could not believe the miracle that I saw. The doctor was wonderful. He talked to my niece the entire way....he was as gentle as ever with the baby. I was in total awe. Then, after the doctor explained the placenta....turned it inside out, and we just all marveled at how tough the bag is and what the little critter lived in those 9 months. Oh gosh...I will NEVER be the same again.

It got a bit tense for a while. Zanah's heart rate dropped a lot...she apparently was lying on her cord. Then, they told us that she had the cord wrapped around her neck....she was also face up. But the marvelous thing, was that the doctor kept turning the baby around until she was face down.....he delivered a head....then the shoulders and arms popped out....then all of her......I am in total awe.

Thanks for letting me share....


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  • 6 years later...

Just think, no matter what happened yesterday, you have a chance for

a whole new beginning today. Forgive yourself if you did something

that continues to bother you. Our Creator forgives his children, so

we must learn to forgive ourselves as well.

Clean Out your Closets

In any endeavor we undertake, we find it best to `clear the desk', so

to speak, of any unfinished business before we start another task.

Each night we should rid the soul of any failure or misgiving we have

taken on that day. Undress the heart and soul each night so in the

morning you can start anew. It is a very wise idea to get rid of any

driftwood of the past that we are unconsciously carrying with us.

Sit down; write the things that you have done that bog you down with

unhappiness. See if there is any restitution that you might do to

repay the wrong or debt. So often it will be a simple " I'm very

sorry; forgive me " that will heal an open wound. Perhaps it is a debt

unpaid. Pay it. Clean out your closets, dust out the corners, let in

The Creator's light.

When we are not chastising ourselves for an ill-spent yesterday, we

can live victoriously in the present day. All of us are carrying

around barnacles of guilt that weigh us down. Make a clean sweep of

it all.

Once and for all, make a new start. It can be done only by taking

away the feeling of guilt, which we carry.

Do three things:

#1- Find out why you feel responsible for this debt.

#2- Make restitution to the best of your ability.

#3- Close the door on it and forget it.

If you do this, you can start a life of rebirth without the weight of

guilt. You can travel The Creator's road with a lighter step. He

meant us to live like this. Forget the yesterdays; live this present

day with anticipation and acceptance of HIS good. We must only face

one second at a time. He made certain laws that govern all lives. He

was a wise Creator. He knew that we must be equipped to live minute

by minute. If a giant generator would start missing its tempo, the

engineer would immediately know he was in for grave trouble. So it is

with us. We are living a tempo that makes for easier living.

So stop fretting and fearing, and exist in your Creator's love.

Life appears complicated, but it's not. We complicate our own lives.

We create chaos out of order. We muck things up, continually making

matters worse because we just don't understand what life is about or

how it works.

The first thing we need to understand is that life is as simple as

darkness and Light. I am not speaking metaphorically when I say

Light. Nor am I using the word darkness allegorically. Only two

things exist in this world: darkness and Light. Life appears

complicated because darkness has a nearly endless variety of shades,

and Light comes in countless colors. Nonetheless, at the heart of all

that exists, you will either find darkness or Light.

From the time we are born, darkness and Light are all that exist. Our

growth and increasing power are manifestations of Light. As we start

to age, our gradually increasing weakness is an expression of

darkness. Similarly, when we are content, full of passion, brimming

with optimism and filled with the ultimate, I can achieve anything

attitude, this is Light expressing itself in our consciousness. These

positive emotions are only the effect of Light, which itself is the

underlying cause of all our happiness.

Conversely, when we are pessimistic, depressed, listless and cynical,

these are manifestations of increased darkness in our consciousness.

Again, these negative emotions are the effect; darkness is the cause.

Now if something external is causing our pain, such as a divorce or a

sudden financial downturn, this, too, is an expression of increased

darkness in our lives - but this time the darkness is affecting the

world around us. Divorce is the effect; the darkness that somehow

crept into our lives is the cause. In a similar way, when the right

business deal comes along, when we happen to meet the girl of our

dreams or Mr. Right, this means Light has come into our lives.

Our emotions, our state of mind, our state of consciousness, and

every single event that unfolds around us is merely an expression of

either the darkness or Light that we have invited into our lives.

There is nothing else.

The problem with humanity is we have not been taught to think or live

according to this simple paradigm. We live life by trial and error,

never knowing that, in truth, it is all just as simple as darkness

and Light.

These considerations lead us to a question that might be popping up

in your mind right about now: How can we increase the quantity of

Light in our lives? And, more importantly, where is this Light?

Each time we forgo a selfish desire and choose selfless behavior -

each time we choose our response instead of reacting - we make a

change in our lives. And with each change, we receive a little more

Light. And our efforts benefit our families as well, giving them

additional strength to identify and transform their own selfishness.

And as a family experiences the power of spiritual transformation and

connects to the world of Light, those benefits extend to its friends,

neighbors, and community.

This week, sprinkle more Light into your life! As people throughout

the world succeed in moving away from the dictates of the ego and

toward selflessness, the entire planet will be transformed into a


When you clean out the closets of your mind try to visualize a room

with a thick steel door and visualize all the bad, negative and ugly

things in your life that you need to leave behind being placed in

this room and then close the door and forget it! Visualize yourself

placing duct tape around the seams of the door so nothing can escape.

Place this idea out of your mind and let all of those negative things

stay behind the door forever. Never, Never return to look at the

items behind the door. NEVER... Now start a new life. One of peace

and happiness.

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 1/26/2009 3:55:22 PM Pacific Standard Time, kathleensumners@... writes:

I am restarting my exercise/ weight programme. My beginning weight was 282. I am presently at 271. My final goal is 207.

That's great, Kathleen! Congrats on those lbs you have removed

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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Go GIRL... What plan are you restarting OR creating? I am so far behind. BUT welcome OR welcome back.

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!

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