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Prayers for RaK's Grandmother, Mother, Her Family and for Her, Pls?

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Our beloved friend, teacher, guide and sister, RaK needs our help now, please? Her grandmother is near-death and is expected to cross over/transition any day.Also, RaK's mother just discovered she has a malignant tumor in her breast.It is for RaK I come and ask those who love her or who love in general, deeply and unconditionally, to offer prayers on behalf of her grandmother and mother, please?The prayers for her grandmother are meant to help her cross over/transition without pain, without fear and quickly. She has decided not to seek additional healing, is tired and deeply pained. Her time is now. RaK's mother, however, needs and wishes healing. She has chosen to fight this cancer aggressively and is a woman of deep faith, love and hope. Please pray for – and/or send healing to – RaK's mother who resides in Brazil?I ask that we also remember to include prayers and hopes for the family members and loved ones who also suffer at this time, please?I know RaK deeply appreciates any and all help; we spoke this evening that I may ensure that this was so and that both her mother and grandmother would be willing to accept what we all can offer. And so it has been affirmed.This new energy is about communion; community. Let us come together as a family now for this family and for all families in need presently. May the High Selves hold true to their choices, their freewill reigns ultimately choosing what to accept or reject and may no karmic lessons be taken so that all is as it is meant to be – in Divine and Perfect Order.Blessed may the soul be who is in the midst of making the great journey homeward. May peace and painlessness reign in the time of transition from this plane of existence to the next.May joy await the soul upon the completion of the crossing.May love await her there as it overflowed from her all her embodied life; loving many well, deeply and eternally.May she know her life made a remarkable difference positively, beautifully and lovingly in the lives of many.May the wisdom of her soul serve her well as she moves onward in her life albeit in another dimension.Blessed may she be, now and eternally.In love, for love, infinitely….And so it is…May the soul who is suffering illness know relief and healing as she has freely chosen.May the love of the many carry the power of restoration and rejuvenation across time and space to hold her in comfort and care.May her lessons never be taken from her though learned well thus serving a higher purpose.May her joys be more plentiful than her sorrows, her celebrations greater than her trials.May her entire being heal fully so long as it is what is chosen by her High Self.May she come to know the depth of her strength, the mettle of her character, the end of her fears and the homecoming of her goodness and light.Let this soul heal if she will have it.Blessed may she be now and always in love.And so it is…Blessed be the family and those who loves these souls.May their pains ease.May their sorrows be quickly ended.May their joy of the times shared be those which take to the fore over those which leave one fearful, alone and wondering.May the family take comfort and draw strength from each other as they freely will it.May each know they are loved.May each remember the celebration of the gift of the presence of each soul in their lives and the positive impact it has made through love, by love and of love.Blessed be one and all with love unconditional that each may weather the unique paths one walks in times of great challenge such as this.May all remember they are loved, that their love has made a difference in the lives of those for whom we have prayed or sent healing and so many others as well…And so it is…I give you thanks for "listening", for caring, for loving, for praying or healing. Blessed may you all be.As the light of the candle burns, may blessings reach out to alight upon each soul in this, a sacred moment of sharing.If any of you would like to reach RaK personally, please email her at: RaK (DOT) netIn Loving Gratitude…

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