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Re: Question about possible reaction to Prozac

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could be yeast. see if Diflucan or Sporanox do the trick; Nystatin is

less liver toxic but breaks open the yeast cells and that is a mess if

you are allergic to your own yeast.

Louise in NJ

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Dear Jeannie,

It may be Lyme brain over here (LOL) but I can't remember if you said you

were currently on IV - or how long you had been. When I was on IV

Claforan, I had the most awful and uncontrollable sadness and crying

spells - I would hit the black pits of despair for no reason - and then

just as inexplicably it would stop - only to come back.

Also, the first summer I was sick w. Lyme and Bartonella (way before I

knew what it really was) I would start crying if someone so much as told

me I had blue eyes. It was torturous.

So, I see it as a symptom of Lyme, and, paradoxically, something that

happened during my *treatment* for Lyme, on IVs. (I am now back on


Ativan was the most helpful thing that I found, altho admittedly I didn't

try much besides it. I found, contrary to all the wisdom of Lyme diets,

that green tea and a bit of chocolate helped, too. So did crying, oddly

enough - just getting it out. (Do we release toxins in tears?)

It's awful - I sympathize. One friend on this list (who I hope is still

on the list!) told me that these crying spells were part of getting

better, and that the awful roller coaster ride would wind itself to its


I'm sorry I can't help much w. drug suggestions. But I have been there.

Hang on - we're with ya.



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hi jeannie

regular exercise (i guess that means aerobic exercise) is the most

powerful antidepressant known over a span greater than three months.

you could try SAMe which protects the liver as well as scoring as

high as prozac (i believe) in a comparative study.



william meyer

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As for possible reaction to Prozac and uncontrollable crying:

My heart really goes out to you. What I think a lot of people don't realize

is that uncontrollable crying can be a part of Lyme disease. My son, age 15,

had uncontrollable sobbing for several days and nights back in December. He

has NEVER been one to cry, and these body-wracking sobs were so scary to

witness. He had never been on Prozac, though they had tried Zoloft to " snap

him out of his depression so he could get back to school. " (He was physically

sick...THAT's why he was missing school!) The sobbing was so awful. He would

say, " I don't know WHY I am crying! I just can't stop! "

After he started on I.V. Rocephin, this symptom went away. Along with the

sobbing, he also had hallucinations, body tremors that were so intense he

would fall from his bed. It was so terribly frightening, and my heart goes

out to you to find yourself in this same awful circle of sadness. I can

honestly tell you that the crying and hallucinations were the first things to

let up when my son started on I.V. Rocephin... the anti-depressants never

seemed to do anything, and it is understandable. If the body is fighting a

horrid bacterial infection, all the anti-depressants in the arsenal won't

make the neurological problems go away.

I wish so much I had known that such heart-wrenching sobbing and scary

hallucinations could be a part of Lyme. I was told this when we finally

landed with a Lyme-literate doctor in January. I still have never found it

written up in anything, so I wanted to be sure I shared this with you. I hope

it somehow makes you feel a little better...

I wish you the best.


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Thanks! One of the reasons I didn't try the SAMe is

because the docs didn't know if it would help with

" anxiety " & we have to wean me off the Ativan

eventually. The Alternative Doc, who found the Lyme's

& treated me for the Mercury, wanted mt to try the

SAMe, but I had started seeing the Psych Doc & he

asked me to hold off since he wouldn't know what was

helping or hurting what. Later on, he said he learned

more about the SAMe & I could try it, but he didn't

know too much about side effects, etc. It is also

very costly! Not that I wouldn't try it if I knew it

would help. What is bothering me is that I took the

Prozac to help stop the crying spells & first it made

me really sleepy & know the crying spells have seemed

to pick (they are scary), yet he asks me to hang in &

give it time-since it made me sleepy, it calmed the

anxiety, so the doc, & even the pharmacist, who has

been a big help, seems to think it is helping lesson

the Ativan-but then there is the crying-UGH!

--- william meyer <wmeyer@...> wrote:

> hi jeannie

> regular exercise (i guess that means aerobic

> exercise) is the most

> powerful antidepressant known over a span greater

> than three months.

> you could try SAMe which protects the liver as well

> as scoring as

> high as prozac (i believe) in a comparative study.

> --

> sincerely

> william meyer



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I had 2 rounds of 56 days of IV Rocephin, the 2nd with

oral Zithromax, back in 2001-second IV was pulled

9/11! NO IV since then. Was very sick, worse, after

all that, but when I startd detoxing the Mercury

through oral chelation in 2/02, I physically started

feeling better, but went into the

depression/anxiety-both illnesses could do this, but

the Altern Doc is leaning toward a too fast detox to

Mercury-who knows, right? We never know what the

Lyme's is doing/has done, but I have had 14 negative

PCRs since the IV-could mean anything, I know. for

awhile, I was on the Ativan only & doing OK, not so

much crying (if I remember correctly), but then

started again. Just wondering if I should stop the

Prozac, but fear for my mood. Thanks, Jeannie

--- Marie Henson <henson2@...> wrote:

> Dear Jeannie,


> It may be Lyme brain over here (LOL) but I can't

> remember if you said you

> were currently on IV - or how long you had been.

> When I was on IV

> Claforan, I had the most awful and uncontrollable

> sadness and crying

> spells - I would hit the black pits of despair for

> no reason - and then

> just as inexplicably it would stop - only to come

> back.


> Also, the first summer I was sick w. Lyme and

> Bartonella (way before I

> knew what it really was) I would start crying if

> someone so much as told

> me I had blue eyes. It was torturous.


> So, I see it as a symptom of Lyme, and,

> paradoxically, something that

> happened during my *treatment* for Lyme, on IVs. (I

> am now back on

> Orals).


> Ativan was the most helpful thing that I found,

> altho admittedly I didn't

> try much besides it. I found, contrary to all the

> wisdom of Lyme diets,

> that green tea and a bit of chocolate helped, too.

> So did crying, oddly

> enough - just getting it out. (Do we release toxins

> in tears?)


> It's awful - I sympathize. One friend on this list

> (who I hope is still

> on the list!) told me that these crying spells were

> part of getting

> better, and that the awful roller coaster ride would

> wind itself to its

> end.


> I'm sorry I can't help much w. drug suggestions.

> But I have been there.

> Hang on - we're with ya.


> Sincerely,

> Marie





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By the way, I KNOW exercise would help, but the

anxiety/depression is holding me back. I know I have

to push myself, but it is also taking all my energy to

take care of my daughters, house, laundry, or just be

too tired/jittery to do anything! I was too sick to do

any exercise for so long due to the Lyme's & maybe

Mercury- I did walk at night a little while I was

feeling better, physically & mentally, then

anxiety/depression set in. I was working at home & I

know that would help too but haven't felt well enough

to start up again-if the company would have work for

me-I'm kind of on hold for now. Have you tried SAMe?

Any side effects? I am extremely checmically

sensitive, even to vitamins, supplements,

anti-depressants, etc. Did it work quickly?

Thanks, if you know,


--- william meyer <wmeyer@...> wrote:

> hi jeannie

> regular exercise (i guess that means aerobic

> exercise) is the most

> powerful antidepressant known over a span greater

> than three months.

> you could try SAMe which protects the liver as well

> as scoring as

> high as prozac (i believe) in a comparative study.

> --

> sincerely

> william meyer



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I have read the posts of what is going on and will throw in my .02.

Been there, done it.

I believe you have said you have been off antibiotics since last year???

Guess what, girlfriend, if I were you, I would get back on abx ASAP. These

little critters are what is causing your depression and anxiety.

I was on Wellbutrin for over 19 mos. when I was at my worst. Cried, had

hallucinations, paranoia, severe mood swings, etc. and LONG-TERM abx is what

does it, PERIOD. For the duration of time, many people try various Rx for

depression/anxiety. Wellbutrin, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, Xanax for

anxiety, etc.

There are natural alternatives but be careful, you do have to take them at

least 1 hr apart from Rx.

sue in nj

sue massie

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Hi Jeannie.. I had similar reactions with Paxil and zoloft years ago.... and

severe fatigue with xanax and ativan. My doctor finally found something that

works for me about 3 years ago and I am still on low maintenance dose.

EFFEXOR XR. Great drug. None of the side effects I had with the others.

No weight gain, sexual dysfunction, etc. My daughter who is a lymie is also

on it and doing so much better. The severe anxiety, crying bouts and

depression are all very much a part of lyme for us so to have these down to a

minimum is wonderful. I tried weaning off my very low dose of Effexor

because I no longer had the anxiety and depression, but after a month all the

symptoms returned. Not worth it. It's working! Obviously my body/brain

needs the extra chemicals in the effexor to get me through this Lymie time.

Effexor XR makes me feel " normal " . Yet when I am off it... I am very

depressed. So to me it's worth it and I don't even think about it. Just

take it with my antibiotic in the morning. Speak to your doctor about it.

It's been a Godsend for me and my daughter.



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Why are you so sure it is the Lyme's? I stopped IV

9/11, I know it stays in your system awhile, but why

would depression/anxiety hit now? Plus it is not an

uncomen reaction to a fast Mercury Drop & it hit while

I was going through that, yet I was feeling better

physically. Curious as to what you are basing it on.


--- Ssadlermas@... wrote:

> Jeannie-

> I have read the posts of what is going on and will

> throw in my .02.

> Been there, done it.


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i have ti admit, there is a macho guy i know who had lyme around 1990.

he said he would find his car stuck in traffic and break down sobbing.

this guy does not seem the type to cry a lot. the good news is he is

symptom free.

i believe he did 6 mos. IV back then.



william meyer

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Thanks ,

The frustrating part is that I started doing

physcially better after 7 yrs-maybe IV kicked in?

Maybe Mercury Detox? then the anxiety/depression hits

hard-can't win. Psychiatrist does believe in meds (i'd

rather not take them-side effects or make matters

worse, but may have to)but says the depression would

eventually pass, but I'm not sure I can handle the sad

mood-it is scary! I see Mercury Doc & Lyme's Doc this

week, so I'll see what they think. Mercury Doc likes

to use Alternative, but lot of unknowns & I can't mix

his stuff with the Psych Doc-won't know whast is doing

what. Thanks again,


--- william meyer <wmeyer@...> wrote:

> i have ti admit, there is a macho guy i know who had

> lyme around 1990.

> he said he would find his car stuck in traffic and

> break down sobbing.

> this guy does not seem the type to cry a lot. the

> good news is he is

> symptom free.

> i believe he did 6 mos. IV back then.

> --

> sincerely

> william meyer



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I was on Prozac.............it was the only thing that

worked.........actually gave me a good kick start in the morning. It

alerted me, as opposed to some who feel sleepy.

I took it early in the morning upon awakening. I started to feel better in

about 2-3 weeks. I would hang in there a little longer. I was on 40mg a

day, each morning. If I forgot to take it..........I would never take it

during the day, because it would keep me awake.

I had tried a ton of anti-depressants through-out my lyme disease, Prozac

was the only one to work for me.

Give it a little longer..........just sounds like your brain chemistry is

out of whack, and needs something to put it back in order again. You may

even find after a time, that you only need 20 mg............I ended up doing


Conniek nwnj

leave no stone unturned...............and ask questions!!

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You are right about the exercise...............but a majority of the people

in this group have difficulty just getting dressed, eating, and taking care

of there personal needs.............and then collapsing on to the bed or


At my sickest, most tearful moments, I had absolutely no energy to even go

for a walk............and if she truly has an imbalance, depression will

prevent you from doing lots of things.

Exercise, is wonderful to kick in those endorphins, get that adrenalin

pumping, hence feeling better...........but its not useful in all

situations.............this may be one of them.


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as far as exercise -it is something to shoot for- and it is something

you probably will not recover completely (from depression) without.

exercise can be done in bed in whatever form you are capable.



william meyer

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Your message regarding anti-depressants (exercise and all) really helped me.

This is why posting is so great -- you all are helping many of us

rookies out here!

I hadn't pressed for an anti-depressant for my son, age 15, because I had

been told the antibiotics would help the depression as well as the other

horrid Lyme problems. I can see that as months go by and he is not getting

better, he is certainly fighting depression along with many neuro problems.

Thanks to your great way of putting it, I now know I need to pursue this.


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Yes, , I agree, Exercise can be an important component of helping

with depression.

However, it all depends on the level of depression you have. If its a

lesser degree, then all means, get out and walk. Unfortunately, if it is

severe, you want to get out and walk, but you can't, and the frustration of

knowing you should be out there exercising, only causes you to slip deeper

into that depression.

In its severest form.......Its like being in a deep fog, nothing matters,

and you don't think clearly any more........and many times its someone else

that identifies you are in a depression. Many times it goes

un-noticed........and people just feel the person has lyme disease and they

are sick..................without noticing the added illness of depression.

People want to say, just stick with the abx and the depression will go away.

That's like saying, if you don't put a Band-Aid on the cut, eventually it

will coagulate and heal itself..........well in the meantime, the blood is

trickling down your arm from your finger. It has to have a Band-Aid, until

the bleeding stops.......or it causes quite a mess. The same with

depression, it needs some medication, until, things straighten out

chemically in the brain, or it totally messes up your functioning in

life..........then when things start to correct itself........ it can be

reduced and removed. (now of course the band-aid only needs a day or two),

the anti-depressant needs a little longer than that!!!

Conniek nwnj

Leave no stone unturned............and ask questions!

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Judie: I have heard that lyme bugs interfere with neurotransmission...espec.

serotonin. I can't take the antidepressants myself anymore due to my liver

problems that got very serious over the past couple months. I am trying St.

's Wort and at night 5 HTP which is holding me somewhat. Before that, I

had to get off most of my meds cold turkey, including morphine, paxil, and

xanax. That experience was terrible and I really thought I would lose my

hold on this existence....but the days passed and a helpful owner of a local

health food store did what he could to help me with supplements.

Hope this story helps.

Best wishes,


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Thanks for that...I am so glad you hung in there through a very tough

transition, going off of some mighty strong meds...I wish you the best and

appreciate your sharing your story.


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Thanks Judie: The battle with the paxil goes on but I stand resolute not to

ever go back on these. I am helped personally by the neurontin I take but

sometimes, my neuronic transmitters are imbalanced and I have to resort to

sleep with klonapin as a help. When the younger teen gets hard and my

emotions are raw, it seems my adrenals really exhaust rapidly and the onset

of my pain...neuropathic intense head and neck pain and joint pain

exascerbate terribly. I wish I wouldn't need any

pharmaceuticals...truly...but I am trying my best to keep as much load off my

damaged liver from the IV antibx.

Blessings to all,


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