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IMPLANTS (from another group)

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Below is an article that explain about what I call " cosmic implants. " There are other types of implants, of course, some much more mundane. We ask about the presence of cosmic implants in the analysis we provide (and always find them). I highly recommend Hornecker's site (link below). May all be well with you.

May there be plenty for you.

Angel-Light Love Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator (Spirit-Mind-Body-Environment) Blog: http://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com

Becoming a Bionic Human

Source: Hornecker, 1996 - www.earthscape.net/cosmic

Once we have achieved a certain degree of healing and refinement within our beingness, we are then in a position to move more fully into our spiritual mission. Before entering into incarnation, each of us as a Light Worker agreed to carry out a specific mission within the framework of the overall Plan. Depending on our particular assignment, certain enhancements to our physical body, and higher dimensional bodies, may be appropriate to assist us in carrying out our work. Although our physical body may continue to appear normal in relation to the Homo Sapiens species, many of us have undergone some very significant changes on a functional level. In this section we shall discuss some of the advanced processes and technologies, such as implants, that are utilized. Before we begin this discussion, however, it may be appropriate to insert a philosophical note regarding

implants. Among Light Workers, the subject of implants oftentimes seems to trigger various forms of innate resistance or repulsion. There are perhaps several reasons for this: Up to this point in human evolution here on Earth, much of our technology has been applied in ways that are not in harmony with universal principles. This has been particularly true of technology utilized by the world military establishment. Thus, as we think about technology, we generally tend to perceive it as being on the opposite end of a spectrum from " spirituality " . So when we begin to talk about the introduction of technology into our human body to enhance its capabilities, there is sometimes an initial tendency to view this as inappropriate tinkering with a Divine creation. However, in the more highly evolved worlds from which we as Light Workers came, technology is generally used in alignment with universal principles, and thus

is viewed as a way to assist our evolutionary development. It might be appropriate to refer to such technology as " sacred technology " , to differentiate it from some of the misguided technology that has been prevalent here on Earth. The growing body of controversial information related to " alien abductions " and possible collusion between various groups of " aliens " and enclaves of the worldwide " shadow government " related to mind-control experimentation, and possibly other perverted uses of technology, has created a cloud of uneasiness related to the entire issue of " alien technology " . During recent years, a considerable amount of channeled information has been published related to the struggle between the forces of LIGHT and the forces of DARKNESS throughout the long history of our current evolutionary cycle. Some of this material discusses how during certain

periods of time, implants were used by the ruling classes to control the minds of the subservient cultures. If this is true, then there quite possibly is a innate fear buried deep within our collective mass consciousness related to implants.

Having thus acknowledged some of the possible reasons for controversy related to implants, let's now consider some of the various types of implants, and how they can be used to help us carry out our Lightwork missions. Once again, our focus here will be on implants that are installed in us by our Cosmic associates within the realms of Light. Such devices are usually implanted within our etheric body, rather than our physical body. Thus, they are not detectable by current medical technologies, such as x-ray or sonic scanning systems. Once installed, most implants can be either activated or de- activated remotely from a ship. When it is anticipated that a particular type of implant is going to be needed at some point in the future, it is a common practice to install the implant when there is a convenient opportunity, and then delay the activation of the implant

until it is needed. Implants serve a variety of functions. Following is a description of some of the more common types:


When we agreed to enter incarnation, we agreed to " play by the rules. " One of the rules on Planet Earth is that we incarnate in forgetfulness of who we are. So just prior to entering incarnation, we each agreed to have implants, or crystals, placed into our etheric body that are designed to inhibit certain memory and higher mind functions. Thus, as we entered human form, we did so without memory of who we are. As we have subsequently evolved through our human experiences, most of us have now reached a point in our evolution whereby it is important to regain the awareness of who we truly are. Thus, for many of us, it is time for the inhibitor implants to be removed. There are two ways in which this may be done. First, these implants can be removed by our support teams while we are aboard a ship. In this case, most people do not retain memory of the implants having been removed. Secondly, there are an increasing number of Light Workers who are being trained how to do this as part of their service to the overall mission. Generally, the process is to just dissolve the implants energetically. By having the implants removed by another Light Worker, the conscious awareness that these inhibitor implants have been removed sometimes seems to help accelerate the awakening of consciousness. Thus, in some cases, this has been the preferred method of removal.


In an electrical circuit, a filter is used to block certain frequencies, while passing other frequencies. For example, in a cable television network, filters are commonly used to block specific optional TV channels from customers who do not subscribe to these channels. Filter implants function in a similar manner. Let me share an example from my own personal experience. My spiritual awakening began in the late 1960's, but I continued to work in the telecommunications industry for another 20 years. As my chakras began to open through my spiritual development, the increased sensitivity made it difficult to function comfortably in a corporate environment. Thus, filter implants, also sometimes referred to as screens, were installed in conjunction with my higher chakras to protect me from the harsh energies. When I

retired from this career in 1989, and was able to function within a more serene environment, the filter implants were gradually removed so that I would have full sensitivity of the higher chakras. This is a common use for filter implants.


In aircraft surveillance systems, a feature known as Selective Identification Feature (SIF) is used to track aircraft on a surveillance display. In such a system, a coded signal is sent out from a tracking station, which triggers a corresponding responder unit in a specific aircraft. The location of the aircraft can then be displayed on the tracking monitor. The locator implants function in a manner very similar to the SIF responder units in an aircraft. A coded signal can be sent out from a spaceship, and the corresponding locator implant will return a signal to the ship, so that a specific Light Worker can be located and tracked by those aboard the ship. Such implants are particularly useful for Light Workers who work in close cooperation with teams aboard the spaceships.


Such implants are used to facilitate two-way telepathic communication between Light Workers and their support teams aboard the ships. In many cases, communicator implants are linked into antenna arrangements which also are installed within the etheric body. With such a system, we are able to more easily receive communication from those aboard the ships, and they in turn are able to more easily receive our thoughts. As a personal note, when I first realized several years ago that my thoughts would be monitored at any time by my support team aboard the ships, it was a bit unnerving. However, as I began to contemplate this issue, I realized that in advanced civilizations, virtually all communication is through telepathic interaction, rather than through verbalized words. Thus, privacy of thoughts is not an issue. What is there to hide from each other once we

realize that we are all part of the same Creator? Integrator:

These implants are used primarily to help integrate left-brain and right-brain functions. As Light Workers move through their processes of awakening, it is common for them at some point to begin to hear high frequency energies within their ears. The frequencies are at the high end of the audible spectrum, usually in the range of 10 to 15 kilohertz. These energies contain coded information, and serve many different purposes. One of the purposes is to work in conjunction with the integrator implants to help integrate and synchronize left-brain and right-brain functions. This technology is akin to the research that has been done at the Monroe Institute, in Virginia, in which

different frequencies are fed into each ear to help integrate left-brain and right-brain functions.


Mineral crystals, such as quartz crystals, are commonly used by Light Workers to facilitate healing. One of the attributes of such crystals is that they are able to amplify and focus mind energies, and related healing energies. Amplifier implants function in a very similar manner. Light Workers who work in the healing arts commonly are gifted with amplifier implants to enhance their healing capabilities.

Other Types of Implants:

The foregoing types of implants are some of the more common types that are in use. However, there are many, many other types of implants. One of the facets of my Light mission that I have agreed to is to serve as " guinea pig " for experimentation with various types of new implants. Let me share a couple of experiences related to this in order to provide an expanded picture of some of the possible uses of implants.

" CD " Implant: In October of 1994, a Light Worker friend and I, Rosie Heart, were guided to spend a couple of weeks traveling to three different energy vortex points: Grand Tetons, Wyoming; Crater Lake, Oregon: and Mt. Shasta, California. Rosie and I have a long- standing soul agreement to work together in carrying out various projects within the overall Light mission. So it is not uncommon that when we are together, we encounter a very intense agenda of interdimensional activity. As we began this particular trip, our support team within the higher dimensions began to install a rather complex implant within each of our heads. Three separate units are involved. The central unit is like a compact disc player, with a unit the rotates like a disc. [Thus, we refer to it as a " CD " implant.] Then, two companion units were installed -- one on each side of our head. The total installation took place over a period of several days. Concurrent with this installation process, we began to take long trips at night out to various star systems. From each star system we visited, we brought back an " energy packet " which contained the " signature energy " of that particular system. As it turned out, we visited 48 different star systems, and these are the star systems discussed in the section entitled, " 48 Star-Grid Points " . After each trip, the energy information contained in each packet would be

transferred to the disc in our CD implant. The purpose of this implant is to assist us in helping to energetically awaken the consciousness of other Light Workers. The way it works is that when either of us are in the presence of another light worker, our implant senses the energy which emanates from their soul -- this is the signature energy of their home star system. The implant unit then broadcasts back to them an amplified version of this signature energy, based on the information contained on the disc in our CD unit. This helps to accelerate their conscious awakening WHO THEY ARE.

Ascension Frequencies: A more recent example of my experience with implants relates to the ascension process, and is an adjunct to the CD implant. In the section entitled, " Ascension " , there is a discussion of the group ascension effort which took place in January 1995. One of the problems encountered in this process was that there was great difficulty in maintaining stability within the group energy field. Each Light Worker carries within their essence a " signature energy frequency " , which relates to their origin. These signature

frequencies come very much into play during the ascension process. So when a group of Light Workers are energetically linked together, as is the case during a group ascension, the various frequencies ideally create a harmonious chord. But if any of the Light Workers drifts from their signature frequency, it creates dissonance within the group energy field. This is akin to a choral group, with one of the members singing slightly off pitch. So in preparation for another group ascension attempt at some point in the future, four new implants have recently (March 1996) been installed, with two of them on each side of my head. These work in conjunction with the earlier CD implant in the following manner. The new units are able to sense the frequency of each participant in the ascension group. Each of these frequency are then compared to the " reference signature frequency " which has already been stored on the disc in the CD unit. If the frequency being

emanated from any of the participants in the ascension group is off pitch in comparison to the appropriate reference signature frequency, the pure signature frequency can be broadcast back to the participant who is off pitch, to help synchronize back to the appropriate frequency. Referring back to the analogy of a choral group, this would be akin to having a pitch-pipe available so that if someone is singing off key, the appropriate correct tone can be sounded from the pitch-pipe to help them get back on key. Of course, it remains to be seen how effectively these new implants will function during the next ascension attempt.

Hopefully the foregoing provides a broadened perspective as to some of the various uses of implants. And ideally it may help to dispel some of the reservations many of the Light Workers have as to the appropriateness of implants.


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