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interesting Herbal lyme formula

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Hi all:

I recently went to see an Herbalist/ MD who uses an herbal lyme

formula. I have known someone who has been using this formula to

treat lyme for quite some time. She was in a wheelchair when she

first went to see this person and now leads a pretty well rounded

life although she has a very " careful " lifestyle to be sure she

doesn't relapse. She hardly took any ABX because they made her feel

bad- probably a herx, but she didn't know that. We recently met

another person who sees the same physician and maintains reasonable

health using this formula. Both also use other support measures,

herbs, supplements, good lifestyle etc.... I tell you all of this to

give you an idea of why I wanted to see this physician and check out

this formula.

What the doctor told me when I saw her was that when she was

confronted with lyme patients, and had no idea what to do with them,

she started asking around to other herbalists to get an idea on what

to use. Most of them didn't have any idea. She found one guy though

who had developed a formula based somewhat on Chinese herbs used to

treat spirochetal diseases. He said that he had treated about 100

patients with it having about a 70% " success " rate. This doctor,

although shes treated only between 10 and 15 patients, thinks she has

about the same rate of success. I assume success here means that the

patient improves somewhat. She also said that she doesn't really see

it as a cure but often sees tremendous improvement. She has used it

with antibiotics and thinks that is ok, but prefers herbal/suplement

approaches to disease wherever they'll work. She started to give me

some patient histories, but we didn't really have time to cover it.

What I remember or have written down is: 2 people couldn't tolerate

it (didn't go into details), Some cases were antibiotic failures of

long standing. 3 Tertiary, or advanced, cases responded. One woman

who was very sick now only takes it when she feels some symptoms

coming on. She said that she does sometimes see herxes in patients

using it, but that they are remarkably mild for how effective it is.

Also, she said that it usually works pretty quickly if it is going to

work. I wouldn't call this doctor really lyme litterate in the sense

that lyme patients usually use the term, but I like her and trust

her, and she seems to be getting somewhere with a good percentage of

her lyme patients.

The person who formulated the remedy practiced chinese medicine, but

is no longer in practice. They now run an outfit called KW

Botanicals which makes this and other formulas. I called them to try

and talk about some things, but they really didn't want to talk to

me. Sounds like their basic policy is don't talk to patients only

health professionals. The formula is also not sold to other than

health professionals. It is too bad, because I wanted to get an idea

first hand on how much and how successfully they have used this

formula, and I don't want to misrepresent anything. I guess if you

want to know, you'll have to have your health professional call and

talk to them. They sounded a little like they didn't want to talk to

anyone but practicioners of Chinese medicine really, but said that

they would talk to and take orders from health professionals other

than Traditional Chinese Medicine practicioners. They certainly

didn't seem interested in promoting their product. They gave the

formula to this doctor I'm seeing, and she used to make it herself

since she has an herbal pharmacy. They only made it for a year, and

then decided it wasn't cost effective because it is very time

consuming and complicated. They are willing to teach me to make it,

but keep stressing that it is complicated with lot's of double

decoctions and such. I did meet someone who has made it however, and

she is interested in making some and may help Tamara and I learn to

make it. The cost for a full dosage is around 90.00 a month. If it

turns out to work really well, maybe a patient cooperative could be

formed to manufacture it, so we can get it as cheaply as possible.

Some of the herbs are also supposed to be difficult to come by, but I

can probably get them in China Town in San Francisco.

I have aquired a prescription of the formula, it comes in tincture

form. I will be starting it shortly. Since I am already on ABX and

bee venom therapy, and not feeling half bad most of the time, I'm not

sure of how much use my experience will be in judging it's efficacy.

I do have a handout here that I think is basically intended for

herbalists. I'll retype most of what's on it.

Actions: Immunostimulant, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory,

antitoxin, protective, hepatic, and digestive tonic

Clears heat and toxins from the blood, eliminates pathogenic factors,

smoothes the liver, protects the spleen, clears the collaterals,

tonifies the liver, and relieves bi pain


Acute and chronic inflammatory reactions due to lyme disease,

including arthritis/synovitis (painful bi syndrome), skin lesions

sccondary to circulating immune antigen complexes (heat at the blood

level), and mild to moderate neurological reactions (heat in the

pericardium channel)


Gentiana lutea radix Gentian Root Long Dan Cao CHDW

Anemone pulsatilla planta Pulsatilla Bai Tou Weng CHCT

Gardenia jasminoides fructus Gardenia Zhi Zi CHPF

Smilax Glabra radix Sarsaparilla Tu Fu Ling CHCT

Aristolochia serpentaria radix Birthwort Ma Dou Gen RCA, CHCB

Usnea barbata thallus Old Mans Beard PWPW, CHCT

Althaea Officinalis radix Marsh Mallow TYin

Glycerrhiza glabra radix Licorice Root Gan Cao TQ

Bupleurum falcatum radix Hares Ear Chai Hu SCRS

Raeonia alba Paeony Root Chi Shao Yao TB

Symptoms frequently dissapear rapidly during first week of treatment

with Lyme Formula. Nonetheless, it is essential to continue with

this formula for a minimum of 8 weeks to avoid recurrance of the

symptoms of infection.

Lyme Formula can be taken sigularly or concommitantly with antibiotic

therapy. Careful monitoring of patients undergoing concommitant

therapy is advised.

KW Botanicals 165 Tunstead Ave San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415)-459-4066

Supposedly the Aristolochia is the most important anti-lyme agent.

I hope that something good comes of this. There is a real need for

effective treatments for lyme. There are not only those who can't or

won't take antibiotics, but also those of us who want to augment

antibiotic therapy to kill them better, quicker, and more

thoroughly:-! Please anyone absolutely let me know how it goes if

you try this.

Steve E.

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