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Eye problems and Bee Venom

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In regards to possible options for treatment of lyme related/caused

eye disorders, I ran accross this last night-:

" Bee venom is an old popular remedy for some ocular diseases. Today

it is successfully used in iritis and iridocyclitis. Docent O

Shershevskaya applied bee-sting therapy and the Ophthalmologic Clinic

in Novosibirsk with excellent results. She writes that " " in cases of

serious iritis, when vision fell to 0.001 per cent, the application

of bee venom yeilded astonishing results; the inflamation subsided

and in three or four days a complete cure was brought about and

normal vision restored. " "

From Curative Properties of Honey and Bee Venom

N Yorish

Glide publications San Francisco 1977

(Originally published in Moscow Russia in 1959)

I have run accross a couple more paragraphs on this subject, besides

the one I've posted previously, but I don't have them right now.

Then this morning I ran accross some Bee venom eye drops BV-20 which

are produced by Pat Wagner. She is somewhat of a folk hero in among

Apitherapists and wrote the book How Well Are You Willing to Bee.

Anyway, they seem worth a try and are certainly cheap enough. I

would ask these sellers, or Pat ( http://www.olg.com/beelady/ ), how

you should deal with the issue of possible BV allergy though. Here

is a link to a page that sells the eye drops. just scroll down the

page. They seem to have some other topical BV products for migraine

and such. Usual disclaimer about no affiliation.


Honey has also been used in eye disorders, especially Cataract.

Beats the hell out of surgery, and what would one have to lose trying



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