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Interesting thread on Silicone chelation

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This was an interesting thread on the Amalgam listserve, discussing chelating silicone that I thought you might find intriguing. I included the posters names and relevant posting data--(this was all posted yesterday, the 16th, except for the first message, which was posted on the 15th). I do want to point out that Ray and Bernie, listed below, are graduate Degree'd professionals who know what they are talking about.

However, before anyone jumps on the Olestra bandwagon, I think some research about its negative consequences are necessary--I think there was some concern about the necessary fats it takes out with it, and digestive complaints....who knows? Maybe it WILL help????


Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:43:01 -0700Reply- Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam <AMALGAM@...>Sender: Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam <AMALGAM@...>From: Ray S <mercure@...>Subject: Re: DMSA & mercury .... Yes, science has proven that DMSA chelates also Silicon, Nickel, and Arsenic VERY WELL.

>Ray,>When you say silicon, would you include the silicone found in breast>implants as being capable of being chelated?>Patty

No, I meant plain element Silicon.Silicones are variety of Silicon-containing molecules, they are notsingle entity, but of course, if excess elemental silicon is releasedto the body from the silicones, the DMSA will chelate much of theportion that is extracellular and water-soluble. Regards, Ray S. http://mercure.cjb.net+++++++++++++'>http://mercure.cjb.net+++++++++++++ http://www.listserv.gmd.de/archives/amalgam.html

From: Joyce Heidelberger <bizzyblonde1@...>Organization: Prodigy InternetSubject: Re: DMSA & mercury .... Yes, science has proven that DMSA chelates also Silicon, Nickel, and Arsenic VERY WELL.

What would you use to chelate silicon from breast implants?

From: Ray S <mercure@...>Subject: Re: DMSA & mercury .... Yes, science has proven that DMSA chelates also Silicon, Nickel, and Arsenic VERY WELL.

>What would you use to chelate silicon from breast implants?DMSA for silicon, from where ever it came. You might please want totry to reread the previous statement as it answered the questionpreviosly already once imho.>> Silicones are variety of Silicon-containing molecules, they are not>> single entity, but of course, if excess elemental silicon is released>> to the body from the silicones, the DMSA will chelate much of the>> portion that is extracellular and water-soluble.>>>> Regards, Ray S.>> http://mercure.cjb.net

From: Bernie Windham <BernieW7@...>

Subject: Re: chelator for silicones

>What would you use to chelate silicon from breast implants?


I saw an abstract posted on the MCS list that potato chips with

olestra are good chelators of chemicals such as dioxins, PCBs, etc.

Maybe also for this, but I don't know the mechinism involved, didn't follow

up on looking at the study. Of course they cause loss of some essential

minerals as well.


From: Bernie Windham <BernieW7@...>

Subject: Re: chelator for silicones


I should have said more about the WOW Chips as a chelator. They

chelate lipophilic(fat-loving) substances like dioxins, PCBs, some of the

organo chlorine compounds, etc. but also essential nutrients

like essential fatty acids, cartinoids, other lipophilic nutrients and

vitamins, etc. So if one were to use it, they need to try to replace

such things. Some claim to have been cured of MCS by

eating WOW chips, such as someone I know named Carey Sullins.


From: Bernie Windham <BernieW7@...>

Subject: olestra abstracts

++++++ Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam <AMALGAM@...> ++++++

"From Medline:

Olestra increases faecal excretion of ,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-


Geusau A, Tschachler E, Meixner M, Sandermann S, Papke O, Wolf C,

Valic E, Stingl G, McLachlan M

Two patients with chloracne had concentrations of 2,3,7,8-

tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) of 144,000 and 26,000 pg/g blood

lipids. Olestra, a non-digestible, lipophilic dietary fat substitute

accelerated the patients' intestinal excretion of TCDD by eight to

ten fold. This is sufficient to reduce the normally observed

elimination half life of TCDD from about 7 years to 1-2 years.

Lancet 1999 Oct 9;354(9186):1266-7


A non-absorbable dietary fat substitute enhances elimination of

persistent lipophilic contaminants in humans.

Moser GA, McLachlan MS

University of Bayreuth, Germany.

For individuals contaminated with persistent lipophilic pollutants,

there is an urgent need for a therapy to enhance contaminant elimination

from the body and hence reduce long term exposure. This study investigated

the possibility of enhancing the excretion of native chemical via the faeces

by augmenting the lipophilic properties of the faeces with the

non-absorbable lipid substitute olestra. The faecal excretion of

polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs),

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was measured

in 3 volunteers. The excretion while eating an olestra-free diet was

compared with the excretion while eating a diet supplemented wit 25 g/d of

olestra. The excretion while on the olestra diet was higher by a factor of

1.5-11, depending on the compound. This resulted from higher concentrations

of the contaminants in the faeces and higher excretion of faeces dry mass

due to the food additive. Using 2,3,7,8-Cl4DD as an example, it was

estimated that ingestion of 25 g/d of olestra would more than double the

overall rate of elimination of this compound from the body. It is concluded

that regular consumption of olestra may provide a therapeutic approach for

reducing the body burden of persistent lipophilic contaminants.

Chemosphere 1999 Oct;39(9):1513-21




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