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Cat, my great grandmother was a Sidwell! They were quakers from

England, via Ohio originally. That's an unusual name, and we're just

about all related...hope you have a better week, and a great



> thanks it is getting old now!!!


> kathy in il





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i am pretty sure inflamed. my period came 5 days early. then lasted for 2

weeks. but i've been having other issues as well that were to be thought to be

from depo medrol. i have headaces, dizzy. ear pain, my glaucoma pressure and

blood pressure is up. now my sense of smell is going hyper. gas, cigarette,

cat litter dust!!! i think i will go into the walk in clinic there before work

and maybe get the blood work done. then we can make a decision on monday.

kathy in il

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Did she inflammed or enlarged? What kind of symptoms are you having? I

am a sonographer. Cassy

-- In , kringlemom@a... wrote:


> well i got word from the nurse that my ultrasound shows my uterus is

> inflamed. i see the dr 9 am Monday morning. didn't really give me

much to go on. i

> said that's all you are going to tell me? that's it? happy birthday,

have a

> nice weekend?? i am trying hard not to freak out


> kathy in il





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Inflammation itself is not diagnosed with sonography, It is a clinical

dx but enlargement can but that also can vary due to many situations,

such as parity, pre or post menopause, fibroids etc. There are very

few dx that can be made with pelvic sonography alone that might be life

threatening, of course with some exceptions. Email me if i can help

with more information. Cassy


> well i got word from the nurse that my ultrasound shows my uterus is

> inflamed. i see the dr 9 am Monday morning. didn't really give me

much to go on. i

> said that's all you are going to tell me? that's it? happy birthday,

have a

> nice weekend?? i am trying hard not to freak out


> kathy in il





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ok, well my advise is to not freak out, hope that helps. Cassy


> i am pretty sure inflamed. my period came 5 days early. then lasted

for 2

> weeks. but i've been having other issues as well that were to be

thought to be

> from depo medrol. i have headaces, dizzy. ear pain, my glaucoma

pressure and

> blood pressure is up. now my sense of smell is going hyper. gas,


> cat litter dust!!! i think i will go into the walk in clinic there

before work

> and maybe get the blood work done. then we can make a decision on



> kathy in il





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let me know if i can help in any way.


> >

> > i am pretty sure inflamed. my period came 5 days early. then


> for 2

> > weeks. but i've been having other issues as well that were to be

> thought to be

> > from depo medrol. i have headaces, dizzy. ear pain, my glaucoma

> pressure and

> > blood pressure is up. now my sense of smell is going hyper. gas,

> cigarette,

> > cat litter dust!!! i think i will go into the walk in clinic


> before work

> > and maybe get the blood work done. then we can make a decision


> monday.

> >

> > kathy in il

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Kathy:

It seems that sometimes our already suffering immune

systems just go down, and it is illness after illness.

I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Have

you had the pneumonia shot - I have had it and would

recommend that anyone with RA or any other immune

system disease ask their doctor about it, because we

are at greater risk for such illness. Are you on

Methotrexate? I always worry about that causing some

problem with my lungs, I already have asthma, am on

Advair for that, but I am very prone to bronchitis and

such. I hope that you are feeling better soon -

Kathe in CA

--- kringlemom@... wrote:


> y'know i just can't catch a break here lately. i

> went back to the dr this

> morning and after his exam he said he wanted a chest

> x-ray. i have pneumonia!!

> i got a shot of antibiotics right in the butt, he

> says i can work as long as

> i feel well enough too. so i guess i am not

> contagious. i am staying home

> today to let this shot work it's magic. last week it

> was a sinus infection, ear

> infection and bronchitis. skipped mtx injection last

> Friday and now this one

> too


> kathy in il





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Kathe in CA


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Was it your rheumy who advised against the shots? All the articles that

I have read recommend that those with RA GET the shots, just not any

shots with live virus. I got a flu shot and a pneumonia shot for the

first time last year. Sue

On Tuesday, January 10, 2006, at 04:15 PM, kringlemom@... wrote:

> i was advised not to have the flu or pneumonia shots before. they gave

> me an

> antibiotic injection today


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  • 4 months later...
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Kathy sorry about your fall, I hope you will get to feeling better

soon. My proplem isnt with those furry tailed critters, mine is with

the flying featered kind, they seem to enjoy the garden way to much,

dont seem to have many leaves left on my okra. The one item in my

garden I truely love to eat, they seem to have a taste for also,lol.

Anyway, I will pray you heal fast, May God bless you. hugs

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi there

it is so very sad for that girl top keep her implants with all of these new illnesses.... I do not really know here - my neighbor does. My neighbor is the one who I talked out of getting them and she had me talk to her friend as she still wouldn't change her mind after her explaining my situation. She still doesn't believe it I guess as I saw her a few days ago and they are still "there". , my neighbor, says she doesn't believe it as the docotr convinced her they were totally safe - I said "of course he did - he was the same doc i went to and he wanted her $$!". he was a lying piece of crap and I told her as much. I just hope her friend catches on before it is too late. At least when I made my original decision I didn't have people telling me horrible things about the doctor and have a toddler to care for! that is what is bothering me.

Anyways - as far as i go I have been thru it and thru it. I can't come up w/ any reason whatsoever why I had those seizures... I wasn't on any new meds - no routine changes, no new detoxes - nothing. It is making me crazy. I did have 2 febrile seizures at 9 and 18 months as a baby from high fevers. They said that sometimes makes people predisposed to having them when they are older but they found no irregularities on my MRI, CT, or EEG. I originally thought it was due to the massive blow to my head - I thought maybe I fainted or tripped while blow drying my hair and the head bump caused the seizures as I woke up on the floor not remembering how i got there but the doctors seem to think it was a seizure to begin with due to the injuries I had. When I awoke disoriented and called my hubby (he and our son were golfing) he came home, saw the massive bump on my head and took me straight to the urgent care center around the corner as he thought I had a concussion... we luckily dropped Logan off at my mom's first so he didn't see any of it - I am soooo thankful for that. I started vomiting in the car on the way to the clinic and upon arriving they took me back right away...they noted the I had nail marks on my hands from "clenching" and bite marks on my lips that I had not noticed in all the drama. Then is when I had another seizure - very violent from what said - I was shaking and making noise - biting my lip and clenching my jaw... he said it lasted about 10 minutes then almost immediately thereafter I had another one that was worse. At this point they had already called the ambulance due to the head injury as they said it was too bad to treat there and in his words "a head trauma like that with that much swelling and vomiting could be brain damage until ruled out by MRI". He said all of that before I had even had the 1st seizure. I remember thinking e was crazy to call an ambulance and he said he wouldn't allow me to leave any other way as it was a liability. Then I guess the seizures were a shock to him - then is when they noticed the previous wounds that I guess happened at home. I don't remember a thing. said during the second one they were having trouble holding me down so the nurse rushed in w/ a shot of valium which pulled me out of it. About that time the ambulance showed up and I didn't have a clue what had happened. said we were in the ER about an hour when I had the last one whihch I guess was a real doozy. He was freaking out - said it lasted for what seemed like forever ad I stopped breathing - said I was almost flat lining on the monitors. He said I was blue and my lips turned dark blue then started bleeding from the bites. I guess he was screaming for help and they rushed in w/ oxygen and something into my IV that caused me to take a large gasp of air which filled my face w/ pink again. He was so upset - he thought I was going to die right then. I have never seen him so upset. I feel so badly for scaring him like that - it has been over a week and he still hasn't gotten over it. I can see it in his eyes everytime he looks at me. He calls me a million times a day now that he has returned to work. He later told me in a very emotional moment that after the last seizure they immediately wheeled me away for an emergency brain CT and he said he thought that was the last time he was gonna see me alive - said he knew for sure that a piece of those nasty implant shells got into my brain and I was having an anyerism (SP?). I feel so awful for putting him thru that especially since I can not remember any of it. Poor guy - I guess I am lucky the Lord was watching over him as well as he could have had a heart attack! We were so blessed that day - he hasn't gone a day since without praying. It certainly was a big eye opener for us - we got loads of help from above that day for sure. Thank the Lord!!!

Sorry for the long post - just felt like I had to get all of that off my chest.... and again I can't come up with any reason why it happened... no drinking, no large amounts of caffeine, no unusual foods... I ate breakfast that morning so it wasn't low sugar... I just do not know. I have done sooooo much research over the last week on these disorders and none of it seems to apply other then the implant aspect. Now i have the new meds,have to wear a medit alert bracelet, and can not drivr at least 6 months without having a seizure. I guess I should be happy they found nothing wrong but it does leave me kinda freaked out not having anything to point to why it happened.... no way to know what to avoid, etc. We are also extremely scared of it happening in front of Logan as I am alone with him all day and he just turned 5 last Sunday.... saif it was so hard to watch he doesn't know how he will react. we had the talk w/ him about 911, etc., but it may be different once he sees it. it is just an awful feeling to have no answers!!! Maybe I will get some from the neurologist I am seeing in the 6th.... they are gonna have to do a spinal tap I believe... sounds like a blast.

anyways - good luck to all and I hope none of you have top experience any of this mess... just the look on my hubby's face is so hard to explain - the pain I see there and knowing that I am the cause of it although not purposely just kills me....



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Shari, What a horrible experience - especially for ! . . . I know you're going to get through this! . . . I've always heard that "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." . . . I have no doubt that your love and your faith will grow much stronger. I think they make monitors that can call for help automatically if you get in trouble - with all the stressing is experiencing, maybe it would be worth wearing one. I met one woman who had frequent seizures . . . She lived alone . . . She had a cat that knew when a seizure was coming. The cat would act in a certain way that told the woman she had to get to a safe place so she wouldn't fall . . . You can imagine how upset she was when the cat died of old age . . . But God was watching over her . . . Her vet told her that he knew of cat that was available that would take care of her. The new cat picked up where the

old cat left off! . .. Incredible! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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My heart really goes out to you and your family. It must have been

a nightmare for your husband. Shari I wish I knew what caused your

seizures too, but I don't really know either. Hopefully you will

have a good neurologist. Please keep us updated on what you find

out. In the meantime, try to maintain stability with sleep and diet

and I would think that anything relaxing of the mind and body such

as yoga or meditation might be beneficial. It really is good news

that they haven't found anything. I remember them telling me that

when sarah had the seizures. I am praying that you will fall in the

category of people who never have one again.

Love, Kathy


> Hi there


> it is so very sad for that girl top keep her implants with all of

these new

> illnesses.... I do not really know here - my neighbor does. My

neighbor is

> the one who I talked out of getting them and she had me talk to

her friend as

> she still wouldn't change her mind after her explaining my

situation. She

> still doesn't believe it I guess as I saw her a few days ago and

they are

> still " there " . , my neighbor, says she doesn't believe it

as the docotr

> convinced her they were totally safe - I said " of course he did -

he was the

> same doc i went to and he wanted her $$! " . he was a lying piece

of crap and I

> told her as much. I just hope her friend catches on before it is

too late.

> At least when I made my original decision I didn't have people

telling me

> horrible things about the doctor and have a toddler to care for!

that is what

> is bothering me.


> Anyways - as far as i go I have been thru it and thru it. I

can't come up

> w/ any reason whatsoever why I had those seizures... I wasn't on

any new meds

> - no routine changes, no new detoxes - nothing. It is making me

crazy. I

> did have 2 febrile seizures at 9 and 18 months as a baby from

high fevers.

> They said that sometimes makes people predisposed to having them

when they are

> older but they found no irregularities on my MRI, CT, or EEG. I


> thought it was due to the massive blow to my head - I thought

maybe I fainted

> or tripped while blow drying my hair and the head bump caused the

seizures as

> I woke up on the floor not remembering how i got there but the

doctors seem

> to think it was a seizure to begin with due to the injuries I

had. When I

> awoke disoriented and called my hubby (he and our son were

golfing) he came

> home, saw the massive bump on my head and took me straight to the

urgent care

> center around the corner as he thought I had a concussion... we

luckily dropped

> Logan off at my mom's first so he didn't see any of it - I am

soooo thankful

> for that. I started vomiting in the car on the way to the clinic

and upon

> arriving they took me back right away...they noted the I had nail

marks on my

> hands from " clenching " and bite marks on my lips that I had not

noticed in all

> the drama. Then is when I had another seizure - very violent

from what

> said - I was shaking and making noise - biting my lip and

clenching my

> jaw... he said it lasted about 10 minutes then almost immediately

thereafter I

> had another one that was worse. At this point they had already

called the

> ambulance due to the head injury as they said it was too bad to

treat there and

> in his words " a head trauma like that with that much swelling and


> could be brain damage until ruled out by MRI " . He said all of

that before I had

> even had the 1st seizure. I remember thinking e was crazy to

call an

> ambulance and he said he wouldn't allow me to leave any other way

as it was a

> liability. Then I guess the seizures were a shock to him - then

is when they

> noticed the previous wounds that I guess happened at home. I

don't remember a

> thing. said during the second one they were having trouble

holding me

> down so the nurse rushed in w/ a shot of valium which pulled me

out of it.

> About that time the ambulance showed up and I didn't have a clue

what had

> happened. said we were in the ER about an hour when I had

the last one

> whihch I guess was a real doozy. He was freaking out - said it

lasted for what

> seemed like forever ad I stopped breathing - said I was almost

flat lining on

> the monitors. He said I was blue and my lips turned dark blue

then started

> bleeding from the bites. I guess he was screaming for help and

they rushed in

> w/ oxygen and something into my IV that caused me to take a large

gasp of air

> which filled my face w/ pink again. He was so upset - he thought

I was

> going to die right then. I have never seen him so upset. I feel

so badly for

> scaring him like that - it has been over a week and he still

hasn't gotten over

> it. I can see it in his eyes everytime he looks at me. He calls

me a

> million times a day now that he has returned to work. He later

told me in a very

> emotional moment that after the last seizure they immediately

wheeled me away

> for an emergency brain CT and he said he thought that was the last

time he

> was gonna see me alive - said he knew for sure that a piece of

those nasty

> implant shells got into my brain and I was having an anyerism

(SP?). I feel so

> awful for putting him thru that especially since I can not

remember any of

> it. Poor guy - I guess I am lucky the Lord was watching over him

as well as he

> could have had a heart attack! We were so blessed that day - he

hasn't gone

> a day since without praying. It certainly was a big eye opener

for us - we

> got loads of help from above that day for sure. Thank the Lord!!!


> Sorry for the long post - just felt like I had to get all of that

off my

> chest.... and again I can't come up with any reason why it

happened... no

> drinking, no large amounts of caffeine, no unusual foods... I ate

breakfast that

> morning so it wasn't low sugar... I just do not know. I have

done sooooo much

> research over the last week on these disorders and none of it

seems to apply

> other then the implant aspect. Now i have the new meds,have to

wear a medit

> alert bracelet, and can not drivr at least 6 months without

having a

> seizure. I guess I should be happy they found nothing wrong but

it does leave me

> kinda freaked out not having anything to point to why it

happened.... no way to

> know what to avoid, etc. We are also extremely scared of it

happening in

> front of Logan as I am alone with him all day and he just turned

5 last

> Sunday.... saif it was so hard to watch he doesn't know how

he will react. we

> had the talk w/ him about 911, etc., but it may be different once

he sees

> it. it is just an awful feeling to have no answers!!! Maybe I

will get some

> from the neurologist I am seeing in the 6th.... they are gonna

have to do a

> spinal tap I believe... sounds like a blast.


> anyways - good luck to all and I hope none of you have top

experience any of

> this mess... just the look on my hubby's face is so hard to

explain - the

> pain I see there and knowing that I am the cause of it although

not purposely

> just kills me....


> love

> shari


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  • 4 weeks later...
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You are so sweet and always are there for me in the thick of things!! I have not been

diagnosed with that condition I mentioned..... I only just noticed it the other day and saw some awful familiar similarities in my probs and it and also the fact that I have never been tested.....

As far as the weight... it is weird.... When I was married in 2/1999 I weighed 105... 5'2"....at 28. Had been there since 18 or so.... a little under weight for me really... my sister used to call me too skinny, etc... that was with the implants as well. I stayed around there give or take 5 lbs until pregnancy in 10/2000. son was born 6/2001 and I went up of course by 50 and back to 112 or so and stayed there..... now for whatever reason in the last year and a half I have gained 20 lbs.... close to 25 at times.... my son is 5 - I am just like my mom who is 115 at 55. No reason whatsoever.... no diet change - nothing. I am pretty upset about that as I have never been overweight - I have a very small bone frame so 135 is large on me...

I eat very little and very well..... they found a growth on my thyroid last year.... are gonna re-scan this summer to see if it has changed... if so it will have to be checked into... maybe this is the issue...

thanks again!!


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  • 1 month later...


Thanks for the information and kindness! No, I don't think I have had my neurotransmitters tested. Does it hurt? How do they go about doing that? I'll research it. What kind of doctor does it? I see my neurologist tomorrow, and will discuss it with him.

Doctors try to keep pushing me back to psychiatrists, but psychotherapy only makes me worse, because (as you may know) they just want to sit and dredge up your past and childhood... and I've developed an excellent defense mechanism at cutting out and/or ignoring stressors in my life where possible. The last thing I want to do is sit and talk about them. (50% of it is my family, and I think 50% is just genetic/hormonal.) I'd tried therapy from 12-25 and didn't have results until I quit! (I'm 31 now.) Same with medications. It's like they tried everything coming and going, and something was always making my pre-existing health problems worse.

So this, I will check into... thanks again!!! And best wishes to you for comfort, health, and happiness!!!

Brigite :)

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Sheila,

I'm about to call her tonight, I'll post after I speak with her.

[ ] Kathy

Hi everyone,I am just checking to see if anyone has a update on Kathy.Sheila

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  • 1 year later...
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Friends and Family,

Kathy came through her surgery just fine. The doctor said there were no surprises so that was good news. We won't know the full picture though until the pathology report comes back on Monday.

Love, Light, Peace and Joy,CherylVisit me at: http://www.myspace.com/senegalady Big savings on Dell XPS Laptops and Desktops!

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