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Hey guys,I've been on 3.5 mg for a little over 2 weeks and have noticed the last few days anxiety. I have had this before I started LDN but it went away. I'm trying my best to stick with this but I'm finding it harder to do. I've also had some other unwanted side effects like my breast feeling huge for a lack of any better words. Anyone know what I'm talking about?Thanks

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Adverse symptoms to LDN, you might try some of the suggestions by Dr. McCandless


Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless writes...........

As usual, I need to emphasize that seldom is LDN a stand-alone treatment, but

accompanies other strategies their body needs, especially a healthy diet. No

sugar, dairy or gluten.

If you are having adverse symptoms caused by LDN....

Would you be willing to stop all casein (milk products) and gluten (wheat, rye,

barley and oats) for a week and see if you feel better? A study done several

years ago showed that 30% of us have some degree of celiac

disease(intolerance/allegy to wheat) even though the clinical symptoms may not

be obvious enough to alert most people to that. When anyone in that 30% of

persons stops eating wheat, they feel a lot better. The LDN may be acting like

the opioid antagonist it is and causing a withdrawal reaction from taking away

your fix, even if only for a few hours.

JAQUELYN MCCANDLESS <JMcCandless@...> wrote:

: Celiac disease (allergy to gluten protein) which most people do not know

does not come in an " all or none " fashion; there are many degrees of celiac

intolerance. Untold numbers of people eat wheat since it is a staple food in our

society and never feel good - they have indigestion, stool irregularities,

weight issues, depression and never know that if they would eliminate wheat and

casein they would feel like new people. Many people who eat wheat and milk do

not even know what " feeling good " is like until they remove these foods from

their diet. As I have said many times before on this board, anytime someone has

a negative reaction to LDN the first question I would ask is, " What is the diet

like? " If I had a disease such as ALS or MS or other autoimmune disease, I would

be more than willing to see if my dietary exogenous opioids could be causing the

negative reaction to a drug that is helping most of these people get off all

their other drugs without progression of their disease. The reason this is a

worthwhile trial is that this intolerance is affecting their general health and

immunity in a negative way. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes up to 6 months to

get gluten out of the system, so it is not so easy to test. Food is so

emotionally entrenched in most people's notions of love and inner security, you

would be amazed at what people will endure to eat the foods to which they are

addicted! I have a huge respect for the power of addiction to foods and the

difficulty in making radical changes from the diet we are accustomed to. Usually

it takes an evaluation in the context of a serious illness for people to even

consider changing, and even then many will not.

Dr. JM

It takes some people longer to respond to LDN, and they may be colonized with

pathogenic yeast and bacteria that could be slowing response.

These setbacks usually do not last long unless something like a yeast infection

is stubborn without specific treatment.

Dr. JM


There is a phenomenon that happens to some people that as the immune system is

shifting (usually from T2 to T1) right after starting LDN, the immune system

drops and people get an infection, cold, flu, cold sore, etc. which is usually

short lived. Candida tends to overgrow or a virus will flare up. These

infections are usually short-lived unless something like candida and gut

bacteria needs treatment.

As usual, I need to emphasize that seldom is LDN a stand-alone treatment, but

accompanies other strategies their body needs, especially a healthy diet.

Are you a big bread/carbohydrate/sugar eater?

Ever been tested for candida (yeast) or gut bacterial infestation?

Ever been checked for hypothyroidism?

Would you be willing to stop all casein (milk products) and gluten (wheat, rye,

barley and oats) for a week and see if you feel better? A study done several

years ago showed that 30% of us have some degree of celiac disease

(intolerance/allegy to wheat) even though the clinical symptoms may not be

obvious enough to alert most people to that. When anyone in that 30% of persons

stops eating wheat, they feel a lot better. The LDN may be acting like the

opioid antagonist it is and causing a withdrawal reaction from taking away your

fix, even if only for a few hours.

Try to hang in for awhile longer, and it will probably get better. These

setbacks usually do not last long unless something like a yeast infection is

stubborn without specific treatment.

Dr. JM

Q: Dr. JM or anyone- Does LDN cause candida?

A: LDN has been noted to aggravate yeast infections and other latent pathogens,

viruses, etc. as the immune system is making early adjustments. It is good to

have natural yeast remedies on board when LDN is started (grapefruit seed

extract, Candex, lauricidin, hi-potency probiotics, etc) to help offset this

possibility. (And of course a good dietary regime that does not encourage gut

inflammation which is usually the predecessor to pathogen invasion).

Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless

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