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S. 510

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I am so disgusted by all this. I contacted my senators, etc and it fell on deaf ears. They are useless anyway. Every time I contact them they respond back with a nicey nicey e-mail telling me they understand my concerns but they know better .... basically. I'd love to get in a room with them one on one and have them defend how all this is good for us. I am so concerned for my children. This is not the country I wanted them to grow up in. Yes this will affect iodine. We already have experienced one power grab by the DEA who placed the limitations on selling only 2 oz max of 5% Lugol's due to the meth drug producers. What a crock. You can go on the internet *Youtube* and get instructions how to make it with supplies you can buy over the counter. Do you think they aren't doing that now too?

I am tired of all this. It is getting harder and harder to stay well naturally.


S. 510

This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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It maybe time to stock pile but then again many of us don't have the funds to do this either.Our government is nothing but a bunch of crooks and they wonder why we have underground ways of doing things. They give us no choice.America, the land of the free. That's a bunch of BS. I hope I leave this earth before things get way out of control. That is my prayer for me. I'm ready and waiting. I feel sorry for my children but what can one do? from IllinoisFrom: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>iodine Sent: Sat, January 1, 2011 12:39:47 PMSubject: Re: S. 510

I am so disgusted by all this. I contacted my senators, etc and it fell on deaf ears. They are useless anyway. Every time I contact them they respond back with a nicey nicey e-mail telling me they understand my concerns but they know better .... basically. I'd love to get in a room with them one on one and have them defend how all this is good for us. I am so concerned for my children. This is not the country I wanted them to grow up in. Yes this will affect iodine. We already have experienced one power grab by the DEA who placed the limitations on selling only 2 oz max of 5% Lugol's due to the meth drug producers. What a crock. You can go on the internet *Youtube* and get instructions how to make it with supplies you can buy over the counter. Do you think they aren't doing that now too?

I am tired of all this. It is getting harder and harder to stay well naturally.


S. 510

This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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I know I agree with you. I pray God takes my family and I from this earth before I have to scrounge for safe food (worse than I am now).


S. 510

This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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My guess is this will affect LDN.




Many of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety Modernization

Act.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, the

bill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS in

Congress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to House

as amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutiny

and opprobrium.

According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²

(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)

In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³Recycling

Bill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...

TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR

2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid moved

for reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by the

same ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.

That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.

Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t object

with himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food Safety

Bill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment was

passed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.

Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for the

question. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill was

on the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If the

situation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see the

Senator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President of

the Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection because

there is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similar

to the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in

1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress already

home for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and voted

to join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA

.... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!

According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weeks

have seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outright

traitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²

Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick was

used, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against the

will of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover of

agriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t coming

from someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming from

foreign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from the

District of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and who

see our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have to

forfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand up

and say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some nameless

unidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our own

government.² (LINK)

As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislation

really means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and he

did an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the article


(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has

actually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers who

voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all

becomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agenda

hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quote

text straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDING


the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate

the food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going to

run the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹m

from the FDA and I¹m here to help!²

So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³food

safety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department of

Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder

³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹s

food safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the food

supply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers to

these questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed

¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visit

www.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.

So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s all

spelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself on

page 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDA

will begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting the

FDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy the

nutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.

It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The more

disease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make from

selling medications.

Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described in

this bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and how

to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included so

that the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplement

industries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthy

doses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² America

will be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will be

virtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at a

reasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized and

products will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local law

enforcement to bring in the firepower.

All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.

population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying to

achieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more money

gets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication and

chemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors so

wholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on the

left so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDA

power expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out of

business while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did they

even know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek to

pasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that enters

the United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothing

to limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to the

FDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides are

perfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --

such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)

Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is the

destroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,

greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasing

America¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents who

raid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having the

right paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have been

successful at local food production will scale back their operations in a

desperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily be

surpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).

From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it was

supposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,

imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands of

the big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticides

and soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big Agriculture

Monopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹s

food supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural

giants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.

The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all part

of the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based on

the leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. government

conspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²

for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full report

here. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy is

quite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officials

scheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agriculture

industry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this global

conspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.

It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop until

they have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, raw

foods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. You

can thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. In

the end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved in

and voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promoted

this bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they were

supporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by what

can only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.



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i went to the doctor a week ago. this is not iodine but.... ihurt my leg, tore the ligament in the knee, the medial collareral lig. anyway, i fell down the steps a couple weeks ago, landed on feet but my knee is really bothering me. anyway, lame brain tells me i need to lose weight. i said i know but my knee, use bengay. i said what? he said use ben gay. he saw the look on my face said you need to lose weight i can't do anything. so i should have said, you are right. if i weighed 110, i could be pushed down steps and because i wouldn't have weight issue at 110 i wouldn't get hurt. skinny people shouldn't die after all they don't have a weight problem. he gave me this medicine gel for the skin that when i read said contraindicated for people with cabg, which i have from triple by pass, contraindicated for high bp, which i take meds for, puts you at higher rish for thrombosis, and higher risk for heart attack and stroke. and he gave it to me. i wanted to bitch slap him from here to mars and back. told me to stop taking vitamins, they aren't regulated,.... and don't work. i told him straight out not true. they worked on my and on my cramps.. it makes you sick. and natalie you are right, not home of the free. communism working its way in. diane, near philly, pa On Jan 1, 2011, at 1:39 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:I am so disgusted by all this. I contacted my senators, etc and it fell on deaf ears. They are useless anyway. Every time I contact them they respond back with a nicey nicey e-mail telling me they understand my concerns but they know better .... basically. I'd love to get in a room with them one on one and have them defend how all this is good for us. I am so concerned for my children. This is not the country I wanted them to grow up in. Yes this will affect iodine. We already have experienced one power grab by the DEA who placed the limitations on selling only 2 oz max of 5% Lugol's due to the meth drug producers. What a crock. You can go on the internet *Youtube* and get instructions how to make it with supplies you can buy over the counter. Do you think they aren't doing that now too? I am tired of all this. It is getting harder and harder to stay well naturally. Steph S. 510 This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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I am so sorry Diane. That is just sad. You have to look at all the documentation on your own. A large number of deaths are due to medical error.

I remember when I had my thyroid removed they told me that I needed to watch my calcium. It was a bit low on the labs and they told me to take some tums. Now how moronic is that? I asked about the fact that I didn't need an antacid and they said - no big deal. It didn't matter. Just take the Tums. Kind of like the doctor on the Today Show -"Just get the damn shot". We are to shut up and do as they say and be good little "sheeple". Well I am here to tell you that this group is definitely not filled with sheeple. We are all here by our own gumption to save our lives.

*stepping off my soap box now*

S. 510

This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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they are stupid. tums.... i feel so angry. i will be writing to the senators but i will tell you i am telling them i think they are a bunch of prostitutes. prostitutes sell themselves and at least the girls on the corner does it to eat or being forced to, the prostitutes on capitol hill are selling themselves for a vote. how low is that?! i am also telling them they are very communistic in their viewpoint and destroying the country. how did reid ever get re-elected.?? no wonder we are where we are. look at the congress and how stupid they are. they can't even keep their mouths shut, and when they get caught, do they learn? no they are too stupid. they fly to argentina to have sex with someone not their wife, etc. they are so dumb, how can we expect anything sensible or bright out of those morons. .. anyway, back to business. and yes, i am not giving up without a big big fight. diane, near philly, paw On Jan 1, 2011, at 10:35 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:I am so sorry Diane. That is just sad. You have to look at all the documentation on your own. A large number of deaths are due to medical error. I remember when I had my thyroid removed they told me that I needed to watch my calcium. It was a bit low on the labs and they told me to take some tums. Now how moronic is that? I asked about the fact that I didn't need an antacid and they said - no big deal. It didn't matter. Just take the Tums. Kind of like the doctor on the Today Show -"Just get the damn shot". We are to shut up and do as they say and be good little "sheeple". Well I am here to tell you that this group is definitely not filled with sheeple. We are all here by our own gumption to save our lives. *stepping off my soap box now* S. 510 This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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Steph, I'll take over your soapbox for a minute.


And too many of these are pedigreed and degreed, having been 'educated' beyond their own inate intelligence. I just don't understand the audacity of a MD or DO allowng themselves to be 'educated' by the pharmaceutical nitwits that come into their office to pander their drugs.

Stepping down. Jim

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>iodine Sent: Sat, January 1, 2011 10:35:12 PMSubject: Re: S. 510

I am so sorry Diane. That is just sad. You have to look at all the documentation on your own. A large number of deaths are due to medical error.

I remember when I had my thyroid removed they told me that I needed to watch my calcium. It was a bit low on the labs and they told me to take some tums. Now how moronic is that? I asked about the fact that I didn't need an antacid and they said - no big deal. It didn't matter. Just take the Tums. Kind of like the doctor on the Today Show -"Just get the damn shot". We are to shut up and do as they say and be good little "sheeple". Well I am here to tell you that this group is definitely not filled with sheeple. We are all here by our own gumption to save our lives.

*stepping off my soap box now*

S. 510

This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.Jean*****************http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodineMany of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety ModernizationAct.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, thebill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS inCongress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to Houseas amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutinyand opprobrium.According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²(D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³RecyclingBill² for a

vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid movedfor reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by thesame ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t objectwith himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food SafetyBill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment waspassed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for thequestion. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill wason the way back to the House. According to Fred

Grant, ³If thesituation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see theSenator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President ofthe Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection becausethere is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similarto the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress alreadyhome for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and votedto join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weekshave seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outrighttraitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²Reid leading the traitors

charge, every rule was broken, every trick wasused, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against thewill of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover ofagriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t comingfrom someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming fromforeign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from theDistrict of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and whosee our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have toforfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand upand say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some namelessunidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our owngovernment.² (LINK)As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislationreally means, I received an email from Mike , the

Health Ranger, and hedid an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the articlebelow.(from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one hasactually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers whovoted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it allbecomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agendahidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quotetext straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDINGCAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY² and it givesthe FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictatethe food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going torun the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹mfrom the FDA and I¹m here to help!²So who is involved in creating

this? Believe it or not, the global ³foodsafety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department ofHomeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹sfood safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the foodsupply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers tothese questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visitwww.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s allspelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this

yourself onpage 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDAwill begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting theFDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy thenutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The moredisease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make fromselling medications.Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described inthis bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and howto harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included sothat the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplementindustries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthydoses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex

³harmonization,² Americawill be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will bevirtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at areasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized andproducts will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local lawenforcement to bring in the firepower.All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying toachieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more moneygets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication andchemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors sowholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on theleft so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDApower expansion that would destroy many small farms and put

farmers out ofbusiness while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did theyeven know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek topasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that entersthe United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothingto limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to theFDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides areperfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is thedestroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasingAmerica¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents whoraid the operations of

local farmers and imprison them for not having theright paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have beensuccessful at local food production will scale back their operations in adesperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily besurpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it wassupposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands ofthe big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticidesand soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big AgricultureMonopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹sfood supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agriculturalgiants who have been at odds with small organic farms for

years.The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all partof the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based onthe leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. governmentconspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full reporthere. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy isquite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officialsscheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agricultureindustry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this globalconspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop untilthey have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, rawfoods and dietary

supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. Youcan thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. Inthe end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved inand voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promotedthis bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they weresupporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by whatcan only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Reference: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

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I am not sure what makes me more furious, the fact that these imbeciles snuck

this bill in or the fact that most people do not seem to care! We use to be able

to buy iodine at any drug store for pennies, and soon it will cost us a fortune

for the big pharma version. That is the whole purpose of this bill. Make is so

no company can afford to make any supplements, so we must all turn to drugs to

stay alive.

We have got to stay on this. Our lives depend on it. Keep phoning and faxing

those congresscritters.


> I am so disgusted by all this. I contacted my senators, etc and it fell on

deaf ears. They are useless anyway. Every time I contact them they respond back

with a nicey nicey e-mail telling me they understand my concerns but they know

better .... basically. I'd love to get in a room with them one on one and have

them defend how all this is good for us. I am so concerned for my children.

This is not the country I wanted them to grow up in. Yes this will affect

iodine. We already have experienced one power grab by the DEA who placed the

limitations on selling only 2 oz max of 5% Lugol's due to the meth drug

producers. What a crock. You can go on the internet *Youtube* and get

instructions how to make it with supplies you can buy over the counter. Do you

think they aren't doing that now too?


> I am tired of all this. It is getting harder and harder to stay well



> Steph


> S. 510




> This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.


> Jean


> *****************


> http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodine


> Many of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety Modernization

> Act.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the Senate, the

> bill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS in

> Congress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to House

> as amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public scrutiny

> and opprobrium.


> According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²

> (D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people. (LINK)

> In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the ³Recycling

> Bill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...

> TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR

> 2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid moved

> for reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by the

> same ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.

> That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.


> Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t object

> with himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food Safety

> Bill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment was

> passed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the Recycling Bill.

> Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for the

> question. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety Bill was

> on the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If the

> situation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to see the

> Senator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President of

> the Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection because

> there is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily similar

> to the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in

> 1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress already

> home for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and voted

> to join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA

> ... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!


> According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weeks

> have seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and outright

> traitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²

> Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick was

> used, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510 against the

> will of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover of

> agriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t coming

> from someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming from

> foreign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from the

> District of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and who

> see our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we have to

> forfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we stand up

> and say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some nameless

> unidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our own

> government.² (LINK)


> As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislation

> really means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger, and he

> did an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the article

> below.


> (from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has

> actually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers who

> voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all

> becomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agenda

> hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quote

> text straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDING


> the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate

> the food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now going to

> run the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: ³I¹m

> from the FDA and I¹m here to help!²


> So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³food

> safety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department of

> Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably wonder

> ³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹s

> food safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the food

> supply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the answers to

> these questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed

> ¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visit

> www.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of this.


> So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s all

> spelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself on

> page 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law, the FDA

> will begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting the

> FDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy the

> nutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing.

> It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The more

> disease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make from

> selling medications.


> Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described in

> this bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether and how

> to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is included so

> that the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplement

> industries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthy

> doses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² America

> will be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will be

> virtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at a

> reasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized and

> products will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local law

> enforcement to bring in the firepower.


> All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.

> population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying to

> achieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more money

> gets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with medication and

> chemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors so

> wholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on the

> left so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDA

> power expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out of

> business while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization? Did they

> even know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek to

> pasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that enters

> the United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothing

> to limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to the

> FDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides are

> perfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics --

> such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)


> Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is the

> destroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms,

> greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasing

> America¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents who

> raid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having the

> right paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have been

> successful at local food production will scale back their operations in a

> desperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily be

> surpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).


> From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it was

> supposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,

> imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands of

> the big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticides

> and soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big Agriculture

> Monopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹s

> food supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural

> giants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.


> The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s all part

> of the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based on

> the leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. government

> conspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target list²

> for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full report

> here. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy is

> quite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officials

> scheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agriculture

> industry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this global

> conspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food supply, too.


> It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop until

> they have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, raw

> foods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. You

> can thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. In

> the end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved in

> and voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promoted

> this bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they were

> supporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by what

> can only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:

> The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


> Reference:

> http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html


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Yes, that is the point. I have been involved with citizens organizing

themselves to protect access to holistic and alternative health since the

late 1980s. I have seen a lot of successes and some failures. It's up to

us to keep the pressure on, or otherwise BigPharma rules all. It's all

about the " Free Market " and the freedom of corporations to make every last

buck, essentially mining the people as resources for money.

So, if it feels better to vent, ok, but don't let your upset keep you from

staying involved with the struggle. This does matter. As Ghandi taught,

the secret to life is to struggle against oppression and to fight for what

is needed, but not to be attached to any particular outcome. Therein lies

the secret of peace within the chaos.

best wishes,


At 11:15 PM 1/1/2011, you wrote:

>I am not sure what makes me more furious, the fact that these imbeciles

>snuck this bill in or the fact that most people do not seem to care! We

>use to be able to buy iodine at any drug store for pennies, and soon it

>will cost us a fortune for the big pharma version. That is the whole

>purpose of this bill. Make is so no company can afford to make any

>supplements, so we must all turn to drugs to stay alive.

>We have got to stay on this. Our lives depend on it. Keep phoning and

>faxing those congresscritters.



> >

> > I am so disgusted by all this. I contacted my senators, etc and it

> fell on deaf ears. They are useless anyway. Every time I contact them

> they respond back with a nicey nicey e-mail telling me they understand my

> concerns but they know better .... basically. I'd love to get in a room

> with them one on one and have them defend how all this is good for us. I

> am so concerned for my children. This is not the country I wanted them

> to grow up in. Yes this will affect iodine. We already have experienced

> one power grab by the DEA who placed the limitations on selling only 2 oz

> max of 5% Lugol's due to the meth drug producers. What a crock. You can

> go on the internet *Youtube* and get instructions how to make it with

> supplies you can buy over the counter. Do you think they aren't doing

> that now too?

> >

> > I am tired of all this. It is getting harder and harder to stay well

> naturally.

> >

> > Steph

> >

> > S. 510

> >

> >

> >

> > This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.

> >

> > Jean

> >

> > *****************

> >

> > http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodine

> >

> > Many of you have been following S.510, aka the ³Food Safety Modernization

> > Act.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of protest to the

> Senate, the

> > bill was dead in the water.... or so we thought. But the CRIMINALS in

> > Congress are sneakier than serpents. You see, S.510 was sent back to

> House

> > as amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling Bill²) to avoid public

> scrutiny

> > and opprobrium.

> >

> > According to Fred Grant, here is how Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²

> > (D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on the American people.

> (LINK)

> > In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th), Reid called the

> ³Recycling

> > Bill² for a vote and there was no objection from the two (that¹s right...

> > TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by ³unanimous² consent HR

> > 2751 was passed. The other two Senators went home, then Senator Reid

> moved

> > for reconsideration with the vote to be tabled. This was granted by the

> > same ³unanimous² consent because there was no other Senator on the floor.

> > That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY Senator on the floor.

> >

> > Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of course he wouldn¹t object

> > with himself) amendment number 4890 which substituted S.510 the Food

> Safety

> > Bill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection, then the amendment was

> > passed and the Food Safety Bill had been substituted for the

> Recycling Bill.

> > Reid moved that the bill be read for the third time and asked for the

> > question. Without objection, the bill passed, and the Food Safety

> Bill was

> > on the way back to the House. According to Fred Grant, ³If the

> > situation weren¹t so critical to our Republic, it would be funny to

> see the

> > Senator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous consent and the President of

> > the Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹ There is no objection

> because

> > there is no one on the floor to object.² (Doesn¹t this sound eerily

> similar

> > to the downright deceptive manner in which the ³FED² was enacted back in

> > 1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with most of the Congress

> already

> > home for the holidays, what was left of the House passed the bill and

> voted

> > to join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a holiday present ... the USA

> > ... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!

> >

> > According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree 100%), ³The last two weeks

> > have seen some of the most unethical, deceptive, manipulative and

> outright

> > traitorous actions by both the House and the Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²

> > Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was broken, every trick was

> > used, every deception was employed to force the passage of S.510

> against the

> > will of the people, most of whom recognized this hostile takeover of

> > agriculture for what it was ... We are under siege, only it isn¹t coming

> > from someone 'over there' in some country far away. It isn¹t coming from

> > foreign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. Its coming from the

> > District of Criminals. It is those in this district that hate us and who

> > see our freedom as a threat to their existence. How much more do we

> have to

> > forfeit, how many more of our rights will be taken away before we

> stand up

> > and say 'enough'! We are under attack and it isn¹t some nameless

> > unidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting to harm us: it's our own

> > government.² (LINK)

> >

> > As I began to summarize horrific implications of what this legislation

> > really means, I received an email from Mike , the Health Ranger,

> and he

> > did an amazing job, so I decided to post a large portion of the article

> > below.

> >

> > (from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has

> > actually read the language in the bill -- especially not those

> lawmakers who

> > voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all

> > becomes. For example, did you know there¹s a global FDA power grab agenda

> > hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I¹ll quote

> > text straight out of the bill itself. Section 305 is entitled ³BUILDING


> > the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate

> > the food safety plans of foreign governments. Huh? The FDA is now

> going to

> > run the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world:

> ³I¹m

> > from the FDA and I¹m here to help!²

> >

> > So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global ³food

> > safety² plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department of

> > Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. You might reasonably

> wonder

> > ³What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA¹s

> > food safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the food

> > supply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you¹ll have the

> answers to

> > these questions. I don¹t have space for all the details here, but read Ed

> > ¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island) and visit

> > www.realityzone.com if you really want to know what¹s behind a lot of

> this.

> >

> > So what does this global ³food safety plan² actually entail? It¹s all

> > spelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this

> yourself on

> > page 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here. Now, with this law,

> the FDA

> > will begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially

> exporting the

> > FDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations

> destroy the

> > nutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is

> doing.

> > It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The more

> > disease they can spread around the world, the more money they¹ll make

> from

> > selling medications.

> >

> > Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill! The ³Plan² described in

> > this bill continues with the following: ³Recommendations on whether

> and how

> > to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.² This is

> included so

> > that the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and dietary supplement

> > industries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all

> healthy

> > doses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex ³harmonization,² America

> > will be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will be

> > virtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at a

> > reasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized and

> > products will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local law

> > enforcement to bring in the firepower.

> >

> > All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S.

> > population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying to

> > achieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more

> money

> > gets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick people with

> medication and

> > chemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food book authors so

> > wholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on the

> > left so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they realize this was a huge FDA

> > power expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers

> out of

> > business while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization?

> Did they

> > even know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will

> seek to

> > pasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that

> enters

> > the United States? Did they not know that the bill does absolutely

> nothing

> > to limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According

> to the

> > FDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides are

> > perfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but foods teeming with

> probiotics --

> > such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously...)

> >

> > Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is the

> > destroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local

> farms,

> > greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasing

> > America¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will be targeted by FDA

> agents who

> > raid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having the

> > right paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have been

> > successful at local food production will scale back their operations in a

> > desperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can

> easily be

> > surpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).

> >

> > From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what

> it was

> > supposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations,

> > imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the

> hands of

> > the big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in

> pesticides

> > and soil degradation. This bill should have been called the ³Big

> Agriculture

> > Monopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It will ensure that America¹s

> > food supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural

> > giants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.

> >

> > The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory! It¹s

> all part

> > of the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true

> based on

> > the leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. government

> > conspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create a retaliatory target

> list²

> > for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as France). Read that full

> report

> > here. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy is

> > quite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats and government officials

> > scheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agriculture

> > industry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this global

> > conspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses the global food

> supply, too.

> >

> > It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop

> until

> > they have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living

> foods, raw

> > foods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to

> grow. You

> > can thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of

> course. In

> > the end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat) in office today caved in

> > and voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly

> promoted

> > this bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they were

> > supporting. Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed

> by what

> > can only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America:

> > The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

> >

> > Reference:

> >

> http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

> >







>All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT

>group IodineOT/



>Commonly asked questions: http://tinyurl.com/yhnds5e

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Probably not as it requires a prescription, but it will effect supplements and even food down the road, unless we can get it repealed as it was done illegally as were many things under this administration.

Bob D

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Thanks for the voice of sanity. :)

I would only add this note: When I indulge in big-time venting, I

may feel some relief short term, but I think the anger more often

continues to stay and build for the long term - something I can't

afford. The biochemicals encouraged by any stress just don't

provide me with the environment my body needs to heal.

On 1/1/2011 9:30 PM, Baker wrote:

Yes, that is the point. I have been involved with citizens


themselves to protect access to holistic and alternative

health since the

late 1980s. I have seen a lot of successes and some

failures. It's up to

us to keep the pressure on, or otherwise BigPharma rules

all. It's all

about the "Free Market" and the freedom of corporations to

make every last

buck, essentially mining the people as resources for


So, if it feels better to vent, ok, but don't let your

upset keep you from

staying involved with the struggle. This does matter. As

Ghandi taught,

the secret to life is to struggle against oppression and

to fight for what

is needed, but not to be attached to any particular

outcome. Therein lies

the secret of peace within the chaos.

best wishes,


At 11:15 PM 1/1/2011, you wrote:

>I am not sure what makes me more furious, the fact

that these imbeciles

>snuck this bill in or the fact that most people do not

seem to care! We

>use to be able to buy iodine at any drug store for

pennies, and soon it

>will cost us a fortune for the big pharma version.

That is the whole

>purpose of this bill. Make is so no company can afford

to make any

>supplements, so we must all turn to drugs to stay


>We have got to stay on this. Our lives depend on it.

Keep phoning and

>faxing those congresscritters.



> >

> > I am so disgusted by all this. I contacted my

senators, etc and it

> fell on deaf ears. They are useless anyway. Every

time I contact them

> they respond back with a nicey nicey e-mail telling

me they understand my

> concerns but they know better .... basically. I'd

love to get in a room

> with them one on one and have them defend how all

this is good for us. I

> am so concerned for my children. This is not the

country I wanted them

> to grow up in. Yes this will affect iodine. We

already have experienced

> one power grab by the DEA who placed the limitations

on selling only 2 oz

> max of 5% Lugol's due to the meth drug producers.

What a crock. You can

> go on the internet *Youtube* and get instructions how

to make it with

> supplies you can buy over the counter. Do you think

they aren't doing

> that now too?

> >

> > I am tired of all this. It is getting harder and

harder to stay well

> naturally.

> >

> > Steph

> >

> > S. 510

> >

> >

> >

> > This will likely affect iodine and Lugol's.

> >

> > Jean

> >

> > *****************

> >

> > http://www.cancertruth.net/newsletter_2010dec.html/#iodine

> >

> > Many of you have been following S.510, aka the

³Food Safety Modernization

> > Act.² After literally over 20 MILLION emails of

protest to the

> Senate, the

> > bill was dead in the water.... or so we thought.

But the CRIMINALS in

> > Congress are sneakier than serpents. You see,

S.510 was sent back to

> House

> > as amendment to HR 2751 (aka the ³Recycling

Bill²) to avoid public

> scrutiny

> > and opprobrium.

> >

> > According to Fred Grant, here is how

Senator ³Dirty Harry Reid²

> > (D-Nevada) pulled off this monumental fraud on

the American people.

> (LINK)

> > In the early evening of Sunday (December 19th),

Reid called the

> ³Recycling

> > Bill² for a vote and there was no objection from

the two (that¹s right...

> > TWO) other Senators who were on the floor. So by

³unanimous² consent HR

> > 2751 was passed. The other two Senators went

home, then Senator Reid

> moved

> > for reconsideration with the vote to be tabled.

This was granted by the

> > same ³unanimous² consent because there was no

other Senator on the floor.

> > That¹s right... Dirty Harry Reid was the ONLY

Senator on the floor.

> >

> > Then Dirty Harry offered without objection (of

course he wouldn¹t object

> > with himself) amendment number 4890 which

substituted S.510 the Food

> Safety

> > Bill for the Recycling Bill. Without objection,

then the amendment was

> > passed and the Food Safety Bill had been

substituted for the

> Recycling Bill.

> > Reid moved that the bill be read for the third

time and asked for the

> > question. Without objection, the bill passed,

and the Food Safety

> Bill was

> > on the way back to the House. According to Fred

Grant, ³If the

> > situation weren¹t so critical to our Republic,

it would be funny to

> see the

> > Senator on C-Span when he asks for unanimous

consent and the President of

> > the Senate says Owithout objection, granted.¹

There is no objection

> because

> > there is no one on the floor to object.²

(Doesn¹t this sound eerily

> similar

> > to the downright deceptive manner in which the

³FED² was enacted back in

> > 1913?) Then, three days before Christmas, with

most of the Congress

> already

> > home for the holidays, what was left of the

House passed the bill and

> voted

> > to join the Senate in giving ³Big Agri-Biz² a

holiday present ... the USA

> > ... Our Freedom ... Our Bodies ... and Our Food!

> >

> > According to Marti Oakley (with whom I agree

100%), ³The last two weeks

> > have seen some of the most unethical, deceptive,

manipulative and

> outright

> > traitorous actions by both the House and the

Senate. With ³Dirty Harry²

> > Reid leading the traitors charge, every rule was

broken, every trick was

> > used, every deception was employed to force the

passage of S.510

> against the

> > will of the people, most of whom recognized this

hostile takeover of

> > agriculture for what it was ... We are under

siege, only it isn¹t coming

> > from someone 'over there' in some country far

away. It isn¹t coming from

> > foreign terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.

Its coming from the

> > District of Criminals. It is those in this

district that hate us and who

> > see our freedom as a threat to their existence.

How much more do we

> have to

> > forfeit, how many more of our rights will be

taken away before we

> stand up

> > and say 'enough'! We are under attack and it

isn¹t some nameless

> > unidentifiable, unknown source that is wanting

to harm us: it's our own

> > government.² (LINK)

> >

> > As I began to summarize horrific implications of

what this legislation

> > really means, I received an email from Mike

, the Health Ranger,

> and he

> > did an amazing job, so I decided to post a large

portion of the article

> > below.

> >

> > (from NaturalNews.com) Of all the talk about

S.510, virtually no one has

> > actually read the language in the bill --

especially not those

> lawmakers who

> > voted for it. The more you read from this bill,

the more surreal it all

> > becomes. For example, did you know there¹s a

global FDA power grab agenda

> > hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act?

Keep reading and I¹ll quote

> > text straight out of the bill itself. Section

305 is entitled ³BUILDING


FOOD SAFETY² and it gives

> > the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign

countries and then dictate

> > the food safety plans of foreign governments.

Huh? The FDA is now

> going to

> > run the food safety programs of foreign

governments? Look out, world:

> ³I¹m

> > from the FDA and I¹m here to help!²

> >

> > So who is involved in creating this? Believe it

or not, the global ³food

> > safety² plan is to be developed under

consultation to the Department of

> > Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury.

You might reasonably

> wonder

> > ³What does the Department of Homeland Security

have to do with the FDA¹s

> > food safety plan?² Or ³Why is the U.S. Treasury

involved in the food

> > supply?² Learn more about the Federal Reserve

and you¹ll have the

> answers to

> > these questions. I don¹t have space for all the

details here, but read Ed

> > ¹s book (The Creature from Jekyll Island)

and visit

> > www.realityzone.com if you really want to know

what¹s behind a lot of

> this.

> >

> > So what does this global ³food safety plan²

actually entail? It¹s all

> > spelled out right in the language of the law.

You can view this

> yourself on

> > page 195 of the bill text in the PDF file here.

Now, with this law,

> the FDA

> > will begin pushing its dead foods agenda

globally, essentially

> exporting the

> > FDA¹s agenda of death and disease by making sure

other nations

> destroy the

> > nutritive qualities of their food supply in the

same way the U.S. is

> doing.

> > It¹s all great for the global Big Pharma

profiteers, of course. The more

> > disease they can spread around the world, the

more money they¹ll make

> from

> > selling medications.

> >

> > Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill!

The ³Plan² described in

> > this bill continues with the following:

³Recommendations on whether

> and how

> > to harmonize requirements under the Codex

Alimentarius.² This is

> included so

> > that the FDA will ³harmonize² the U.S. food and

dietary supplement

> > industries with global Codex requirements which

outlaw virtually all

> healthy

> > doses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex

³harmonization,² America

> > will be left with a dead food supply and the

health food stores will be

> > virtually stripped bare of dietary supplements.

Selling vitamin D at a

> > reasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule

will be criminalized and

> > products will be seized and destroyed by FDA

agents who recruit local law

> > enforcement to bring in the firepower.

> >

> > All this will, of course, ensure a diseased,

nutritionally-deficient U.S.

> > population. This actually seems to be the goal

the FDA has been trying to

> > achieve all along because the more diseased the

population, the more

> money

> > gets collected by Big Pharma for ³treating² sick

people with

> medication and

> > chemotherapy. It makes me wonder why some food

book authors so

> > wholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so

many progressives on the

> > left so enamored with this law? Didn¹t they

realize this was a huge FDA

> > power expansion that would destroy many small

farms and put farmers

> out of

> > business while subjecting the USA to possible

Codex harmonization?

> Did they

> > even know the FDA is now on a global

food-killing agenda that will

> seek to

> > pasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually

every piece of food that

> enters

> > the United States? Did they not know that the

bill does absolutely

> nothing

> > to limit the use of chemical pesticides on

imported food? According

> to the

> > FDA¹s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT

and other pesticides are

> > perfectly ³safe² for human consumption, but

foods teeming with

> probiotics --

> > such as raw milk -- are deadly and dangerous!


> >

> > Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety

Modernization Act is the

> > destroyer of local organic farming. It will gut

small farms and local

> farms,

> > greatly increasing the price of local organic

food while decreasing

> > America¹s food security. Farmers¹ Markets will

be targeted by FDA

> agents who

> > raid the operations of local farmers and

imprison them for not having the

> > right paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and

those who have been

> > successful at local food production will scale

back their operations in a

> > desperate effort to duck under the $500,000 /

year rule (which can

> easily be

> > surpassed by producing just ten acres of organic

carrots, by the way).

> >

> > From another point of view, however, this bill

is doing exactly what

> it was

> > supposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out

family farm operations,

> > imprison raw milk producers and centralize food

production in the

> hands of

> > the big corporate food producers whose

operations are steeped in

> pesticides

> > and soil degradation. This bill should have been

called the ³Big

> Agriculture

> > Monopoly Act² because that¹s what it does. It

will ensure that America¹s

> > food supply will be controlled by Monsanto,

DuPont and other agricultural

> > giants who have been at odds with small organic

farms for years.

> >

> > The global food control agenda is a conspiracy,

not a theory! It¹s

> all part

> > of the global food control agenda that we now

know to be 100% true

> based on

> > the leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that

the U.S. government

> > conspired to push GMO¹s into Europe and ³create

a retaliatory target

> list²

> > for any nation that resisted GMO¹s (such as

France). Read that full

> report

> > here. Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the

global GMO conspiracy is

> > quite real. It¹s something that U.S. diplomats

and government officials

> > scheme on in order to appease their corporate

masters in the agriculture

> > industry. Now, with the Food Safety

Modernization Act, this global

> > conspiracy extends beyond GMO¹s and encompasses

the global food

> supply, too.

> >

> > It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and

bureaucrats will not stop

> until

> > they have killed the entire global food supply,

rendering living

> foods, raw

> > foods and dietary supplements illegal or

impossibly difficult to

> grow. You

> > can thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators

for all this, of

> course. In

> > the end, every Senator (Republican and Democrat)

in office today caved in

> > and voted to pass this bill. You can also thank

those who publicly

> promoted

> > this bill even while having no real idea of the

horrors they were

> > supporting. Such begins a new era of global food

destruction headed

> by what

> > can only be called the most dangerous government

agency in North America:

> > The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

> >

> > Reference:

> >

> http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html

> >







>All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT

>group IodineOT/



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i was just watching tv and saw ads for vitamins. nature made if i am not mistaken. i don't remember seeing them before. years ago, maybe one a day but these were for individual vitamins. am i the only one that hasn't seen these before? diane, near philly, pa

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Might be a regional thing.  If I am not mistaken the brand has been in MN for a long time.



On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 10:41 AM, diane gaul <ditique@...> wrote:

i was just watching tv and saw ads for vitamins. nature made if i am not mistaken. i don't remember seeing them before.  years ago, maybe one a day but these were for individual vitamins. am i the only one that hasn't seen these before? 

diane, near philly, pa

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i have seen them in the stores but not on commercials. i wonder if we will see more commercials for this stuff. maybe their attempt to keep vitamins on the shelves. diane, near philly, pa On Jan 6, 2011, at 5:26 PM, jaxi wrote:Might be a regional thing. If I am not mistaken the brand has been in MN for a long time. JaxiOn Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 10:41 AM, diane gaul <ditique@...> wrote:i was just watching tv and saw ads for vitamins. nature made if i am not mistaken. i don't remember seeing them before. years ago, maybe one a day but these were for individual vitamins. am i the only one that hasn't seen these before? diane, near philly, pa

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