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Re: Just my opinion......(reply) I'm symptom FREE....YIPPEEEEEee

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In a message dated 10/07/2005 8:19:42 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

eric_s11050@... writes:

> gina the body cant kill lyme, that is the truth and if

> you stick to wholistic it wont work to kill the

> spirochete.I tried that and it did not work..

> eric

*****Sorry , but you can kill Lyme with wholistic/alternative medicine.

PLUS, if you make the body strong enough and make drastic changes in your diet

and clean/flush out your liver, kidneys and colon you can get control.......I

DID and my bug count is " O " ......I'm one happy camper.....The thing that

brought me to the final " O " , as my last 45 days the Babesia was at " 4 " and

Borrelia at " 4 " with Ehrlichia at " O " ......the finale happened when I took


and the nice thing is I only had to take 1/2 the dose that you purchase.

Enliv'n is made fresh from ticks collected in Michigan.....they collect the


nightly on a white sheet and every morning they make the Enliv's dissolvable

tablet (under the tongue).

You take #1 on Monday #3 on Wednesday #5 on Friday and #7 on Sunday.

Then you wait and if you need the second dose you do it the same way. The

Homeopathic treatment is only $25.00. They thought it was only going to work on

Borrelia, but it knocked the rest of the Babesia out of me. as well as

fatigue, brain fog, tired eyes, joint pain, depression, and general weakness.

Dr Loyd is selling it on his website, ::::::: Royal Rife Home Page Index

http://www.royalrife.com/ ::::::::::: or if you live in Phoenix, you can buy

it from my Homeopathic, MD. The only sides I had was a horrific headache on

Tuesday, with fever going from 101 degrees, dropping to 97 degrees and leveling

off at

99 degrees. I did have some aching, but very minimal. Bear in mind that my

critter count was very low I began I began the Enliv'n. From what I am

understanding the folks in California are collecting ticks for him to make them


remedy. Interestingly enough the Minnesota strain knocked mine out of me.

I'm still on the Hydrogen Peroxide/DMSO IV's weekly to continue to get rid of

the Mycoplasma, which BTW they have found is sexually transmitted. There is

an article on my message board about it. This doesn't surprise me, as I hear

Lida Mattman and Joan Whitaker have been finding Mycoplasma in foods on our

store shelves.....<SIGH> Bottom-line, these bastards are determined to weaken

our immune systems, so that they can kill 60 million with their newly created


Homeopathic remedies, Vit C and two drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in each ear


before going to sleep. I'm still maintaining some of my protocol, such as

the Samento, CS, nutrition, herbal/vitamins/remedies.

What cracks the hell out of me is, last year we lost approximately 27 people

with West Nile here in Arizona, BUT my Homeopathic MD treated over 20 with

West Nile and they are all alive and well. One of those included his

administrator/nurse......The key is the right IV's and remedies, NOT

antibiotics, which

is what they do when you hit the ER!!! West Nile is NOT bacterial, so why the

hell they give antibiotics is beyond me????? BTW, several of these had

West Nile Meningitis and Encephalitis......In defense of the ER doctors and

those docs calling in orders, they do NOT have a clue how to treat these sorts

of things with alternatives, which BTW work every time.

I thank GOD daily that I have such a GREAT Homeopathic, MD, as I stated

above, I DO NOT GET FLU SHOTS and I have had a weaken immune for over

30 years.....

At any rate I'm symptom free from Lyme disease.....took me almost 3 years to

get here. I have done nothing but alternatives and a whole host of

modalities, with nutrition, homeopathic remedies, IV's, PhotonGenie, etc., etc.,


I also know that it is still in my body, but we have stopped the mutation

and my counts are at " O " .....:::::::dancing a jig here:::::::::: For the

record, during this IV protocol, my Homeopathic MD, used it on several CFS and


patients are symptom free, two of them for the first time in 30 years. He is

continuing his study and all the patients that are following my protocol are

responding to it. there are several on this list particularly, which have

made fun of my protocol and doctors method of diagnosing and treatment, but let

me tell you, I would go through it again if I had to or if I ever have to......

My biggest problem now is the asthma, emphysema, COPD and post-polio

syndrome. Of course the lung problems are hindered by (5) strains of


whose numbers are dropping.....I'm excited.....one thing at a time.

I'm with you GINA......I'll take our ways any day.....

Just for the record......I support anyone's choice of treatment, it just

isn't " my " way. My way worked for me, thank you Lord!!!

Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel

L.E.A.P. Arizona, Inc.~~www.leaparizona.com



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Hepheimers Hepatitis Hut General Boards

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LInda, can you ask Dr Lloyd why they're only doing midwest and

california ticks when the bioweaponized bugs were made on Plum Island

and are probably most prominent in Connecticut? Seems to me they

should do ticks in coastal connecticut...and also new jersey where

there is lots of bartonella. I think its Lesley Fein MD who knows

about bartonella in NJ. Might as well really get a broad spectrum


Also yours and 's approaches are very different. Yours is using

alternative medicine to kill the pathogens--not antibiotics because

those are only partly efficient and create superbugs. But hers is

using glyconutrients and nutrition.


> In a message dated 10/07/2005 8:19:42 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

> eric_s11050@y... writes:



> > gina the body cant kill lyme, that is the truth and if

> > you stick to wholistic it wont work to kill the

> > spirochete.I tried that and it did not work..

> > eric


> *****Sorry , but you can kill Lyme with wholistic/alternative


> PLUS, if you make the body strong enough and make drastic changes

in your diet

> and clean/flush out your liver, kidneys and colon you can get


> DID and my bug count is " O " ......I'm one happy camper.....The thing


> brought me to the final " O " , as my last 45 days the Babesia was

at " 4 " and

> Borrelia at " 4 " with Ehrlichia at " O " ......the finale happened when

I took Enliv'n

> and the nice thing is I only had to take 1/2 the dose that you


> Enliv'n is made fresh from ticks collected in Michigan.....they

collect the ticks

> nightly on a white sheet and every morning they make the Enliv's


> tablet (under the tongue).

> You take #1 on Monday #3 on Wednesday #5 on Friday and #7 on


> Then you wait and if you need the second dose you do it the same

way. The

> Homeopathic treatment is only $25.00. They thought it was only

going to work on

> Borrelia, but it knocked the rest of the Babesia out of me. as well


> fatigue, brain fog, tired eyes, joint pain, depression, and general



> Dr Loyd is selling it on his website, ::::::: Royal Rife Home

Page Index

> http://www.royalrife.com/ ::::::::::: or if you live in Phoenix,

you can buy

> it from my Homeopathic, MD. The only sides I had was a horrific

headache on

> Tuesday, with fever going from 101 degrees, dropping to 97 degrees

and leveling

> off at

> 99 degrees. I did have some aching, but very minimal. Bear in

mind that my

> critter count was very low I began I began the Enliv'n. From what

I am

> understanding the folks in California are collecting ticks for him

to make them a

> remedy. Interestingly enough the Minnesota strain knocked mine out

of me.


> I'm still on the Hydrogen Peroxide/DMSO IV's weekly to continue to

get rid of

> the Mycoplasma, which BTW they have found is sexually transmitted.

There is

> an article on my message board about it. This doesn't surprise me,

as I hear

> Lida Mattman and Joan Whitaker have been finding Mycoplasma in

foods on our

> store shelves.....<SIGH> Bottom-line, these bastards are

determined to weaken

> our immune systems, so that they can kill 60 million with their

newly created



> Homeopathic remedies, Vit C and two drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide

in each ear nightly

> before going to sleep. I'm still maintaining some of my protocol,

such as

> the Samento, CS, nutrition, herbal/vitamins/remedies.


> What cracks the hell out of me is, last year we lost approximately

27 people

> with West Nile here in Arizona, BUT my Homeopathic MD treated over

20 with

> West Nile and they are all alive and well. One of those included


> administrator/nurse......The key is the right IV's and remedies,

NOT antibiotics, which

> is what they do when you hit the ER!!! West Nile is NOT bacterial,

so why the

> hell they give antibiotics is beyond me????? BTW, several of these


> West Nile Meningitis and Encephalitis......In defense of the ER

doctors and

> those docs calling in orders, they do NOT have a clue how to treat

these sorts

> of things with alternatives, which BTW work every time.


> I thank GOD daily that I have such a GREAT Homeopathic, MD, as I


> above, I DO NOT GET FLU SHOTS and I have had a weaken immune for


> 30 years.....


> At any rate I'm symptom free from Lyme disease.....took me almost

3 years to

> get here. I have done nothing but alternatives and a whole host of

> modalities, with nutrition, homeopathic remedies, IV's,

PhotonGenie, etc., etc., etc.


> I also know that it is still in my body, but we have stopped the


> and my counts are at " O " .....:::::::dancing a jig here::::::::::

For the

> record, during this IV protocol, my Homeopathic MD, used it on

several CFS and those

> patients are symptom free, two of them for the first time in 30

years. He is

> continuing his study and all the patients that are following my

protocol are

> responding to it. there are several on this list particularly,

which have

> made fun of my protocol and doctors method of diagnosing and

treatment, but let

> me tell you, I would go through it again if I had to or if I ever

have to......


> My biggest problem now is the asthma, emphysema, COPD and post-


> syndrome. Of course the lung problems are hindered by (5) strains

of Mycoplasma,

> whose numbers are dropping.....I'm excited.....one thing at a time.


> I'm with you GINA......I'll take our ways any day.....


> Just for the record......I support anyone's choice of treatment, it


> isn't " my " way. My way worked for me, thank you Lord!!!


> Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the


> holding hands in the " chain of love " .....


> Angel Huggzz

> or Angel


> L.E.A.P. Arizona, Inc.~~www.leaparizona.com

> http://leaparizona.com/



> http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=31898 &

> sparkKey=5deb6043cb822f894a67a93a42ebc294b0


> SUBSCRIBE TO: PhotonGenieElectromedicine (email group)

> PhotonGenieElectromedicine/


> Hepheimers Hepatitis Hut General Boards

> http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=28120 &

> sparkKey=3bb629fe2d3efa7663cb48c41896c349b0






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That is so awesome that you are doing so good. Just keep on going forward

and all your other problems will slowly resolve. I have been at it real

seriously for slightly over 2 years and though most my healing was

accomplished in the first year, things have been improving still now. The

slowest things are my eyes, which at age 50 are actually getting better. My

husband overall is really good, but his diet is not strict like mine and so

his energy has not been as good as it was. But he works 12 hours a day 6

days a week doing heavy contract labor and is 56, so not too bad compared to

walking with a cane 2 years ago.

I think the thing I worry about for the ones who do take antibiotics and do

recover they are still sitting ducks. There are a whole lot more diseases

out there being caused by environmental toxins, things like cancer, auto

immune illness etc. Just getting rid of the lyme is quite an accomplishment

but if the body is left with its guard down, what other things might become

a challenge down the road.

I am well aware that I must always take an aggressive and very active

approach to my health, but shouldn't we all??? For my whole family to stay

completely healthy and ahead of the sickness curve costs us around $800.00

per month, that does not include the extra I pay for all organic and the

most healthy foods I can find. Like you said, if insurance would pay for

these alternative protocols and doctors were pushing them the attitudes of

most people would be different.

I will just say this one thing, that whatever a person believes, they have

to honor. So if a person believes like and , that antibiotics is

the only thing that will cure them, then they must honor that belief and

take antibiotics. A person must have 100% faith in whatever they do, and for

me I had, and still have 500% faith in my program. There is more to healing

then just the physical side, there is the mental and the spiritual, and In

my opinion the mental plays the biggest part, so what we think WILL

absolutely affect the outcome of our healing.

I wish everyone wellness on what every journey they have chosen, but

remember Wellness in active pursuit, not a reactive one.

-- Re: [ ] Just my opinion......(reply) I'm symptom FREE...


In a message dated 10/07/2005 8:19:42 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

eric_s11050@... writes:

> gina the body cant kill lyme, that is the truth and if

> you stick to wholistic it wont work to kill the

> spirochete.I tried that and it did not work..

> eric

*****Sorry , but you can kill Lyme with wholistic/alternative medicine.

PLUS, if you make the body strong enough and make drastic changes in your


and clean/flush out your liver, kidneys and colon you can get control......


DID and my bug count is " O " ......I'm one happy camper.....The thing

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