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Hello ,

The list of supplements can be found here:


A niacin flush can feel like a sunburn, a bit hot, tingly and itchy. This is

normal, even if you do not have excema. I imagine having excema, the flush

could be extra itchy :) This doesn't make your excema worse - and the flush is

temporary, as you probably have noticed.

Here is an article with suggestions on how to deal with itching that you might

find helpful:




group moderator


> Yippy!  Ok, could someone please send me the list of supplements to take

because I took a lot of time reading thru the info I was told to and obviously

got it wrong.  I thought I read you could introduce one of the antifungals after

the die off?  Also: I am taking the required niacin and I have extreme eczema

and it is extra itchy!!!!!  Is this ok?   courtney








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> Yippy!  Ok, could someone please send me the list of supplements to take

because I took a lot of time reading thru the info I was told to and obviously

got it wrong.  I thought I read you could introduce one of the antifungals after

the die off?  Also: I am taking the required niacin and I have extreme eczema

and it is extra itchy!!!!!  Is this ok?   courtney


+++Hi ,

The articles you need are at the beginning of my main candida article so ensure

you print them all off:


Important articles and references you'll need in addition to this article:

Curing Candida, How to Get Started

Candida Diet Food List

Candida Supplements - Description & Doses

Candida Supplements Chart

Calculate Protein to Fat to Carb Ratios

Itching is caused by the immune system in order to detoxify, and eczema, like

all abnormal skin problems and issues, are toxins coming out, i.e. acne, moles,

freckles, aging spots, psoriasis, rashes, ringworm, and so on and so on - see

this article on Itching:


All the best, Bee

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Hi Bee;

Wanted to ask your thoughts on something I found on one of your links, " Dr.

Ron's Ultra Pure Additive-free Co. " he said there are " Stearates " in a lot of

supplements and they are made from cottonseed oil. An oil that is the most toxic

of all oils. They are used to make the vitamin machines run at max speed.

Also,metal catalyst may contaminate the stearates. There are stearates in the

vitamin C, I haven't checked the rest. His supplements are very expensive.

Thanks for your time;


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> Hi Bee;


> Wanted to ask your thoughts on something I found on one of your links,

" Dr. Ron's Ultra Pure Additive-free Co. " he said there are " Stearates " in a lot

of supplements and they are made from cottonseed oil. An oil that is the most

toxic of all oils. They are used to make the vitamin machines run at max speed.

Also,metal catalyst may contaminate the stearates. There are stearates in the

vitamin C, I haven't checked the rest. His supplements are very expensive.


+++Hi Jeanne,

Yes, there are substances used on capsules and pills so they won't stick to the

machinery but the amount is very small too. We can't avoid everything in order

to get the good stuff, and this program is excellent at detoxifying such things


Some of the supplements I recommend may contain such substances but they have

still helped many people become healthy, in spite of it. I also take

supplements with those substances in them.

Sometimes, we have to " pick our battles. "

Cheers, Bee

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> Hi Bee,

> While I have implemented the diet part of your program, I have been lazy and

not yet started with the supplements. I'm in the process of sourcing them now

but am having trouble finding the minerals in the correct form and dosage,

without any other additives. Is it necessary to take the calcium and magnesium

separately? I found this combination powder:


> If I take one and a half teaspoons twice per day, that should give your

recommended dose of 300mg twice a day. Does this sound ok?

+++Hi Bern,

That cal/mag product includes vitamin D so you shouldn't take it since you won't

be as able to regulate the correct levels of vitamin D, and you also won't be

able to take more magnesium if needed.

Here's my iHerb supplements recommendations which has cal/mag separate as



Cheers, Bee

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Ok thanks Bee. In which situations may you need to take more magnesium?

Thanks, Bern


> +++Hi Bern,


> That cal/mag product includes vitamin D so you shouldn't take it since you

won't be as able to regulate the correct levels of vitamin D, and you also won't

be able to take more magnesium if needed.


> Here's my iHerb supplements recommendations which has cal/mag separate as


> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/resource/iherb.php


> Cheers, Bee


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> Ok thanks Bee. In which situations may you need to take more magnesium?

+++Hi Bern,

Those situations are explained in my candida article, in the Section on Calcium

& Magnesium Citrate Supplements:

Most people will do very well on 600 mg each of calcium and magnesium per day,

taken in two doses of 300 mg each. If you get muscle cramps you need more

magnesium since it relaxes muscles, and it possibly means you need to take less

calcium. Calcium and magnesium have left-hand and right-hand receptors on the

cells, so they work together. Therefore if you get more cramps and muscle pains

on your left side it indicates your calcium intake is either too high or too

low, and if you get more cramps and muscle pains on your right side it indicates

your magnesium intake is either too high or too low.

If you get muscle cramps, first increase magnesium by 100-150 mg. If that

doesn't help, lower calcium by 100-150 mg. Ensure you are also taking vitamin D

as recommended - listed under " Vitamins A, D & Omega 3 Daily Amounts " below.

Don't expect the cramps to go away in a couple of days, since it can take 5 days

or longer for your body to adjust to changes in the amounts.

However, other things can lower the levels of minerals in the body. They

including comsuming " too much " tea, caffeine, some herbs and green leafy

vegetables, which are diuretic, meaning they cause the body to get rid of water

along with important minerals. So it is best to consume these diuretic foods and

drinks in moderation. Of course caffeine is not included on the program - see

Caffeine in Not Good for Your Health.

Also consuming grains, nuts, and seeds that aren't properly prepared binds up

minerals in the intestines, so they are unavailable to your body. That is

because Nature coats them with a substance called phytates which is necessary to

protect them, which must be removed by proper soaking and/or leavening (like

sourdough) before they are fit for human consumption. They also are coated with

an enzyme that interferes with protein digestion - see Grains, Nuts, Seeds &

Legumes Must Be Properly Prepared. No grains are consumed on the Candida Diet.

It can be difficult to balance calcium and magnesium, but it is important for

each person to find their own optimal levels by trial and error. As your

digestion improves and your immune system gets stronger doses may need to be

decreased. Since the body can only handle a maximum of 500 mg of calcium at a

time, individual doses must be 500 mg or lower.


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Hi Lois,

The gag response to first taking cod liver oil is, I believe, a quite common

one. I had a bit of it, and so has every member of my family (I've gotten them

all, hehe)! It can be an association with a bad childhood memory, but not


Some people prefer the CLO with flavor as they find it helps them get it down.

I really dislike flavored CLO, but I found that at the beginning, I had a real

problem with the texture, or the idea of it. If it helps, this should lessen

with time, as it did for me.

CLO contains important nutrients our bodies need to heal themselves, such as

vitamins A & D, and omega-3s. Delivering these to our bodies after we've

becoming deficient might mean some healing symptoms begin to occur - and nausea

is a healing symptom. In fact, this could be a factor in your reaction to other

supplements as well - as long as you are taking only recommended supplements,

without any unwanted ingredients or additives.

I would encourage you to try to take your CLO because it is so important. If

you really have a hard time swallowing it, you may rub it on your abdomen and

absorb it through your skin that way.

Hope that helps,


group moderator



> I have never been able to take supplements as they come right back up.


> I have been on the program for about 3 weeks and started adding the

> supplements (except for Omega3 and B) about a week ago. All was

> okay and they stayed down. Then I added the Omega-3 in the form of

> Salmon Oil. The bottle says that it contains fish (salmon), and no sugar,

> salt, starch, yeast, wheat gluten, corn, milk, egg, shell fish or


> I feel like I am going to vomit and hesitate going out for fear I will. I


> taking it as a child by the spoonful. Am I having a bad memory of my

> childhood?


> I have not added the B supplement yet. I'd like to feel that it and the other

> supplements will stay down. Right now, just the thought of eating anything

> or taking the supplements makes me quizzy.


> My candida issue is occular and facial Roseacsa.

> Lois


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> I have never been able to take supplements as they come right back up.


> I have been on the program for about 3 weeks and started adding the

> supplements (except for Omega3 and B) about a week ago. All was

> okay and they stayed down. Then I added the Omega-3 in the form of

> Salmon Oil. The bottle says that it contains fish (salmon), and no sugar,

> salt, starch, yeast, wheat gluten, corn, milk, egg, shell fish or


> I feel like I am going to vomit and hesitate going out for fear I will. I


> taking it as a child by the spoonful. Am I having a bad memory of my

> childhood?


> I have not added the B supplement yet. I'd like to feel that it and the other

> supplements will stay down. Right now, just the thought of eating anything

> or taking the supplements makes me quizzy.

+++Hi Lois,

andra helped you with this, but I wonder if you are taking the correct

amount of Omega 3 since Salmon Oil products may state they contain 1,000 mg, yet

the amounts of EPA & DHA are low in each capsule. Omega 3 must be taken with

vitamin A & D too as follows:

Vitamin A: 20,000 IU - 30,000 IU

Vitamin D: 800 IU - 1,200 IU

Omega-3: 2,000 mg - 3,000 mg (EPA plus DHA)

Also ensure you have eaten enough food before taking your supplements.

All the best, Bee

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> Hi Bee,


> Wow i made a big boo boo with my cal/mag supps. I was taking way tooooo

> much.


> Anyway got a couple of Q. Im gonna swich over from the pill form for

> both cal/mag.


> So first may i take my first dose of cal/mag 300mg each in my egg

> drink. Just curious about the hot water.

+++Hi Caine. Hot water won't hurt cal/mag nor anything else in the egg drink.


> Second would it be okay to put it on my solid food with my second round

> of supps for supper or would you suggest to put it in with my 6oz sea

> salt water drink.

+++Cal/mag are minerals so they are heavy and tend to settle into the bottom of

any liquid. I put cal/mag powders on a dessert spoon, add warm water letting it

dissolve, and down it with some swallows of water.


> Finally i have cal powder from previous which i purchased at iherb, and

> im gonna start using that, but have no mag powder, just 400mg caps.


> So i was gonna just take 400mg twice a day of magnesium until i recieve

> my mag powder. My Q is should i equal the amount of calcium to 800mg of

> powder or try to cut the 400mg pill of magnesium to get 300mg to match

> the calcium powder.

+++If the mag is in a capsule you can dump it out so you get closer to 300 mg

per dose, or cut it if it is a tablet.

Cheers, Bee

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> I thought i ordered this from iherb way back when, but now its not

> listed in your products recommended so maybe i never ordered it from

> their i just cant remember.


> The ingrediants are as follows. Serving size 2 Tablets.


> *Calcium(from calcium citrate) 600mg 60%


> *Vitamin D(from Ergocalciferol-a vegetarian source0 100iu 25%


> *Magnesium(from mag oxide and mag aspartate)300mg 75%


> *Zinc(from Amino Acid Chelate)15mg 100%


> *Copper(from Amino Acid chelate)1mg 50%


> *Manganese(from Amino Acid Chelate)5mg 250%


> Plus it has the typical other ingrediantslike cellulose,stearic

> acid,croscarmellose sodium,magnesium sterate,silica,and vegetable

> coating.

+++You shouldn't be taking any cal/mag that contains other things in it.


> So now my Q is should i stop with this cal supp, and start taking the

> powder as it only has calcium from calcium citrate, and no other

> ingrediants. I read that the powder is better absorbed, but thats just

> what i read so i dont have a clue.LOL.

+++Yes, take the powder. Yes powders are better absorbed than tablets or



> I am seeing improvements with my skin though so i wondered if it

> affected me that much or not.

+++That's good you are seeing improvements, so don't be overly concerned and

just switch as above.


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--- Hi Bee,

Ok will do....

Thanks Caine.....


> +++You shouldn't be taking any cal/mag that contains other things in


> >

> > So now my Q is should i stop with this cal supp, and start taking


> > powder as it only has calcium from calcium citrate, and no other

> > ingrediants. I read that the powder is better absorbed, but thats


> > what i read so i dont have a clue.LOL.


> +++Yes, take the powder. Yes powders are better absorbed than tablets

or capsules.

> >

> > I am seeing improvements with my skin though so i wondered if it

> > affected me that much or not.


> +++That's good you are seeing improvements, so don't be overly

concerned and just switch as above.


> Bee


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  • 4 weeks later...


> Hi Bee,

> I live in the UK, so the supplier you recommend, especially calcium and

Magnesium, are not suitable as they are in the US.


> Could you recommend somewhere in the Uk that is suitable for your plan?


+++Hi Lynn,

People in Europe are buying from iHerb, but they make it worth their while by

ordering large shipments.

Here's a UK source to try, but I don't know if they carry supplements I



Also please write another message, with UK/Europe in the Subject line so other

members can help you.

It is almost impossible to recommend supplement suppliers in other countries,

since that task would be insurmountable by one person.

Also try searching past messages.


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Hi Lynn,

I live in Europe as well and I know it seems ridiculous to buy supplements all

the way from the US when technically we *should* be able to buy them locally.

But I have found that they are actually cheaper than the ones sold at my local

health food store/pharmacy. And that's even with the 4 dollar delivery charge

on international post from iHerb.

I also found that the vitamins sold locally contain sugar (sometimes as the

first ingredient!) and other fillers and I was never able to get them

individually or at the correct dosages.

You should check how much you can import to the UK before you have to pay import

duty. Through trial and error, I have found that if I keep the order at under

40 dollars, then I don't pay import duty. This sometimes mean that I have to

make two orders of less than 40 dollars on the same day.

This website has a few items Bee recommends, like cod liver oil:


Hope that helps!

(a group moderator)


> Hi Bee,

> I live in the UK, so the supplier you recommend, especially calcium and

Magnesium, are not suitable as they are in the US.


> Could you recommend somewhere in the Uk that is suitable for your plan?


> Lynn

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Hi Lynn - I live in the UK too and recently bought huge pots each of magnesium

and calcium citrate from iHerb. If your order is under the required weight (it

tells you in the shipping details what the weight limit is, and each item

details gives you the weight of that item so you can work it out easily) the

postage is less than £3 (4$) and it only takes about a week to arrive.

I was very impressed - with the price, and with the products. If you order on

iHerb through Bee's website, she will get a percentage of the order which will

help to support her work.

Oh, and by the way, you get 5% of your first order too!


> >

> > Hi Bee,

> > I live in the UK, so the supplier you recommend, especially calcium

and Magnesium, are not suitable as they are in the US.

> >

> > Could you recommend somewhere in the Uk that is suitable for your plan?

> >

> > Lynn


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Hi Ali,

A person gets $5.00 off their " first order at iHerb (if they haven't ordered

from them before), " when they provide my iHerb Rewards number. If they give my

Rewards Number the first time I get credit for all of their purchases from there


I didn't know first time buyers get 5% off.

Cheers, Bee


> Hi Lynn - I live in the UK too and recently bought huge pots each of magnesium

and calcium citrate from iHerb. If your order is under the required weight (it

tells you in the shipping details what the weight limit is, and each item

details gives you the weight of that item so you can work it out easily) the

postage is less than £3 (4$) and it only takes about a week to arrive.


> I was very impressed - with the price, and with the products. If you order on

iHerb through Bee's website, she will get a percentage of the order which will

help to support her work.


> Oh, and by the way, you get 5% of your first order too!

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  • 5 weeks later...


> Hi,

> I was going to order some supps from IHerb and noticed that the calcium by

Natures way is not just citrate but malate and some other.

> I thought citrate was what we needed.

+++Hi Cassandra,

Calcium citrate malate is a water-soluble calcium supplement. It is the calcium

salt of citric acid and malic acid with variable composition. It is purported to

be highly bioavailable.

Calcium citrate malate's bioavailability stems from its water-solubility and its

method of dissolution. When dissolved, it releases calcium ions and a

calcium-citrate complex.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Carol,

Please don't drink orange juice. It is high in sugar that feeds Candida.

Try this resource link:

iHerb – Products Bee Recommends


Direct links for Vitamin C products are at the bottom of the page:

NOW Foods Ascorbic Acid Powder (Vitamin C)

Natural Factors C Extra 500 mg tablets

Natural Factors Vitamin C Tablets, 500 mg

NOW Foods Vitamin C Tablets, 1000 mg

Save $5.00 on your first order with Bee's Rewards Code EWI284.

If you have to find the link again it is at the top of Bee's

" Candida Supplements Chart "


All of Bee's links are listed on her site map.

Nan B.


Carol Gowin



> Can everyone tell me where they are getting their supplements.. and what brand

because I can't seem to find the supplements i need

> to be on this properly as per Bee's directions on amounts and what they are

suppose to contain. Ive been to Iherb, but I was so overwhelmed trying to read

> each thing. I would love to know what brand of what supplement everyone else

is doing.


> So far Im only taking Jarrows Cod Liver Oil, Healty Origins Vitamin d3, extra

virgin coconut oil, and I am also taking spheric vitamin c each day in some

orange juice twice a day.

> But I would much rather find a good quality pill form of vitamin C , because

this spheric version is way too expensive.


> Thank you for your help,


> Carol

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> Can everyone tell me where they are getting their supplements.. and what brand

because I can't seem to find the supplements i need

> to be on this properly as per Bee's directions on amounts and what they are

suppose to contain. Ive been to Iherb, but I was so overwhelmed trying to read

> each thing. I would love to know what brand of what supplement everyone else

is doing.

+++Hi Carol. The links to my supplements lists are at the beginning of my

candida article How to Successfully Overcome Candida


And both of the supplements links give you the link to iHerb. It you have not

ordered from iHerb before you can get $5.00 off IF you give them my Rewards

Number so I can get a little help for the costs of running my website.

Hopefully you are also reading Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Fellow Travelers,

In accordance with all I have read since my MS DX in 5/09, EFAs have also been an essential part of any supplemental plan. Along with D-3, Ester C, and an iron free multi, and with an occasional Evening Primrose Oil at night, that is all I do, along with a dairy, gluten and especially for me, soy free diet.

I was just told Thursday that water is essential too, as it helps flush excess calcium, which comes with the D-3, and contributes to kidney stones. Also water helps a variety of things, and along with Psyllium Husk as a natural laxative, which can help keep you somewhat regular.

But, the news that really surprised me from my 30 something neuro, who stays on the cutting edge of at least contemporary research, was that cutting calories of every kind is a plus. He said this when I revealed that I now only eat one major meal a day. I snack on nuts, rice and corn chips, and gluten free breakfast bars, but I tell you I am the same weight as high school, not wasting away, and maintain a sense of wellness even in the face of my MS. I must walk with a cane, but I get the ob done every day so far. No CRAB drugs for me ever.That is my story and I'm stickin' to it....

In love, peace, and serenity,

Dave in Pa.

Happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you get.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> Hi Bee,


> I remember a while back you said we could take a day off supps so your

> body can adjust.


> I never actually did that, just kept on taking supps daily, i keep

> forgetting to stop that one day. Is that necesarry or just keep taking them

as i am.

+++Hi Caine,

It is better to not take any supplements one day a month so your body can adjust

itself, i.e. balance out nutrients, as it sees fit.

Maybe you should mark it on a calendar.

All the best, Bee

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> +++Hi Caine,


> It is better to not take any supplements one day a month so your body

can adjust itself, i.e. balance out nutrients, as it sees fit.


> Maybe you should mark it on a calendar.


> All the best, Bee

Hi Bee,

Yeah i will have to mark it on a calrnder for sure.

Thanks also for the EVCO information, and omega three to omega 6 ratio.

Your friend, Caine..................

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