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Re: Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME, still doing 3 mg LDN though!)

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Hey Joyce,

I am a LYMIE who figured out I had LYME (not MS) through using LDN. Months later, when I tried to stop LDN while taking antibiotics I felt worse in 2 days, when I started back on LDN, I felt better in 2 days. I still take LDN, 3mg throughout, was at 250 lbs when started 1.5 years ago, but as of yesterday 233 lbs (3mg, this is what the doctor I found prescribbed for everyone, I was happy to get any LDN at the time).

Yes I HERXED, had an exacerbation, 4 weeks in, thus my MS was LYME (my 4th LYME test, IGENEX Western Blot, was positive even by the messed up rules few months after this happened).

You can see all my other posts on the LDN BLOG site, just look under me ID

If you want to know anything else, just email me direct.

UPDATE for those LYMIES who hadn't heard from me in a while

10 months of varying oral antibiotics & LDN & Nystatin seemed to help me in 2010. HOWEVER, started to feel a relapse late December 2010, believe due to a major stress event (stuck in a snow storm!). Taking IV antibiotics now, in January 2011, found someone local to do it, day 22 today, feeling better again. Still doing LDN as well!

Another reason I am still mad enough to talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING MS/LYME related: http://www.withatwistoflyme.org/ Send Gabbi a note of support if you have a chance.

I keep finding more and more people living within miles of me who have LYME............Awareness is everything!


.. Hi everyone, I just joined. Does anyone here have Lyme and co-infections and doing LDN. If so could you please share your experience? What dose to start,did u herx? Thanks Joyce

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Just wondering....my husband had the Igenex test, and MOST of it was negative.

The dr. said there was one " band " (I think she called it) that was positive, but

we haven't been able to follow up with this dr. (4 hours away, charges $6/minute

on the phone....). Would you happen to know if he could still have Lyme's, even

though most of the test showed " negative " ? He has " parkinsonism " - stiff left

arm, masked face, trouble swallowing, contractions in foot, etc. - 49 years old,

diagnosed last August.



RE: [low dose naltrexone] Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME,

still doing 3 mg LDN though!)

Hey Joyce,

I am a LYMIE who figured out I had LYME (not MS) through using LDN. Months

later, when I tried to stop LDN while taking antibiotics I felt worse in 2 days,

when I started back on LDN, I felt better in 2 days. I still take LDN, 3mg

throughout, was at 250 lbs when started 1.5 years ago, but as of yesterday 233

lbs (3mg, this is what the doctor I found prescribbed for everyone, I was happy

to get any LDN at the time).

Yes I HERXED, had an exacerbation, 4 weeks in, thus my MS was LYME (my 4th LYME

test, IGENEX Western Blot, was positive even by the messed up rules few months

after this happened).

You can see all my other posts on the LDN BLOG site, just look under me ID

If you want to know anything else, just email me direct.

UPDATE for those LYMIES who hadn't heard from me in a while

10 months of varying oral antibiotics & LDN & Nystatin seemed to help me in

2010. HOWEVER, started to feel a relapse late December 2010, believe due to a

major stress event (stuck in a snow storm!). Taking IV antibiotics now, in

January 2011, found someone local to do it, day 22 today, feeling better again.

Still doing LDN as well!

Another reason I am still mad enough to talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING MS/LYME

related: http://www.withatwistoflyme.org/ Send Gabbi a note of support if you

have a chance.

I keep finding more and more people living within miles of me who have

LYME............ A wareness is everything!


.. Hi everyone, I just joined. Does anyone here have Lyme and co-infections and

doing LDN. If so could you please share your experience? What dose to start,did

u herx? Thanks Joyce

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I am not a doctor, just and angry engineer.

I have some information on what each of the bands indicates, I can send it to

you off group.

I have been told, LYME is truly a Clinical Diagnosis. Even the IGENEX Western

Blot can be off, I know a current LYME patient that doesn't meet IDSA criteria

on their IGENEX Western Blot, but there are several bands that are borderline,

and they are being treated for LYME and co-infections.

I have been told if a Western Blot from anyone else has just one band, chances

are it's LYME, and know a LLMD that will respond to it as if it is most likely

LYME. I was this case, a Mayo Western Blot showed 1 band for me, an IGENEX

Western Blot showed 2 bands on each part a month later?

How you show up on a Western Blot can also depend on where you are with the

infection, if your body is making antibodies and fighting the

LYME/Co-Infections. Or if you go CHRONIC, like me, which is not suppose to be

possible per IDSA, the LYME can wrap into your DNA and your body isn't fighting

it, so you get a different reading. Can depend on when you run the test in this


You need a real LYME Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD), not a someone that thinks

they know LYME. Again, LYME truly is a clinical diagnosis, you can't rely on

the tests alone.

I have heard Parkinson could be LYME related; I actually read this week that

J Fox had LYME at one point, but I saw this on the internet, so who


AS ALWAYS, those that know better, please correct me! 4 years into this now for

me, I am still trying to figure out all the details!


Re: [low dose naltrexone] Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME,

still doing 3 mg LDN though!)

Importance: High

Just wondering....my husband had the Igenex test, and MOST of it was negative.

The dr. said there was one " band " (I think she called it) that was positive, but

we haven't been able to follow up with this dr. (4 hours away, charges $6/minute

on the phone....). Would you happen to know if he could still have Lyme's, even

though most of the test showed " negative " ? He has " parkinsonism " - stiff left

arm, masked face, trouble swallowing, contractions in foot, etc. - 49 years old,

diagnosed last August.



RE: [low dose naltrexone] Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME,

still doing 3 mg LDN though!)

Hey Joyce,

I am a LYMIE who figured out I had LYME (not MS) through using LDN. Months

later, when I tried to stop LDN while taking antibiotics I felt worse in 2 days,

when I started back on LDN, I felt better in 2 days. I still take LDN, 3mg

throughout, was at 250 lbs when started 1.5 years ago, but as of yesterday 233

lbs (3mg, this is what the doctor I found prescribbed for everyone, I was happy

to get any LDN at the time).

Yes I HERXED, had an exacerbation, 4 weeks in, thus my MS was LYME (my 4th LYME

test, IGENEX Western Blot, was positive even by the messed up rules few months

after this happened).

You can see all my other posts on the LDN BLOG site, just look under me ID

If you want to know anything else, just email me direct.

UPDATE for those LYMIES who hadn't heard from me in a while

10 months of varying oral antibiotics & LDN & Nystatin seemed to help me in

2010. HOWEVER, started to feel a relapse late December 2010, believe due to a

major stress event (stuck in a snow storm!). Taking IV antibiotics now, in

January 2011, found someone local to do it, day 22 today, feeling better again.

Still doing LDN as well!

Another reason I am still mad enough to talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING MS/LYME

related: http://www.withatwistoflyme.org/ Send Gabbi a note of support if you

have a chance.

I keep finding more and more people living within miles of me who have

LYME............ A wareness is everything!


.. Hi everyone, I just joined. Does anyone here have Lyme and co-infections and

doing LDN. If so could you please share your experience? What dose to start,did

u herx? Thanks Joyce

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I also have Lyme Disease...

First of all, I am not a physician and my statements below should not be used to

supersede the care you are receiving from your doctor, but there is information

you need to be aware of...

My story.....basically it goes like this: began having strange neurological

troubles over a period of two years (2006 - 2007), inability to run without

falling, gait issues, balance problems, unexplained hyper-reflexivity in my

legs, inexplicable weight loss, crushing fatigue, joint pain (knees, neck,

back), severe tinitus, chronic constipation, burning/prickly feeling in feet.

MRi reveals a low density of scarring in brain and spinal chord. Dx'd with RRMS

in Feb '08, confirmed by antibodies detected in my CSF after a lumbar puncture

procedure. Placed on Copaxone. March of '09, stopped Copaxone, started LDN.

Began to feel better over three months, only to crash and get much much worse

over the next three months after that. newsgroup said this could be Lyme.

Had a ELISA done which came back negative.

Unsatisfied with that, I discovered Samento and began self medicating with it

and LDN for a period of 2 - 3 months. At 14 drops 2/day, I had a severe Herx

indicating I was besieged by some kind of systemic infection. Flu like body

aches made me feel like I had been hauled out behind a tool shed and beat with

sledge hammers for three days. I immediately found a local Holistic D.O. and

requested he test my labs at IGENEX. It came back positive for IgM ( " Active

infection " ), and though I was negative on the IgG ( " immune Memory " ), I was still

positive on three of the required 5 bands.

Found a LLMD in my area and have been under his care since. He thinks that I

have had the illness for nearly 30 years after a series of tick bites I had

while I was in Scouts as a boy.

I had been on mixed oral abx for 13 months, when I was allowed to be seen at the

MS clinic of UT Southestern Medical Center in Texas. A different neuro looked

at my case, did more MRI's which only shows minimal progression, more ELISA and

WBs at Labcorp, which both came back negative because they didn't test for bands

31 and 34, and then proceeded to rule out my Lyme dx altogether and lable me as

Primary Progressive MS. He prescribed Ampyra (time released 4-AP), and said

that I could continue to be seen by my LLMD and continue to treat for Lyme if I

wanted but didn't think it would do me any good. No cure and nor treatment for

PPMS. He basically said I was S O L.

Returning back to my LLMD, he is now taking me off of abx and putting me back on

a modified Cowden Protocal using Samento and Banderol along with some detoxing

to help with the die-off.

An independent laboratory study was conducted using Samento and Banderol in

combination compared to doxycycline abx. Study revealed that in vitro, doxy

merely forced the Lyme spirochetes into their cell wall deficient form (L-form)

and does little toward actually killing the bacteria. Doxy doesn't kill the

L-forms nor can it help the immune system break down the biofilms that Lyme

creates. Samento and Banderol were shown to not only kill the spirochetes, but

also the L-forms and penetrate through the biofilms and kill all the bug

colonies inside.

Here's a link to the study abstract:


I have researched a tremendous amount of information on Lyme, how the organism

works, and the conspiracy behind it. I urge you to visit www.lymecryme.com and

read the history of how this disease has been politicized in the mainstream

medical community and see the conflict of interest at work to keep Lyme from

being diagnosed in patients.

Also, I have a email I can send you that is basically my " Lyme 101 " crash course

for getting up to speed on how Lyme works and things to be aware of as you try

to pursue confirming or ruling out Lyme and its co-infections as a diagnosis.

Drop me a message directly and I'll send it to you.

Lyme and its co-infections are some of the nastiest, stealthiest, and most

resilient bugs known to man....most likely created by man. Arm yourself with as

much information as you can get and be your own best advocate.

As far as LDN goes, it isn't a magic bullet, but its a great tool in the tool

box for repairing a compromised immune system.

Hope that helps,

- KenC.


> Hey Joyce,


> I am a LYMIE who figured out I had LYME (not MS) through using LDN.

> Months later, when I tried to stop LDN while taking antibiotics I felt

> worse in 2 days, when I started back on LDN, I felt better in 2


> LYME............Awareness is everything!





> .


> <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7998168/grpspId=1705118787/m

> sgId=99864/stime=1295607691/nc1=1/nc2=2/nc3=3> Hi everyone, I just

> joined. Does anyone here have Lyme and co-infections and doing LDN. If

> so could you please share your experience? What dose to start,did u

> herx? Thanks Joyce


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Wow, thanks for that response - so helpful! My husband was in W. Africa 3x, the

last time only months before any clear symptoms showed up - any thoughts on

this? Parasites? Vaccinations?

I've got him on about 30 supplements (with more in consideration - and

especially the LDN!), am feeding him raw organic milk, grass-fed meats, whole

grains, coconut oil, fermented cod liver oil, green tea... you name it, we're

probably doing it! :-D My hope is in the Lord, but I'm also open to any advice

(cuz He can use even you :-D)! :-D

RE: [low dose naltrexone] Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME,

still doing 3 mg LDN though!)

Hey Joyce,

I am a LYMIE who figured out I had LYME (not MS) through using LDN. Months

later, when I tried to stop LDN while taking antibiotics I felt worse in 2 days,

when I started back on LDN, I felt better in 2 days. I still take LDN, 3mg

throughout, was at 250 lbs when started 1.5 years ago, but as of yesterday 233

lbs (3mg, this is what the doctor I found prescribbed for everyone, I was happy

to get any LDN at the time).

Yes I HERXED, had an exacerbation, 4 weeks in, thus my MS was LYME (my 4th LYME

test, IGENEX Western Blot, was positive even by the messed up rules few months

after this happened).

You can see all my other posts on the LDN BLOG site, just look under me ID

If you want to know anything else, just email me direct.

UPDATE for those LYMIES who hadn't heard from me in a while

10 months of varying oral antibiotics & LDN & Nystatin seemed to help me in

2010. HOWEVER, started to feel a relapse late December 2010, believe due to a

major stress event (stuck in a snow storm!). Taking IV antibiotics now, in

January 2011, found someone local to do it, day 22 today, feeling better again.

Still doing LDN as well!

Another reason I am still mad enough to talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING MS/LYME

related: http://www.withatwistoflyme.org/ Send Gabbi a note of support if you

have a chance.

I keep finding more and more people living within miles of me who have

LYME............ A wareness is everything!


.. Hi everyone, I just joined. Does anyone here have Lyme and co-infections and

doing LDN. If so could you please share your experience? What dose to start,did

u herx? Thanks Joyce

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I also have Lyme Disease...

First of all, I am not a physician and my statements below should not be used to

supersede the care you are receiving from your doctor, but there is information

you need to be aware of...

My story.....basically it goes like this: began having strange neurological

troubles over a period of two years (2006 - 2007), inability to run without

falling, gait issues, balance problems, unexplained hyper-reflexivity in my

legs, inexplicable weight loss, crushing fatigue, joint pain (knees, neck,

back), severe tinitus, chronic constipation, burning/prickly feeling in feet.

MRi reveals a low density of scarring in brain and spinal chord. Dx'd with RRMS

in Feb '08, confirmed by antibodies detected in my CSF after a lumbar puncture

procedure. Placed on Copaxone. March of '09, stopped Copaxone, started LDN.

Began to feel better over three months, only to crash and get much much worse

over the next three months after that. newsgroup said this could be Lyme.

Had a ELISA done which came back negative.

Unsatisfied with that, I discovered Samento and began self medicating with it

and LDN for a period of 2 - 3 months. At 14 drops 2/day, I had a severe Herx

indicating I was besieged by some kind of systemic infection. Flu like body

aches made me feel like I had been hauled out behind a tool shed and beat with

sledge hammers for three days. I immediately found a local Holistic D.O. and

requested he test my labs at IGENEX. It came back positive for IgM ( " Active

infection " ), and though I was negative on the IgG ( " immune Memory " ), I was still

positive on three of the required 5 bands.

Found a LLMD in my area and have been under his care since. He thinks that I

have had the illness for nearly 30 years after a series of tick bites I had

while I was in Scouts as a boy.

I had been on mixed oral abx for 13 months, when I was allowed to be seen at the

MS clinic of UT Southestern Medical Center in Texas. A different neuro looked

at my case, did more MRI's which only shows minimal progression, more ELISA and

WBs at Labcorp, which both came back negative because they didn't test for bands

31 and 34, and then proceeded to rule out my Lyme dx altogether and lable me as

Primary Progressive MS. He prescribed Ampyra (time released 4-AP), and said

that I could continue to be seen by my LLMD and continue to treat for Lyme if I

wanted but didn't think it would do me any good. No cure and nor treatment for

PPMS. He basically said I was S O L.

Returning back to my LLMD, he is now taking me off of abx and putting me back on

a modified Cowden Protocal using Samento and Banderol along with some detoxing

to help with the die-off.

An independent laboratory study was conducted using Samento and Banderol in

combination compared to doxycycline abx. Study revealed that in vitro, doxy

merely forced the Lyme spirochetes into their cell wall deficient form (L-form)

and does little toward actually killing the bacteria. Doxy doesn't kill the

L-forms nor can it help the immune system break down the biofilms that Lyme

creates. Samento and Banderol were shown to not only kill the spirochetes, but

also the L-forms and penetrate through the biofilms and kill all the bug

colonies inside.

Here's a link to the study abstract:


I have researched a tremendous amount of information on Lyme, how the organism

works, and the conspiracy behind it. I urge you to visit www.lymecryme.com and

read the history of how this disease has been politicized in the mainstream

medical community and see the conflict of interest at work to keep Lyme from

being diagnosed in patients.

Also, I have a email I can send you that is basically my " Lyme 101 " crash course

for getting up to speed on how Lyme works and things to be aware of as you try

to pursue confirming or ruling out Lyme and its co-infections as a diagnosis.

Drop me a message directly and I'll send it to you.

Lyme and its co-infections are some of the nastiest, stealthiest, and most

resilient bugs known to man....most likely created by man. Arm yourself with as

much information as you can get and be your own best advocate.

As far as LDN goes, it isn't a magic bullet, but its a great tool in the tool

box for repairing a compromised immune system.

Hope that helps,

- KenC.


> Hey Joyce,


> I am a LYMIE who figured out I had LYME (not MS) through using LDN.

> Months later, when I tried to stop LDN while taking antibiotics I felt

> worse in 2 days, when I started back on LDN, I felt better in 2


> LYME............Awareness is everything!





> .


> <http://geo./serv?s=97359714/grpId=7998168/grpspId=1705118787/m

> sgId=99864/stime=1295607691/nc1=1/nc2=2/nc3=3> Hi everyone, I just

> joined. Does anyone here have Lyme and co-infections and doing LDN. If

> so could you please share your experience? What dose to start,did u

> herx? Thanks Joyce


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NONE of the tests are 100% accurate. A diagnosis is typically clinical.

The Canadian Lyme website has a great list of symptoms


My IgeneX test was NOT a slam-dunk " yes " for Lyme Disease. There are bands that

point to neurological-Lyme though. My Lyme diagnosis was by a Lyme doc and the

diagnosis confirmed by me Herxheimer reaction to doxycycline.

The IgeneX website does have some back ground on the test:


from a Lyme website:

" Each part of the Lyme bacteria weighs a certain amount. For example, the tail

of the Lyme bacteria weighs 41 kilodaltons (kDa). Think of kilodaltons like

pounds, ounces or kilograms. The numbers on a Western blot such as 23, 31, 34

or 39 refer to how much that particular part of the bacteria weighs in

kilodaltons. The significant antibodies, in my opinion, are the 18, 23-25, 28,

30, 31, 34, 39, 58, 66 and 93. "

My IgeneX has all of these numbers in varying amounts.

feel free to send me a note to wake me up :-)


> Just wondering....my husband had the Igenex test, and MOST of it was negative.

The dr. said there was one " band " (I think she called it) that was positive, but

we haven't been able to follow up with this dr. (4 hours away, charges $6/minute

on the phone....). Would you happen to know if he could still have Lyme's, even

though most of the test showed " negative " ? He has " parkinsonism " - stiff left

arm, masked face, trouble swallowing, contractions in foot, etc. - 49 years old,

diagnosed last August.


> Thanks!


> Michèle

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i had the same dilemma...was told my tests came back positive for Lyme...once i started LDN and Semento, i herxed like crazy...my doctor suspected it could also be mold...i put out mold test kits and we had no idea how much black mold we had..it was in the ceiling so it wasn't visible....i dont have Lyme.....have you checked for mold/


From: SirR <alrightguy123@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME, still doing 3 mg LDN though!)low dose naltrexone Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 3:23 AM

NONE of the tests are 100% accurate. A diagnosis is typically clinical.The Canadian Lyme website has a great list of symptomswww.CanLyme.comMy IgeneX test was NOT a slam-dunk "yes" for Lyme Disease. There are bands that point to neurological-Lyme though. My Lyme diagnosis was by a Lyme doc and the diagnosis confirmed by me Herxheimer reaction to doxycycline.The IgeneX website does have some back ground on the test:http://igenex.com/Website/#from a Lyme website:"Each part of the Lyme bacteria weighs a certain amount. For example, the tail of the Lyme bacteria weighs 41 kilodaltons (kDa). Think of kilodaltons like pounds, ounces or kilograms. The numbers on a Western blot such as 23, 31, 34 or 39 refer to how much that particular part of the bacteria weighs in kilodaltons. The significant antibodies, in my opinion, are the 18,

23-25, 28, 30, 31, 34, 39, 58, 66 and 93."My IgeneX has all of these numbers in varying amounts.feel free to send me a note to wake me up :-)>> Just wondering....my husband had the Igenex test, and MOST of it was negative. The dr. said there was one "band" (I think she called it) that was positive, but we haven't been able to follow up with this dr. (4 hours away, charges $6/minute on the phone....). Would you happen to know if he could still have Lyme's, even though most of the test showed "negative"? He has "parkinsonism" - stiff left arm, masked face, trouble swallowing, contractions in foot, etc. - 49 years old, diagnosed last August.> > Thanks!> >


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I'm guessing you are addressing that question to me? There has been a mold test

sitting in my refrigerator for a few months.....haven't had the wherewithal

(read: money or time) to get it done. I do live in a 200+ y.o. house, and

there's mold around the freezer gasket in the basement...I wasn't sure if mold

was a priority thing to check out, so it's been on the back burner, for now

(partly also because I didn't know if we could do any remediation if we DID have

mold!). Also his symptoms didn't seem to match mold, but could be! What kind

of clean-up did you do?

[low dose naltrexone] Re: Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME,

still doing 3 mg LDN though!)

low dose naltrexone

Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 3:23 AM

NONE of the tests are 100% accurate. A diagnosis is typically clinical.

The Canadian Lyme website has a great list of symptoms


My IgeneX test was NOT a slam-dunk " yes " for Lyme Disease. There are bands that

point to neurological-Lyme though. My Lyme diagnosis was by a Lyme doc and the

diagnosis confirmed by me Herxheimer reaction to doxycycline.

The IgeneX website does have some back ground on the test:


from a Lyme website:

" Each part of the Lyme bacteria weighs a certain amount. For example, the tail

of the Lyme bacteria weighs 41 kilodaltons (kDa). Think of kilodaltons like

pounds, ounces or kilograms. The numbers on a Western blot such as 23, 31, 34 or

39 refer to how much that particular part of the bacteria weighs in kilodaltons.

The significant antibodies, in my opinion, are the 18, 23-25, 28, 30, 31, 34,

39, 58, 66 and 93. "

My IgeneX has all of these numbers in varying amounts.

feel free to send me a note to wake me up :-)


> Just wondering....my husband had the Igenex test, and MOST of it was negative.

The dr. said there was one " band " (I think she called it) that was positive, but

we haven't been able to follow up with this dr. (4 hours away, charges $6/minute

on the phone....). Would you happen to know if he could still have Lyme's, even

though most of the test showed " negative " ? He has " parkinsonism " - stiff left

arm, masked face, trouble swallowing, contractions in foot, etc. - 49 years old,

diagnosed last August.


> Thanks!


> Michèle

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My symptoms fit Lyme to a tee....as for clean up...mold is NOT something you want to tackle on your own if its a bad case. After putting out the kits and showing the results to my doctor, he gave me the name of a mold specialist who first searched out all the mold places, then totally stripped the upstairs so we could re-carpet and fix it so i would have a place to live while they did the same thing to the rest of the house...(keep in mind, my hubby didn't get sick from it at all while i became bed ridden) It is very expensive and we still have not been able to replace a lot of what we lost from it...but at least we are mold free now...just start by putting the kits where you suspect mold could be and find out how bad it is and what type of mold you may have...you really need to find out...i live in land in case u r anywhere near...i can send

you the guys info that did ours....best of luck!

Terri From: SirR <alrightguy123@...> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: Chronic Lyme & co infections (MY MS was LYME, still doing 3 mg LDN though!) low dose naltrexone Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 3:23 AM NONE of the tests are 100% accurate. A diagnosis is typically clinical. The Canadian Lyme website has a great list of symptoms www.CanLyme.com My IgeneX test was NOT a slam-dunk "yes" for Lyme Disease. There are bands that point to neurological-Lyme though. My Lyme diagnosis was by a Lyme doc and the

diagnosis confirmed by me Herxheimer reaction to doxycycline. The IgeneX website does have some back ground on the test: http://igenex.com/Website/# from a Lyme website: "Each part of the Lyme bacteria weighs a certain amount. For example, the tail of the Lyme bacteria weighs 41 kilodaltons (kDa). Think of kilodaltons like pounds, ounces or kilograms. The numbers on a Western blot such as 23, 31, 34 or 39 refer to how much that particular part of the bacteria weighs in kilodaltons. The significant antibodies, in my opinion, are the 18, 23-25, 28, 30, 31, 34, 39, 58, 66 and 93." My IgeneX has all of these numbers in varying amounts. feel free to send me a note to wake me up :-) > > Just wondering....my husband had the Igenex test, and MOST of it was negative. The dr. said there was one "band" (I think she called it) that was positive, but we haven't been able to follow up with this dr. (4 hours away, charges $6/minute on the phone....). Would you happen to know if he could still have Lyme's, even though most of the test showed "negative"? He has "parkinsonism" - stiff left arm, masked face, trouble swallowing, contractions in foot, etc. - 49 years old, diagnosed last August. > > Thanks! > > Michèle

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