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Pam, prayers coming your way. Stay strong. I'll be praying that the spot is

non-cancerous. It reminds me that we are all so vunerable and our health so

important. Lets think positive.

Diane ((((((((hugs))))))))

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YOu know we will all keep you diligently close in our hearts as you go

through this. PLEASE let us know what you find out!

Give yourself the freedom to work through any and ll thoughts before you

go. MRIs are scary enough (the process). I would be feeing the same way if

I were you....thinking of all the possibilities.

It could just be a cirrhosis spot--you don't have to be a drinker for

cirrhosis to occur. Or maybe they just got a funny view. We can hope.

Regardless, you'll find comfort in planning and spending time wiht all your

kids. Keep busy from now until /tues....and then as you wait for the

results. UGH.

Keep us posted. We care.



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Hi Pam

I don't post very often either, however I do read all the posts, you are in

my prayers.


Mum to Leigh (DS/Autism/Pica) and 6



> Hi everybody,


> I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy and I haven't been able to

read the post. I hope everyone is doing ok and all the little ones are

enjoying the summer(and the gwon ups too).


> I am not a religious person but I do believe in the power of prayer. I

have seen what you woman on here can do with prayers. It is amazing!


> I am asking for you all to please say some prayers for me. About 3 weeks

ago I went in to see the doctor for constant stomach aches and just feeling

tired. They did an ultra sound to see if I had gall stones. I didn't have

any but they did find a spot on my liver. The doctor then ordered a cat

scan. That showed possibly cancer so now I am going in Tuesday for a MRI. We

will know something that day.


> I must say I am really scared. All kinds of things are running through my

mind. I just don't want to leave the twins while they are so young. My

parents dies when I was young and I don't want the twins to grow up without

a mother. I know I shouldn't be thinking of things like that but you just

can't help it when you are faced with a scarey situation. So would y'all say

a prayer for me tha tteh MRI shows the nodule not being cancerous. Also that

it will be somehting that will be easy to get rid of.


> Thank you so much. I will feel better knowing I have some one praying for

me all over the states.


> Take care,


> Pam mom to identical twins Hannah(DS) and (DS-ASD) age 7, Dusty 15

and Josh 21




> ---------------------------------


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  • 6 months later...

Yes, I will!

Wish we wouldn’t do it!

[ ] Prayers

Hi Everyone, Are all you sensible people in bed fast

asleep. I am finding it getting harder and harder to sleep so thought i would

just send a short line.

As friends all across the globe we are all suffering

our own silent war on liver diesease and you all are in my prayers but i was

wondering if we could spare some prayers and thoughts to all the troups that

are already stationed in Iran, and to all the reservest troups that we are

calling in for training to go to Iran. The media are saying at the moment that

it is mainly Doctors and Medics that are the first to go with a lot more of

troups to follow.

The Prime Minister has said that it is not if we go to

war but when. Our own personel war is different but still a hard war to

win and we will win.

But if for one moment you can give a thought to the

other war and the members of the forces and there Mothers Wifes and Children.

Prayers do work when other things dont. I hope you dont mind me writing this

but as i do the airplanes are flying over the house on there way to Iran.

Hugs and lots of love Jeanette UK XX

With you can get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits

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Jeanette.... it is SO GOOD to see you on-line. I can only imagine what

you have gone thru. Hang in there, God has good plans for you and every

thing will turn out alright, You have many friends here who care, and

worry, and pray for you. He is required to listen, its in His job

description. Let us hel you in any way we can...

BTW.....you might want to dash a note off to your war department that if

they are bent on attacking Iran the USA might not be able to help them

as W. has this fixation on Iraq and most of our troops wil be

deployed there. ( I couldn't resist that...sorry)

My personal views on this operation aside I most certainly ask God to

watch over our troops.... yours and ours.... as well as the innocent men

, women , and children in Iraq. Would that He grant peace to all the

peoples of the world, and that Mankind realize the insanity and

uselessness of war.

love jerry

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I just can't imagine what type of war this could be. When W. said he was out for Saddam because he tried to kill , Sr., I could understand the anger but how many sons, daughters, mothers and fathers will have to die - in that perpective, his anger is absurd.

I don't pretend to understand the history and even all of the current events, but I am a mother who has children and who has lost a child. I don't wish that on anyone if it can be helped.

I may have to break out all of my old sixty and seventies songs and start singing them. I support our guys every minute, they have made a tremendous commitment for all of us.

Amy in WA

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  • 2 months later...
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I dont have AIH, but do have another liver disease. I live about 300 miles southwest of you in Northwest Arkansas near the Mo. Line..

I was up your way in late 2001 and had surgery at St. Louis University Hospital for my liver.. (biopsies and drainage of two large cysts in my liver.. BTW, drainage didnt help) Drs. thought I had AIH , also as I had elevated liver enzymes and an elevated ANA of 1:160.

They treated me well up there..

Take care of yourself, Terri,

Lyn in Northwest Ark.. (with Polycystic Liver)

erri Dohr <dohr@...> wrote:

Anita, My prayers are with you and your brother . I'll pray for your friends family. Sorry for your loss. Support and let him know he's in our prayers.

Greg - I'm glad you got Laurie to the Dr. and I know with all the tests they will find the cause. Stay strong and remember you and Laurie are being loved and prayed for.

NW people I'm so jealous, your meeting sounds like so much fun. Good luck and enjoy the time. Anyone around St. Louis?

Thank you for the love in this group. Thank you for this group. God is with us. terri

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Lyn, you are one of the closest yet to me. I've been down to Eurica(spell) Springs, is that close to you. I hope you don't have to come back to st. louis soon, but next time maybe we could catch up with each other. I'm being treated by Dr. Bacon at St. Louis University. Sometimes there is a long wait in his office but once your in there he's yours and will answer any question you have.

Thanks again, hope you have great days. terri

Stidham <lyn_ar_1202@...> wrote:

Terri, I dont have AIH, but do have another liver disease. I live about 300 miles southwest of you in Northwest Arkansas near the Mo. Line.. I was up your way in late 2001 and had surgery at St. Louis University Hospital for my liver.. (biopsies and drainage of two large cysts in my liver.. BTW, drainage didnt help) Drs. thought I had AIH , also as I had elevated liver enzymes and an elevated ANA of 1:160. They treated me well up there..

Take care of yourself, Terri, Lyn in Northwest Ark.. (with Polycystic Liver)

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

We'll be praying honey. I'm so sorry for your losses. Hug your mom for


Love ya!!!



On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:17:02 -0700 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> Hi friends, just got back into town and am leaving again in a little

> while and would like to ask for prayers. My mom lost her neice last

> week and yesterday her sister died so I am taking her to Albuquerque

> to see her family and take her to the funeral. Please pray for us

> to have a safe trip and for the family left behind. Her neice (and

> my cousin) name was Jackie Messer and her sisters name was Dora

> ez. Thank you so much, I love and miss you all and will be

> back later in the week.

> Love,





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  • 3 months later...
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You've got it, Iris! I hope Lauryn will be OK and the infection is under

control very soon.

[ ] Prayers

> Hi everyone,


> I just got back from the doc with Lauryn. About three weeks ago she

had a go-kart accident and cut

> both of her legs to the bone and required eight stitches in one and

five in the other. She just

> had the stitches out a week ago. Several days ago an area near one of

the scars began to look as

> though it had an allergic reaction from the bandaid adhesive. It began

to swell yesterday and get

> really hard with heat and had a red ring around it about the size of a

grapefruit. It looked

> infected so I brought her to the doc. He said that she has to go back

tomorrow because it is the

> type of infection that people end-up in the hospital for. They gave

her a really big antibiotic

> shot and also a script for oral and topical antibiotics. Please keep

her in your prayers tonight.

> I will let you know how she is after the doc appt. tomorrow. Thanks.


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Lauryn will be on my prayer list till I hear that she is recovered. This is

not something you want to mess around with. Peace and comfort to Lauryn

and to her momma.


[ ] Prayers



> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > I just got back from the doc with Lauryn. About three weeks ago she

> had a go-kart accident and cut

> > both of her legs to the bone and required eight stitches in one and

> five in the other. She just

> > had the stitches out a week ago. Several days ago an area near one of

> the scars began to look as

> > though it had an allergic reaction from the bandaid adhesive. It began

> to swell yesterday and get

> > really hard with heat and had a red ring around it about the size of a

> grapefruit. It looked

> > infected so I brought her to the doc. He said that she has to go back

> tomorrow because it is the

> > type of infection that people end-up in the hospital for. They gave

> her a really big antibiotic

> > shot and also a script for oral and topical antibiotics. Please keep

> her in your prayers tonight.

> > I will let you know how she is after the doc appt. tomorrow. Thanks.

> Iris




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  • 3 months later...

I want to say Thank You to everyone...I have received so many

notes of prayer, support and information this evening. You guys are

the greatest! I will let you all know what I find out at the doctor

tomorrow. Someone asked where I am, Missouri. Someone also

mentioned that I should contact Carolyn, I have been thinking

about her this week. Has anyone heard how she is doing?

Thanks again,


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  • 2 months later...

Dear Matt:

I am praying for you, and also that the new year brings you better health. I

have RS, and I can't bear to imagine what AS is like in comparison. I've heard

pneumonia can be extremely debilitating. I get pleuritis, which is sometimes

quite painful, but I've never had pneumonia, just bad bronchitis about a year

ago that lasted for a few weeks and I was so sick. I was lucky in that it

didn't develop further into pneumonia.

The winter hasn't been much better here in NY, very cold, with temps near 0

degrees often or in the single digits every morning. I'm sure it's far worse in

Ontario, I can only imagine the amount of snow you must get with it. I hate

the cold, it really does me in when it's below 30 and often I just don't even

want to go outside.

Best wishes for a happy and pain-free cruise!


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In a message dated 1/26/2004 10:55:26 PM Pacific Standard Time,

supermattvan@... writes:

Could you also pray that I have a good

vacation, don't make the mistake of overdoing it and that God give me the

ability to

enjoy things in a nice leisurely pace

Will do!

Hey, what better place than on a vacation to sit in the shade and read a

couple novels and just enjoy the warm and sun and outside :)

I had pneumonia a year ago... It honestly took me months to get back to

'normal'. I can relate with how you are feeling!

Enjoy your trip! And don't feel guilty if you chose to sit and read, or

watch the scenery. :)


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Hi Matt,

I had Pneumonia in March 2003. Was in the hospital for a week, then sent

home on disability. Kept getting low grade fevers, swollen glands, and eye

irritation on and off. Also chronic fatigue, and of course all the pain that

comes with Spondy. Wasn't until June that my doc realized I was in a very bad

flare. I'm just coming out of it now and am hoping to have a couple " normal

Spondy / Fibro month and am planning a week away in April.

Keep positive and know all of us will keep you in our thoughts and

prayers. We will look forward to your return and hearing about your trip!

Janet - Ohio

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You are in my prayers for sure!

You do need this trip I know.

Just pace yourself---maybe write down some guidlines for yourself and then

stick to them. I know that is so hard to do ===but you know for yourself

how important that is.

Keep us posted on how everything is going with you!!




" Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think

freely, to risk life, and to be needed. " **Storm on**


EMAIL: juliette@... **ICQ 49746198** MSN-LizKP1952@...

PERSONAL HOMEPAGE PAGE http://members.tripod.com/~LizK

ADDult ADD GROUP PAGE: http://members.tripod.com/~LizK/addult.htm


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Thanks Liz, Kaye, Janet and Debra, it's good to know that I am doing the

right thing. Thanks for the encouragement and the info that it takes a long


to really get over pneumonia. Much reading on the beach will be done :-). M.

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Matt, May God waft the warm Carribean breezes gently over your body and fill

you with the Holy Spirit and sun, sand and sea. Going to Hawaii sends me

into remission for a while so I think the Carribean will do the same for

you. Sit in a whirlpool and heal thyself, brother!

God Bless,

Janet in San Francisco

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Well Matt if you are a wet sock I hope you are a wool one as those dry

much more easily than other kinds:)

> Thanks Debra, I feel like a wet sock, your prayers are much appreciated.

> thanks Matt



" Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think

freely, to risk life, and to be needed. " **Storm on**


EMAIL: juliette@... **ICQ 49746198** MSN-LizKP1952@...

PERSONAL HOMEPAGE PAGE http://members.tripod.com/~LizK

ADDult ADD GROUP PAGE: http://members.tripod.com/~LizK/addult.htm


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