Guest guest Posted May 29, 1999 Report Share Posted May 29, 1999 At 15:17 29.05.99 -0700, you wrote: >From: R Kirwan <kirwan@...> > >Hi there, >No one has an answer for me. A doctor that I found a couple of years >ago put me on the Yeast Connection diet because I scored really high >on the quiz and had a lot of physical problems. I also took the >combination of " stuff " from the health food store to rid my body of >candida. I felt a lot better and lost 20 lbs. It was really hard to >stay on this diet with four men to cook for, so I went back to my old >ways. I still try to watch what I eat, but must admit, that I do cheat >the odd time. My heel pain is still there...I had to give up walking, >bike riding etc...I've gained 40 lbs and am now on blood pressure >medication. I've tried acupuncture, laser treatments...and am now on >anti-inflamatories as a last straw...which aren't helping. The pain is >really weird because it seems to move around the bottom of the heel. >Has anyone had something like this happen to them? Could this >be candida related? Thanks...I'm at my wits end. > > Hello , When nobody knows the answer, the cause is usually either vertebral dispalcement, either toxin, either nutritional deficiency or imballance or PARASITES. Your problem can be caused by displaced, vertebra, displacement of the Hip bone (Sacro-iliac joint), poisonong, parasites, .... For displacement in your sceletone, visit some gopd chiropractor or shiatsu therapist. Parasites could be those: Unidentified Skin Parasite Infection (se below) _____________________________ Identified Skin Parasites: Filarial Nematodes Bancroft's Filarial Worm (Wuchereria bancroft) Brugi Malayi Visit the sites below, and have a nice trip to Africa :-) Dusan Stojkovic Biology and Epidemiology of Filarial Nematodes Several species of filarial nematodes are known to infect humans. Not all cause disease but they include the causative agents of river blindness and elephantiasis. Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi Brugia timori Onchocerca volvulus Loa loa Dracunculus medinensis Mansonella streptocerca Mansonella perstans Mansonella ozzardi Other filaria infecting humans (minor species) Wuchereria lewisi Brugia beaveri Brugia guyanensis Mansonella semiclarum Dipetalonema arbuta Dipetalonema sprenti Microfilaria bolivarensis Microfilaria (Mansonella) rodhaini ____________________________________ Info: _______________________________________________ Biology and Epidemiology of Filarial Nematodes _____________________________________________________ Bancroft's Filarial Worm (Wuchereria bancroft) Distribution W. bancrofti is distributed throughout the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, China, the Pacific and isolated locations in the Americas. Current estimates (WHO, 1994) suggest that 100 million people are infected with lymphatic filariae of all types, and most of these cases are bancroftian filariasis. Nocturnally periodic forms occur indigenously in almost every tropical and subtropical country and are very widespread. However they show focal and periodic distribution patterns which are dependent on their vector of transmission. Culcicine (left) or anopheline (centre) mosquitoes are the main vectors of the nocturnally periodic forms of W. bancrofti, while day biting Aedes polynesiensis transmit the subperiodic form in various pacific islands (right) (map and pictures taken from s and Gilles 1991) (see HERE for some comments on periodicity) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Life Cycle: The third-stage infective larvae (L3i) enter the blood through the wound made by the mosquito. They then migrate to the nearest lymph gland where they mature into the thread like adult worms about 3 months to 1 year later. The average incubation time before patency is about 15 months. The mature adults can survive for 5 to 10 years and the damage of the lymphatic vessels they cause and the immune system's response to their presence (and that of microfilaria and newly innoculated L3i) can result in the various Once male (left) and female (right) nematodes mate the female viviparously produces microfilariae (first stage larvae or L1) which then move through the circulatory system and collect in arterioles of the lung during the day and emerge at night (if nocturnally periodic) when night biting mosquitoes are most active (see HERE for some comments on periodicity). Once the microfilariae have entered an appropriate mosquito host through its blood meal they penetrate the insect's gut wall and move to the thoracic muscles where they mature (through two life stages) into third-stage infective larvae (pictures taken from s and Gilles 1991). The microfilariae of W. bancrofti can be identified in blood smears by their sheath, size (280 x 7 micrometers), and the anterior V spot near the head and posterior V spot near the tail (picture taken from s and Gilles 1991). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Pathology Following infection with third stage larvae there is usually a period of vigorous immune response to the invading larvae. If the larvae are not cleared from the body during this period then the various pathologies associated with filarial infection can develop. Most of these conditions do not appear to arise from the effects of the nematodes themselves but from immune reactions to their presence. The most pronounced of these is the damage to the lymphatic vessels which is mediated by the immune system's response to the adult worms living in them. These immune responses (Lymphangitis) are characterized by inflammation of the affected area (which are usually extremities) and fever. Repeated episodes of lymphangitis lead to the formation of fibrous and calcified tissues (as seen in the X-ray below, picture taken from s and Gilles 1991) in and around the lymphatic vessels. ______________________________________________ Brugia malayi Distribution: The endemic range of Brugia malayi is confined to South and South-East Asia from India in the west to Korea in the east. LikeW. bancrofti its distribution is dependent on its mosquito vectors. The nocturnally periodic form is found in areas with rice fields and the nocturnally subperiodic form is found in rural villages and plantations along the lower reaches of major rivers in swamp forests (see HERE for some comments on periodicity). Partono has proposed the subdivision of B. malayi into zoophilic and anthropophilic strains. The former is transmissible to cats, monkeys, and laboratory gerbils ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Life Cycle: The life cycle of B. malayi is almost identical to that of Wuchereria bancrofti. However B. malayi is transmitted by different mosquito vectors in the Mansoniodes and Anopheles families. The microfilaria of B. malayi can be distinguished from those of W. bancrofti by the two isolated nuclei at the tip of the tail and the absence of nuclei in the cephalic spaces (picture taken from s and Gilles 1991) . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Pathology The clinical picture of B. malayi infection is somewhat different than that of W. bancrofti. The symptoms of Brugian filariasis begin earlier than those of Bancroftian filariasis, often within a month or less. Immune responses to the worms quickly lead to lymphoedema and swelling of the legs is a prominent early symptom. Bouts of fever and lymphangitis are common and often more frequent than those found in patents infected with W. bancrofti. Unlike bancroftian infection the lyphoedema in the legs is below the knees and in the arms below the elbows. Gross elephantiasis is very uncommon. However, when it does occur it generally develops more quickly in Brugian (1 to 2 years) than the Bancroftian (3 or more years) filariasis. The pictures below show both early (left) and late (right) stages of Brugian elephantiasis. __________________________________________ Schistosomiasis: Schistosoma hematobium Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma japonicum __________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Schistosomiasis: Fact Sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- What is schistosomiasis? (shis-to-so-mi'-uh-sis) Schistosomiasis (also known as " bilharzia " ) is a disease caused by parasitic worms. The major types that cause schistosomiasis in humans are Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum. The body's reaction to the eggs produced by these worms, and not the worms themselves, causes the symptoms of schistosomiasis. The disease is treatable. How is schistosomiasis spread? Persons get schistosomiasis when their skin comes in contact with contaminated fresh water in which certain types of snails are living. Fresh water becomes contaminated by Schistosoma eggs when infected people urinate or defecate in the water. The eggs hatch, and if certain types of snails are present in the water, the parasites grow and develop within the snails. When the parasites leave the snail, they can survive in water for about 48 hours. The parasites penetrate the skin of persons who have contact with this water, such as when they are wading, swimming, bathing, or washing. The parasites penetrate the skin, and, within several weeks, grow inside the blood vessels of the body and produce eggs. Some of these eggs get into the urinary bladder or intestines and are passed into the urine or feces. What are the symptoms of schistosomiasis? Within days after becoming infected, some people have a rash or itchy skin, and within a month or two, they may have fever, chills, cough, and muscle aches. Most people, however, have no symptoms at all in this early phase after infection. Usually the eggs of the parasite go to the liver or pass into the intestine or urinary bladder. Rarely, eggs are found in the brain or spinal cord and cause seizures, paralysis, or spinal cord inflammation. After many years of repeated infection, the parasite can damage the liver, intestines, lungs, or urinary bladder. Even without treatment, damage to these organs occurs only rarely in people such as travelers who have relatively short periods of exposure and who avoid reinfection. Who is at risk? Persons who live in or travel to areas where schistosomiasis occurs and who have skin contact with fresh water (rivers, streams, or lakes) are at risk of getting schistosomiasis. Areas of the world with schistosomiasis include Africa, some countries in Latin America (Brazil, Venezuela, and Surinam), parts of the Caribbean (Saint Lucia, Antigua, Montserrat, ique, Guadeloupe, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico), some countries in the Middle East, southern China, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia. In the last few years, CDC has received reports of schistosomiasis in U.S. citizens who went on river rafting trips in Africa, tourists who swam in contaminated waters, and Peace Corps volunteers and other persons who lived and had fresh water contact in areas where schistosomiasis is a problem. How can you prevent schistosomiasis? Because there is no easy way to know if water is contaminated, avoid swimming or wading in fresh water when you are in countries where schistosomiasis is known to occur. Swimming in the ocean and in chlorinated swimming pools is generally thought to be safe. Research is under way to develop a vaccine for humans, but none is available now. What should you do if you suspect that you have schistosomiasis? See your health care provider. Be sure to give a complete description of the time, place, and length of your exposure to fresh water while in parts of the world where schistosomiasis occurs. You might be asked to undergo stool or urine tests to detect the eggs of the parasite. A blood test developed at CDC is also available. This test may be useful for making the diagnosis, particularly in U.S. travelers returning from areas where schistosomiasis occurs. What is the treatment for schistosomiasis? Safe and effective drugs are available for treatment of schistosomiasis. You will be given pills to take for 1-2 days. ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Unidentified Skin Parasite Infection This site is dedicated to the thousands of men, women and children worldwide presently suffering from Unidentified Skin Parasite Infection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Our Mission The mission of this organization is to: (1) Create public awareness. (2) Increase awareness among medical professionals. (3) Serve as a support group for people with this disease. (4) Encourage, lobby for and support treatment and research. What is USPI? What is Unidentified Skin Parasitic Infection or USPI? Unidentified Skin Parasitic Infection occurs when an unnamed organism or life form lives, feeds and breeds, under the skin of a human host. This infection was first recorded in medical books, in the early part of this century. However, because the parasite appears to have so many different metamorphic features, many of which may resemble, human hair, fabric or lint (for example) turn of the century physicians wrongly assumed their patients must have been suffering from a psychosomatic illness rather than a disease. Even today, almost 100 years later, many in the medical community fail to recognize Unidentified Skin Parasitic Infection as a serious disease, affecting millions of men, women and children worldwide. What are the symptoms of USPI? USPI has been known to frequently follow a lice and/or scabies outbreak. In those cases, after the original infestation (i.e., lice/scabies) has been successfully treated, the unidentified parasite " takes over " the infestation and fails to respond to usual pesticide treatments. The person then becomes infested with this organism, without any successful treatments available. According to a nematologist from the Department of Agriculture, in theory at least, this unidentified parasite could have been an insect parasite, that survived the lice or scabies treatment, and then " took up residence " in the human body, making the human a new host for this organism.Yet, other people report having no lice or scabies infestation before the onset of this disorder. Rashes, lesions, itching, burning sensations, track marks, scratches, and papules appear from nowhere on the surface of the skin, along with burrows under the skin, containing what the sufferer describes as " eggs " . Some people complain of having symptoms in only one spot on the skin ( i.e., scalp, face, rectum, groin area) while others are infested from head to toe. Acute insomnia can also be a symptom of this disease. Black specks, iridescent crystals, microscopic hairs, wormlike creatures, hairlike creatures (the size of an eyelash to several inches long, and colors ranging from transparent to shinny black) " lintlike balls " bloody and/saltlike granules and threads, have all been described as emerging from the lesions. Often clothes, bedding, carpets, furniture and cars are heavily infested, again without remedy. What are the causes of USPI? The exact cause or causes of USPI are unknown, however, in people with USPI there are many similarities; Both males and females, in equal numbers are infected with this parasite all over the world. Most people suffering from USPI report having household pets, cats, dogs or birds at the time of the onset. Some have reported significant water damage or leaks inside the home. Some people report symptoms appearing after gardening outdoors, working with soil or after having compost delivered. Blood tests often reveal an unusually high Eonsinophil count in the CBC workup, which can be an indication of a parasitic infection. A few USPI sufferers have tested positivefor Mycoplasma Fermentans (Incognitis) If you think you may have this condition, please answer the following questions for our data base, this information is needed to support and encourage research: How long have you had this condition? Did you have lice or scabies prior to the onset of this disorder? How old are you? Ages of others in household who may be affected?> Are you the only person in your home affected? Have you had any water damage or leaks inside your home? What area of the country state/world were you located in when this condition developed? Do you feel like your home/clothes/car is also infested? Describe your symptoms. Do you have " nodules " under the skin? Are you male/female? Do you have pets? Did you have pets at the onset ofthis disorder? If you would like to write a brief biography about your condition and email it back to us, please do so, we would greatly appreciate it. We will be back in touch with you and assist you any way possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- If you would like more information about this parasitic infection, please email us at bob352@.... If you would like someone to call you back, please leave a day or evening phone number where you may be reached and the best time to call. Due to budget constraints, all phone calls placed must be made collect. While we try to keep all messages strictly confidential, we cannot guarentee this over the internet. We also strongly recommend you see your physician about any of the above symptoms you may have. We cannot and will not give medical advice. However, there are some things that others are doing to lessen the severity of their symptoms. Please answer the above questions and let us know if you would like us to email you these " tips " . We cannot guarentee their effectiveness for each individual. We do not endorse or sell herbal remedies or medicines. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 2, 1999 Report Share Posted November 2, 1999 In a message dated 10/31/99 00:23:06, txqltr@... writes: << I'm new to the list and very interested in the topic and have lots to learn. I had my gallbladder removed 10 years ago >> This is a very specific problem and since no one to my knowledge has responded yet I just wanted to say it might be that we just don't have experience with this kind of thing. I would suggest you search the web and libraries and bookstores to find out how others deal with the bile situation following gall bladder removal. As for the rest of it, I would assume you would proceed on a bowel cleanse pretty much the way we all do. You can start finding out about cleanses at You can research Awareness products, Schulze, Hallelujah diet, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Russ's Mannacleanse, and many many more. Since you are also taking allopathic medication due to your surgery you should be aware that these medications generally toxify the liver. So you would want to cleanse the liver in particular, for which there are also recommendations on Dusan's web site. But again, there must be special precautions you have to take because the liver and gall bladder are so closely related, regarding the bile. I think you will have to do some research. Robin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 1999 Report Share Posted November 12, 1999 I have been just reading this list for the past week - I have decided I'm not nearly as " bad off " as some of you people. Does this stuff always make you sick or I'm I just lucky? I had a blood test two weeks ago, I had more yeast in the blood they drew than I had red blood cells. I don't feel bad, I have been taking products from Changes International (Twinlab) for the past two weeks and I feel great. read the products list I'm really not worried about the candidiasis being any place else, but I assume that if it's in the blood it's all over? Once you have it will you always have it? This is all new to me, I didn't think I had anything to worry about till I started reading your letters. It's kindta like when your pregnant and all the girls tell you after you get pregnant how bad the labor pains are and you scared to death. Just tell me it will be OK. Sue Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 1999 Report Share Posted November 28, 1999 Hi Amy, Welcome to the list. I am a newbie too. I have been doing the " diet " for about 5 weeks now. I know how confusing this can all seem. I am still figuring it out especially the BED diet. I have to say that I am starting to feel better though. I have not started taking medications to kill off the yeast yet so I still have it but I have lost 20 pounds, my skin and hair is starting to look better and people keep telling me how much healthier I look. I am feeling much better about myself. It was hard going in the beginning because I got so sick once I started the diet, but that is beginning to taper off now. I would definitely give it a try and see what happens. My husband did it with me and he didn't have any reaction so we know he doesn't have a problem with it. If you would like to " talk " with me, feel free to email me. cmc@... Good luck! Newbie Hi, I just joined this list. I have been reading The Body Ecology Diet and did that test that was from The Yeast Connection book. I appears that I have a problem with candida. I have recently been diagnosed with IBS/colitis. My boyfriend told me that I should try the diet for candida, especially after I took the test. I am starting this today and hope that this helps. I have been reading a lot on IBS and colitis. It seems like there is a lot of information out there that says that IBS is just a bunch of symptoms and not a diagnosis. I am really going to need the help of this list if I want to follow a diet to help balance my system. I LOVE breads and all sorts of starchy carbohydrates. I would really appreciate it if people could help with support. By the way I am a 26 year old female from the Boston area. Amy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 31, 2000 Report Share Posted January 31, 2000 Ree, Hello and welcome:) I'am so sorry to hear about your son how is he doing? I have 4 children who have this awful disease along with me:( but, we are survivors:) Check out Krissy's arthritis page I've been there and liked it:) Best of luck with your rhuemy appt. I too have appt's to make for my kids WOW won't the doc be surprised when a whole family shows! Oh well take care:) Teena Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2000 Report Share Posted November 26, 2000 If someone would please direct me to sites on the net that will explain the subject matter of the e-alerts I am getting? I seem to receive only people's replies, and often can't make sense of it, because I don't know what questions are being answered? Also, I am on an extremely tight budget, and cannot buy a lot of the bowel cleansers on the net. I saw something about bentonite and psillium and enemas. Someone please direct me to where I can learn more about that, as I could probably afford those things. Sorry to sound so uninformed, because if I do, it is because I am! I have been troubled with only one bowel movement a week for years now and I am sure I need a cleanse. I even went on two weeks of turkey rhubarb, supposedly something that works for everyone, and only saw very minimal results. Someone's help would be very helpful. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 Thanks, will try all that. The biggest problem for me will be getting down all that water. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 thanks a million for that information. I will not be using bentonite! (i struggle with only one bowel movement a week no matter what I do. Are the disposable enemas acceptable? If not, should I use epsom salts? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 Thanks, but I don't have a credit card. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 At 06:32 PM 11/26/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Also, I am on an extremely tight budget, and cannot buy a lot of the bowel >cleansers on the net. If you are on a budget here are some things that will help. Eat three meals a day, spaced at least four hours apart. Before breakfast take a warm shower or bath. Eat your evening meal at least 3 hours before retiring. *Drink 8 glasses of water or herbal teas each day. Drink on arising and between meals. Develop a regular schedule. Exercise 30-60 minutes each day. Allow adequate time for rest. Take a rest when needed. Don't eat between meals. If hungry have a glass of water or herbal tea. Omit refined sugars, honey, molasses and other concentrated sweeteners. Quit all caffeinated drinks, alcohol, commercial fruit juices and sodas. Omit processes fats and oils, including margarine, butter, mayo, oily dressings and vegetable oils. Avoid processed foods and fast foods. Leave out animal foods, dairy products and eggs. Avoid salt. 7 day diet. days 1-2, Fresh Fruit and Whole Grains days 3-7, add Vegetables and Bread If you have some money for a supplement. Buy what you can afford for a month and make it last over the time period even if you are not taking the suggested dosage. As a rule of thumb, any amount is better than none and will help. Bob Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 At 12:24 AM 11/27/2000 -0500, you wrote: >Thanks, will try all that. The biggest problem for me will be getting >down all that water. The water may seem like a lot but it is something you can get used to. Try getting a fresh glass every hour and drink it over the hour period. I went for most of my life drinking very little water and now sometimes I can't get enough. Read " Your Body's Many Cries For Water " . You can also buy 100% Juice from the store and dilute it 25% juice and 75% water. If you have a juicer make your own. Bob Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 I sell the psyllium and bentonite on my site for very reasonable prices. ~Karma Vitamins, Herbs, etc. at discount prices.View my current auctions at:"Find yourself by losing yourself in service to others"~Gandhi Re: Newbie If someone would please direct me to sites on the net that will explain the subject matter of the e-alerts I am getting? I seem to receive only people's replies, and often can't make sense of it, because I don't know what questions are being answered? Also, I am on an extremely tight budget, and cannot buy a lot of the bowel cleansers on the net. I saw something about bentonite and psillium and enemas. Someone please direct me to where I can learn more about that, as I could probably afford those things. Sorry to sound so uninformed, because if I do, it is because I am! I have been troubled with only one bowel movement a week for years now and I am sure I need a cleanse. I even went on two weeks of turkey rhubarb, supposedly something that works for everyone, and only saw very minimal results. Someone's help would be very helpful.Subscription email: mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 In a message dated 11/27/2000 12:01:44 AM Central Standard Time, moriam@... writes: << Regarding bentonite, please note that it tends to be somewhat constipating (it is clay . People use it to " pull out " junk in the colon, which is a great purpose. But it tends toward constipating rather than laxative. I thought you might want to know that! (If you take it also be sure to drink lots of water with it, at least a glass of water after the bentonite & water mixture). Larger health food stores in my area sell bentonite in the bulk herbs aisle. It is pretty cheap. >> _____________ Sonnes put out a liquid bentonite that isn't so constipating and tastes much better than the powder. I highly reccommend this!! And a little goes a long way in reference to expense. Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 In a message dated 11/27/2000 12:37:09 AM Central Standard Time, str8barber@... writes: << thanks a million for that information. I will not be using bentonite! (i struggle with only one bowel movement a week no matter what I do. Are the disposable enemas acceptable? If not, should I use epsom salts? >> ___________________ Please go to Wal-Mart and buy you a $5 enema bag. In years to come you will thank your self for such a good investment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 In a message dated 11/27/2000 6:07:14 AM Central Standard Time, abrs@... writes: << If you are like me and really, struggle, then pslyuim is just going to blot you and enema's don't cut it either I am just to blocked. Homozon is what works for me. Prior to Homozon I was taking 7 Swiss Kriss everyday. Normal dosage is 1-2. Azure sells Homozne for 25.25 per bottle. Last about a month, and could be life saving. Bernadette >> ___________________ Morning Bernadette, Your up early!! What has your fast evolved to and do you plan another soon? I'm thinking seriously about one but have to wait until my husband goes back to work. He has 2 more weeks vacation. Edith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 Thanks for the information. Can it only be bought off the net? I don't have a credit card. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 thank you. I will. Just plain water? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 If you are like me and really, struggle, then pslyuim is just going to blot you and enema's don't cut it either I am just to blocked. Homozon is what works for me. Prior to Homozon I was taking 7 Swiss Kriss everyday. Normal dosage is 1-2. Azure sells Homozne for 25.25 per bottle. Last about a month, and could be life saving. Bernadette > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 If you find that you are interested, I do take checks and purchase orders too. You would send them to: Karma Tucker Rt. 3, Box 174 Moberly, MO 65270 ~Karma Vitamins, Herbs, etc. at discount prices.View my current auctions at:"Find yourself by losing yourself in service to others"~Gandhi Re: Newbie Thanks, but I don't have a credit card. Subscription email: mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 > Morning Bernadette, > Your up early!! What has your fast evolved to and do you plan another soon? > > I'm thinking seriously about one but have to wait until my husband goes back > > to work. He has 2 more weeks vacation. > Edith > Edith, I hear you can enter a fasting high. Well, though not fasting, I am still in that high. A friend saw me today and took one look and bought a juicer. I look glowing, skin tightened and I lost at least ten years. I feel wonderful. Another friend suffering health problems has come to me for council. This only since I have been fasting and look astonishing. Clean, clear and fresh. I broke my fast for five days, long enough so when Thanksgiving Dinner came around I was physically prepared to carefully enjoy it with my family. I started back on juicing and raw foods yesterday. On the scale and medically I still have 30 pounds to lose, though I wear a size 8. I have a lot of hidden fat in my upper body. Good by big breast :-) LOL. On my neck and throat lumps, nodules, Thyroid, swollen tonsils, infected adenoids. GONE. No problems here, high blood pressure, gone. Life is good indeed. My you experience the joy and strength that I have in my fast and please be well studied, as you must release the toxins be expelled. Bernadette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 27, 2000 Report Share Posted November 27, 2000 someone please explain fasting to me, I thought it meant not ingesting anything, but I see some things about juices and raw foods. I belong to the egroups, but all that comes in my email is answers. I never see the questions. what am I doing wrong,? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 2000 Report Share Posted November 28, 2000 What is Homozon? Is it a multi-herb cleansing formula? Thanks - Vito >From: <abrs@...> >Reply-bowel cleanseegroups ><bowel cleanseegroups> >Subject: Re: Newbie >Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 07:14:37 -0500 > >If you are like me and really, struggle, then pslyuim is just going to blot >you and enema's don't cut it either I am just to blocked. Homozon is what >works for me. Prior to Homozon I was taking 7 Swiss Kriss everyday. Normal >dosage is 1-2. Azure sells Homozne for 25.25 per bottle. Last about a >month, and could be life saving. > > > >Bernadette > > > ________________________________________________________________________________\ _____ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 2000 Report Share Posted November 28, 2000 > someone please explain fasting to me, I thought it meant not ingesting > anything, but I see some things about juices and raw foods. I belong to the > egroups, but all that comes in my email is answers. I never see the > questions. what am I doing wrong,? Fasting is a process in which you go without solid, hard to digest foods. It can be water, but is more easily done with juices. A proper juicer is a wise investment to your health. As you fast on juices, you body releases toxins and begins not only to heal but also to reverse the disease process. Yet fasting MUST be done knowleably. If the toxins being released and dumped into you liver and kidney's quicker then you are expelling them through Homozon or/and coffee enemas you can have a toxic overload and cause harm. Additionally for the inexperienced faster, headaches, weakness etc.. my cause you to quit the fast improperly and a fast MUST be quit wisely or you could cause more harm then good. With that said and done, fasting, colon cleansing, and water is a best known secret to health and vitality. Best Wishes, Bernadette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 28, 2000 Report Share Posted November 28, 2000 thank you for clearing that up. would you mind sharing ways in which a juice only fast has been beneficial, and how long to you go between fasts? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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