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In a message dated 10/26/00 5:53:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

slgarrett_joye@... writes:

<< Has anyone heard whether will help to cure

MS? >>

I would try it if I had MS. Jaguar website states " Beck has

personally seen hundreds of people helped with of all kinds of diseases

including AIDS, prostate cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Hepatitis A and B,

Herpes B, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, cervical cancer, and

lupus. All of these are caused by viruses and bacteria which is the forte of

the Black Box and Magnetic Pulser, which means that the list of diseases

these devices may reverse could be very long. "

I have other information on MS and I will cut and paste it on the bottom of

this letter but I also want to remind you that for anyone with MS they advise

them to first remove all fillings/root canals in teeth and do not ingest

anything with aspartame. I saved this information for a family member and I

don't remember where I got it from:

Unveil MS—drugs only mask your symptoms

Learn complementary medicine’s greatest triumph

Many doctors opt to use the wrong treatment rather than admitting they don’t

know what the right treatment is. A case in point is multiple sclerosis (MS).

An MS diagnosis, when approached with the main stream treatment of choice,

means being forced to live with an unpredictable physical condition and its

emotional effects for the rest of your life. The drugs of choice, forms of

beta interferon, only succeed in slowing deterioration caused by MS.

In fact, the very research justifying the FDA approval showed no patients

getting better. Plus, they do nothing to address or correct the cause of the

symptoms. By focusing on the symptoms, mainstream medicine is wasting your

time and money. And we aren’t talking about a small chunk of change—the

annual fee for the standard MS drug is $10,000.

Mainstream drugs don’t cure; they harm

Beta interferon, used mainly as Betaseron and Avonex, was created to mimic

the natural substance, interferon, which is a modulator and true benefactor

of your immune system. The concept is true harmony with the thinking of a

" natural " physician.

But here’s the catch: the dosage that the mainstreamers have agreed upon is

over 100,000 times the physiologic dose (the amount of interferon your body

puts out when subjected to stress). That means that the side effects

(fatigue, chills, fever, aches, and sweating), can be horrendous, often

necessitating a discontinuation of the therapy.

I have often wondered why they do not use the physiologic dose, as we do at

The Atkins Center. At current rates, that would allow the treatment to cost

about 10 cents per year. That couldn’t be the reason that the manufacturers

recommend taking so much. . .could it?

Corticosteroids, which relieve inflammation in the central nervous system,

are common mainstream solutions to MS as well. They are also life-long

therapies and cause a wide variety of side effects, including vision

problems, mood changes, nervousness, weight gain, elevated blood pressure,

and joint pain.

Spontaneous recovery with these drugs is rare, and there are no known

pharmaceutical therapies that promote regeneration or are able to reverse

neurological damage (The New England Journal of Medicine

1997; 337(22): 1604- 1611).

Mainstream physicians do not have a positive outlook for MS patients, and

it’s easy to see why when you look

at their dead-end therapies. Using complementary medicine, I’ve had a success

rate that, by my clinical impression based on treating nearly 1,000 patients,

exceeds 80 percent.

Complementary medicine can eradicate MS naturally

MS is divided into two types: primary progressive, which means that from the

onset the symptoms simply worsen, and secondary progressive, which is

characterized first by attacks during which the symptoms emerge and then by

periods of time during which no symptoms are present.

Complementary practitioners have determined that the reason these two

different types of MS exist is because they are different responses to

different stimuli which cause the illness. If a stimulus is present from the

onset forward, the disease only gets worse. If a stimulus is only present on

occasion, the symptoms might emerge as " attacks. " And, happily, if the cause

can be identified and removed the MS can be cured.

First and foremost, potentially harmful stimuli must be removed; then the

nervous system must be rebuilt after all the damage it has suffered. I find

that using Calcium AEP is the best way to repair the damage done to the

immune system once the problematic causes are removed.

Because complementary medicine works to encompass all aspects of health, our

approach has been to try to find as many causes of MS as we can by observing

our patients’ progress after removing problems that could be possibly causing

the MS. The theories are confirmed by our patient success rate. Thus, we have

been able to isolate what are the most probable causes for MS.

Remove harmful stimuli, remove MS

Your dental work could be causing your MS! If you have silver fillings or

crowns made of nickel, youshould seek out a practitioner experienced in the

removal and replacement of amalgams.

As you read last month, your dental health has a lot to do with how healthy

the rest of your body is. The culprit in many cases is the mercury used in

fillings, which is toxic and could be poisoning your body. The leading

pioneer in this area is Dr. Hal Huggins, author of It’s All in Your Head

(Avery Publishing, 1993), which explores the dangers associated with dental

amalgams. Research studies have also shown that

patients often respond well when amalgams are replaced (Psych Rep 1992:

70(3): 1139-51).

In my own clinical experience, I believe the majority of patients improve

neurologically following my advice to have amalgams replaced. I must stress,

however, the importance of using a dentist specifically trained in the

technique of amalgam removal. We are currently Working to bring you a list of

doctors that have been trained by Dr. Huggins in a

forthcoming issue.

I'm sure there are a host of toxic possibilities that are contributing to MS.

Other dental toxins, such as those emanating from root canals certainly are

suspect. So are a variety of environmental toxins. Dr. Nieper, whom I’ll tell

you about momentarily, implicated the platinum compounds emanating from your

car’s catalytic converters.

Infectious diseases have long been implicated

and a major breakthrough has been achieved by a study done by the Neurology

Group at Vanderbilt University ls of Neurology 1999; 46: 6-14). Dr. S.

Sriram and his team found the bacteria Chiamydia pneumoniae in the spinal

fluid of 64 to 97 percent of MS patients, and less than 18 percent of people

with other neurological disorders.

Vita-nutrients that help knock-out MS

Here are some of the vita-nutrients I recommend in addition to an Atkins

maintenance diet (or a more carbohydrate-restricted diet if you are

overweight) and Ca AEP treatments. Make sure you eliminate simple sugars.

milk, yogurt. soft drinks, all caffeinated beverages, distilled alcohol, and

margarine (or any foods with trans-fats). Also, eat cheese in moderation.

This means you should be eating plenty of meat, fish, fowl, eggs, and fresh

(preferably organic) vegetables.

Octacosanol 15-30 mg

B12 as methylcobalamin 30-60 mg

Vitamin D3 800-1,600 mg

Sphingomyelin 3-6 capsules

EPA/DHA fish oil 1,800-3,600 mg

Pancreatic enzymes 3-6 grams

Coenzyme Q10 100-200 mg

Lecithin 1-3 tsp.

Methionine 1,500-3,000 mg

Phosphatidyl serinc 200-400 mg

Pantethine 600-1,200 mg

Vitamin C 3-6 grains

Chlamydia is a stealth organism (it is hard to find with the usual

techniques) which explains why scientists have not found it before. But

eradicating it (and perhaps other stealth bacteria such as micoplasma) is

doable, and when accomplished, the grim, downhill prognosis neurologists give

to their MS patients will be a thing of the past.

The high-resolution microscopy we do using the

special Bradford microscope, allows us to find the organisms within the red

blood cells and avoids the need for a spinal tap.

No one has ever thought to do glucose tolerance tests on a group of MS

patients. At The Atkins Center, we have done them on over 600 patients. Two

out of three of them have unstable blood glucose (also known as

hypoglycemia). This finding led to our using a relatively low carbohydrate,

completely sugarless diet on our MS patients and learning that the fatigue

experienced by our patients is more likely due to their blood sugar problem

than to MS itself. How do I know? They noted an upsurge of energy within days

of changing their diet.

Your MS may be linked to food allergies. An international research study

found a correlation between MS and average milk consumption. There was no

correlation shown with cheese and only a low correlation seen with cream or

butter (Neuroepi demiology 1992; 11: 304-12). Researchers suggest that MS may

be caused by an allergic or adverse reaction to certain foods, particularly

cocoa, cola, and coffee (ls of Allergy 1987; 59: 76-79). Another

epidemiological study indicates that ingestion of cocoa is associated with

MS. To diagnose an existing allergy or yeast overgrowth, ask your doctor to

perform the cytotoxic, or ALCAT, test.

A vitamin deficiency could lead to MS. Several studies have shown an

association between MS and deficiencies in vitamins and/or minerals. One

study found that MS patients had low levels of vitamin B12 and folate, which

are essential in the formation of myelin and remyelination (Journal of

Neurology 1993; 240: 305-308). Other studies with MS patients have indicated

low serum concentrations of zinc and copper (Journal of Neurology,

Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1982; 45: 691-8). Levels of magnesium, vitamin C,

B6, and selenium are often low in MS patients as well.

Once your doctor has identified any harmful stimuli that might have been

causing problems, you need to begin a course of Calcium AEP therapy. This is

an essential aspect of the treatment program and produces amazing results.

The government is sitting on your best hope for MS

Calcium AEP (also known as Ca AEP) can reverse the damage MS causes. This

natural substance is part mineral (calcium) and part phosphatidyl

ethanolamine, a chemical found in the protective covering around nerve cells.

The compound works by carrying calcium to the nerve-cell membrane, where it

prevents the electricity involved in nerve transmissions from dissipating. It

appears to work as a neurotransmitter and thus seems the ideal treatment

strategy for MS and other autoimmune neurological disorders. Based upon years

of European scientific research, Ca AEP is the only active substance used in

the treatment of MS in Germany. (The evolution of this therapy is largely due

to Dr. Hans Nieper. To read more about him and the development of Ca AEP

therapy, see the March 1996 issue of Health Revelations.)

The intravenous form is considerably more effective than the oral form. In

fact, I recommend

that the oral form should only be used after a trial with IV administration.

If the IV form is working well for you, then the oral form may enhance the

results that you experience.

Ca AEP is yet another case of a natural substance that works being snubbed in

favor of drugs that don’t. Interestingly, the FDA currently does not allow

the substance to be obtained in the U.S.

I recommend finding a complementary physician who will work with you to

obtain Ca AEP legally from Germany and will administer it to you

intravenously. The Brewer Science Library in Wisconsin can provide a package

of information on Ca AEP, including how to go about getting it from overseas.

(Contact A.K. Brewer International Science Library, 325 N. Central Ave.,

Richland Center, WI 53581; (608)647-6513.).They will help you locate the oral

form available in the U.S.

This is your only course of action until clinical trials are performed here

in the States and then approved by the FDA. A scientific government study

would lead to the availability of the IV form in this country for anyone who

needs it. I am currently campaigning to help make this happen by advocating

that the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM),

a part of the National Institutes for Health, fund a study using Ca AEP. The

study would compare the use of Ca AEP in one group with the use of Ca AEP and

amalgam removal in another group and evaluate those results against the

results of a mainstream control group.

I am sure that such research would change MS treatment in this country

forever. You can help make this happen by writing a letter to the NCCAM

requesting a government-funded study using Ca AEP intravenously for the

treatment of MS. Address your letter to NCCAM Clearinghouse, P0 Box 8218,

Silver Spring, land 20907-8218 or send a fax to (301) 495-4957.

Exciting news about Calcium AEP

The Brewer Science library is very excited about pending results (due in the

fall of 1999) from a study it conducted with MS patients. Three hundred MS

patients who were treated with intravenous Calcium AEP were surveyed, and the

data are currently being analyzed. We'll keep you posted the minute the

results are in!

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> In a message dated 10/26/00 5:53:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> slgarrett_joye@y... writes:

> Thank you for your kind response!

> << Has anyone heard whether will help to


> MS? >>


> I would try it if I had MS. Jaguar website states " Beck has

> personally seen hundreds of people helped with of all kinds of


> including AIDS, prostate cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Hepatitis A

and B,

> Herpes B, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, cervical

cancer, and

> lupus. All of these are caused by viruses and bacteria which is the

forte of

> the Black Box and Magnetic Pulser, which means that the list of


> these devices may reverse could be very long. "


> I have other information on MS and I will cut and paste it on the

bottom of

> this letter but I also want to remind you that for anyone with MS

they advise

> them to first remove all fillings/root canals in teeth and do not


> anything with aspartame. I saved this information for a family

member and I

> don't remember where I got it from:


> Unveil MS†" drugs only mask your symptoms

> Learn complementary medicine’s greatest triumph

> Many doctors opt to use the wrong treatment rather than admitting

they don’t

> know what the right treatment is. A case in point is multiple

sclerosis (MS).

> An MS diagnosis, when approached with the main stream treatment of


> means being forced to live with an unpredictable physical condition

and its

> emotional effects for the rest of your life. The drugs of choice,

forms of

> beta interferon, only succeed in slowing deterioration caused by MS.

> In fact, the very research justifying the FDA approval showed no


> getting better. Plus, they do nothing to address or correct the

cause of the

> symptoms. By focusing on the symptoms, mainstream medicine is

wasting your

> time and money. And we aren’t talking about a small chunk of

change†" the

> annual fee for the standard MS drug is $10,000.


> Mainstream drugs don’t cure; they harm

> Beta interferon, used mainly as Betaseron and Avonex, was created

to mimic

> the natural substance, interferon, which is a modulator and true


> of your immune system. The concept is true harmony with the

thinking of a

> " natural " physician.

> But here’s the catch: the dosage that the mainstreamers have

agreed upon is

> over 100,000 times the physiologic dose (the amount of interferon

your body

> puts out when subjected to stress). That means that the side


> (fatigue, chills, fever, aches, and sweating), can be horrendous,


> necessitating a discontinuation of the therapy.

> I have often wondered why they do not use the physiologic dose, as

we do at

> The Atkins Center. At current rates, that would allow the treatment

to cost

> about 10 cents per year. That couldn’t be the reason that the


> recommend taking so much. . .could it?

> Corticosteroids, which relieve inflammation in the central nervous


> are common mainstream solutions to MS as well. They are also life-


> therapies and cause a wide variety of side effects, including


> problems, mood changes, nervousness, weight gain, elevated blood


> and joint pain.

> Spontaneous recovery with these drugs is rare, and there are no


> pharmaceutical therapies that promote regeneration or are able to


> neurological damage (The New England Journal of Medicine

> 1997; 337(22): 1604- 1611).

> Mainstream physicians do not have a positive outlook for MS

patients, and

> it’s easy to see why when you look

> at their dead-end therapies. Using complementary medicine, I’ve

had a success

> rate that, by my clinical impression based on treating nearly 1,000


> exceeds 80 percent.


> Complementary medicine can eradicate MS naturally

> MS is divided into two types: primary progressive, which means that

from the

> onset the symptoms simply worsen, and secondary progressive, which


> characterized first by attacks during which the symptoms emerge and

then by

> periods of time during which no symptoms are present.

> Complementary practitioners have determined that the reason these


> different types of MS exist is because they are different responses


> different stimuli which cause the illness. If a stimulus is present

from the

> onset forward, the disease only gets worse. If a stimulus is only

present on

> occasion, the symptoms might emerge as " attacks. " And, happily, if

the cause

> can be identified and removed the MS can be cured.

> First and foremost, potentially harmful stimuli must be removed;

then the

> nervous system must be rebuilt after all the damage it has

suffered. I find

> that using Calcium AEP is the best way to repair the damage done to


> immune system once the problematic causes are removed.

> Because complementary medicine works to encompass all aspects of

health, our

> approach has been to try to find as many causes of MS as we can by


> our patients’ progress after removing problems that could be

possibly causing

> the MS. The theories are confirmed by our patient success rate.

Thus, we have

> been able to isolate what are the most probable causes for MS.


> Remove harmful stimuli, remove MS

> Your dental work could be causing your MS! If you have silver

fillings or

> crowns made of nickel, youshould seek out a practitioner

experienced in the

> removal and replacement of amalgams.

> As you read last month, your dental health has a lot to do with how


> the rest of your body is. The culprit in many cases is the mercury

used in

> fillings, which is toxic and could be poisoning your body. The


> pioneer in this area is Dr. Hal Huggins, author of It’s All in

Your Head

> (Avery Publishing, 1993), which explores the dangers associated

with dental

> amalgams. Research studies have also shown that

> patients often respond well when amalgams are replaced (Psych Rep


> 70(3): 1139-51).

> In my own clinical experience, I believe the majority of patients


> neurologically following my advice to have amalgams replaced. I

must stress,

> however, the importance of using a dentist specifically trained in


> technique of amalgam removal. We are currently Working to bring you

a list of

> doctors that have been trained by Dr. Huggins in a

> forthcoming issue.

> I'm sure there are a host of toxic possibilities that are

contributing to MS.

> Other dental toxins, such as those emanating from root canals

certainly are

> suspect. So are a variety of environmental toxins. Dr. Nieper, whom

I’ll tell

> you about momentarily, implicated the platinum compounds emanating

from your

> car’s catalytic converters.

> Infectious diseases have long been implicated

> and a major breakthrough has been achieved by a study done by the


> Group at Vanderbilt University ls of Neurology 1999; 46: 6-14).

Dr. S.

> Sriram and his team found the bacteria Chiamydia pneumoniae in the


> fluid of 64 to 97 percent of MS patients, and less than 18 percent

of people

> with other neurological disorders.

> Vita-nutrients that help knock-out MS

> Here are some of the vita-nutrients I recommend in addition to an


> maintenance diet (or a more carbohydrate-restricted diet if you are

> overweight) and Ca AEP treatments. Make sure you eliminate simple


> milk, yogurt. soft drinks, all caffeinated beverages, distilled

alcohol, and

> margarine (or any foods with trans-fats). Also, eat cheese in


> This means you should be eating plenty of meat, fish, fowl, eggs,

and fresh

> (preferably organic) vegetables.

> Octacosanol 15-30 mg

> B12 as methylcobalamin 30-60 mg

> Vitamin D3 800-1,600 mg

> Sphingomyelin 3-6 capsules

> EPA/DHA fish oil 1,800-3,600 mg

> Pancreatic enzymes 3-6 grams

> Coenzyme Q10 100-200 mg

> Lecithin 1-3 tsp.

> Methionine 1,500-3,000 mg

> Phosphatidyl serinc 200-400 mg

> Pantethine 600-1,200 mg

> Vitamin C 3-6 grains


> Chlamydia is a stealth organism (it is hard to find with the usual

> techniques) which explains why scientists have not found it before.


> eradicating it (and perhaps other stealth bacteria such as

micoplasma) is

> doable, and when accomplished, the grim, downhill prognosis

neurologists give

> to their MS patients will be a thing of the past.

> The high-resolution microscopy we do using the

> special Bradford microscope, allows us to find the organisms within

the red

> blood cells and avoids the need for a spinal tap.

> No one has ever thought to do glucose tolerance tests on a group of


> patients. At The Atkins Center, we have done them on over 600

patients. Two

> out of three of them have unstable blood glucose (also known as

> hypoglycemia). This finding led to our using a relatively low


> completely sugarless diet on our MS patients and learning that the


> experienced by our patients is more likely due to their blood sugar


> than to MS itself. How do I know? They noted an upsurge of energy

within days

> of changing their diet.

> Your MS may be linked to food allergies. An international research


> found a correlation between MS and average milk consumption. There

was no

> correlation shown with cheese and only a low correlation seen with

cream or

> butter (Neuroepi demiology 1992; 11: 304-12). Researchers suggest

that MS may

> be caused by an allergic or adverse reaction to certain foods,


> cocoa, cola, and coffee (ls of Allergy 1987; 59: 76-79).


> epidemiological study indicates that ingestion of cocoa is

associated with

> MS. To diagnose an existing allergy or yeast overgrowth, ask your

doctor to

> perform the cytotoxic, or ALCAT, test.

> A vitamin deficiency could lead to MS. Several studies have shown


> association between MS and deficiencies in vitamins and/or

minerals. One

> study found that MS patients had low levels of vitamin B12 and

folate, which

> are essential in the formation of myelin and remyelination (Journal


> Neurology 1993; 240: 305-308). Other studies with MS patients have


> low serum concentrations of zinc and copper (Journal of Neurology,

> Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1982; 45: 691-8). Levels of magnesium,

vitamin C,

> B6, and selenium are often low in MS patients as well.

> Once your doctor has identified any harmful stimuli that might have


> causing problems, you need to begin a course of Calcium AEP

therapy. This is

> an essential aspect of the treatment program and produces amazing



> The government is sitting on your best hope for MS

> Calcium AEP (also known as Ca AEP) can reverse the damage MS

causes. This

> natural substance is part mineral (calcium) and part phosphatidyl

> ethanolamine, a chemical found in the protective covering around

nerve cells.

> The compound works by carrying calcium to the nerve-cell membrane,

where it

> prevents the electricity involved in nerve transmissions from

dissipating. It

> appears to work as a neurotransmitter and thus seems the ideal


> strategy for MS and other autoimmune neurological disorders. Based

upon years

> of European scientific research, Ca AEP is the only active

substance used in

> the treatment of MS in Germany. (The evolution of this therapy is

largely due

> to Dr. Hans Nieper. To read more about him and the development of


> therapy, see the March 1996 issue of Health Revelations.)

> The intravenous form is considerably more effective than the oral

form. In

> fact, I recommend

> that the oral form should only be used after a trial with IV


> If the IV form is working well for you, then the oral form may

enhance the

> results that you experience.

> Ca AEP is yet another case of a natural substance that works being

snubbed in

> favor of drugs that don’t. Interestingly, the FDA currently does

not allow

> the substance to be obtained in the U.S.

> I recommend finding a complementary physician who will work with

you to

> obtain Ca AEP legally from Germany and will administer it to you

> intravenously. The Brewer Science Library in Wisconsin can provide

a package

> of information on Ca AEP, including how to go about getting it from


> (Contact A.K. Brewer International Science Library, 325 N. Central


> Richland Center, WI 53581; (608)647-6513.).They will help you

locate the oral

> form available in the U.S.

> This is your only course of action until clinical trials are

performed here

> in the States and then approved by the FDA. A scientific government


> would lead to the availability of the IV form in this country for

anyone who

> needs it. I am currently campaigning to help make this happen by


> that the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine


> a part of the National Institutes for Health, fund a study using Ca

AEP. The

> study would compare the use of Ca AEP in one group with the use of

Ca AEP and

> amalgam removal in another group and evaluate those results against


> results of a mainstream control group.

> I am sure that such research would change MS treatment in this


> forever. You can help make this happen by writing a letter to the


> requesting a government-funded study using Ca AEP intravenously for


> treatment of MS. Address your letter to NCCAM Clearinghouse, P0 Box


> Silver Spring, land 20907-8218 or send a fax to (301) 495-4957.

> Exciting news about Calcium AEP

> The Brewer Science library is very excited about pending results

(due in the

> fall of 1999) from a study it conducted with MS patients. Three

hundred MS

> patients who were treated with intravenous Calcium AEP were

surveyed, and the

> data are currently being analyzed. We'll keep you posted the

minute the

> results are in!

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In a message dated 10/27/00 11:11:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

slgarrett_joye@... writes:

<< << Has anyone heard whether will help to


> MS? >> >>

Additional information on MS


I agree with the information on using blood electrification, HBOT and ozone

generator. Have you also looked into a wet cell device by Phil ? I

can send information if you would be interested.


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In a message dated 11/3/00 2:39:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

slgarrett_joye@... writes:

<< I have been using a

zapper for 1 month now, and it has completely eliminated the fatigue

associated with MS >>

Hi ,

That's good news. What type of zapper are you using? The reason I'm asking

is because there is some confusion between zappers and the Beck blood

electrification device. Are you doing all 4 steps of the protocol - blood

electrification, colloidal silver, magnetic pulser, ozonated water? It helps

all of us when we hear the results others are having. Keep us posted.



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In a message dated 11/05/2000 12:49:53 PM Central Standard Time,

slgarrett_joye@... writes:

<< I will continue to post my

progress since beginning CS 5/4 and the zapper 10/2.




I'm am very happy for your progress!! Are you using the zapper

or the Silver pulser that Beck speaks highly of?


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are you using the or Croft type Zapper to do the zapping or is it the

Beck type blood purifier? and what frequency are you using...


Share information and Experiences on

Beck-e-Rife and Colloidal Silver Technology.

Subscribe to the New e-groups Topic in Alternative Health at:



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I am trying to understand why you are making slow progress..

The Zapper is a device primarily used for killing parasites and is not

a blood purifying device...This may be the reason for your slow progress.

many people mistake one device for the other...but they are entirely

different in what they do ...here is an sumary from the internet that

defines it a little better.

Do You Know the Differences Between

and a Beck Blood Purifier? , Zapper

or a Magnetic Pulse Generator.

Internet Archive Information.

The Hulda Zapper is a small electronic device that uses two copper

handholds to deliver an electrical current of approximately 7 to 8 volts to

the body. This current produces a square wave with a frequency of about

30KHz (Kilohertz). There are some units that have frequencies as low as 2KHz

to 5KHz and some that even have a variable frequency. The lower frequencies

are supposed to make it easier for the current to penetrate into the body and

be more effective. Regardless of the frequency used, all of the

Zappers work on the same principle of a DC current with a square wave applied

to the body through the handholds. These handholds can be placed on any part

of the body desired, not just held in each hand. As a matter of fact, it is

recommended that you routinely switch the position of the handholds to

different parts of the body to promote penetration of the current to all

areas and extremities.

The Bob Beck Blood Purifier (Silver Pulser) is also an electronic device that

uses two small electrodes that are placed over major blood supply arteries or

veins on the wrists or ankles. It produces a small micro-current in the

blood stream as the blood circulates past the electrodes. It uses a higher

voltage, typically about 27 volts, but a much lower frequency than the Zapper.

The Magnetic Pulse Generator does not use electrical currents, but instead

uses a high intensity, short duration magnetic pulse of approximately 21

Kilogauss as its means of killing or immobilizing parasites. The unit

consists of a small box which holds the electronics and a round coil attached

by a cord. It is the coil which produces the pulse every 5-8 seconds. The

coil can be placed anywhere on the body, including the head and face. The

ability to place the coil anywhere means that areas not covered by the Zapper

or the Black Box/Blood Purifier are easily treated, including the Lymph

system, stomach, head, and intestines.

All three devices are attempting to do the same thing, i.e. to use either

small electrical currents or high intensity magnetic pulses applied to

various areas of the body to kill living organisms that are in your body that

shouldn't be there. This includes organisms such as: viruses, bacteria,

mold, fungi, and parasites, which includes such nasties as tapeworms,

ringworms, roundworms, flukes, HIV, Flu bugs, etc. I'll be using the term

parasite from here on to mean any and all of the previously mentioned

organisms. So please keep that in mind while reading the remaining text.

The number of microscopic and non-microscopic invaders that are in the human

body on a regular basis is truly astounding! What's even more astounding,

though, is the fact that the medical establishment seems to be completely

oblivious to their presence. The damage they do, however, is very real and

is a major source of suffering for an almost completely unsuspecting public.

The World Health Organization and other knowledgeable health groups around

the world have stated that parasite infestation is the number one health

problem in the world. Yet your friendly, local doctor is unaware for the

most part. Or it may be that he is simply unwilling to waste time trying to

convince people of the problem. In the United States we, as a people, seem

to believe that parasites are only problems for poor people from some third

world country. We are too clean and civilized to ever have parasite

problems. Think again! Read the article

In any event, to get back to the task at hand: How do these devices differ

and do you need to use all three of them? In short, they are different in

major ways and, Yes, you do need to use them all to be more effective in

eliminating parasites of all types. The Zapper kills by passing an

electrical current through the body. Electricity travels on the surface of

muscle tissue and will not penetrate the body like radio waves or x-rays do.

Therefore, there are large areas of the body that the current cannot reach,

making it ineffective in eliminating parasites in those locations. Areas

such as the contents of your stomach and your intestines, your sinus

cavities, parasites inside gallstones in your gallbladder and/or liver, and

the blood stream and lymph tend to be impervious to the Zapper.

Unfortunately, large numbers of parasites live in all of those areas. So you

need different devices to reach different areas.

The Bob Beck Blood Purifier differs from the Zapper in that it's sole

intention is to clean the blood stream by immobilizing the parasites found

there by means of a small micro-current applied directly to a blood vein or

artery. It takes approximately two hours for the blood of a typical person

to completely circulate once throughout the body. So while wearing Bob

Beck's Blood Purifier unit you are exposing your blood stream to the current

about once every two hours.

The Magnetic Pulse Generator allows you to target specific areas on the body,

such as the Lymph system, the face, or certain muscle groups. These are all

areas which can have little or no exposure to the electrical currents of the

other two devices. Because of the short duration of the magnetic pulses this

device is not effective in cleaning the blood like the Blood Purifier(Silver


Please remember, one treatment won't kill or immobilize all parasites in your

blood or your body. You have to do repeated sessions to continually work on

the parasites that are ever present. And no one can guarantee the

elimination of all parasites throughout the body, it just isn't possible..

The Zapper works mainly on the muscle tissue and surface areas inside the

body. The Blood Purifier works on the blood stream. The Magnetic Pulse

Generator is mainly used on the Lymph system and areas around the head. So

there is little overlap of the three devices and they should all be used for

the most effective treatment of any major disease or as a preventative


After having said all three should be used, I don't want you to get the idea

it is all or nothing. Many people only use one or two of the devices. Let

your own judgement, and your financial resources, dictate what you do. If

you are ill, don't spend foolishly expecting miracle cures. These devices

have been in use around the world for many years and anecdotal evidence of

their effectiveness abounds, but I'm obligated to tell you that no cures are

guaranteed or implied. Testimonials, while interesting, are not an

indication of scientific or medical effectiveness.

There seems to be differences in opinions as to which device is the most

effective in dealing with a variety of illnesses. My personal opinion is that

it depends on the particular illness involved. I've read reports of the

Zapper being not as effective as the Silver Pulser (Blood Purifier). From

personal experience with both devices all I can say is I use both. My

personal recommendation is to use the Zapper for quick " zaps " on children and

in any situation where you are looking for a reasonably quick resolution to a

parasite situation (Colloidal Silver is normally the first thing I reach

for). The Zapper won't work in all situations due to the nature of the

electrical current, but I have found it is very useful in dealing with

children and their continual exposure to Aflatoxin and Ergot mold toxins.

These toxins are in all sorts of foods that are used everyday by most kids

and can do a real number on their systems, resulting in " temper tantrums " ,

abnormal behavior, uncharacteristic outbursts, etc. Don't let your kids eat

peanut butter! Read what Dr. has to say about it in the book " The Cure

for All Diseases " . Being aware of this and using the Zapper regularly has

made a difference with my kids, lowering stress levels and reducing the " us

against them " tensions found in lots and lots of families with young children.

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has questioned my claims of beneficial use

of these devices. I claim no cures, and want to make sure everyone

understands that my opinions are my own and have no scientific or medical

basis. In other words, I'm not a doctor and can not allow anyone to assume

I'm stating things as facts, when they have not been proven in medical

studies recognized by the medical community. With that in mind, please

continue reading my opinions below.

An interesting study was related to me recently about the Zapper. A

researcher has been using chicken legs as a measure of effectiveness of the

Zapper in reducing or eliminating microbes. This researcher says it takes

about three days for normal fresh chicken legs to spoil. After " zapping " for

an hour each day the chicken legs will last up to seventeen days before

spoiling, depending on the particular Zapper being used. There is a lot of

debate about what component of the Zapper current actually produces the

results. Most researchers tend to believe that it is the odd harmonics

produced by a small spike that is present in the square wave produced by

standard Zappers. Some of the Zappers being sold have had this spike

intentionally removed, supposedly making the unit work better or reducing

possible tingling sensations. My feeling at the moment is the spike is

necessary for the most effective operation. Another researcher has stated

that different units will produce different results, with some being better

at certain illnesses than others. Be aware of these differences and, for the

moment, try to stick to the standard Zapper design.

I don't have the particulars at the moment, but a researcher of the effects

of the Beck Blood Purifier units has stated that " normal " blood will only

last about three days in a test tube before " spoiling " . After a full blood

purification treatment the same blood will last about thirty days! Major

difference, huh? This info has not been verified, so please use your own

judgment about the truthfulness.

Bob Beck recommends using his Blood Purifier for two hours per day for a

minimum of 30 days, and longer if you have a major illness. Then use it

periodically to maintain a clean blood stream. Dr. Beck's other devices,

the Magnetic Pulse Generator, the Water Ozonator, and Colloidal Silver, are

all part of a complete protocol developed by Dr. Beck to eliminate all types

of parasites from all areas of the body.

The Magnetic Pulse Generator should be used in conjunction with the Blood

Purifier for about 20 minutes per day. What has been discovered over years

of use with thousands of people worldwide is that parasites can " hide " in

your Lymph system, appearing to be gone just to return months or years later

bringing old illnesses with them. For people with major illnesses it is very

important to use both devices together for complete coverage.

A typical use of the Zapper would be initially for daily use, a minimum of

one to three times per day (of one hour sessions), for one to two weeks.

Then periodic use every few days or so to keep clear of parasites. How

frequently you use it after the initial one to two week treatment depends

solely on your individual needs. Some people can go a week or more between

Zapper sessions with no problems. Others tend to feel sluggish every three

or four days and need to Zap to restore their energy. With all of these

devices, use common sense and listen to your body.

An Important Note:

Increased publicity about Dr. Hulda and the Zapper has brought

increased attention from health and government authorities. This website and

others are being scrutinized for outrageous or misleading claims of cures or

beneficial treatments. I have chosen to work within the system, not to

fight it. There may be an inordinate number of disclaimers on many of my

pages, but I have no other choice. I started this website years ago as a

place for people to go to get information that could be life-saving. Selling

products was always a secondary issue, not the primary focus. Lately, the

focus seems to be on getting more and more people to use Zappers, Colloidal

Silver, and Silver Pulsers, to get the info and the products in the hands of

as many people as possible so there will be no way to stop them. If enough

people use and know about these products, and see results, it makes it harder

for them to be forced off the market.

You, the consumer, must be aware of these devices, but not tricked or

suckered into buying something based on unfounded claims. When sick with a

major illness, it is easy to jump on anything that might offer relief. If I

were dying, you can bet I would do whatever I could to find something that


Unfortunately, nothing works for everybody! And there is way too much hype

in the health industry, as well as in the medical profession and the drug

industry. Any one who says otherwise has a vested interest somewhere.

In my opinion the information provided by Dr. and Dr. Beck is truly

life saving. But, I am not a medical doctor and don't pretend to be one.

You have the right to choose the medical treatment that suites you, despite

what the government, the AMA, and the drug companies have to say.

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In a message dated 11/6/00 10:38:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Sjlane99@... writes:

<< << If I were to purchase a Magnetic Pulser, where would I

target the pulses? >> >>

The link below has pictures that you can click on for targeting the magnetic


Map of Blood Vessels in Extremities for Optimum Electrode Access


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This is great !!

Where did you get your zapper?

How long had you been sick? How long did you have the fatigue and how severe

was it?



n a message dated 11/3/00 11:42:27 AM Pacific Standard Time,

slgarrett_joye@... writes:



Dear Dotsie, I would be highly interested in any information you

could provide me in my fight with this disease. I have been using a

zapper for 1 month now, and it has completely eliminated the fatigue

associated with MS. Fast results within a 24 hr period. I'm alert,

awake like I used to be, and ready to to begin healing neurological

damage. I'm very new at understanding electromedicine..please be

patient with me, but highly motivated since the zapper and news from

my neurologist that " there isn't anything to do but wait " .He sent me

on my way with expensive drugs.. Thanks for your help. >>

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I am writing this for the person that has MS. Recently I went to health

lecture and the man that helped Dr. Bernard Jensen over come his

prostate/bone cancer was the speaker. He used a good diet and digestive

enzymes to accomplish this task, plus promoting good colon health. Dr.

Jensen's wife was opening the capsules and putting

the enzymes into juices (not milk) at the rate of 500 a day because

the man was on his death bed in the hospital. In 8 weeks, Jensen and the man

(Micheal O'Brein) took a hike.

He went on to say that this would also work for any other disease and named


osteoperosis, pre-menstral syndrome and diabetes.

He said they all have the same thing in common...the inability of the

body to get the vital nutrients from our food to promote good health. In one

person it was one thing and in another some other malady.

I have since started taking 20 a day and am having good results.

I still use my zapper etc and usually try to take the plant based, lower

priced ones. They do not have to cost a fortune to be good.

Here is an article to further this discussion. Hope it helps someone. Please


your own research. Edith


There are three basic types of digestive enzymes, one for each of the food

groups. The pancreas produces much of the body's digestive enzymes.

Proteases - Digestion of Protein

Amylase - Carbohydrates/Starch/Sugar

Lipase - Fats



MS patients face several problems related to incomplete digestion:

In many MS patients the pancreas does not produce enough digestive enzymes.

This can result in an overallstate of poor nutrition despite " eating

normally. "

Incompletely digested food, especially proteins, can trigger the immune

system to produce antibodies that combine with the protein in the blood to

produce " Circulating Immune Complexes. "

Changes in the amount of Circulating Immune Complexes in the blood roughly

correlates with changes in the severity of symptoms in some

MS patients. Lowering the level of these Complexes has been associated with a

decrease in severity of MS symptoms.

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In a message dated 11/9/00 11:53:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

slgarrett_joye@... writes:

<< If I were to buy from Sota, would I be

getting easily understood directions on it's use? >>

Hi ,

I purchased mine from Sota also. The directions for use were easy enough to

understand. When I did the blood electrification, the problem I had was the

every day questions that arise when doing something like this for the first

time and that's what a list like this is for. Hopefully, we can walk you

through that part of it.


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  • 1 month later...

Yes, homeopathy can treat MS, the results depend on several factors,

including the severity of the MS. A colleague of mine treated an MS

patient who had been in a wheelchair for 12 years. He/She was able to

walk again. 100% cure might be difficult in patients that have severe

MS, but improvement is possible in most cases.



Jan F. Lips, DHOM, HMC

Calgary Centre for Homeopathy

Calgary, Alberta


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Suzy,

My doctor told me that I have just about all the symptoms of MS. When I

asked him to test me for it, he said, " Why? The medications are all the

same! " I have always felt that some underlying thing caused the uneven pull

on the muscles which hold the spine straight (or don't hold it straight).


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Suzy writes:

> : " their symptoms were initially blamed on the scoliosis "

> Dear Suzy,

> Not to make light of the seriousness of both conditions, but I've found

> that most of my doctors over the years have blamed " scoliosis " for just

> about every symptom I have.

> Jolene

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Yes, check out this website http://www.direct-ms.org/and also look into the swank diet.


Has anyone had any success helping someone with severe MS. My sister in law has a severe brain lession. She is unable to move. She has to have 24 hr a day care.Sheila............................................

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Guest guest

Hi Sheila,

Lots of stuff can be done on the QX,

Myelin sheath regeneration and all the normal detoxing etc. The best was to detox is using Ambrotose (mannatech product) I am using it successfully for most of my critical clients with great success.



Has anyone had any success helping someone with severe MS. My sister in law has a severe brain lession. She is unable to move. She has to have 24 hr a day care.Sheila............................................

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Dave

You need to tell us a bit more.

Are you treating your wife?

Do you have a SCIO?

Do you want help on how to work the machine? protocols etc.


Branco LCPH MARH FBIH London

Consulting in Energetic Medicine since 1985

Tel.: +49 30 30101163 1 email sciosubspace@...2 email sciosubspace@...http://spaces.msn.com/brancofernando


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From: "assteroid414" <assteroid414@...>Reply-qxci-english To: qxci-english Subject: MSDate: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 03:45:45 -0000

I just came to this website for the first time - my wife has MS. I was told that this system is amazing. Where on the website does it fully explain the technology ??Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS discussion as it evolves. Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??Dave

Hotmail is evolving - be one of the first to try the Windows Live™ Mail Beta

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I bought my SCIO more than a year ago. I have been diagnosed with MS

13 years ago. I do not take any allopathic medicine (I tried during

15 days and I could not stand the side effects). The SCIO has helped

me a lot over the last year.

It is evident that the SCIO sessions must be supported by the proper

lifestyle changes, supplements, etc. Many books have been written on

the subject. The MS emotional conflict as described by Dr Hamer is

also important to assimilate.

Over the last year, I gave myself SCIO treatments every week (Bourne

Protocol and many others protocols).

Lately, my condition has greatly improved since 1) I had a heavy

metals detox with Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) and Klammassin

(which is zeolite specially formulated to remove the heavy metals in

the brain) and 2) I went for an ATLAS adjustment according to

the «Atlasprofilax» method (for more information, please refer to


According to Dr Scumperli, the inventor of the method, most of the

human have an ATLAS displaced! This last therapy was just amazing for

me and I recommand this adjustment (2 treatment only) to everyone

with a disease. Please note that this Atlas adjustment is totally

safe (without neck cracking!)

Furthermore, at the Budapest Congres, Dr Small clearly stated

that MS is caused by the Polio vaccine. I am now working with my SCIO

on reversing all traces of the vaccines and miasms.

I am looking forward to having the new SCIO version to work with the

Stem Cells therapy. I believe that this Stem Cell therapy will have

all the the chances to succeed as my body is detoxified and my spine

is perfectly aligned.

I definitely believe that the SCIO is an important key for the MS

treatment and any other disease.

You are welcome to contact me if you would like more information

about my approach to MS treatment.



> I just came to this website for the first time - my wife has MS.


> was told that this system is amazing. Where on the website does it

> fully explain the technology ??

> Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS discussion as it


> Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??

> Dave


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Hi Dave,

Recent studies are showing that low cholesterol levels

-- under 140 or so -- can be a risk factor for MS. The

myelin that insulates the neurons in our nervous

system need a constant supply of cholesterol to be


If her cholesterol is low, I would look at her liver,

as it is the liver that maintains 80-85% of our

cholesterol level. The rest comes from diet. So, you

can see that a healthy liver is the biggest part of

maintaining the insulation of our nervous system. It

is this insulation that is being lost with MS.

If her cholesterol seems to be too low, then with some

good clean diet work, liver-cleansing and rebuilding

(physically & w/ QXCI) and then making sure that

everything that enters her body & **soul** is in the

purest state so the liver does not have more toxins to

be burdened with she can can turn it around (remember,

the liver is very responsive to thoughts / emotions).

Again, assuming her liver needs support, another

extremely important point would be to make sure she

does not have a leaky gut. A healthy gut will only

leak aroung 1-2% of the " bad stuff " into the blood

stream for the liver to detoxify. But guess what with

a leaky gut? It all gets in, then the liver becomes so

overworked that disease becomes probably.

Where the dis-ease appears, of course, depends on our

genetics and **beliefs**. If she has leaky gut, the

main culprit would probably be gluten (which seems to

be involved with triggering an autoimmune attach of

our own gut cells). Sealing a leaky gut saves peoples

lives, so don't take it lightly if things start to

point in that direction. It is a big undertaking, but

we usually didn't get this way overnight.

Dave, be sure to take care of yourself through this.

She needs you to be happy, healthy and strong. Also,

women generally heal by talking. Listening to her, or

making sure she has friends to talk with, is very

balancing for her brain.

Well, hope something helps you or if not you, maybe

someone else.

Much Peace & Love,


--- assteroid414 <assteroid414@...> wrote:

> I just came to this website for the first time -

> my wife has MS. I

> was told that this system is amazing. Where on the

> website does it

> fully explain the technology ??

> Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS

> discussion as it evolves.

> Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??

> Dave






> ............................................



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Bravo to you! what is the bourne protocol? Anya Larsenjacqueline_jacques <jacqueline_jacques@...> wrote: HelloI bought my SCIO more than a year ago. I have been diagnosed with MS 13 years ago. I do not take any allopathic medicine (I tried during 15 days and I could not stand the side effects). The SCIO has helped me a lot over the last year.It is evident that the SCIO sessions must be supported by the proper lifestyle changes, supplements, etc. Many

books have been written on the subject. The MS emotional conflict as described by Dr Hamer is also important to assimilate.Over the last year, I gave myself SCIO treatments every week (Bourne Protocol and many others protocols).Lately, my condition has greatly improved since 1) I had a heavy metals detox with Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) and Klammassin (which is zeolite specially formulated to remove the heavy metals in the brain) and 2) I went for an ATLAS adjustment according to the «Atlasprofilax» method (for more information, please refer to www.atlasprofilax.com). According to Dr Scumperli, the inventor of the method, most of the human have an ATLAS displaced! This last therapy was just amazing for me and I recommand this adjustment (2 treatment only) to everyone with a disease. Please note that this Atlas adjustment is totally safe (without neck cracking!) Furthermore, at the

Budapest Congres, Dr Small clearly stated that MS is caused by the Polio vaccine. I am now working with my SCIO on reversing all traces of the vaccines and miasms.I am looking forward to having the new SCIO version to work with the Stem Cells therapy. I believe that this Stem Cell therapy will have all the the chances to succeed as my body is detoxified and my spine is perfectly aligned.I definitely believe that the SCIO is an important key for the MS treatment and any other disease. You are welcome to contact me if you would like more information about my approach to MS treatment.France>> I just came to this website for the first time - my wife has MS. I > was told that this system is amazing. Where on the

website does it > fully explain the technology ??> Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS discussion as it evolves. > Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??> Dave>FREE Spam Protection For Your E-Mail! Click

Here.SpamExtract Blocks Spam.Anya.....

Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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have you look into lymes for ms? rogerjacqueline_jacques <jacqueline_jacques@...> wrote: HelloI bought my SCIO more than a year ago. I have been diagnosed with MS 13 years ago. I do not take any allopathic medicine (I tried during 15 days and I could not stand the side effects). The SCIO has helped me a lot over the last year.It is evident that the SCIO sessions must be supported by the proper lifestyle changes, supplements, etc. Many books have been written on

the subject. The MS emotional conflict as described by Dr Hamer is also important to assimilate.Over the last year, I gave myself SCIO treatments every week (Bourne Protocol and many others protocols).Lately, my condition has greatly improved since 1) I had a heavy metals detox with Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) and Klammassin (which is zeolite specially formulated to remove the heavy metals in the brain) and 2) I went for an ATLAS adjustment according to the «Atlasprofilax» method (for more information, please refer to www.atlasprofilax.com). According to Dr Scumperli, the inventor of the method, most of the human have an ATLAS displaced! This last therapy was just amazing for me and I recommand this adjustment (2 treatment only) to everyone with a disease. Please note that this Atlas adjustment is totally safe (without neck cracking!) Furthermore, at the Budapest Congres, Dr

Small clearly stated that MS is caused by the Polio vaccine. I am now working with my SCIO on reversing all traces of the vaccines and miasms.I am looking forward to having the new SCIO version to work with the Stem Cells therapy. I believe that this Stem Cell therapy will have all the the chances to succeed as my body is detoxified and my spine is perfectly aligned.I definitely believe that the SCIO is an important key for the MS treatment and any other disease. You are welcome to contact me if you would like more information about my approach to MS treatment.France>> I just came to this website for the first time - my wife has MS. I > was told that this system is amazing. Where on the website does it > fully

explain the technology ??> Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS discussion as it evolves. > Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??> Dave>

Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

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In support of what has done for

her health, I quote De Ann Liska Ph D and Dan Lukaczer ND:

"Human physiology is complex and the treatment plans must be

multifaceted to reflect this complexity. Cells, tissues and organ

systems work in concert - not in isolation - and therefore effective

intervention generally requires improvement in numerous organ systems.

As the artificial boundaries between organ systems dissolve, a unifying

theme emerges, namely that the attainment, preservation and

re-establishment of health must be all encompassing. Programs and

paradigms related to the treatment of disease and the attainment of

optimal physical, mental/emotional, nutritional, biochemical, hormonal,

immunological, neurological and gastrointestinal components of our

existence that coalesce without boundaries to make the human body and

our experience of life itself. Thus, new frontiers in health care will

be reached not solely when new discoveries occur, but also when the

integration of these discoveries into a cohesive, multifaceted, unified

healthcare model prepares the way for a more accurate understanding and

more effective interventions. Healthcare providers of diverse

backgrounds (...) can and must work together to offer

scientifically-based, multifactorial interventions that are adapted to

specific needs of individaul patients."

I have used the SCIO, not only to correct energetic imbalances, but

also to work out some of the possible/probable dysfunctions in the

physiology and biochemistry of the client caused by the interweaving/interaction between external and

internal factors in a person's body, mind and spirit. After all, to

quote, the Institute of Functional Medicine - "... one disease may have multiple causes and

one initiating factor may cause multiple diseases". The SCIO is

wonderful but keep acquiring knowledge.

Be well,


jacqueline_jacques wrote:


I bought my SCIO more than a year ago. I have been diagnosed with MS

13 years ago. I do not take any allopathic medicine (I tried during

15 days and I could not stand the side effects). The SCIO has helped

me a lot over the last year.

It is evident that the SCIO sessions must be supported by the proper

lifestyle changes, supplements, etc. Many books have been written on

the subject. The MS emotional conflict as described by Dr Hamer is

also important to assimilate.

Over the last year, I gave myself SCIO treatments every week (Bourne

Protocol and many others protocols).

Lately, my condition has greatly improved since 1) I had a heavy

metals detox with Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) and Klammassin

(which is zeolite specially formulated to remove the heavy metals in

the brain) and 2) I went for an ATLAS adjustment according to

the «Atlasprofilax» method (for more information, please refer to


According to Dr Scumperli, the inventor of the method, most of the

human have an ATLAS displaced! This last therapy was just amazing for

me and I recommand this adjustment (2 treatment only) to everyone

with a disease. Please note that this Atlas adjustment is totally

safe (without neck cracking!)

Furthermore, at the Budapest Congres, Dr Small clearly stated

that MS is caused by the Polio vaccine. I am now working with my SCIO

on reversing all traces of the vaccines and miasms.

I am looking forward to having the new SCIO version to work with the

Stem Cells therapy. I believe that this Stem Cell therapy will have

all the the chances to succeed as my body is detoxified and my spine

is perfectly aligned.

I definitely believe that the SCIO is an important key for the MS

treatment and any other disease.

You are welcome to contact me if you would like more information

about my approach to MS treatment.



> I just came to this website for the first time - my wife has MS.


> was told that this system is amazing. Where on the website does it

> fully explain the technology ??

> Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS discussion as it


> Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??

> Dave


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Hi, Thank you so much!!! I am thinking of purchasing a device and don't know what to do. I am certified in EEG Bio-feedback, BCIA, but moved wife to Virginia Beach to be near family and my Psychologist License won't transfer and I'm afraid to use the device without an MD to work under and can't find one yet even for bio-feedback. Money running low, etc. so I can only afford to purchase one if I can make money with it too. Have you been successful using the device both in terms of helping most clients, and marketing without "DRAWING HEAT" ? Dave TollLea Kabala <leakabala@...> wrote: Hi Dave, Recent studies are showing that low cholesterol levels-- under 140 or so -- can be a risk factor for MS. Themyelin that insulates the neurons in our nervoussystem need a constant supply of cholesterol to bemaintained.If her cholesterol is low, I would look at her liver,as it is the liver that maintains 80-85% of ourcholesterol level. The rest comes from diet. So, youcan see that a healthy liver is the biggest part ofmaintaining the insulation of our nervous system. Itis this insulation that is being lost with MS.If her cholesterol seems to be too low, then with somegood clean diet work, liver-cleansing and rebuilding(physically & w/ QXCI) and then making sure thateverything that enters her body & **soul** is in thepurest

state so the liver does not have more toxins tobe burdened with she can can turn it around (remember,the liver is very responsive to thoughts / emotions).Again, assuming her liver needs support, anotherextremely important point would be to make sure shedoes not have a leaky gut. A healthy gut will onlyleak aroung 1-2% of the "bad stuff" into the bloodstream for the liver to detoxify. But guess what witha leaky gut? It all gets in, then the liver becomes sooverworked that disease becomes probably. Where the dis-ease appears, of course, depends on ourgenetics and **beliefs**. If she has leaky gut, themain culprit would probably be gluten (which seems tobe involved with triggering an autoimmune attach ofour own gut cells). Sealing a leaky gut saves peopleslives, so don't take it lightly if things start topoint in that direction. It is a big undertaking, butwe usually didn't get this way

overnight.Dave, be sure to take care of yourself through this.She needs you to be happy, healthy and strong. Also,women generally heal by talking. Listening to her, ormaking sure she has friends to talk with, is verybalancing for her brain.Well, hope something helps you or if not you, maybesomeone else.Much Peace & Love, Lea--- assteroid414 <assteroid414 > wrote:> I just came to this website for the first time -> my wife has MS. I > was told that this system is amazing. Where on the> website does it > fully explain the technology ??> Also, I wish to stay in touch on this MS> discussion as it evolves. > Also, a friend with emphasema - anything on that??> Dave> > > > > > ............................................>


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