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Re: Help us treat the Vertigo

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JMHO, but laying in bed doesn't help. Exercise and movement kills bugs due

to oxygen the muscles create.



[ ] Help us treat the Vertigo

My daughter has been in bed 2 years. 22 years old. She's been diagnosed

with the triad

bart, bab, lyme recently. Dr. Bernard Raxlen has her on IV Rafampin. After

1 month her

vertigo is even more severe. But it's already so severe we don't know what

to do. Does

anyone any suggestion on helping get relief from this constant, severe

spinning night and

day? This is what keeps her down.

We want to try to get relief for the vertigo right now. Please help.

in UT

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I am going by experience by myself (Lyme vertigo), my Mom (??), and my Aunt

(??). My vertigo lasted months, my Aunts over a year and my Mom's about a year.

Different things cause it I am told. There is no quick solution.

My Aunt took over the counter seasick pills (generic began with an " M " ) and


If it is sinus pressure: sudafed or actifed

If it is pressure in the brain lasix helped me.

If it is general swelling/inflamation: ibuprofin

Check with a pharmacist before mixing the above or with other Rx meds.

She and Mom tried the " orienting " exercise involving neck movements suggested by

an PT/OT but the benefit was slight.

Hopefully the Lyme treatment will take out the underlying cause and you won't

need to treat the symptoms. But again it may take a long, long time.

I remember the year on the couch, with my eyes closed and ear phones to block

out sounds late in the day when all music would screach and voices would

shatter and be just noise grinding on what seemed like my last nerve.

Hope she gets some relief soon.


[ ] Help us treat the Vertigo

My daughter has been in bed 2 years. 22 years old. She's been diagnosed with the


bart, bab, lyme recently. Dr. Bernard Raxlen has her on IV Rafampin. After 1

month her

vertigo is even more severe. But it's already so severe we don't know what to

do. Does

anyone any suggestion on helping get relief from this constant, severe spinning

night and

day? This is what keeps her down.

We want to try to get relief for the vertigo right now. Please help.

in UT

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hi. sorry to hear about your daughter.

did dr. raxlen tell you the cause of the vertigo specifically? maybe it's

worse now because she's herxing?

i don't know much about all this lyme stuff, i'm newly diagnosed, lyme, bart,

rickettsia, legionella p and other stuff that comes with lyme. i wish i could be

of more help. i've heard dr. raxlen is good so she's in good hands. i would ask

him directly what to do about the vertigo, perhaps he could offer something.


denisepapanikolas <denisepap@...> wrote:

My daughter has been in bed 2 years. 22 years old. She's been

diagnosed with the triad

bart, bab, lyme recently. Dr. Bernard Raxlen has her on IV Rafampin. After 1

month her

vertigo is even more severe. But it's already so severe we don't know what to

do. Does

anyone any suggestion on helping get relief from this constant, severe spinning

night and

day? This is what keeps her down.

We want to try to get relief for the vertigo right now. Please help.

in UT



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> Dr. Bernard Raxlen has her on IV Rafampin. After 1 month her

> vertigo is even more severe. But it's already so severe we don't

know what to do. Does

> anyone any suggestion on helping get relief from this constant,

severe spinning night and

> day?


first: a friend of mine has been in bed for many years....had

vertigo,sleepless nights,pain, etc...

she read earl mindells " vitamin bibel " (bibel=bible)

mr.mindell explanes ,antibiotics may cause a shortage of some

b-vitamins.unfortunally these one are anti-pellagra-vitamins

too.pellagra makes a very dry skin,sleepless nights etc,sun-allergy


her vertigo,skin and sleep was better with this anti-pellagra-vitamins

(included )c etc...

(i speak german,sorry!)


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Thanks for responding. Dr. Raxlen is great. What medicine

does your doctor have you on?

On Jan 4, 2008, at 4:16 PM, chelsea c wrote:

> denise,

> hi. sorry to hear about your daughter.

> did dr. raxlen tell you the cause of the vertigo specifically?

> maybe it's worse now because she's herxing?

> i don't know much about all this lyme stuff, i'm newly diagnosed,

> lyme, bart, rickettsia, legionella p and other stuff that comes

> with lyme. i wish i could be of more help. i've heard dr. raxlen is

> good so she's in good hands. i would ask him directly what to do

> about the vertigo, perhaps he could offer something.

> chelsea


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Thanks Lynn,

Thank you for responding. I have never heard the phrase LYME

VERTIGO. I wonder if the organisms ( perhaps in the brain) are

causing it. But why out of 3,500 patients that our Dr. has helped,

not one of them has ever had non-stop, continuous vertigo like our

daughter Stacie has. It makes us wonder if she has an organism from

the tick that hasn't been identified yet. God bless you with

good health

On Jan 4, 2008, at 9:37 AM, <lnnm@...> <lnnm@...>


> ,


> I am going by experience by myself (Lyme vertigo), my Mom (??), and

> my Aunt (??). My vertigo lasted months, my Aunts over a year and my

> Mom's about a year. Different things cause it I am told. There is

> no quick solution.


> My Aunt took over the counter seasick pills (generic began with an

> " M " ) and aspirin

> If it is sinus pressure: sudafed or actifed

> If it is pressure in the brain lasix helped me.

> If it is general swelling/inflamation: ibuprofin


> Check with a pharmacist before mixing the above or with other Rx meds.


> She and Mom tried the " orienting " exercise involving neck movements

> suggested by an PT/OT but the benefit was slight.


> Hopefully the Lyme treatment will take out the underlying cause and

> you won't need to treat the symptoms. But again it may take a long,

> long time.


> I remember the year on the couch, with my eyes closed and ear

> phones to block out sounds late in the day when all music would

> screach and voices would shatter and be just noise grinding on what

> seemed like my last nerve.


> Hope she gets some relief soon.


> Lynn


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> My daughter has been in bed 2 years. 22 years old. She's been

diagnosed with the triad

> bart, bab, lyme recently. Dr. Bernard Raxlen has her on IV

Rafampin. After 1 month her

> vertigo is even more severe. But it's already so severe we don't

know what to do. Does

> anyone any suggestion on helping get relief from this constant,

severe spinning night and

> day? This is what keeps her down.


> We want to try to get relief for the vertigo right now. Please



> in UT


i would state very strongly to get to a colon therapist (preferably

on that does gravity flow method)and get many, many colonics done. i

understand that you need 15 colonics to get one years worth of feces

out that your body could't get ou on its own . you take that # and

times it by your age. that's a lot of colonics. i have late stage

lyme and supposivley the neurological form . i got a migrans lesion

whaen i was pregnant with my daughter. i was 3 monts pregnant when i

pulled that tick out of my belly button. i do colonics for my kids as

well. that's been 8 years ago. colon therapy is going to pull the

dead toxins out that have died from the antibiotics. it lets the

colon drain where many parasites, bacterias, protozas, etc. reside.

once the colon starts to be able to drain, it lets the other organs

and toxic tissues dump their toxins into the colon and it's a

wonderful trickle down effect of eliminating the source of the

problem. you must build up your immune system by juicing tons of

greens, like wheatgrass, barley, etc. juicing apples carrots, celery,

etc. these are the things that parasites, etc. can't live on. it also

kills them. without a food source everyone will die and these

debilitating creatures are know exception. hope this helps. sincerely


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We want to try to get relief for the vertigo right now. Please help...

another reason of vertigo is in little cristals in the ear,the

vertigo-specialist(vertigo ambulanz) of the kaiser franz josef spital

in vienna explaned in a tv-show,how this problem has to be treated....

it looks a bit like a judo-exercise or wrestling,but it throws the

cristals out of the ear-sounds like a miracle,but heals.

a friend ofmine went there,his vertigo was caused in a


try to visit a vertigo-specialist.

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I can't remember if my dizziness was non-stop, but the nausea sure was. I

remember the room actually spun a quarter of a turn, and then started at the

beginning and spun again over and over. If I got up, I would vomit. It was

pretty bad. I started getting them occasionally, then it increased to the

point where it was nearly every day. That was a couple of years ago, so I


have perfect memory of it, and my brain was not working very good then

either. It seemed to have something to do with toxins. I could not be around

toxins because my liver could not detox any smells. Thus, mine was related to

multiple chemical sensitivity - which I hear many lymies get. I had to do

several things. I removed all carpeting, all smells (used organic and


products), and took milk thistle and ginger root and digestive enzymes. I

also stopped eating wheat and dairy, MSG, aspartame, etc. I eat mostly

organic foods. Thus, removing all toxins in my diet and environment, plus

detoxing herbs enables me to live as normals. The ginger root really is the


dramatic thing to help the dizziness, but it would not have worked unless I

also removed my carpeting. I am currently taking Pectasol Chelation Complex in

hopes I can reduce my toxin load so I can use stronger pathogen-killing

herbs. I must be full of some awful things. I am also going to do some kidney

and liver flushes. I need my liver working better in order to help my

toxin-eliminating ability. Have you tried chiropractic? I have used


in the past with great results, not curing, but definitely eliminating all

kinds of lyme-related symptoms, at least while I was steadily going.

Heidi N

From :

" Thank you for responding. I have never heard the phrase LYME

VERTIGO. I wonder if the organisms ( perhaps in the brain) are

causing it. But why out of 3,500 patients that our Dr. has helped,

not one of them has ever had non-stop, continuous vertigo like our

daughter Stacie has. It makes us wonder if she has an organism from

the tick that hasn't been identified yet. God bless you with

good health "

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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hi denise.

I will be staring azithromax and amoxicillian on tuesday. i am new diagnosed

but sick since 04. i have lab test tomorrow so i have to be drug free.

what special protocol does dr. raxlen have you on? i saw him on the discovery

channel mystery diagnosis. he's also on the board at ilads. i've heard good

things about him.

how often do you travel to consult with him?


DENISE PAPANIKOLAS <denisepap@...> wrote:


Thanks for responding. Dr. Raxlen is great. What medicine

does your doctor have you on?

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I've been reading about this situation about the constant Vertigo and don't

know from experience of the constant Vertigo. I had vertigo often before I

was diagnosed and took Antivert which appeared to help, but I really think

drinking lots of water thus hydrating and detoxing helped me. It helped with

the nausea that went along with it too, which puzzled me at the time.

Don't know if this will help you - but I have found that dehydrating and

detoxing cures many of my Lyme symptoms - or at least makes them better.

Hope you find an answer soon.....


-- [ ] Re: Help us treat the Vertigo

I can't remember if my dizziness was non-stop, but the nausea sure was. I

remember the room actually spun a quarter of a turn, and then started at the

beginning and spun again over and over. If I got up, I would vomit. It was

pretty bad. I started getting them occasionally, then it increased to the

point where it was nearly every day. That was a couple of years ago, so I


have perfect memory of it, and my brain was not working very good then

either. It seemed to have something to do with toxins. I could not be around

toxins because my liver could not detox any smells. Thus, mine was related


multiple chemical sensitivity - which I hear many lymies get. I had to do

several things. I removed all carpeting, all smells (used organic and


products), and took milk thistle and ginger root and digestive enzymes. I

also stopped eating wheat and dairy, MSG, aspartame, etc. I eat mostly

organic foods. Thus, removing all toxins in my diet and environment, plus

detoxing herbs enables me to live as normals. The ginger root really is the


dramatic thing to help the dizziness, but it would not have worked unless I

also removed my carpeting. I am currently taking Pectasol Chelation Complex


hopes I can reduce my toxin load so I can use stronger pathogen-killing

herbs. I must be full of some awful things. I am also going to do some


and liver flushes. I need my liver working better in order to help my

toxin-eliminating ability. Have you tried chiropractic? I have used


in the past with great results, not curing, but definitely eliminating all

kinds of lyme-related symptoms, at least while I was steadily going.

Heidi N

From :

" Thank you for responding. I have never heard the phrase LYME

VERTIGO. I wonder if the organisms ( perhaps in the brain) are

causing it. But why out of 3,500 patients that our Dr. has helped,

not one of them has ever had non-stop, continuous vertigo like our

daughter Stacie has. It makes us wonder if she has an organism from

the tick that hasn't been identified yet. God bless you with

good health "

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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> My daughter has been in bed 2 years. 22 years old. She's been

diagnosed with the triad

> bart, bab, lyme recently. Dr. Bernard Raxlen has her on IV

Rafampin. After 1 month her

> vertigo is even more severe.

Dr. Monika



franz josef hospital vienna,austria,europe),wien .....explaned in the


Primavera " am 12. Oktober: " Leben ohne Schwindel " a lot about vertigo.

the tv-medicine-show was in orf1 or orf 2,in austria.usually one can

get manuscript or dvd of the shows,but not for free.

if you want to contact dr.wolfram ,ask her which specialist in your

country uses the same methods.our specialists publish in english...

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