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Soul Mission Part 3

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Carolyn Evers - Soul Mission Part 3


The Low Road, Middle Road and the High RoadI have learned so much through people's experiences as I work with them andtheir akashic records. It is so fascinating to see how the soul operates intheir journey. We, that ego part of us that lives in this dimension are aware of our freewill of choice and that we create our own reality, but it is our soul thatmonitors our progress. If we get too far off track, the soul will sendevents into our lives so we must stop and review our choices. Failure to doso can be very painful indeed.   Even though the soul monitors our choices and the events in our lives, Godhas placed a claim upon our soul as the soul is composed of particles thatcome directly from God. Our soul is the essence of God. If we accept thatfact and thank God for all of our blessings, realizing that all we receiveis from God, then we place ourselves in a flow of direct communication withGod. It is then that memory begins, allowing us to hear God's voice as he speaksto us. It is then that we answer while standing in a state of bliss andgreat emotional satisfaction as we connect to him. Even though we are hereand God is there, we feel the essence of home in the exchange, because a partof us is home in this connection. I have found that there is a string of cooperation between our higher self,our soul monad and God. Between the soul monad and God there are manyconnections that support all of God's work with souls everywhere throughoutthe cosmos. There is an order of patterns and strings that connects to all the galaxiesand universes to each other. It is somewhat like a switching station in yourworld for an illustration. This means that ultimately souls can graduatefrom our sphere of Earth and her solar system, and move through Arcturus andthen make their way out into this system of switching stations. It is amagnificent plan so that souls can experience the entire cosmos. This is God's plan for the souls to experience all the wonder of hiscreation. In a sense we are the wanderers gathering all the experience thatGod has provided for us, knowing and understanding that all we survey, andall we experience, are but moments in our existence that we ultimately sharewith God. Understand that our souls are particles of God and this is God's way ofexperiencing all of his creation through our eyes. We have a very personalrelationship with our God though we do not remember this.We are here in this dimension to temporarily walk our path without memory.The joy of awakening to the realization that God is within us would bringforth the most grand of all experiences as we finally woke up to who we areand what our relationship is toward God. We joyfully accepted this path when we came because we were as intrigued asGod was with this project.  God wanted to know if we walked in forgetfulnessfor a while, would we wake up at some point and remember him.  Would we beable to awaken and speak with him again in that personal relationship thatwe once held? Would we bring Heaven down to Earth; Heaven meaning his LOVE?Could all of us awaken and live in his LOVE together?And so our soul plots out this course, our journey. For the most part weonly remember this current lifetime, but the soul sets up all of ourlifetimes like a string of pearls; each lifetime a pearl strung on thecourse of our core mission. Each pearl is a step in expressing what we were created to express. And wewere created to fulfill a very specific portion in the Tree of Life which isGod's plan for unfolding the destiny of the cosmos. You, and only you, canexpress precisely what you were brought into spiritual form to express. Eachof us fulfills a very specific piece of the Tree of Life that can only befulfilled by us.   Souls when they carry out their missions link each lifetime to the previouslifetime and they do this according to the reason for which God called themforth out of nothingness.THE MIDDLE ROADWe, the ego-self participate in planning our current lifetime before wecome. We have a choice in all of the circumstances in that lifetime and thatobjective becomes what is called the middle road. We have the ability to gobefore what I call the Review Board and watch as we originally completedthis planning. This is wondrous to watch. We can do this because in theworld of spirit there is no time. There is no past, present, or future,divided in segments that we must wait to pass through, but rather there arethere simultaneously, all at once, where we can pick and choose what we wishto explore. We choose our parents and locals for the beginning of our journey. We choosethose who will come with us to support us in our healing and perhaps theirhealing also. There is so much history from all our past lifetimes. We haveplayed all the roles in humanity in every spectrum of the rich history ofEarth.  And with our core group of travelers; we have experienced all thesituations in of all the relationships that is possible in a family. You canparticipate in this while meditating, but most people do not believe thatthey can accomplish this and they are bound by their belief system. As I interact with souls facilitating the Lord Metatron Soul HealingSessions, I am always in wonder as to people's excitement when we watchthese things unfold; their past lifetimes and the journeys and missions oftheir soul.  If you are not able to accomplish this yourself yet, I wouldsuggest that it would be of great benefit to you to work with an energyworker who can assist you so you can see for yourself the roles that youhave played. Do this once and your entire belief structure changes. You canthen go there anytime you wish.THE LOW ROADThe low road simply means that the soul did not accomplish what was set outbefore them to accomplish.  We all have patterns formed in our past thatmust be cleared, and if the soul chose to heal a particular pattern and wedid not do, this probably would be a cause for failure in a mission.If we had a lifetime where anger, for instance, was a great stumbling blockand the soul chose to heal this in a lifetime and did not, then the patternis set in place and situations will arise where anger continually arises forour attention. It is a law where there is an attraction between actions andthoughts that are alike.  This will surface until at last we notice andfinally clear the anger in our lives.It appears that if a negative emotion or situation is not cleared in threelifetimes, then it becomes even more difficult to clear. Each time thesignaling from the soul to heal becomes a little stronger to get the ego'sattention. Each time the signal is ignored the guidance from the soulbecomes more persistent until the individual finally stops and heals theproblem. This becomes particularly difficult to heal where indulgences invices are concerned such as drugs, alcohol and the like. Whether we like itor not, the soul is persistent in demanding our perfection.THE HIGH ROADHow glorious is the high road when it is accomplished and fulfilled by theindividual. The high road is simply that the individual participates withthe soul's inspiration and grows in their mastery and fulfills a secondarymission that unfolds beyond the Middle Road.           As an example, I worked with someone whose primary mission was to come andremember her healing abilities. We went back to the very beginning when hersoul was created and it was created with the greens of the healer and othersupporting colors to fulfill a particular mode of healing. Compassion would be required to understand what was needed to support theEarth at certain moments in the cycles of humanity. These were cycles wherelife on this planet would be evolving at a quickened pace and there would bespecial opportunities presented for souls to participate in the forming of anew Golden Age. She is here now to help open this opportunity for such awondrous opportunity for humanity.So the Middle Road for this healer would be to remember her ability andmission to heal people, but her secondary and higher mission would be tobuild a healing center for people bringing in healers of all abilities tooffer a comprehensive healing program for souls. We all have a nobler andhigher goal to subscribe to but that doesn't come into play unless wefulfill our Middle Road mission.HOW THE SOUL OPPERATES IN OUR LIFEOur higher self is not our complete soul, but an entrance doorway to ourmonad. The soul is very large and complex in recording and holding ourexperience and abilities. It has integrated all of our experiences and holdsmuch of our records in our many journeys. Our complete record is held in thecenter of the cosmos by the Cherubim Angels.    The higher self is the inspiration and gateway to the soul monad. We requirethe connection to our higher self to understand and to recognize thevibrational rate of the soul monad and we do work with our higher self forcertain tasks that require more power and experience. Our higher self islike a signal that connects us to the vast unknown of our soul and itsresources. To retrieve information from our soul monad, we must firstconnect to our higher self.There are organizational relationships beyond our soul monad and these cometogether to create on a grand scale which is beyond the scope of thisarticle as there is enough information about this that could be a completearticle in itself. The soul understands our missions and in that understanding helps to bringinto our awareness and into our lives, the events and circumstances such asindividuals and opportunities that we must engage with to fulfill ourmission.


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