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Welcome Anita from a fellow Floridaian. I live in Haines City, which is

about an hour and a half east of Tampa. My daughter, Jodi was diagnosed with

AIH in Feb. She sees a hepatologist at the University of Miami, we go again

Monday. This is a great group of people and we will help all we can. Take

care and God bless, Genny/Jodi's Mom

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Hi Anita, yes we have about a four hour drive for Jodi to see her

Hepatologist. She was referred to him by her Oncologist and

Gastroenterolgist here in Haines City. I feel good about him because when

she needs a transplant in will be done in Miami and we are learning our way

around. Where do you see your doctors? Yes, it was very hard to get

information until I joined this group. A lot of good info and good people

here praying for each other......Do you have children and if so what are

their ages? Hope to talk to you soon. Take care and God bless, Genny/Jodi's


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Hi Genny, my response to you was the first day I was in this group. Now I

understand why you go to Miami. I didn't know about the liver transplant,

I'm sorry to hear about that! No, I don't have any children. After a few

deaths in the past few years all I have now is my kitty. I was seeing a Dr.

in St. Pete. up until a year ago, he put me in remission, and then my HMO

formed a new group of Dr.s and said I couldn't go to him anymore. Since I was

in remission, I haven't gone to another, but have been fighting to go back to

him, and starting next year they said I can have him as my Dr. again. Which

is a good thing, because for the past week, I've been having pain again. I

just had blood work done (liver profile) and haven't heard from my primary

care Dr., he said he would call me if anything was abnormal, it wasn't last

month, so am hoping I can hold off till next year. Gosh, I hadn't planned on

writing all this. Sorry. Will keep you and your daughter in my prayers!


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Hi Anita, write all you want to that's why I'm here. I am very sorry to hear

you have lost loved ones recently, that most be hard on you. If I'm not

being to nosey how old are you? I am 47 and Jodi is 27, my son is 22. Was

blessed to have one of each because two children is all I wanted.......Please

tell me you have more than a primary doctor. Was the doctor you had to stop

seeing a Hepatologist or a Gastroenterolgist? Please forgive me but I do

have senior moments. Do you have autoimmune hepatitis? Yes, the

Hepatologist in Miami says Jodi will have to have a liver transplant but she

is not on the list yet. We go to see him Monday and he told her

Gastroenterolgist that he is doing some test while she is there but he didn't

say what. She has had several bad lab results in the last couple of months

so we don't know what to expect. She also has a low platelet count so that's

why they have not done a liver biopsy. I'm not an expert on this stuff but I

was told this is one of the things that has to be done before going on the

transplant list. I think he was waiting to see if the Prednisone would bring

up her platelet count. It has some but have a long way to go.........You

said you have been having pain, have you called your doctor about this? If

not please do so soon. You will find out Anita I am a mother hen so please

don't misunderstand and take it for being bossy.....Better go for now, I have

to finish cleaning house before the Gator game comes on. GO GATORS Take

care and God bless, Genny/Jodi's Mom

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Hi Genny, YOU have senior moments---at 47?? He, he, he. You are not being

nosey, I'm 60, think I'm 25, act 40. AND I am the one who has the senior


I thought Jodi was about 8 or 9 yrs. I was going to a Gastroentrologist,

never thought about any other. He is very good, and I'll be able to see him

again in 2001. Yes, I have autoimmune hepatitis. So many of us put up such a

stink, that the HMO is going back to the way they used to run things, which

means the old Dr.s, the Hospitals they ruled out, etc. I started taking

Alfalfa tablets every day, besides the other Vit. for immune difficency, and

the pain is going away. So think I can hold off till I can get back to my

gastro Dr. Since I've been on the list, though I'm going to ask about a

hepatologist (spelling?). I'm doing the genealogy of my family, including a

medical genealogy, and there is no autoimmune disease on either side of my

family, mother or father. Nothing like being the odd ball! He, hee. Well,

have to get supper. Don't forget to take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes you can forget to do that. Anita

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Yes, sometimes I think the senior moments are turning into senior hours. LOL

You know the funny thing is the doctors tell us autoimmune diseases don't

run in families but my mother has Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) which

is also an autoimmune disease. This also causes platelet problems, hers got

down to 32,000 and the norm is around 200,000. She too is on Prednisone for

the second time this year. When her oncologist decreases her Pred. until she

is off then her platelets drop again. This causes bleeding problems big

time...........Yes, I would ask about a hepatologist for sure. Your not on

any meds for AIH? When were you diagnosed? Well, have to go the Gator game

is about to come on. GO GATORS Keep me posted. Take care and God bless,

Genny/Jodi's Mom

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  • 2 years later...


> From: " Ian & Janet " <ianjanaust@...>

> Date: Thu 26/Dec/2002 09:49 GMT

> < >

> Subject: [ ] ANITA


> Hi Anita - I have family living in England - Cumbria and Hampshire. What area

are you from?

> Regards Jan

> Welcome to the group.


> hi jan, thanks for you email. i live in manchester, lancashire, home to

manchester united (10 mins drive away) and 2 minutes from where the group Oasis

live.., its called burnage. just a small suburb of manchester. i am trying to

think of all the questions to ask my doctor about aih, i know i have raynauds

and maybe myesthenia gravis, i also suffer from fibromyalgia, i was told they

were linked.

talk again soon

many thanks



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> From: " Ian & Janet " <ianjanaust@...>

> Date: Thu 26/Dec/2002 19:23 GMT

> < >

> Subject: [ ] ANITA


> Anita - You ask what questions to ask? You'll still be in a bit of shock since

your liver biopsy and dx AIH.You're under a liver specialist's care? Your GP

would have been given instructions by this specialist. Since starting prednisone

you will be having weekly blood tests to monitor the hepatitis, once

inflammation is down or controlled you will be put onto another drug (Imuran or

Mercaptopurine, or the like) as maintenance. Steroids can make you

hyperactive,insomniac,cause pain or fatigue in muscles,stimulate your appetite

that you feel you want to eat a horse, eat mountains of sugar - but the good

news is once you're weaned down or off you will feel normal again. Hang in

there. Another thing, I always got copies of every report (bloods,biopsy,scans)

so I could map for myself my progress and to keep doctor honest. Ask your GP

straight, if he or she has or had other AIH patients, its quite important that

they have knowledge, unfortunately a lot havent and that " bland smile " when

asking them a question, usually indicates that they havent a clue what your

talking about. We've all been there and experienced it. Mostly AIH has made me

very assertive with medical people (from a pipsqueak to a roaring mouse). If you

belong to one of those NHS revolving practices where you dont know what doctor

you're seeing today, you may need to speak to the chief doctor and get just one

assigned to you " for continuity of care " . Book appts six months down the track

as you have to wait so long for appt (I've experienced that in England myself) -

I saw my own GP weekly/fortnightly for months for monitoring and please dont

feel guilty or bad about " wasting their time " , its your body and your life.


> Sorry this is so long, I could go on and on.

> Regards Jan


> hi jan, i went to see my doctor today and got the usual (very interesting) but

at least he is aware of the problem. he still hasnt heard from the hospital

which doesnt surprise either of us. but he has said that if at any time i want

to see him, then just let him know and he will fit me in to his surgery as soon

as possible. we arent allowed to see or be told the results of blood test etc.

unless we pay. sadly i cant afford to pay, so i think i have a fight on m,y

hands. but i think, if i ask this particular doctor he will give me the info i

want. wish me luck, i am back at the hospital in 2 weeks

love n stuff



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Anita - You sound full of woes. Glad youve got your central heating going as

the weather is turning colder in UK so I hear. Here in NZ its in the

middle of the night. My husband is working nightshift and Im still

recovering from my bag of peanuts. My dog is snoring his head off and

there's a possum scrambling over our iron roof again. I dont know why

possums get up on the roof but what a din they make. I surprised your local

Council doesnt step in and help you out with your garden given you are

unwell. Late this afternoon my husband replaced our TV aerial on the

chimney. I sort of steadied the ladder for him whilst he screwed or bolted

the new one on. Great, I looked up as he was climbing down and couldnt

believe what I was seeing, I burst out laughing and rolled around on the

ground in hysterics. He got down and looked a bit miffed as he couldnt

understand what I was laughing at. I didnt say a word until he went to move

the ladder away from the house.. he couldnt because he bolted the aerial

thru the top rung of the ladder. So he had to do it all again!!

Regards Jan

[ ] MARTY - Ritalin

> >

> > Hi Marty - Did your doctor say who " they " were when he said good results

are showing up amongst some AIH people with chronic fatigue? and how they

coped with the adverse effects? Is dose lowered because of liver disease

given the danger of overdose. I know what youre going thru I had to give up

my career, I got so tired I couldnt get myself home at night!

> > Regards Jan

> >

> > hi jan, I have been unable to work for sometime now and have to live off

state benefits. believe me they are far from generous. my central heating

broke down a few months ago, no heating and no hat water. i asked for help

to have it repaired and was told it was not an essential. apparantly over 5

years and under 60 years of age you dont get cold. also they said i had a

kettle to boil water in, a washing machine to do the laundry. i had to save

up to get the repairs done, it took 4 months. at least i was able to get the

work done before the very cold weather started. i hope none of you have

these problems, i think i need a moan. i have been told that i will be

evicted from my home i the new year as my garden (football pitch) is untidy,

like to see them try. again when i asked for help with the garden i was

told to pay a gardener..lol...I have my name down for what we call council

housing and i am top of the list for an adapted house, but i have been top

of the list since july 1999, so i wont hold my breath. but at least when i

do get one repairs are done for free, they will furnish the houe for you

(tho you dont get a choice) and they will do my garden every 2 weeks. I

will miss this house as i have been here 24 years and its a lovely place to

live (joke) . thankyou for letting me moan


> love and prayers to everyone


> anita

> >



> __________________________________________________________________________

> Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month for

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> From: " Ian & Janet " <ianjanaust@...>

> Date: Mon 30/Dec/2002 12:14 GMT

> < >

> Subject: Re: [ ] Anita


> Anita - You sound full of woes. Glad youve got your central heating going as

> the weather is turning colder in UK so I hear. Here in NZ its in the

> middle of the night. My husband is working nightshift and Im still

> recovering from my bag of peanuts. My dog is snoring his head off and

> there's a possum scrambling over our iron roof again. I dont know why

> possums get up on the roof but what a din they make. I surprised your local

> Council doesnt step in and help you out with your garden given you are

> unwell. Late this afternoon my husband replaced our TV aerial on the

> chimney. I sort of steadied the ladder for him whilst he screwed or bolted

> the new one on. Great, I looked up as he was climbing down and couldnt

> believe what I was seeing, I burst out laughing and rolled around on the

> ground in hysterics. He got down and looked a bit miffed as he couldnt

> understand what I was laughing at. I didnt say a word until he went to move

> the ladder away from the house.. he couldnt because he bolted the aerial

> thru the top rung of the ladder. So he had to do it all again!!

> Regards Jan

> [ ] MARTY - Ritalin

> > >

> > > Hi Marty - Did your doctor say who " they " were when he said good results

> are showing up amongst some AIH people with chronic fatigue? and how they

> coped with the adverse effects? Is dose lowered because of liver disease

> given the danger of overdose. I know what youre going thru I had to give up

> my career, I got so tired I couldnt get myself home at night!

> > > Regards Jan

> > >

> > > hi jan, I have been unable to work for sometime now and have to live off

> state benefits. believe me they are far from generous. my central heating

> broke down a few months ago, no heating and no hat water. i asked for help

> to have it repaired and was told it was not an essential. apparantly over 5

> years and under 60 years of age you dont get cold. also they said i had a

> kettle to boil water in, a washing machine to do the laundry. i had to save

> up to get the repairs done, it took 4 months. at least i was able to get the

> work done before the very cold weather started. i hope none of you have

> these problems, i think i need a moan. i have been told that i will be

> evicted from my home i the new year as my garden (football pitch) is untidy,

> like to see them try. again when i asked for help with the garden i was

> told to pay a gardener..lol...I have my name down for what we call council

> housing and i am top of the list for an adapted house, but i have been top

> of the list since july 1999, so i wont hold my breath. but at least when i

> do get one repairs are done for free, they will furnish the houe for you

> (tho you dont get a choice) and they will do my garden every 2 weeks. I

> will miss this house as i have been here 24 years and its a lovely place to

> live (joke) . thankyou for letting me moan

> >

> > love and prayers to everyone

> >

> > anita

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________________________________

> > Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month for

> > your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a month

> > after that.

> >

> > For more information visit http://www.freeserve.com/time/ or call free on

> > 0800 970 8890

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi brenda, i hate shoes and socks aswell, never wear them unless i have no

choice, my husband calls me granny clampit. As for the nickname, my friends

call me that because i am a psychic medium and am always giving them messages.

also my daughter says she is a witch in training, we watch too much sabrina.

she is convinced that i have special powers like sabrina, comes in handy

sometimes. I know that when they call me the witch they mean a " white witch "

at least i hope thats what they mean. i have been a medium since having my son,

daniel, 17 and a half years ago. i now know that i was psychic all my life but

just never thought about it. I always know when the phone will ring and who it

is, and where ever i am i seem to send electrical things into total chaos. i

went thro 8 washing machines one year, luckily they were under guarantee so i

never had to pay for replacements.

anyway, thats enough about me, where exactly do you live?


the witch



> Date: Wed 01/Jan/2003 17:47 GMT


> Subject: [ ] Anita


> Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe moniker of

> " the witch " Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells or is it

> the mood swings from the prednisone?

> I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have to. I

> really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass

> out{really}.

> My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee transplant

> but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be looking

> forward TO your story.

> the WV hillbilly




Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month for

your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a month

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0800 970 8890

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Dear Anita,

Very interesting!

What do you think happens to animal's souls when your pet crosses the

rainbow bridge? Can we communicate with them?

I wonder if I have the same qualities as you? Electrical things break

down around me and on several occasions I think my Smudge has tried to

communicate with me. Will tell you about that if you're interested.

A witch in training?

[ ] Anita


> Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe

moniker of

> " the witch " Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells or

is it

> the mood swings from the prednisone?

> I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have

to. I

> really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass

> out{really}.

> My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee


> but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be


> forward TO your story.

> the WV hillbilly





Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month


your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a


after that.

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0800 970 8890

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What do men know! I like to go without shoes too.....always had to wear them growing up because we lived in the country and there were too many snakes...oh well...

Now, the shoes are off as soon as the body gets through the door!

Have a great New Year!


[ ] Anita

Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe moniker of "the witch" Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells or is it the mood swings from the prednisone? I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have to. I really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass out{really}.My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee transplant but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be looking forward TO your story. the WV hillbilly

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some people believe that animals go to another heaven, but i dont. i know they

go to the best place where they are looked after by other souls. i know my dog,

meg, is happy as i have seen her. i know that if a pet dies, then its owner

still looks after it. but all this happens when we are asleep, some remember,

some dont. yes, of course we can communicate with them, i have done many

readings where animals have come through, sometimes just to sit and let the

person know that they are still with them. i love what i do, i see people i have

never met before come to see me in tears, and go home happy. i never ask a

client for any information, quite the opposite, i tell then to talk tl me as

spirit communicate on voice vibrations, but if we talk i just talk about

everyday things, gardening, price of shoes past holidays etc. it is very

possible that you to have a gift, i believe that most of us do, its weather we

choose to use it or not. i didnt believe in any of it until i started doing it,

nearly gave myself a heart attack when i did my first communication, i just

wasnt expecting it. i know you love animals, i do know that smudge is still

with you. but can i also ask who the little black cat is or was. tended to

have a split personality, mad one minute and very quiet the next. also, who was

the one that slept on your shoulder.

>I would love to hear about your smudge and his communicating. hear from you

soon i hope, from a witch to a definate witch in training. we (spirit and me)

will get you there if thats what you want. you have the choice

love and prayers

the witch

> From: " lisa m skowron " <lsmaxfax@...>

> Date: Wed 01/Jan/2003 20:07 GMT

> < >

> Subject: RE: [ ] Anita


> Dear Anita,


> Very interesting!


> What do you think happens to animal's souls when your pet crosses the

> rainbow bridge? Can we communicate with them?


> I wonder if I have the same qualities as you? Electrical things break

> down around me and on several occasions I think my Smudge has tried to

> communicate with me. Will tell you about that if you're interested.



> A witch in training?


> [ ] Anita

> >

> > Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe

> moniker of

> > " the witch " Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells or

> is it

> > the mood swings from the prednisone?

> > I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have

> to. I

> > really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass

> > out{really}.

> > My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee

> transplant

> > but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> > I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be

> looking

> > forward TO your story.

> > the WV hillbilly

> >

> >



> ________________________________________________________________________

> __

> Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month

> for

> your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a

> month

> after that.


> For more information visit http://www.freeserve.com/time/ or call free

> on

> 0800 970 8890





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hi, i dont think i have any snakes in the garden, but you never know. in the

summer i go to the shops in bare feet, get some funny looks. but who cares.




> From: " tdcc " <tdcc2000@...>

> Date: Wed 01/Jan/2003 20:26 GMT

> < >

> Subject: Re: [ ] Anita


> What do men know! I like to go without shoes too.....always had to wear them

growing up because we lived in the country and there were too many snakes...oh



> Now, the shoes are off as soon as the body gets through the door!


> Have a great New Year!

> Debby

> [ ] Anita



> Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe moniker of

" the witch " Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells or is it the

mood swings from the prednisone?

> I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have to. I

really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass out{really}.

> My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee transplant

but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be looking

forward TO your story.

> the WV hillbilly


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anita, we have rattle snakes....I DONT care for them! So, we respect our

ankles and wear shoes whilst out in the orchards!!!


Re: Re: [ ] Anita

> hi, i dont think i have any snakes in the garden, but you never know. in

the summer i go to the shops in bare feet, get some funny looks. but who



> love

> anita

> >

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we have squirrells (cant spell) frogs and toads, hedgehogs and foxes in our

garden. but no snakes thank god. the foxes are cheeky, they stand in the garden

and just watch us. they are gorgeous.



> From: " tdcc " <tdcc2000@...>

> Date: Wed 01/Jan/2003 22:23 GMT

> < >

> Subject: Re: Re: [ ] Anita


> anita, we have rattle snakes....I DONT care for them! So, we respect our

> ankles and wear shoes whilst out in the orchards!!!

> debby

> Re: Re: [ ] Anita



> > hi, i dont think i have any snakes in the garden, but you never know. in

> the summer i go to the shops in bare feet, get some funny looks. but who

> cares.

> >

> > love

> > anita

> > >





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Dear Anita,

Oh my!!!!

I am sitting here in shock right now!!!

Anita, how could you possibly have known about Lil' Black?!!!

She was Smudge's companion. When Smudge passed away Sept 6, 2000, she

went into a state of shock for months. The vet couldn't help her and she

wouldn't even look at me anymore. She went into an unexplained coma and

died July 5th, 2001. She was a small black girl cat. She would get mad

one minute, quiet the next and then howl all by herself in the darkest

corner of the room. I couldn't console her sometimes. Smudge would

always run to her aid. He did sleep by my head at night always watching

me, leaping over me when I turned over. He was a huge beautiful white

cat and she was a small shiny black cat. They were so close they had to

be with each other at all times.

One more thing, while I was caring for Lil' Black that July 2001, (she

wouldn't eat anymore and was quite sick, but recovering) the downstairs

door began banging all by itself. Sounded like the noise Smudge made

when he was trying to open a door. I was terrified and called animal

control. My dad and I were puzzled when he said there was never an

animal in there and he even somberly said, " You have a ghost " . I said

" yes " very calmly. I knew what it really was already. Then two days

later Lil' Black went into her coma. I think he was calling her to be

with him. Five weeks later, early in the morning, I heard them tussling

in the living room! They were happy, but I couldn't see them.

I felt a sense of relief. I see Smudge in my dreams, but not nearly so

much now. He always appeared sitting away from me, sideways looking at

me with such a sad, concerned expression. Sometimes the dreams show him

in a despondant living situation, and old rambling run down home with

lots of other cats, all dirty. What do I make of this! I never see Lil'

Black. Does she have anything to tell me. How are they doing? Tell her

I'm sorry I couldn't always hold her but the doctor told me to not hold

her as I was recovering from an asthma attack. It's not that I didn't

want to hold her.

I guess I can't help it but I'm crying right now, I need to. It feels

good to cry. Thanks so much!

[ ] Anita

> >

> > Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe

> moniker of

> > " the witch " Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells


> is it

> > the mood swings from the prednisone?

> > I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have

> to. I

> > really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass

> > out{really}.

> > My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee

> transplant

> > but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> > I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be

> looking

> > forward TO your story.

> > the WV hillbilly

> >

> >





> __

> Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month

> for

> your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a

> month

> after that.


> For more information visit http://www.freeserve.com/time/ or call free

> on

> 0800 970 8890





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.... you are right what do men know....the DOGS....

Listen I try not wear shoes and I don't wear underwear either if I can

get away with it. And the snakes be damned!

love jerry

What do men know! I like to go without shoes too.....always had to wear them growing up because we lived in the country and there were too many snakes...oh well...

Now, the shoes are off as soon as the body gets through the door!

Have a great New Year!


[ ] Anita

Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe moniker of "the witch" Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells or is it the mood swings from the prednisone? I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have to. I really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass out{really}.My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee transplant but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be looking forward TO your story. the WV hillbilly

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You goof ball, you always make me laugh!!


--- gefox@... wrote:

> .... you are right what do men know....the

> DOGS....

> Listen I try not wear shoes and I don't wear

> underwear either if I can

> get away with it. And the snakes be damned!


> love jerry



> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822

> < >

> From: " tdcc " <tdcc2000@...>

> Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 12:26:03 -0800

> Subject: Re: [ ] Anita


> What do men know! I like to go without shoes

> too.....always had to wear them growing up because

> we lived in the country and there were too many

> snakes...oh well...


> Now, the shoes are off as soon as the body gets

> through the door!


> Have a great New Year!

> Debby

> [ ] Anita



> Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how

> you came bythe moniker of " the witch " Is it because

> of your birthday, are you good at spells or is it

> the mood swings from the prednisone?

> I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless

> I absolutely have to. I really hate socks I feel

> like my feet can't breath and then I pass

> out{really}.

> My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly

> because I am a yankee transplant but what do men

> know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> I am always interested in the history behind

> nicknames so will be looking forward TO your story.

> the WV hillbilly


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sometimes crying is better medicine that laughing....what a

touching story. Of course we men NEVER cry but then what do we know...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful pair of pets in your life. One of our

missions from God is to watch over and take care of HIs beatiful

animals...many humans fail this mission

Excuse me while I wipe this sweat from my brow its getting in my eyes.

love jerry

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Oh, that's sweet~

Thanks Jerry!

I can't get over how Anita knew that there was another cat, what she

looked like and even her personality!! Anita, you're incredible!

I'm getting e-mails from people who knew them both and they can't

believe it either.

RE: RE: [ ] Anita

sometimes crying is better medicine that laughing....what a

touching story. Of course we men NEVER cry but then what do we know...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful pair of pets in your life. One of our

missions from God is to watch over and take care of HIs beatiful

animals...many humans fail this mission

Excuse me while I wipe this sweat from my brow its getting in my eyes.

love jerry

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Hi lisa, i really enjoyed your email, i feel very priveledged to have you share

that with me. as far as lil black, a picture just came into my mind while i was

reading your letter and i had to ask who this cat was. as well as seeing her she

made sure i knew she was there by just taking over my thoughts.

when i do a reading and someone or some animal comes through, i will not give up

until i have personal details that only the person i am doing the reading for

would know about, otherwise i could be talking to anyone. sometimes its just a

little thing, one day, a few years ago, a little old lady booked a reading. i

didnt know her, didnt even know her name. anyway as soon as she arrived i had

to start work. the 1st thing i said to her was that i had to give her a ruby

from someone in spirit, now i new it wasnt the colour or the name, so i gave

this to the lady just as i received it. at that she got up, thanked me, went to

pay and leave. i was a bit unhappy about this as she was only with me 10

mins.so i asked her to please tell me what i had done wrong, nothing, she said,

but today would have been my husband a my ruby wedding and i just needed to know

he was still with me: at that i refused her money and she left, happy, i just

sat and cried, i felt so good for this lady, she left me a very happy and

contented soul. lil black already knows why you couldnt hold her and asks me to

tell you that it wasnt a problem, even tho you couldnt hold her, you were there

with her. as for the dreams, i think they are as they are because you feel

guilty about lil black. they arent living like that they are in heaven chasing

dogs, birds and just having fun with none of the restrictions that there mortal

body gave them. your knowing this should ut an end to that particular dream.

and yes, it was smudge you heard banging on the door. he was just coming for

lil black, perfectly normal as no person or animal crosses over alone. dont

worry if you cant see them, they are still with you, thats why you heard them

playing, it was to let you know they were together and happy. hope all this

helps.please remeber that i will answer anyones questions that they might wish

to ask, but i do not guarantee an answer. i am mearly the middle man, passing

messages to and fro. I have never been religious, quite the opposit. but now i

do believe in a god and spirits. i knlw that they will help and guide me if i

let them, but i tend to be very independant and do my own thing. i soon regret

that tho. spirit are always right, just that i dont always listen. when i talk

to them i talk as if having a conversation with someone. if i swear, they swear

back. but i could not have got through the last 10 years without my faith. it

has been a terrible 10 years. the worst ever. the only good things were meeting

my husband and having my daughter. when i go to slep i always send healing

prayers to everyone, i dont know if it works, but i still do it. anyway, enough

for now, you dont want to hear my life story.

just one last thing, please talk to lilblack and smudge just as if you can see

them, they like that because now they can understand the words, whereas before,

they knew through feelings and the tone of your voice, they both send there

love. animals dont actually speak to me, thay ask another spirit to speak on

there behalf, they tell me they are with a little girl.

love and prayers


hope to hear from you soon


> From: " lisa m skowron " <lsmaxfax@...>

> Date: Thu 02/Jan/2003 00:14 GMT

> < >

> Subject: RE: RE: [ ] Anita



> Dear Anita,


> Oh my!!!!


> I am sitting here in shock right now!!!


> Anita, how could you possibly have known about Lil' Black?!!!


> She was Smudge's companion. When Smudge passed away Sept 6, 2000, she

> went into a state of shock for months. The vet couldn't help her and she

> wouldn't even look at me anymore. She went into an unexplained coma and

> died July 5th, 2001. She was a small black girl cat. She would get mad

> one minute, quiet the next and then howl all by herself in the darkest

> corner of the room. I couldn't console her sometimes. Smudge would

> always run to her aid. He did sleep by my head at night always watching

> me, leaping over me when I turned over. He was a huge beautiful white

> cat and she was a small shiny black cat. They were so close they had to

> be with each other at all times.


> One more thing, while I was caring for Lil' Black that July 2001, (she

> wouldn't eat anymore and was quite sick, but recovering) the downstairs

> door began banging all by itself. Sounded like the noise Smudge made

> when he was trying to open a door. I was terrified and called animal

> control. My dad and I were puzzled when he said there was never an

> animal in there and he even somberly said, " You have a ghost " . I said

> " yes " very calmly. I knew what it really was already. Then two days

> later Lil' Black went into her coma. I think he was calling her to be

> with him. Five weeks later, early in the morning, I heard them tussling

> in the living room! They were happy, but I couldn't see them.


> I felt a sense of relief. I see Smudge in my dreams, but not nearly so

> much now. He always appeared sitting away from me, sideways looking at

> me with such a sad, concerned expression. Sometimes the dreams show him

> in a despondant living situation, and old rambling run down home with

> lots of other cats, all dirty. What do I make of this! I never see Lil'

> Black. Does she have anything to tell me. How are they doing? Tell her

> I'm sorry I couldn't always hold her but the doctor told me to not hold

> her as I was recovering from an asthma attack. It's not that I didn't

> want to hold her.


> I guess I can't help it but I'm crying right now, I need to. It feels

> good to cry. Thanks so much!




> [ ] Anita

> > >

> > > Thanks for writing back to me. I was wondering how you came bythe

> > moniker of

> > > " the witch " Is it because of your birthday, are you good at spells

> or

> > is it

> > > the mood swings from the prednisone?

> > > I am a hillbilly because I won't wear shoes unless I absolutely have

> > to. I

> > > really hate socks I feel like my feet can't breath and then I pass

> > > out{really}.

> > > My husband says I can't be a true hillbilly because I am a yankee

> > transplant

> > > but what do men know. {sorry Jerry didn't mean you}.

> > > I am always interested in the history behind nicknames so will be

> > looking

> > > forward TO your story.

> > > the WV hillbilly

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> ________________________________________________________________________

> > __

> > Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month

> > for

> > your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a

> > month

> > after that.

> >

> > For more information visit http://www.freeserve.com/time/ or call free

> > on

> > 0800 970 8890

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thankyou, but you must remember i am only the one who passes the messages on.

if i dont use the gift properly then that gift will be taken from me. i love

what i do, best job in the world, and i have made many friends thro it. its not

me thats incredible )but dont let that stop the compliments PLEASE lol. its

spirit that are the incredible ones.

take care


if anyone wants to ask me anything then please do.

lots of love to you all


> From: " lisa m skowron " <lsmaxfax@...>

> Date: Thu 02/Jan/2003 02:10 GMT

> < >

> Subject: RE: RE: [ ] Anita


> Oh, that's sweet~


> Thanks Jerry!




> I can't get over how Anita knew that there was another cat, what she

> looked like and even her personality!! Anita, you're incredible!


> I'm getting e-mails from people who knew them both and they can't

> believe it either.


> RE: RE: [ ] Anita


> sometimes crying is better medicine that laughing....what a

> touching story. Of course we men NEVER cry but then what do we know...

> I'm glad you had such a wonderful pair of pets in your life. One of our

> missions from God is to watch over and take care of HIs beatiful

> animals...many humans fail this mission

> Excuse me while I wipe this sweat from my brow its getting in my eyes.


> love jerry




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