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You are entitled to you opinion and so are they! And, by the way, just because

they have an MD after their name doesn't mean that their opinion counts ant more

than yours or mine. I believe that down the road Candida will be more and more

accepted in the mainstream.

hats funny cause the candida yeast syndrome dosnt make much sense to doctors all

over the world.


>> I definitely do not agree. Candida is absolutely a disease the same way

Epstein-Barr is a REAL disease. Do not minimize what we are going through.

>> I have had allergy treatments on and off for the past few years. It's not an

allergy. Also, why, all of a sudden would I have immune problems when before I

didn't? Sorry, doesn't make sense.




>> >it isnt a yeast infection we got its a sensitivity our body has to yeast.

Everyone has yeast. Especially the people who live in florida have more yeast

due to the hot and humid climate. But once you get sensitive to yeast thats when

the troubles and symptoms begin.

>> >

>> >That whole candida theory is bull $* & % candida only grows in people with

immune problems, and it does not cause that many symptoms, as it does to us. It

is not the toxins that cause the die off it is the yeast proteins that are

immune system attacks that cause the problem and make our moths dry...

>> >

>> >They key to overcoming this problem is to desensitize against this candida,

try homeopathic solutions 6x recomended, go to an allergist to see if you got

any mold allergies that are may cross react with the albicans protein causing

these symptoms.

>> >

>> >This is not an infection its more of a immune dysfuntion.

>> >take large amounts of Vitamin C, Coconut oil (antifungal), lactobacillus,

and other immune regulating herbs and your symptoms will decrease. Stop gulping

bentonite too, that dosnt help this problem one bit.

>> >

>> >Thank you

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Hi Donna.

When you click on the link " edit my membership " at the right top of

the website of this group, you can make changes about receiving

emails. You can choose to receive individual emails, a daily digest,

read the messages on the web etc. Maybe this will help.


> Donna,


> Send the email to this address: candidiasis-unsubscribe@y...


> It is not a link, it is an email address. Send your email to there

and you will unsubscribe from the group.



> Re: yeast



> I click into the address for unsubscribing to this group, and it


> work. Please--I do not wish to be getting all this e-mail. Please

> unsubscribe me from this group!!!.


> Escentially Me,

> Donna




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What interferes with homeopathy

was it mint or something like that??

~perhaps tea tree oil as well




> it isnt a yeast infection we got its a sensitivity our body has to

yeast. Everyone has yeast. Especially the people who live in florida have

more yeast due to the hot and humid climate. But once you get sensitive to

yeast thats when the troubles and symptoms begin.


> That whole candida theory is bull $* & % candida only grows in people with

immune problems, and it does not cause that many symptoms, as it does to us.

It is not the toxins that cause the die off it is the yeast proteins that

are immune system attacks that cause the problem and make our moths dry...


> They key to overcoming this problem is to desensitize against this

candida, try homeopathic solutions 6x recomended, go to an allergist to see

if you got any mold allergies that are may cross react with the albicans

protein causing these symptoms.


> This is not an infection its more of a immune dysfuntion.

> take large amounts of Vitamin C, Coconut oil (antifungal),

lactobacillus, and other immune regulating herbs and your symptoms will

decrease. Stop gulping bentonite too, that dosnt help this problem one bit.


> Thank you




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yes my dr told me stong mint like altoids and such

--- Evely <je@...> wrote:

> What interferes with homeopathy

> was it mint or something like that??

> ~perhaps tea tree oil as well

> yeast

> >

> >

> > it isnt a yeast infection we got its a

> sensitivity our body has to

> yeast. Everyone has yeast. Especially the people who

> live in florida have

> more yeast due to the hot and humid climate. But

> once you get sensitive to

> yeast thats when the troubles and symptoms begin.

> >

> > That whole candida theory is bull $* & % candida

> only grows in people with

> immune problems, and it does not cause that many

> symptoms, as it does to us.

> It is not the toxins that cause the die off it is

> the yeast proteins that

> are immune system attacks that cause the problem and

> make our moths dry...

> >

> > They key to overcoming this problem is to

> desensitize against this

> candida, try homeopathic solutions 6x recomended, go

> to an allergist to see

> if you got any mold allergies that are may cross

> react with the albicans

> protein causing these symptoms.

> >

> > This is not an infection its more of a immune

> dysfuntion.

> > take large amounts of Vitamin C, Coconut oil

> (antifungal),

> lactobacillus, and other immune regulating herbs and

> your symptoms will

> decrease. Stop gulping bentonite too, that dosnt

> help this problem one bit.

> >

> > Thank you

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...

I think there is a difference between someone trying to tell you something

and someone trying to sell you something

Re: Yeast

> <PRE>maybe im wrong but this sounds like an advirtisment to me.




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This is a self promoting ad. We all know that.. The person trying to tell us to

buy the product he sells. It's called capitalism.

Re: Yeast

> <PRE>maybe im wrong but this sounds like an advirtisment to me.




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  • 11 months later...

> In your opinion (anyones) can candidiasis be detected by a

> stool sample i was told there was no yeast in it

Yes, it can. Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab does it as part of what they

call (I think) Complete Digestive Analysis. They'll also test for what

does/doesn't kill it.

I don't know if _not_ finding it in a stool sample means you

definitely _don't_ have candida though... Someone more knowledgable

will have to comment on that.


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  • 2 months later...

>IS rice bad if I just lower the amount?


Hi, Vic. You may eat other fonts of carbs - and either not rice ou less rice.

Rice does feed yeast as it is converted to sugar ( " yeast's fuel " ) as does any

other food that ends as sugars (fructose, lactose, glucose, maltose). No

surprise it fermentates as bad-smelling flatulence.

Try fruits to balance your diet but prefer eating them alone (not even salads at

this time). Some people experienced reduced flatulence even thought fruits have

sugars (fructose and glucose). You may try some fruits low in sugar just as

avocados, lime, grapefruits, lemon and many others. Don't mix acid fruits with

sweet ones.


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Any health food store that uses TREE OF LIFE as a distributor can order

you bulk sea salt that is very inexpensive. (50lb bag)

Epsom salt I get from Wall mart. Potassium powder comes from NOW FOODS


ABO Specifics Inc. - http://www.foodforyourblood.com


Mineral bath:

I have exhausted my efforts to locate good quality, inexpensive sea

salt, Epsom salt, and potassium powder in bulk. Where would be a good

resource of all components to make this mineral bath complete?

Thank you,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

> Whilst yeast is being mentioned, I have often wondered why dead yeast is bad

> for Candida - how can it have any affect.

The theory is that a body whose immune system has been dealing with an

overgrowth of yeast may become sensitive to enviornmental

yeasts and other fungi such as molds as well, including those in foods.


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At one point I brought my 8 yr old daughter to see a chiropractor that is pretty

well known in our area for being very successful in finding peoples candida and

sensitivity issues. He does this though muscle testing. When he tested my

daughter, he actually was surprised he didn't feel she had candida but claimed

that ALL of her related issues are from her problem with molds. I really went

all out on that one to try to find a mold source, but couldn't come up with one.

I then continued to do some more digging and determined that absolutely my

daughter has a systemic yeast problem, and now 6 months later we are getting on

the right track after working the yeast angle. I've often wondered, if maybe

his reading he got from mold were some how masked by the yeast. I mean it's

easy to say he was just wrong, but with his track record I've often wondered


This theory below might help explain why he was so adamant on the mold




Re: Yeast

> Whilst yeast is being mentioned, I have often wondered why dead yeast is bad

> for Candida - how can it have any affect.

The theory is that a body whose immune system has been dealing with an

overgrowth of yeast may become sensitive to enviornmental

yeasts and other fungi such as molds as well, including those in foods.


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> The theory is that a body whose immune system has been dealing with an

> overgrowth of yeast may become sensitive to enviornmental yeasts and

> other fungi such as molds as well, including those in foods.


> Bruce

Here's one way this can occur...

Toxin load of any type can erode the cellular communication between

cells including cells that comprise the immune system, by inhibiting

correct formation of cell receptors. Without control, underactive,

overactive (allergic) or autoimmune responses can occur.

Restoring the immune response can seriously reduce or even eliminate

the allergic response. This can be seen very quickly for example in

reduced histamine resonse to allergens.

So toxin reduction is important, nutritional support is important,

and often, supplying missing glyconutrients is important.

Glyconutrients are required to build correctly formed cell receptor

sites that are needed for correct cellular communication and thus

correct immune response.

I know of allergic responses disappearing, and I have seen this and

also personally been instrumental in arresting autoimmune disorders

that were supposed to result in death of the client, with this

general program. (inclusion body myositis in one case)


Duncan Crow

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I have wanted to know the same thing. My hope is that bread is off

the list for carbs and beer is off the list for yeast...because there

are some good whole grain breads I intend to eat (a little of) anyway.

> Whilst yeast is being mentioned, I have often wondered why dead

yeast is bad

> for Candida - how can it have any affect. By dead, I would assume,


> example that yeast in bread is very dead because of the high


> (as opposed to yeast in beer or wine which is very much alive -

just waiting

> for some sugar!).


> Regards


> Terry

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  • 1 year later...

> I noticed I am coughing a lot more this morning... could it be to

> ridding Candida from my lungs? Can yeast effect your lungs also? I

> noticed my eyes are a little clearer also... can yeast grow in your

> eyes?

Yeast can get all through your body. Congestion would likely be " die

off " symptoms. You can check the files for info on mucus and sinus

treatments if your cough continues ...and yes, yeast can grow in your

eyes. Bee had it there... if I remember correctly she talks about it

in her story...if it's not there, I know she's talked about it here on

the list.

all the best,


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---- Al wrote this bit about yeast; it's great for those of you who

consistently get mixed results when you test. Thanks, Al! You're the

best! xo, Deanya ----

In immunicsBuddies_Weight , Al Hartman <alhartman6@c...>


Just some advice...

Whenever you are testing for yourself around Yeast...


Yeast will influence your testing. Yeast will " switch " you and cause

you to test incorrectly.

Have a buddy double check your testing around your yeast.

Your yeast can't affect your buddies testing.

And your buddy can be as close as a phone call or a Chat Program.


Al Hartman

Lifetime Immuner (Est. 1993)

--- End forwarded message ---




15,000 cures and counting

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  • 2 months later...

sunshine <fickle37@y...> wrote:


> I used to eat raw rising bread with sugar and cinamon (actually

craved it). What are my changes of getting better?

==>Dear Sunshine (what is your name my friend?) - I don't quite

understand your question.


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  • 11 months later...

Based on theories I have read (not necessarily what is

taught here) the immune system is what causes all of

these reactions in orde to heal. The symptoms are

different for each people because each person has a

different genetic make-up.



San , CA

--- joanne_finigan <joanne_finigan@...> wrote:

> hi bee

> i'm trying to understand candida infection, how is

> it people have such

> different symptoms? is it nutritional status? the

> health of the immune

> system? for instance, i had mild candidiasis

> symptoms for years before

> i started to get more serious symptoms, i.e i would

> get gas and

> bloating after eating carbs but my symptoms wouldn't

> progress beyond

> that and that went on for 7 years before the more

> serious symptoms

> manifested.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. We

develop it by practice. --Aristotle

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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> hi bee

> i'm trying to understand candida infection, how is it people have

such different symptoms? is it nutritional status? the health of the

immune system? for instance, i had mild candidiasis symptoms for

years before i started to get more serious symptoms, i.e i would get

gas and bloating after eating carbs but my symptoms wouldn't progress

beyond that and that went on for 7 years before the more serious

symptoms manifested.


> was my immune system keeping it under control until it became to

weak? i might mention when the yeast went out of control was just

after my first child and when i went through very bad emotional

stress for about two months and after having a baby

==>You and Debby are right that each person's basic " genetics " (which

is their " nutritional status " upon conception) is different which

will affect how long a person can withstand candida overgrowth

without it becoming more serious. Each person's particular weakness

is in their DNA, but good nutrition changes DNA. Thank goodness!

But also stress is a hugh factor because it greatly suppresses the

immune system.

==>I am still so amazed at how marvelous our bodies really are! They

can withstand so much without totally breaking down.

Luv, Bee


> thanx joe


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

also, what can i eat for breakfast? i usually eat oatmeal, but it

has carbs and sugar!


> Hi! I'm brand new to this group. After much research and self

diagnostics, I've come up with

> the conclusion that I probably have a yeast overgrowth. I eat a

LOT of sugar and crave

> sweets. I have really bad skin. I never had acne as a teenager or

adolescent, yet now that I am

> 25 my face is horrible. I'm on an antibiotic now for it (and have

been since mid-June). I think I

> will discontinue the use of that NOW! I also have a hormone

imbalance (I think). I haven't had

> a period in over 100 days and this is normal for me...and I'm not

pregnant. I was also on a

> birth control pill for about 9 years, but not anymore. I have a 15

day yeast diet that I was

> given from a friend that I am thinking about doing. But I am new

to this, and want to do it

> corrently. Thanks for any support or advice!


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> Hi! I'm brand new to this group. After much research and self

diagnostics, I've come up with the conclusion that I probably have a

yeast overgrowth.

==>Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

> I eat a LOT of sugar and crave sweets. I have really bad skin. I

never had acne as a teenager or adolescent, yet now that I am 25 my

face is horrible. I'm on an antibiotic now for it (and have been

since mid-June). I think I will discontinue the use of that NOW! I

also have a hormone imbalance (I think). I haven't had a period in

over 100 days and this is normal for me...and I'm not pregnant. I was

also on a birth control pill for about 9 years, but not anymore. I

have a 15 day yeast diet that I was given from a friend that I am

thinking about doing. But I am new to this, and want to do it

> corrently. Thanks for any support or advice!

==>You are taking the right steps to turn your health around by

stopping the antibiotic and birth control pill. However curing

candida takes time because you can only do it by building up your

immune system, so a 15 day venture is not going to work. Also all

other candida diets are inadequate in many areas compared to the one

in my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " - that's why my

program works so well. The reason is because my program is designed

to build up the immune system so it can get candida under control. In

other words, it gives your body the nutrients it needs in order to

heal itself the way nature intended! You can't just kill off candida -

it doesn't work that way.

I recommend you read my article " How to Successfully Overcome

Candida " which was emailed to you when you joined, and which is also

the basis of this group; it is also found in our Group's Files (left

menu) in the 2nd Folder. It is a real eye opener about foods, which

are good and which are bad, particularly in the area of natural fats

compared to man-made vegetables fats.

The best in health, Bee

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> Hi All-

> I'm on day 2 of the diet. I just want to know if it is normal to be

so itchy! My face (which is

> very bumpy due to yeast) has been itching like crazy since last

night. Thanks!


==>Yes , itching is very common caused by the immune response

producing histamines which are healing and detoxifying. There are some

articles about how to help alleviate the itching; see our Group's Files

for the C) Skin Folder.

Luv, Bee

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  • 2 months later...


> In your file " Grains,Nuts,Seeds & Legumes how to Prepare Them " you

> mention that if you don't make your own bread there are ready-made

> alternatives available i.e. organic sourdough. Doesn't sourdough

have yeast in it? I live in Australia and have ben told so many

different things in Health Food shops regarding bread and anything with

sourdough is a No, No - is this correct?

==>Sourdough and sprouted grain breads do not contain yeast, and they

are okay, but most are made with white flour. You do know that candida

sufferers should eliminate all breads, grains products, nuts, seeds,

and legumes per my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " found

in our Group's Files (left menu) in the 2nd Folder.


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