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Thank you!!

On Aug 28, 2007, at 11:58 AM, Bruce Fife wrote:


Coconut oil does not raise blood pressure. If anything it lowers high

blood pressure. The idea that coconut oil raises blood pressure comes

from the same people who say it clogs arteries and causes heart


It is just not true.


Re: Interesting event


You said " I have people who have been completely weaned off of thyroid

medications by using my coconut thyroid program. "

Could you elaborate what that program is since many are not in your

area to visit you.

Perhaps you could also explain why some of us dont respond at all to

coconut oil even though we are hypo...as i am and also have adrenal

fatigue...is this the reason,its not the thyroid alone.

If it was thyroid alone coconut oil would work ? Thats what Im

observing anyway. .

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It is my understanding that Egyptians ate grains and suffered from

heart disease. On the other hand the Masai of Africa and Eskimo of

Alaska who eat their traditional high fat diet and do not suffer from

heart disease. The bottom line seems to be according to the

more " enlightened " doctors (Al Sears, Dr. Mercola) is that grains

might be the culprit causing heart disease and that the low fat and

grain diets being promoted are actually bad for us. Seems to me that

your diet is the one that is contributing to your HBP and not the

coconut oil. Traditional peoples who ate coconuts and kept to their

high fat traditional diets didn't suffer from heart disease but its

only after they converted to the grain diets and processed foods

diets that they began having heart disease. phine


> Hi Bruce,


> There is a statement on the Earth Clinic site that

> contraindicates coconut oil for people with high blood

> pressure.


> I was taking it for a few weeks and my blood pressure

> readings were quite high and when I found the website,

> I stopped taking it. My readings were never below

> 132/86 and went as high as 154/101.


> I suffered a mini-stroke 5 years ago because a

> gynecologist ignored my blood pressure readings and

> prescribed a low-dose birth-control pill for

> sleeplessness. Within the week, I had what the

> doctors call a " transaschemic seizure " . So, I don't

> want to risk anything like that again. High blood

> pressure runs in our family and its called " essential

> hypertension " , meaning, they don't know what's causing

> it.


> I'm not overweight at all, I have great muscle tone,

> I've practiced yoga for 25 years and I teach it, so

> this blood pressure thing is simply a nuisance. My

> husband and I are both on macrobiotic diets so we eat

> no meat, no dairy, no sugar, salt or processed foods.

> We eat a diet of complex carbohydrates from grains,

> vegetables, some fruit, and occasionally, white fish.

> My husband does take coconut oil daily and he has

> Hepatitis C. I haven't found any evidence yet that

> would indicate that the coconut oil will help except

> for adding necessary fats to the somewhat low-fat diet

> he's on now.


> Here's the link to the Earth Clinic site:

> http://www.earthcli nic.com/Remedies /coconut_

> oil_facts. html


> Best,


> Deborah


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________


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The coconut oil thyroid program is not fully explained in the book Eat

Fat, Look Thin, but the book does give some of the basics.


Another thing you might try for your high blood pressure is to drink 12

-24 ounces of young coconut water a day. You can buy young coconuts at

some health food stores and at some Asian markets. Make sure they are

“young” coconuts and not the mature, brown hairy ones typically sold in

grocery stores. If you can’t find whole coconuts you may be able to find

commercially packaged coconut water. These are often sold in tetra paks

and are becoming very popular as natural sports drinks. You can find

them at health food and vitamin shops. Young coconut water is also good

for dissolving kidney stones.


Re: thyroid


I understand what you are saying. With me its hypo caused by adrenal

fatigue. This is a new concept for me and the " stop the thyroid

madness " site gave a host of symptoms that have never been fully

explained to me,which I have.

Ive been taking VCO for over a year now and I know that VCO has not

helped my adrenals...that have in turned made me Hypo. And it hasnt

helped my thyroid...well it may have but I still feel terrible.

What would you say about this considering that many on that site use

armour and have improved considerably.

This is what confuses me a little,because armour is a thyroid

treatment,not adrenal medication...and yet it works.

The coconut thyroid treatment you refered to,is that in the book you

mention ?

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If its fully explained,would you mind posting it or PM,ing me as i

would to try this rather than going on meds.

I would appreciate it if you could...otherwise there is no way for me

to find out the methods you use.


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> This is a question I'm sure Bee can anwser. I read your story and I

> also have had the radioactive iodine done. So my question is, is it

> safe to do this diet without interferring with my medicine that I

have to take?

==>I do not have a thyroid due to radioactive treatment as well. This

program will not interfere with taking thyroid medicine, particularly

if you are taking Armour or some other kind of natural dessicated

thyroid (derived from a pig's thyroid).


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The doctors tell me my HBP is " essential " , meaning,

they don't know what causes it to be high. I have had

EKGs and stress tests done and my heart is in good

condition. I would have to be eating a huge portion

of ONLY grains to influence a high blood pressure

reading, simply because that would be a very

unbalanced diet, but also I eat lots of vegetables,

fruits, legumes, and yes, some fat in the form of

avocados, nuts, and oils such as olive, sesame,


Its true that some of the cultures you mentioned may

have experienced " adaptations " to the most readily

available foods in their geographical regions.

Eskimos probably needed a higher fat diet to keep warm

in a sub-zero climate, but traditionally, they were

not that healthy.

That being said, I don't live in Africa, Egypt, or


Its my opinion that the American commercialized

" diets " have created ruts for eating, and the

Egyptians and Mesai, or whoever have also been subject

to eating ruts. The following " ruts " are our


The meat and potato rut

The chips, cheese, and dip rut

The fast food rut

The diet soda-candy rut

The coffee and donuts rut

The no-breakfast rut

The fruit and yogurt rut

etc., etc., etc.

I'm not saying coconut oil is not helpful to a low-fat

diet at all. I give it to my husband to balance his

diet, and I have an occasional pineapple/coconut cream

smoothie. I'm saying that even with a balanced diet,

that the coconut oil made my blood pressure higher

when I was taking it daily, and because I already had

a mini-stroke once, I'm not willing to risk using

coconut oil for as long as it takes to " cure " it.

From the testimonials I have read, it takes several

weeks. I would caution anyone who is using coconut

oil on a daily basis to monitor their blood pressure

and work with that.


--- jlkinkona <josephine@...> wrote:

> It is my understanding that Egyptians ate grains and

> suffered from

> heart disease. On the other hand the Masai of Africa

> and Eskimo of

> Alaska who eat their traditional high fat diet and

> do not suffer from

> heart disease. The bottom line seems to be according

> to the

> more " enlightened " doctors (Al Sears, Dr. Mercola)

> is that grains

> might be the culprit causing heart disease and that

> the low fat and

> grain diets being promoted are actually bad for us.

> Seems to me that

> your diet is the one that is contributing to your

> HBP and not the

> coconut oil. Traditional peoples who ate coconuts

> and kept to their

> high fat traditional diets didn't suffer from heart

> disease but its

> only after they converted to the grain diets and

> processed foods

> diets that they began having heart disease.

> phine



> >

> > Hi Bruce,

> >

> > There is a statement on the Earth Clinic site that

> > contraindicates coconut oil for people with high

> blood

> > pressure.

> >

> > I was taking it for a few weeks and my blood

> pressure

> > readings were quite high and when I found the

> website,

> > I stopped taking it. My readings were never below

> > 132/86 and went as high as 154/101.

> >

> > I suffered a mini-stroke 5 years ago because a

> > gynecologist ignored my blood pressure readings

> and

> > prescribed a low-dose birth-control pill for

> > sleeplessness. Within the week, I had what the

> > doctors call a " transaschemic seizure " . So, I

> don't

> > want to risk anything like that again. High blood

> > pressure runs in our family and its called

> " essential

> > hypertension " , meaning, they don't know what's

> causing

> > it.

> >

> > I'm not overweight at all, I have great muscle

> tone,

> > I've practiced yoga for 25 years and I teach it,

> so

> > this blood pressure thing is simply a nuisance.

> My

> > husband and I are both on macrobiotic diets so we

> eat

> > no meat, no dairy, no sugar, salt or processed

> foods.

> > We eat a diet of complex carbohydrates from

> grains,

> > vegetables, some fruit, and occasionally, white

> fish.

> > My husband does take coconut oil daily and he has

> > Hepatitis C. I haven't found any evidence yet

> that

> > would indicate that the coconut oil will help

> except

> > for adding necessary fats to the somewhat low-fat

> diet

> > he's on now.

> >

> > Here's the link to the Earth Clinic site:

> > http://www.earthcli nic.com/Remedies /coconut_

> > oil_facts. html

> >

> > Best,

> >

> > Deborah

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________

> _________

> >





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  • 2 months later...

hello, there is an easy way to test yourself if you have an

underactive thyroid. keep a regular thermometer by your bed. when

you wake up in the morning, BEFORE YOU MOVE OR GET UP TO GO TO THE

BATHROOM reach over and put the thermometer under your armpit. wait

10 minutes. this is your basal temperature and if it is below 98.6

three days in a row, then your thyroid is underactive.

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Thanks for this reminder. I remember this now and will do this tomorrow. I really appreciate it! Janeelliecub <elliecub@...> wrote: hello, there is an easy way to test yourself if you have anunderactive thyroid. keep a regular thermometer by your bed. whenyou wake up in the morning, BEFORE YOU MOVE OR GET UP TO GO TO THEBATHROOM reach over and put the thermometer under your armpit. wait10 minutes. this is your basal temperature and if it is below 98.6three days in a row, then your thyroid is

underactive. __________________________________________________

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98.6 is not a normal waking temperature. Actually, that would be a

high waking temperature, or basal body temperature (BBT). I think

above 98.2 BBT starts to become abnormal.

I don't know about men, but I know from trying to get pregnant that for

a woman a normal BBT is more like 97.2 to 97.7 degrees for the first

two weeks of a woman's cycle, and it rises right before ovulation to

about .5 degress higher and stays elevated until the next cycle (or

stays elevated throughout a pregnancy).

Also most docs who do believe in this say to do it for ten days in a

row, not just three.

But what to do with the results? I've taken the results to my docs,

they do the thyroid tests, and don't find anything. Then what? Plus

sometimes they have found an abnormal result, they retest, and then

it's normal.



> hello, there is an easy way to test yourself if you have an

> underactive thyroid. keep a regular thermometer by your bed. when

> you wake up in the morning, BEFORE YOU MOVE OR GET UP TO GO TO THE

> BATHROOM reach over and put the thermometer under your armpit. wait

> 10 minutes. this is your basal temperature and if it is below 98.6

> three days in a row, then your thyroid is underactive.


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


> Bee,


> I know you say that treating candida will help normalize thyroid

function, but does that apply to Hashimoto's? I am thinking it does,

because my labs have improved a bit since I have changed my diet...

still not on 100% but I too am in moving mode and intend to get on

board once I have completed my move in June.

==>Hi . Yes I believe that applies to Hashimoto's disease too.

That's good your labs are improving. Keep up the good work!

Luv, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
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Interesting, though in a negative way. And positively unhelpful for

those with problems of conversion of or resistance to thyroid hormone,

who appear to exist in very large numbers.




> Just found this online and found it interesting, especially the

comments on natural hormone replacement



> For a small gland, the thyroid can cause big problems. It's shaped a

bit like a tiny bow tie and measures a few centimetres across. It sits

just in front of your windpipe.

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I think the big issue is that the doctor has to take responsibility

for it. This should be changed.

2 things jumped right out at me here

''This is because the amount of thyroid hormone is more variable

between batches than it is in thyroxine tablets, and it contains

potentially harmful levels of T3.''

That is the REAL hot potato as she puts it lol. Synthetics have had

more trouble with consistancy than Armour has EVER had from things I

have read.

''As a result, endocrinologists have abandoned using this in favour of

the pure form of thyroxine, which is chemically exactly the same as

that made by a normal thyroid gland.''

Also not entirely true, the thyroid makes all thyroid hormones, not

just T4 that is thyroxine. The body when in a perfect state does not

rely on the conversion of T4 at tissue level it contains all the

throid hormones right down to T1 and calcitonin.

But that article is pretty much the attitude of the medical

practitioners out there at the moment.

Interesting but depressing.

lotsa luv


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Dear aston should do his own research and stop relying on the British Thyroid Association's misleading and incorrect Statement on Armour thyroid therapy. Write to him and give him the links to thoe responses by TPA to thoe BTAs statements on Armour and T43/T3 combination therapy, and point out to him that these respo0nses have been backed up with alomost 300 references. He is one of the doctors responsible for keeping his patients ill and not helping them regain their normal health - and just because he is afraid of something he so obviously knows absolutely nothing about. Please do this and do your little bit to help your fellow sufferers.

http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/resp_bta_armour.pdf http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/resp_bta_t4t3.pdfLuv - Sheila

> > Dr Graham Easton works in a London GP practice with around 10,000 patients. It has three GP partners, three salaried doctors and fully computerised medical records. His medical training was at The Royal London Hospital. He's also an experienced medical journalist who has worked for BBC Radio Science and the British Medical Journal.> >

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>Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has thyroid problems and

are on this program? If so what symptoms have you experienced?

>I have hypothyroidism and not sure how this diet and supps will affect the

thyroid .... Just getting a little concerned about that as I take meds for

this and don't want to over medicate.



Hi Maddy, I take meds for my thyroid unfortunately. Started taking them

around 1996 and hope to be able to reduce them after my adrenals and the

rest of my body heal. I would think if you are getting too much you would

start losing weight pretty fast and get other symptoms like fast HR,

hairloss, nervousness, etc.


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Hi a

That is what I hope to accomplish as well ..... get rid of those meds.

However I know there will be bumps in the road and I hope my doctor will be

understanding as I will need my TSH checked frequently and sometimes the doc's

are not too pleased about the idea of getting off the meds therefore doesn't

want to check when I ask. I stopped the meds last year and I had all kinds of

problems and my doctor said she would not see me again if I gave up the meds

without her orders. SO I have to be careful

Good luck


" a K. Carlton " <kristina.carlton@...> wrote:


>Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has thyroid problems and

are on this program? If so what symptoms have you experienced?

>I have hypothyroidism and not sure how this diet and supps will affect the

thyroid .... Just getting a little concerned about that as I take meds for

this and don't want to over medicate.



Hi Maddy, I take meds for my thyroid unfortunately. Started taking them

around 1996 and hope to be able to reduce them after my adrenals and the

rest of my body heal. I would think if you are getting too much you would

start losing weight pretty fast and get other symptoms like fast HR,

hairloss, nervousness, etc.


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Guest guest


> Hi


> Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has thyroid

problems and are on this program? If so what symptoms have you



> I have hypothyroidism and not sure how this diet and supps will

affect the thyroid .... Just getting a little concerned about that as

I take meds for this and don't want to over medicate

==>Maddy, if you do a Search on my website you'll find articles about

the thyroid and adrenals. I lost my thyroid due to over medicating

when I had candida. Hypothyroid, and other thyroid problems are

caused by candida because its toxins make all of the cell membranes

go rigif - see this article:


Also see adrenal & thyroid articles:


Also remember to do a search of our Message Archives since the

questions you have have been answered many many times over.

Luv, Bee

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Guest guest


> >Hi


> >Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has thyroid

problems and

> are on this program? If so what symptoms have you experienced?


> >I have hypothyroidism and not sure how this diet and supps will

affect the

> thyroid .... Just getting a little concerned about that as I take

meds for

> this and don't want to over medicate.

==>Yes, you are correct a, and as a person is progressing on

the program the thyroid starts to recover, if meds are taken they

will throw the thyroid into a tizzy like it did mine! My

hyperthyroidism, as a result, was so serious!


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> Hi a


> That is what I hope to accomplish as well ..... get rid of those

meds. However I know there will be bumps in the road and I hope my

doctor will be understanding as I will need my TSH checked frequently

and sometimes the doc's are not too pleased about the idea of getting

off the meds therefore doesn't want to check when I ask. I stopped

the meds last year and I had all kinds of problems and my doctor said

she would not see me again if I gave up the meds without her orders.

SO I have to be careful

==>Maddy, when you thyroid changes you won't be able to wait for a

test. You should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of an

overactive thyroid so you know then to stop the meds. But it is

better not to take them at all, since they are not treating the

cause, which is candida toxins, they are treating the result. It is

better to put up with symptoms, rather than tamper too much with

meds. Also symptoms of low body temperature for example, aren't only

because of low thyroid, there are other functions and organs involved

in the body's temperature, including metabolism.

Go to Dr. Rind's website and check out the comparison chart he has on

the adrenals and thyroid. He also has a list of overactive thyroid

and adrenal symptoms so you can print it out for future.

The best, Bee

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Susie,

I am pretty sure its my thyroid as the symptoms group together:

trouble sleeping, constipation, anxiety, weight gain, digestion

gurgle, brain is slow, etc. and then the lab results for the TSH have

been steadily climbing over the last 2 months. I don't think its

adrenals as I've been taking an adrenal supplement to conteract/help

support the thyroid. I've been managing these symptoms closely for 10

years so I'm very attuned to when the thyroid is off.

You are so lucky that you haven't been on meds, or don't have

hashimotos because this is really awful.

I am glad to hear you chime in.


> Hello to all...I'll chime in briefly on thyroid. I've been on Bee's

> program for well over a year now. I have a cyst or nodule inside my

> thyroid gland which is checked twice a year. It doesn't grow & in

> fact may be going away by now. Had thyroid ultrasound 2 wks ago but no

> results yet. I don't & won't take thyroid meds.

> What I want to say is how do many of you " know " your thyroid is

> causing symptoms ? Maybe it's adrenals or candida or anemia or all of

> those combined, ganging up on you. Maybe it's die-off if you're fully

> on the diet & taking VCO. How do you decide to isolate one gland &

> take more meds, fewer meds, or more carbs hoping to feel good ?

> Everything works together... & heals together. Trust your bodies.

> Eat right & become healthy.

> Best, Susie


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 Hi and Susie

I'm having the same sort of problems too and not sure what it is. I'm

hypothyroid for 8 years and had my tsh checked last week and it was at 5, it was

falling because I gave up the synthroid for a while (approx 1 month)  and had to

go back on it again .... sadly.  Early morning is my worst time, I feel shaky

and jittery inside, weak and faint. I'm not feeling stressed or anxious but it

kind of feels like my body inside is anxious and stressed. It's a very weird

feeling and hard to explain. It could be my adrenals or it could be low iron as

my iron has fallen as well to 24 from 35 in 6 weeks. So not sure, just know I

have not been feeling so good recently. Once I get to noon  I don't feel as bad.

I don't feel it's die off but maybe it is.  I don't want to blame everything on

die off and over look some other problem. I've only been like this for the past

2 or so weeks and I've been on the program for almost 4 months now. I'm sure

adrenals, thyroid

and low iron are probably all contributing somewhat to the problem but I hope

it gets better soon. I also experience problems sleeping and never feel rested,

waking all through the night and not getting back to sleep. It's terrible.

take care everyone and hope things improve for us soon


Is anyone else experience those sorts of things?

Hello to all...I'll chime in briefly on thyroid. I've been on Bee's

program for well over a year now. I have a cyst or nodule inside my

thyroid gland which is checked twice a year. It doesn't grow & in

fact may be going away by now. Had thyroid ultrasound 2 wks ago but no

results yet. I don't & won't take thyroid meds.

What I want to say is how do many of you " know " your thyroid is

causing symptoms ? Maybe it's adrenals or candida or anemia or all of

those combined, ganging up on you. Maybe it's die-off if you're fully

on the diet & taking VCO. How do you decide to isolate one gland &

take more meds, fewer meds, or more carbs hoping to feel good ?

Everything works together... & heals together. Trust your bodies.

Eat right & become healthy.

Best, Susie

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> Hello to all...I'll chime in briefly on thyroid. I've been on


> program for well over a year now. I have a cyst or nodule inside my

> thyroid gland which is checked twice a year. It doesn't grow & in

> fact may be going away by now. Had thyroid ultrasound 2 wks ago but


> results yet. I don't & won't take thyroid meds.

> What I want to say is how do many of you " know " your thyroid is

> causing symptoms ? Maybe it's adrenals or candida or anemia or all of

> those combined, ganging up on you. Maybe it's die-off if you're


> on the diet & taking VCO. How do you decide to isolate one gland &

> take more meds, fewer meds, or more carbs hoping to feel good ?

> Everything works together... & heals together. Trust your bodies.

> Eat right & become healthy.

> Best, Susie



I am going by lab results and symptoms. My doctor runs a complete

thyroid panel on my every month and only since I have been following

the diet have my Free T3 levels dropped significantly below normal

range. I have been very strict following the diet and I have gained

four pounds over the last two days. I am very puffy and I am

experiencing fullness/tight neck which is common with Hashimoto's

disease. I have also been experiencing anxiety and shortness of

breath. It's not fun to say the least.

After doing some research to try and figure out what is going on I read

that when one has very little carbohydrates available for exercise or

daily activities, it causes increased carbohydrate or insulin

sensitivity. The higher the insulin sensitivity, the greater the chance

that fat will be stored in the body. By starving your body from crabs

you can change the body's hormone (thyroid T3) which regulates

metabolism. Low crab diets usually result in a reduction of T3. Again

this is the information I came up with while researching to try to

figure out what is going on.

My thyroid condition is pretty bad that's why I take Synchronic. I too

have many cysts and nodules on my thyroid that the doctor is going to

do a biopsy on. The disease has eaten away more than half my thyroid

so far.

I am not starving myself from crabs but following the program my crab

intake has dropped dramatically and I'm not sure if that is what

brought this on. I am trying to see if I increase my crabs if it will

help my T3 levels rise and jump start my metabolism again. But I

haven't been able to find any information on how to get your T3 levels

back up naturally, without the help of hormone replacement.

I would appreciate any advice.


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Dear Maddy,

No matter what health problem you have this program helps it!!!

That's because the body heals itself naturally IF you give it what it

needs to do its job properly.

Doctors shoot off into many directions, treating this symptom and

that symptom as separate from the the body as a whole. Such symptoms

are simply " signs " the body is lacks proper nutrition, has

imbalances, and is overtoxic, etc.

This program treats the body as a whole. I recommend you do coffee

enemas. Also, remember your body will " retrace " previous problems

with your thyroid, your adrenals, etc.

You can be assured you are improving since you are giving your body

what it needs according to Nature's Laws that Dr. Weston A. Price

writes about.



>  Hi and Susie

> I'm having the same sort of problems too and not sure what it is.

I'm hypothyroid for 8 years and had my tsh checked last week and it

was at 5, it was falling because I gave up the synthroid for a while

(approx 1 month)  and had to go back on it again ....

sadly.  Early morning is my worst time, I feel shaky and jittery

inside, weak and faint. I'm not feeling stressed or anxious but it

kind of feels like my body inside is anxious and stressed. It's a

very weird feeling and hard to explain. It could be my adrenals or it

could be low iron as my iron has fallen as well to 24 from 35 in 6

weeks. So not sure, just know I have not been feeling so good

recently. Once I get to noon  I don't feel as bad. I don't feel it's

die off but maybe it is.  I don't want to blame everything on die off

and over look some other problem. I've only been like this for the

past 2 or so weeks and I've been on the program for almost 4 months

now. I'm sure adrenals, thyroid

> and low iron are probably all contributing somewhat to the problem

but I hope it gets better soon. I also experience problems sleeping

and never feel rested, waking all through the night and not getting

back to sleep. It's terrible.

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> Susie,


> I am going by lab results and symptoms. My doctor runs a complete

> thyroid panel on my every month and only since I have been

following the diet have my Free T3 levels dropped significantly below

normal range. I have been very strict following the diet and I have

gained four pounds over the last two days. I am very puffy and I am

> experiencing fullness/tight neck which is common with Hashimoto's

> disease. I have also been experiencing anxiety and shortness of

> breath. It's not fun to say the least.


> After doing some research to try and figure out what is going on I

read that when one has very little carbohydrates available for

exercise or daily activities, it causes increased carbohydrate or

insulin sensitivity. The higher the insulin sensitivity, the greater

the chance that fat will be stored in the body. By starving your

body from crabs you can change the body's hormone (thyroid T3) which

regulates metabolism. Low crab diets usually result in a reduction

of T3. Again this is the information I came up with while

researching to try to figure out what is going on.

+++Sandy the information above is totally and utterly untrue!!!!!!


> My thyroid condition is pretty bad that's why I take Synchronic. I

too have many cysts and nodules on my thyroid that the doctor is

going to do a biopsy on. The disease has eaten away more than half

my thyroid so far.

+++That is caused by candida. Did you know cancer is actually



> I am not starving myself from crabs but following the program my

crab intake has dropped dramatically and I'm not sure if that is what

> brought this on. I am trying to see if I increase my crabs if it

will help my T3 levels rise and jump start my metabolism again. But

I haven't been able to find any information on how to get your T3

levels back up naturally, without the help of hormone replacement.

+++See my earlier replies today.


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I just wanted to let you know I too am having the sleep issues... I had a week

of really great sleep (in fact I was so exhausted I wanted to sleep all day) but

last night, and nights previous, I would wake up at some ungodly hour (4am) and

not be able to fall asleep again for at least another hour.  When it's time to

get up for the day, I feel wrecked.

However, once I have some breakfast I feel capable of powering through it a bit


I have had trouble *falling* asleep for years, so possibly I'm doing some

retracing, though I never used to wake up at the crack of dawn, so I'm not

sure.  In any event, my body is so busy doing so many things to make me better,

that's what I'm putting it all down to!

You are not alone!!  You can do it,



 I also experience problems sleeping and

never feel rested, waking all through the night and not getting back to

sleep. It's terrible.

take care everyone and hope things improve for us soon


Is anyone else experience those sorts of things?



~freedom is a state of mind

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>>>   thanks andra .... You are right, we are not alone for sure and things

will improve for us ....  I'm confident of that, all in time ...

Good luck to you



I just wanted to let you know I too am having the sleep issues... I had a week

of really great sleep (in fact I was so exhausted I wanted to sleep all day) but

last night, and nights previous, I would wake up at some ungodly hour (4am) and

not be able to fall asleep again for at least another hour.  When it's time to

get up for the day, I feel wrecked.

However, once I have some breakfast I feel capable of powering through it a bit


I have had trouble *falling* asleep for years, so possibly I'm doing some

retracing, though I never used to wake up at the crack of dawn, so I'm not

sure.  In any event, my body is so busy doing so many things to make me better,

that's what I'm putting it all down to!

You are not alone!!  You can do it,



 I also experience problems sleeping and

never feel rested, waking all through the night and not getting back to

sleep. It's terrible.

take care everyone and hope things improve for us soon


Is anyone else experience those sorts of things?



~freedom is a state of mind

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