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Mercury in tuna

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Hi Cheryl, take a look at the list. The files section

is an open section as well as the messages. There is a lot of

information there. If you search Binstock in the messages, I

think she just posted something in the last couple of weeks. It was

damming to the government, because they knew about this long before

the recommendations went out.


PS: Can't help you with the Math, I'm just horrible at it!!


> My two year old (three next month) has had some unacceptable and


> behaviors that we've been working through. He had next to no

language, was

> always escaping (scaling a four foot chain link fence and starting

up and

> driving the car at 26 months!), running naked, pooping in corners,


> people with sticks to get them to chase him...things that made it

so only I

> (and sometimes his father) were able to interact peaceably with

him. I

> took him to our homeopath (classical, practicing 30 years) who


> Hyoscamus six weeks ago, and now again 200C each week for one

month. When

> she looked in his eyes she was shocked because in all her years of


> she had NEVER seen a child with such inflamed nerve rings and


> such plugged lymphatic system who was NOT autistic and vaccinated.


> knows I'd never vaccinate and has even referred some of her clients

to me

> for vaccine information.) She sent me home with the homeopathic

and some

> supplementation advice (A, C & LOTS of zinc) and urged my husband

and I to

> reflect on my pregnancy to see what could have accounted for his

> state. (She figures the hyoscamus layer was due to my zinc

deficiency in

> pregnancy.)


> Upon reflecting I can only figure the water may have had some


> run off BUT I also ate a couple cans of tuna each week for part of


> pregnancy. I was trying to keep my protein levels up per Tom


> diet. I searched the web for information on mercury in tuna and

only found

> a few references. One said 17 mcg per 6 oz can, another 58 mcg per

12 oz

> can and another showed a range from non-detectable to 1.30 parts


> million with an average of 0.32 ppm.


> This is my math for converting ppm to mcg Hg in a 6 oz can:


> (6 oz/1can) (1 lb/16 oz) (1 kg/2.205 lb) (1000 g/1 kg) (1000 mg/1

g) (1000

> mcg/1 mg) = 170,000,000 mcg tuna per regular sized can


> Average Hg concentration = 0.32ppm:

> (170,000,000 mcg/1 can) (0.32 Hg/1,000,000 tuna) = 54.4 mcg Hg/ can

of tuna


> Highest Hg concentration tested = 1.30 ppm

> (170,000,000 mcg/1 can) (1.30 Hg/1,000,000 tuna) = 221 mcg Hg/ can

of tuna


> When I calculated the Hg based on PPM, my results (avg-54 mg, max-


> were far higher than the amounts given per can (17 mcg & adjusted

to 29 mcg.)


> My questions are:

> Does anyone have *reliable* numbers on mercury in tuna?

> Can anyone show me an error in my math?

> Considering my pre-pregnancy weight was 155 lbs (70 kg), does this


> like a probable cause of my son's current health issues?


> I thought the EPA said max *safe* exposure to Hg was 0.1 mcg Hg/ kg

of body

> weight. Did I get the rate right? If it is I figure my maximum


> exposure* is (70 kg body weight) (0.1 mcg Hg/ kg body weight) = 7

mcg Hg

> per day. If this is correct (please tell me if I am in error) it

seems NO

> pregnant woman should eat ANY tuna.


> You can call me naive but it seems there should be a FAR greater


> about the tuna situation and WIC should be sued for supplying free

tuna to

> pregnant and nursing moms. Is there a big outcry and I'm just out

of the loop?


> Any input, reflections, corrections would be greatly appreciated.

As my

> account is rather screwy, please reply to the group and also

to me

> personally (cheryl@n...)


> Thank you,

> Cheryl Overley

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Do you have silver (mercury) fillings in your mouth?

There is no safe level of mercury even though epa gives some arbitrary number.

Also Rh neg? Rhogam?

Also other issues could have contributed - not just mercury.

Did you have MMR or Rubella vax?

Did he have antibiotics as an infant?

What is family history?



>My two year old (three next month) has had some unacceptable and difficult

>behaviors that we've been working through. He had next to no language, was

>always escaping (scaling a four foot chain link fence and starting up and

>driving the car at 26 months!), running naked, pooping in corners, hitting

>people with sticks to get them to chase him...things that made it so only I

>(and sometimes his father) were able to interact peaceably with him. I

>took him to our homeopath (classical, practicing 30 years) who prescribed

>Hyoscamus six weeks ago, and now again 200C each week for one month. When

>she looked in his eyes she was shocked because in all her years of practice

>she had NEVER seen a child with such inflamed nerve rings and especially

>such plugged lymphatic system who was NOT autistic and vaccinated. (She

>knows I'd never vaccinate and has even referred some of her clients to me

>for vaccine information.) She sent me home with the homeopathic and some

>supplementation advice (A, C & LOTS of zinc) and urged my husband and I to

>reflect on my pregnancy to see what could have accounted for his

>state. (She figures the hyoscamus layer was due to my zinc deficiency in



>Upon reflecting I can only figure the water may have had some agricultural

>run off BUT I also ate a couple cans of tuna each week for part of my

>pregnancy. I was trying to keep my protein levels up per Tom Brewer's

>diet. I searched the web for information on mercury in tuna and only found

>a few references. One said 17 mcg per 6 oz can, another 58 mcg per 12 oz

>can and another showed a range from non-detectable to 1.30 parts per

>million with an average of 0.32 ppm.


>This is my math for converting ppm to mcg Hg in a 6 oz can:


>(6 oz/1can) (1 lb/16 oz) (1 kg/2.205 lb) (1000 g/1 kg) (1000 mg/1 g) (1000

>mcg/1 mg) = 170,000,000 mcg tuna per regular sized can


>Average Hg concentration = 0.32ppm:

>(170,000,000 mcg/1 can) (0.32 Hg/1,000,000 tuna) = 54.4 mcg Hg/ can of tuna


>Highest Hg concentration tested = 1.30 ppm

>(170,000,000 mcg/1 can) (1.30 Hg/1,000,000 tuna) = 221 mcg Hg/ can of tuna


>When I calculated the Hg based on PPM, my results (avg-54 mg, max-221mcg)

>were far higher than the amounts given per can (17 mcg & adjusted to 29 mcg.)


>My questions are:

>Does anyone have *reliable* numbers on mercury in tuna?

>Can anyone show me an error in my math?

>Considering my pre-pregnancy weight was 155 lbs (70 kg), does this seem

>like a probable cause of my son's current health issues?


>I thought the EPA said max *safe* exposure to Hg was 0.1 mcg Hg/ kg of body

>weight. Did I get the rate right? If it is I figure my maximum *safe

>exposure* is (70 kg body weight) (0.1 mcg Hg/ kg body weight) = 7 mcg Hg

>per day. If this is correct (please tell me if I am in error) it seems NO

>pregnant woman should eat ANY tuna.


>You can call me naive but it seems there should be a FAR greater outcry

>about the tuna situation and WIC should be sued for supplying free tuna to

>pregnant and nursing moms. Is there a big outcry and I'm just out of the



>Any input, reflections, corrections would be greatly appreciated. As my

> account is rather screwy, please reply to the group and also to me

>personally (cheryl@...)


>Thank you,

>Cheryl Overley








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When I was talking to the CDC one day the doctor there told me the mercury

content in tuna was 17 micrograms per can. He also said there is mercury in

grain. He said the average woman 110 pds should not exceed 5 micrograms per

day. Then he recomended a flu shot that has 25 micrograms. Insane. That's

our tax dollars at work.

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At 06:38 PM 8/14/2002 +0100, Sheri Nakken wrote:

>Do you have silver (mercury) fillings in your mouth?

I had a mercury filling in a baby tooth for about three years before it

fell out and was replaced by an adult tooth. I have a bridge that is white

on the outside but shows up on x-rays. Would that have mercury inside?

>There is no safe level of mercury even though epa gives some arbitrary number.

>Also Rh neg? Rhogam?

I'm rh+ and had no drugs during pregnancy.

>Also other issues could have contributed - not just mercury.

>Did you have MMR or Rubella vax?

My last vaccine was MMR in March of 1990. Enoch was conceived January 4,

1999. I had two pregnancies in between with apparently unaffected children.

>Did he have antibiotics as an infant?

The only *drugs* he's ever had were frequent doses of homeopathic arnica

30x, aconite 30x for croup, aconite , spongia tosta & hepar sulph (all 30x)

for croup, and hyoscamus 200c recently per our homeopath.

Oops! I just remembered I treated his older sister's mouth and my areola

with gentian violet for thrush. (It was before I learned about

homeopathy) As he was nursing at the time he received a second hand


>What is family history?

Everyone on my husband's side says Enoch is just like he was as a

child. He has no autistic traits now. I think they just meant his being

impulsive, extremely active, not in tune with adult ways...basically what

they call " being a handful " .

I have a vaccine-free nephew who seems to be " on the spectrum " . Even with

being on the high functioning end of things it's apparent to anyone paying

attention that there is definitely something going on with the way he

perceives, interprets, and processes things and people around

him. Unfortunately his parents don't acknowledge it and get him

help. :-( My sister is also rH+ .

I think my husband's nephew is also on the high end of the spectrum. His

mother was up to date on all her shots as she was military. He got all his

shots twice as the military lost his records and insisted he repeat and

complete each series before going overseas. He was 21 months at the time.

Thank you for asking about the family history. I never thought about it

until now. Of the six males in his generation, three have many

characteristics of high functioning autism, two even vaccine-free!


Thank you so much for responding. I appreciate your learned

input. :-) Have you heard of moms' taking the MMR and having it

apparently skip a few pregnancies and then show its effect?

~Cheryl Overley

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Have you ever heard of an " Indigo child " ? Check out this website:


" They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

They have a feeling of " deserving to be here, " and are surprised when others

don't share that.

Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents " who they are. "

They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation

or choice).

They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is

difficult for them.

They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't

require creative thought.

They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school,

which makes them seem like " system busters " (nonconforming to any system).

They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no

others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling

like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult

for them socially.

They will not respond to " guilt " discipline ( " Wait till your father gets

home and finds out what you did " ).

They are not shy in letting you know what they need.


Re: mercury in tuna

> At 06:38 PM 8/14/2002 +0100, Sheri Nakken wrote:

> >Do you have silver (mercury) fillings in your mouth?


> I had a mercury filling in a baby tooth for about three years before it

> fell out and was replaced by an adult tooth. I have a bridge that is


> on the outside but shows up on x-rays. Would that have mercury inside?


> >There is no safe level of mercury even though epa gives some arbitrary


> >Also Rh neg? Rhogam?


> I'm rh+ and had no drugs during pregnancy.


> >Also other issues could have contributed - not just mercury.

> >Did you have MMR or Rubella vax?


> My last vaccine was MMR in March of 1990. Enoch was conceived January 4,

> 1999. I had two pregnancies in between with apparently unaffected



> >Did he have antibiotics as an infant?


> The only *drugs* he's ever had were frequent doses of homeopathic arnica

> 30x, aconite 30x for croup, aconite , spongia tosta & hepar sulph (all


> for croup, and hyoscamus 200c recently per our homeopath.

> Oops! I just remembered I treated his older sister's mouth and my areola

> with gentian violet for thrush. (It was before I learned about

> homeopathy) As he was nursing at the time he received a second hand

> exposure.


> >What is family history?


> Everyone on my husband's side says Enoch is just like he was as a

> child. He has no autistic traits now. I think they just meant his being

> impulsive, extremely active, not in tune with adult ways...basically what

> they call " being a handful " .


> I have a vaccine-free nephew who seems to be " on the spectrum " . Even with

> being on the high functioning end of things it's apparent to anyone paying

> attention that there is definitely something going on with the way he

> perceives, interprets, and processes things and people around

> him. Unfortunately his parents don't acknowledge it and get him

> help. :-( My sister is also rH+ .


> I think my husband's nephew is also on the high end of the spectrum. His

> mother was up to date on all her shots as she was military. He got all


> shots twice as the military lost his records and insisted he repeat and

> complete each series before going overseas. He was 21 months at the time.


> Thank you for asking about the family history. I never thought about it

> until now. Of the six males in his generation, three have many

> characteristics of high functioning autism, two even vaccine-free!


> >Sheri


> Thank you so much for responding. I appreciate your learned

> input. :-) Have you heard of moms' taking the MMR and having it

> apparently skip a few pregnancies and then show its effect?


> ~Cheryl Overley








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so what did he say about the 25 micrograms in the shot? or has he not

put 2 and 2 together?


When I was talking to the CDC one day the doctor there told me the


content in tuna was 17 micrograms per can. He also said there is

mercury in

grain. He said the average woman 110 pds should not exceed 5

micrograms per

day. Then he recomended a flu shot that has 25 micrograms. Insane.


our tax dollars at work.

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Toxicity-A Modern Review from a Dental Perspective

How much is really Dangerous?

By Dean Swift

The Canadian Journal of Dental Technology

July 1999


The links between Personal Health Issues & the Environment may not seem

obvious at first glance, but we must realize that we are incredibly linked

through food and water chains. This article is written to improve our

understanding of toxics that come in contact with Dental Staff and their


We have poisoned our Environment

Everyday, we, in a personal and collective way, may have realized that there

are many among us who have health situations of which our grandparents had

never heard. Bottled water - Imagine- paying for water! Skin allergies,

asthma, higher cancer rates. Fertility Clinics - who would have believed 20

years ago that this would be a booming industry? We all have known someone

who has had some difficulties with pregnancy. Many of the problems that we

are encountering today did not exist before the widespread use of DDT, PCB's

and NPE's.

How is Toxicity measured?

Toxicology is the study of poisons. One of the first compounds regarded as a

poison was arsenic. It was the chief agent of poisoning crimes from the

middle ages right up to the 20th century. In 1849, a toxicology program was

begun at the University of Ghent in Belgium as a small part of pharmacy and

chemistry studies. Since WW2 with the explosion of synthetic materials such

as pesticides and detergents, it has necessarily grown as a scientific

endeavour and is now its own discipline.

Instruments of Measure

The oldest and most crude instrument of toxicity is the LD50 (Lethal Dose

50%). This is the amount of a substance that can be eaten or ingested before

1/2 of the animals in the group die. Although the concept has been around for

a century, it is not a very realistic representation as few people will

ingest a large quantity of a toxic substance, no matter how hungry they may


Occupational Health inspectors use a toxicity indicator called TLV (Threshold

Limit Value). By monitoring the air in certain industries, and linking the

statistics of their workers' health compared with the general public, they

can determine the risk limits of personal exposure by inhalation. A recent

example tracked use of the industrial solvent Ethylene Glycol in the circuit

board production at IBM where the rates of miscarriage were dramatically

greater than average.

The most recent advance in toxicology measurement is the concept of Lethal

Concentration 50% (LC50) In a cubic metre enclosure, animals are exposed to

different concentrations of the studied compound. The risk level is then

determined by the concentration that kills 50% within 4 hours. The lungs are

truly the greatest entry route into the body as we exchange (>30L/min) air

gases & volatiles into our circulatory system.

Future measurement will be done without killing animals by using molecular

techniques to identify specific cellular disruption.

One of the best ways to determine the relative safety of a product is to

read recommendations on its MSDS describing how it should be disposed of. If,

for example, there is a declared fine from a state or provincial

environmental body (Sewer Laws) for dumping the product down drains - then it

is probably acutely toxic. As examples, a disinfectant containing the

synthetic o-phenyl-phenol (OPP) is only permitted at a maximum of 1 ppm (part

per million) and for detergents containing NPE's (nonyl phenol ethoxlate) it

is only 0.04 ppm. If a product label says " Domestic Disposal " , you can then

feel comfortable.

Hormone Disruptors

Carson warned us in Silent Spring (1962) about the rapid ecological

upheaval that was being caused by the widespread use of synthetic chemicals,

especially in agriculture and forestry.

The latest understanding in toxicology is about the ability of some chemicals

to mimic hormones in living organisms. This field of study is about subtle

genetic changes brought on by hormone disrupters. This is in contrast to the

widely held notion that if a compound is toxic it will knock you out with a

heavyweight punch.

Hormonal activity in animals is regulated by the endocrine system. These

hormones act like messengers relaying information to cells about how and when

to grow, divide or die. When disrupted by chemicals, transgenerational

genetic damage can occur. In-utero exposure to toxic compounds may sometimes

cause birth defects, but will be more likely to emerge later in life at the

time of maturity and reproductive prime. Synthetic compounds such as NPE's

(Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylates) mimic hormonal structure and function, blocking

important receptor sites in cells. What is especially amazing about these

detergents (which have been banned by ALL European countries) is that it

takes only one tenth of a part per million to cause reproductive damage in

Salmon. The Salmon stocks are low due to intense pesticide use in agriculture

and detergent use in the pulp and paper industry.

Plastic Toxics

Many man-made products have entered the marketplace with little or no

toxicity testing. This is particularly true of plastic materials. In

Dentistry, the most serious toxics (hormone disrupters) are the phthalates

(DBP Dibutyl phthalate and DOP DiOctylPhthalate). These have been used as

plasticizers for denture and soft lining materials. Over time they leach out

into the oral cavity. It is advisable to obtain an MSDS on the products used

in the laboratory to ensure these plasticizers are not part of your

prosthesis. Composite resins have recently been noted to contain toxics.

BisPhenol A, the core of the Bowen resin, along with Triethylene Glycol

Dimethacrylate are mostly inert when fully polymerized, yet the uncured resin

could have serious toxic effects.

Heavy Metals

Industrial sources have added three major metal toxics - Lead, Cadmium and

Mercury to our rivers and lakes. These metals and their salts have been shown

to be hormone disrupting and also cause neurological damage.

Cadmium has been the raw material for yellow and red pigments used in

porcelains and Denture Bases. Newer, safer pigments have been available for

over 15 years, yet there are still some manufacturers who persist in using


Almost 1/3 of the Mercury found in the Great Lakes basin can be traced to

Dental origins. Because of this there will be increasing pressure on Dental

Clinics to retrieve amalgam before it enters the wastewater.

Finally, attention should be paid to minimize, replace or recycle any lead

found in X-ray films and in older plumbing solder joints.

Carcinogens / Teratogens

The most common carcinogen that Dental staff have been exposed to, other

than Cigarette smoke, is Formaldehyde. It is the most toxic and carcinogenic

of the aldehyde family and is found in many Chemical Vapour sterilizer

solutions. Many companies have taken steps to eliminate it from their

formulae, and most Dental offices vent the sterilizers outside. Vapours from

o-phenyl-phenol have been linked to throat cancer. The most common teratogen

found in Dentistry is Ethylene Glycol, an industrial solvent that makes up

about 5% of many spray disinfectants or the equivalent of 50,000 ppm.

What can you do?

If you are concerned about long term health issues, ask for an official

letter from your product supplier confirming that their product does not

contain any hormone disrupting chemicals, specifically Nonyl Phenol

Ethoxlyate (NPE) or teratogens (Ethylene Glycol) or carcinogens

(o-phenyl-phenol). Insist on a current (<3 years) Material Safety Data Sheet

(MSDS). Both the EPA and Health Canada have placed these chemicals on their

priority list for rapid reduction in the marketplace.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


I heard the same thing about light tuna but saw a story the other day saying

that albacore had a lot b/c they're big (I think)

In Ken Blanchard's book " Hypothyroidism, what your Dr. may not tell you "

His fish facts for safe amounts to eat of canned tuna per week - based on

body weight is:


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Guest guest

i also read somewhere recently that albacore tuna is higher in mercury than the

other canned tuna. sheila

K a r e n P <karlynn17@...> wrote:,

I heard the same thing about light tuna but saw a story the other day saying

that albacore had a lot b/c they're big (I think)

In Ken Blanchard's book " Hypothyroidism, what your Dr. may not tell you "

His fish facts for safe amounts to eat of canned tuna per week - based on

body weight is:


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  • 3 years later...

I don't have a link, but I can tell you from personal experience that

when I stopped eating fish (and I ate mainly non " mercury " fish) my

blood mercury levels dropped to almost nothing. Previously, I had

eaten fish a couple times a week and they were close to the limit of

whats considered normal. I was told this level is " normal " for a fish

eater, but I honestly don't think any measurable level of mercury in

your blood is " normal " . I have now not eaten fish for over a year,

and my blood and hair mercury tests have normalized. Tuna is

considered high in mercury because its a large predator fish.



> When I posted re my mystery illness/mystery cure and said I eat a lot

> of tuna for protein. I was told of a possible mercury link. With

> respect and appreciation to all I have not been able to substantiates

> such claims in my research. I was told in several places that the risk

> is so small as to be notworth concern, except for pregnant women and I

> think, young children, may be wrong on the children. If someone can

> produce evidence myresearch is wrong please post link

> Thanks all



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Ribepeix is an interactive software program (Microsoft Access) that allows

us to know risks (pollutant levels) and benefits (Omega-3 fatty acids)

through our ingestion of fish and seafood.

You can see more information on http://www.fibrofatiga-unidos

info/content/view/617/1/ and use google translator


-------Mensaje original-------

De: bannerthehulk

Fecha: 06/12/2007 13:07:12


Asunto: Mercury in tuna

When I posted re my mystery illness/mystery cure and said I eat a lot

of tuna for protein. I was told of a possible mercury link. With

respect and appreciation to all I have not been able to substantiates

such claims in my research. I was told in several places that the risk

is so small as to be notworth concern, except for pregnant women and I

think, young children, may be wrong on the children. If someone can

produce evidence myresearch is wrong please post link

Thanks all

avast! Antivirus: Mensaje entrante limpio.

Base de datos de Virus (VPS): 071205-2, 05/12/2007

Comprobado el: 06/12/2007 15:30:47

avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

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" bannerthehulk " <bannerthehulk@...> wrote:


> When I posted re my mystery illness/mystery cure and said I eat a lot

> of tuna for protein. I was told of a possible mercury link. With

> respect and appreciation to all I have not been able to substantiates

> such claims in my research.

> I was told in several

> places that the risk is so small as to be not worth concern,

> except for pregnant women and I

> think, young children, may be wrong on the children.

I would think that children, with their developing nervous

systems, would be negatively impacted by excessive mercury

from fish.

>If someone can

> produce evidence myresearch is wrong please post link

> Thanks all


Calculate the mercury you're getting:


My sense is the upper limits are set about 3x too high, but

even if you go with what's given here, mercury can add up.


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If someone can

> produce evidence myresearch is wrong please post link

***Hi - Have you had a blood test to check your mercury levels?

There have been a few people here in Canada lately who have been found

to have high levels of mercury after consuming tuna on a daily basis

for long periods of time. These were news items so I don't have

anything to back up my claims. One was a woman who went to her doctor

complaining of constant fatigue. Another was a man who was eating three

to four cans of tuna a day and had heard about the possibility of too

much mercury. He had his blood tested and was found to be over four

times the safe limit for mercury.


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Hi ,

I have to second Bernie's post below from my own experience. Before my sudden

flu-like onset of CFS, I ate tuna every day for a couple of years at least, I

always had it for lunch. I was huge into working out and eating lots of protein

to be fit back then. I didn't know much back then about the concern of mercury

in fish and if I did read about it, I thought, I'm still healthy, it can't be a

big deal. Well, finally 2 yrs after my crash an FFC doc tested my mercury level

and it was 16, and the acceptable limit is <4. I took one bottle of DMSA not

knowing you had to do more than that to treat it. I tested again this past

September and my level was 10, still more than double the acceptable limit.

Since I've never had any amalgam fillings, I am certain that my mercury toxicity

is due to eating tuna daily for 3-4 yrs prior to my CFS crash. I am putting

this as my top priority to treat now and am meeting with a doctor in a week to

discuss the proper treatment. Good luck to you

and let me know if I can help further!


***Hi - Have you had a blood test to check your mercury levels?

There have been a few people here in Canada lately who have been found

to have high levels of mercury after consuming tuna on a daily basis

for long periods of time. These were news items so I don't have

anything to back up my claims. One was a woman who went to her doctor

complaining of constant fatigue. Another was a man who was eating three

to four cans of tuna a day and had heard about the possibility of too

much mercury. He had his blood tested and was found to be over four

times the safe limit for mercury.



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> I am certain that my mercury toxicity is due to eating tuna daily for

3-4 yrs prior to my CFS crash. I am putting this as my top priority to

treat now and am meeting with a doctor in a week to discuss the proper


***Hi Stacey - If the tuna is your only source of mercury, then keeping

tuna out of your diet should eventually get your mercury levels back to

a normal level within a years time.


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If you accept what Rich says about PWCs having a methylation cycle

block that prevents them detoxing, then what you say isnt' true.

Stacey would have to chelate, or reinvigorate her methylation system,

to unload the mercury.


-- In , " bernieanneca "

<TigerLilea@...> wrote:



> >

> > I am certain that my mercury toxicity is due to eating tuna daily


> 3-4 yrs prior to my CFS crash. I am putting this as my top

priority to

> treat now and am meeting with a doctor in a week to discuss the


> treatment.




> ***Hi Stacey - If the tuna is your only source of mercury, then


> tuna out of your diet should eventually get your mercury levels

back to

> a normal level within a years time.


> Bernie


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Fish was the only source I KNEW of, but I wonder about daily sources

in the environment, that'd be my only concern, which would indicate a

possible ongoing exposure though I'm not sure how it'd be identified.


> >

> > I am certain that my mercury toxicity is due to eating tuna daily for

> 3-4 yrs prior to my CFS crash. I am putting this as my top priority to

> treat now and am meeting with a doctor in a week to discuss the proper

> treatment.




> ***Hi Stacey - If the tuna is your only source of mercury, then keeping

> tuna out of your diet should eventually get your mercury levels back to

> a normal level within a years time.


> Bernie


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> When I posted re my mystery illness/mystery cure and said I eat a lot

> of tuna for protein. I was told of a possible mercury link. With

> respect and appreciation to all I have not been able to substantiates

> such claims in my research. I was told in several places that the risk

> is so small as to be notworth concern, except for pregnant women and I

> think, young children, may be wrong on the children. If someone can

> produce evidence myresearch is wrong please post link

> Thanks all



I;'ve seen lots of cases of people who got toxic eating tuna a lot.

While the only thing the public health departments talk about is not feeding it

to pregnant

or breastfeeding women (for whom more than one can a week is potentially toxic

to the

baby) a reasonable person would not assume that this means eating it daily was

safe if

they weren't pregnant!

The easier way to decide is to read the signs and symtoms of mercury problems


maybe get a relevant test. A relatively good list of these is given on the web

site for my

book - www.noamalgam.com - and you can read the signs and symptoms for free on


web without buying the book. A description of how to use a hair test can be

found in the

files section of the autism mercury list on , or in my book on hair


interpretation (described at www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html - interpretive

material for free on the group).


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This discussion of the methylation cycle is a psychotic delusion. In mammals it


nothing to do with mercury, and in addition it doesn't work as described. For


unrelated to this kind of discussion, methylating supplements will help some

people and

in fact may be profoundly helpful, a lot of others will experience very long

lasting angry

aggressive agitation which can get them in a lot of trouble.

If you have mercury and you want it gone you first stop getting exposed, then


properly. Proper chelation is determined by the basic chemical properties of

the agents in

question and is governed by the laws of nature. Unfortunately many doctors are


arts majors and don't appreciate this, so unless people are willing to take some

responsibility to try to figure out for themselves how to do it right I would

suggest not

doing it at all.


> > >

> > > I am certain that my mercury toxicity is due to eating tuna daily

> for

> > 3-4 yrs prior to my CFS crash. I am putting this as my top

> priority to

> > treat now and am meeting with a doctor in a week to discuss the

> proper

> > treatment.

> >

> >

> >

> > ***Hi Stacey - If the tuna is your only source of mercury, then

> keeping

> > tuna out of your diet should eventually get your mercury levels

> back to

> > a normal level within a years time.

> >

> > Bernie

> >


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> -Bernie

> If you accept what Rich says about PWCs having a methylation cycle

> block that prevents them detoxing, then what you say isnt' true.

> Stacey would have to chelate, or reinvigorate her methylation system,

> to unload the mercury.

***Hi Louella - I have a mouth full of amalgam fillings. My blood tests

came back with mercury very low in the normal range so I'm guessing

that I detox mercury without any problems even though my GSH test

showed I have very low levels.

Take care


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Bernie, which blood test/lab did you use that determined your mercury

levels were normal?

I did my test through doctorsdata and my mercury levels were highly

elevated despite only 2 amalgams.


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> Bernie, which blood test/lab did you use that determined your


> levels were normal?


Hi Nat - My test was done through the lab at BC Children's Hospital.

They are the only lab here in British Columbia that do mercury testing.

My result was 8 (ref range <29).

Take care.


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Andy, I don't believe I'm either psychotic or delusional. I'm

perfectly willing to participate in a discussion about chelation and

methylation cycle theories but I don't much care for being insulted.

I agree that some people may be helped by the supplements in a

" methylating " protocol for reasons that may not be directly related to

methylation. However, I've read Rich vanK's papers, and studied Dr

Yasko's work, and find the biochemistry involved to have a lot more to

recommend it than a lot of other goose chases I've been on trying to

improve my health.

I have a brain (which even works sometimes) and I've been spending a

lot of time studying. I've tested positive for 12 genetic mutations

that are related to how my body's methylation cycle functions. I can

even tell you which ones, and, for most of them, which biochemical

reactions are affected.

I look forward to hearing in more detail about what, specifically, you

disagree with regarding methylation cycle protocols.


Marcia on

in Salem, Massachusetts

> > > >

> > > > I am certain that my mercury toxicity is due to eating tuna daily

> > for

> > > 3-4 yrs prior to my CFS crash. I am putting this as my top

> > priority to

> > > treat now and am meeting with a doctor in a week to discuss the

> > proper

> > > treatment.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ***Hi Stacey - If the tuna is your only source of mercury, then

> > keeping

> > > tuna out of your diet should eventually get your mercury levels

> > back to

> > > a normal level within a years time.

> > >

> > > Bernie

> > >

> >


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I dont buy the mercury in fish theory

there are other sources besides the main one of mercury /silver fillings

which include

possibly in crowns or root canals

passed from mother into fetus, there is research in this , one in

particular on a study of a dead fetus with mercury in the brain

(this may mean if mother had fillings child would get some mercury)

in the environment. maybe someone could comment on this

thanks, Amy

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As I understand it (having been told this by Dr. Cheney), there are

different kinds of mercury found in human bodies, one is the type found in

mercury dental amalgams and the other kind is the type found in seafood. When

Dr. Cheney tested me for mercury, he was able to tell that I had high levels of

the seafood-type mercury and no measurable mercury from dental amalgams.

Re: Mercury in tuna

I dont buy the mercury in fish theory

there are other sources besides the main one of mercury /silver fillings

which include

possibly in crowns or root canals

passed from mother into fetus, there is research in this , one in

particular on a study of a dead fetus with mercury in the brain

(this may mean if mother had fillings child would get some mercury)

in the environment. maybe someone could comment on this

thanks, Amy

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