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Which blend do you order?

" J. Wolstenholme " <mary@...> wrote: I have been using them

for several years. Recently I have been using

them for making goats milk yogurt.

I recommend them.

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 19:18:44 -0500, you wrote:

>Has anybody used these?










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Is this the one you get?

Custom probiotic blend of six cultures, 260 billion cfu per gram. It

consists of L. Acidophilus, L. Salivarius, L. Plantarum, L. Rhamnosus, B.

Lactis and B. Bifidum. Price: $165 per 100 gm; $100 per 50 gram.

If so, what size and how long does it last? That's quite expensive. What

makes you think they are good? You have been using them for a while so you

must have a reason.



>It's the one with six different bacteria. I buy a jar of the loose

>powder and put it in capsules.

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On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 20:43:00 -0500, you wrote:

>Is this the one you get?


>Custom probiotic blend of six cultures, 260 billion cfu per gram. It

>consists of L. Acidophilus, L. Salivarius, L. Plantarum, L. Rhamnosus, B.

>Lactis and B. Bifidum. Price: $165 per 100 gm; $100 per 50 gram.


Yes, that's the one.



>If so, what size and how long does it last? That's quite expensive. What

>makes you think they are good? You have been using them for a while so you

>must have a reason.


I get the largest size.

I think they are good because I get worse if I don't take them.

They last a long time because I depend on the Yogurt for the bulk of

the dose. I told Harry Bronozian and the UK importer about making the

CP into Yogurt. They do not think it will be a problem.

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  • 1 month later...
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That's funny ; I read in the peer-reviewed science posted on my

website, that probiotics are best taken with their food, a prebiotic,

and with a food bolus at that, in order to prolong contact time

between the probiotic and its food and prolong the bacterial fluorish

we're after, which allows the probiotic to thrive and compete. Where

did you get your info? Mine's from Tungland's Comprehensive

Scientific Review.



> i've read it is best to take probiotics on empty stomach before bed.

> some docs say it should be taken just before eating. so i try and do



> monique


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both my naturopath and a well-known american doctor who treats

autoimmune diseases told me re taking the probiotics on an empty stomach

before bed. but the probiotics i have - from mercola - say to take just

before a meal. so as i said i do both to cover my bases. can't hurt me.

don't want to print the US doc's name b/c he helps a lot of ppl with a

controversial - ie not traditional - treatment - so he can get in

trouble if mentioned on public forums.


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Just to make this even more complicated, apparently it's different

according to the person. Some do better before eating, some with the

meal and some after. That's was a TCM doc told me and a friend who

used to work for yet anothre a naturopathic doctor said they

muscle-tested everyone with this.

I think the logic behind the bed time dose is that the enzymes created

by the bacteria can clean things up at night when the body is

detoxifying during sleep. One of my allergy books explains that.

This would be a good question to ask a probiotic formulator and you

can do that tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific when he's

doing a conference call. I've always found the calls to be extremely

informative and have been very successful using his stuff:


PIN: 218471#

Sharon Hoehner



> duncan


> both my naturopath and a well-known american doctor who treats

> autoimmune diseases told me re taking the probiotics on an empty


> before bed. but the probiotics i have - from mercola - say to take just

> before a meal. so as i said i do both to cover my bases. can't hurt me.

> don't want to print the US doc's name b/c he helps a lot of ppl with a

> controversial - ie not traditional - treatment - so he can get in

> trouble if mentioned on public forums.


> monique


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Hi ,

Would it be possible to learn the name and location of your doctor? Please feel

free to email me directly if you don't want to post it. I'm very interested in

working with a doctor who deals with autoimmune diseases as I have a few serious

conditions related to autoimmune.


> a well-known american doctor who

> treats autoimmune diseases



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  • 4 weeks later...
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> Is there a real difference between less expensive and pricier

> probiotics? and Do we really need several strains when it seems the

> major one is acidolphollus?

==>Hi there. It is lactobacillus that is the major one, which has

several strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus bacterium, and

these - there are other types as well:

lactobacillus bulgaricus

lactobacillus casei

lactobacillus rhamnosus

lactobacillus bifidus

On labels they may be listed as: l. bulgaricus, l. acidophilus, etc.

I buy Trophic Brand, called Non-Dairy Acidophilus, and it lists the


L. Rhamnosus

S. Thermophilus (Streptococcus thermophilus which is a lactic acid


L. Acidophilus

Bifido Longuer

L. Casei


The higher the bacteria count, the more it will cost. Manufacturers

have been increasing bacteria count in their products over the years.

When I cured my candida probiotics were in the millions of units and

now they are in billions as high as 62.

However, high counts aren't necessary since you only need a maximum of

10 billion per day (split into doses). Therefore buy a product that is

low in count, i.e. my product contains 6 Billion Units per capsule and

only 6 strains (above). If you get a capsule with high bacteria counts,

dump out capsules so you can take less, and take it with water. That

will also save you money.

Luv, Bee

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I've been taking probiotics for 2-3 months now. I didn't start with the

coconut oil, other than cooking with it. I also used it on my skin!! I've had

no die off from the probiotic, does this mean that I don't have candida? I had

high levels of mercury, I figured that there would be a yeast problem to go

along with it. I do have more energy on your diet!! I love the dry brushing,

I've been doing that for a year or longer. I do rebounding everyday, luv it!!

I also enjoy the celtic salt baths.

Doing those three things combind has really helped me!!

Thank's for all the good info Bee!!

Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> Is there a real difference between less expensive and pricier

> probiotics? and Do we really need several strains when it seems the

> major one is acidolphollus?

==>Hi there. It is lactobacillus that is the major one, which has

several strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus bacterium, and

these - there are other types as well:

lactobacillus bulgaricus

lactobacillus casei

lactobacillus rhamnosus

lactobacillus bifidus

On labels they may be listed as: l. bulgaricus, l. acidophilus, etc.

I buy Trophic Brand, called Non-Dairy Acidophilus, and it lists the


L. Rhamnosus

S. Thermophilus (Streptococcus thermophilus which is a lactic acid


L. Acidophilus

Bifido Longuer

L. Casei


The higher the bacteria count, the more it will cost. Manufacturers

have been increasing bacteria count in their products over the years.

When I cured my candida probiotics were in the millions of units and

now they are in billions as high as 62.

However, high counts aren't necessary since you only need a maximum of

10 billion per day (split into doses). Therefore buy a product that is

low in count, i.e. my product contains 6 Billion Units per capsule and

only 6 strains (above). If you get a capsule with high bacteria counts,

dump out capsules so you can take less, and take it with water. That

will also save you money.

Luv, Bee

Treva Shay Spence

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>If you get a capsule with high bacteria counts, dump out capsules so you

can take less, and take it with water. That

>will also save you money.

>Luv, Bee

If you dump them out, will the probiotics be able to make it through the

acidic environment of the stomach? I thought that was the purpose of having

them in capsules. A lot of manufacturers actually have special enteric

coated capsules or tablets for that reason. Ultimately you want them to get

to your colon/intestine, right?


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> Bee,

> I've been taking probiotics for 2-3 months now. I didn't start

with the coconut oil, other than cooking with it. I also used it on

my skin!! I've had no die off from the probiotic, does this mean

that I don't have candida? I had high levels of mercury, I figured

that there would be a yeast problem to go along with it. I do have

more energy on your diet!! I love the dry brushing, I've been doing

that for a year or longer. I do rebounding everyday, luv it!!

> I also enjoy the celtic salt baths.

> Doing those three things combind has really helped me!!

> Thank's for all the good info Bee!!

==>Hi Shay. It is good to hear from you. Not everyone experiences

die-off symptoms taking probiotics. It is possible you might not

have candida overgrowth, but even if you don't this program is

extremely effective getting rid of heavy metals and balancing out


You are doing everything right Shay! You go girl!

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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> >If you get a capsule with high bacteria counts, dump out capsules

so you

> can take less, and take it with water. That

> >will also save you money.


> >Luv, Bee


> If you dump them out, will the probiotics be able to make it

through the

> acidic environment of the stomach? I thought that was the purpose

of having

> them in capsules. A lot of manufacturers actually have special


> coated capsules or tablets for that reason. Ultimately you want

them to get

> to your colon/intestine, right?

==>That is false. When I cured my candida I took powdered probotics

in water. Later the manufacturing companies came out with the " new "

idea that stomach acid would kill them. How crazy is that?

Probiotics are also naturally in the stomach. If that were true it

would also mean that yogurt couldn't benefit people.


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> If you dump them out, will the probiotics be able to make it through the

> acidic environment of the stomach?


Hi a,

I wanted to respond to your question because it's something I've

wrestled with before, until I finally reasoned it out. I'd read from

several sources that very few probiotics survive through the stomach

to make it all the way to the intestines. I'd also read from

different sources that they do. So for the longest time I wasn't sure

what to believe. Why would friendly bacteria be so delicate that they

cannot survive through the stomach? If they are really so hard to get

into the intestinal tract, how did they get there in the first place

(before the antibiotics killed them)? They got into your system

somehow, without the aid of capsules. (I speculate - and forgive me if

this is something that's been discussed before; I don't remember -

they're passed from mother to baby in the breast milk.) If it really

takes special capsules to get bacteria past the stomach, then none of

us would've had any bacteria in our bodies to start with, right?

That's just my two cents :) but it's how I finally came to my own


Hope this helps.

in Tennessee

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  • 1 month later...
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> > I am out of my probiotics, fiber supplements and antifungal. (not

> > compeltely out, but need to reorder). currently I am using all of

> the Renew Life suplements. They have a 50 Billion unit probiotic


> is entereic coated to get past the stomach,


> I tried Renew Life probiotics, I didn't find it superior at all, jsut

more expensive, I am not using Nutrition Now probiotic which is doctor

recommended for some reason and for the 9.99 I get 120 caps.

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> Hi ,


> I have tried many different probiotics and found the

> Nauture way seemed to help me more. I have noticed a

> difference in my digestion and my intestinal health.


> They survive the stomach acid and the pill releases

> into the intestines, also it can be taken anytime . I

> remember some of the other probiotics I was on had to

> be taken alone, on an empty stomach. This was just

> easier and I noticed I felt like my gut was more my

> own ;) They sell it at most health food stores.


> Here is the link to the site if you're interested.


> http://www.naturesway.com/NaturesWay/products.aspx?

hero=1 & maxcols=1 & maxitems=10 & productid=Primadolphilus_Brand_2

> Jess


> I am pretty happy with Nutrition Now probiotic and its pretty cheap

at 9.99 for 120 caps.






> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

> with the Search weather shortcut.

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  • 8 months later...
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> Hello Bee,


> I just learned that a friend of ours is finishing a broad spectrum anti-biotic

for what the doctors diagnosed as kidney infection and blood infection.


> Would it be beneficial for her to take a probiotic to try to get something

back into her system? I have five capsules of Kirkmans Probio Gold. If so,

what and how long should she take something like this.


> They are interested in your candida protocol but mainly in your supplements to

start with. They already eat lots of low carb veggies and looking into organic

beef. They are chinese and still eat rice and wonton wrappers etc. If someone

is not going to do your diet completely, would you still recommend all of your

supplements or would you modify them such as cutting them in half etc.

+++Hi . Yes it would help her to take probiotics while she is on

antibiotics. She should take 10 billion units per day, taken in divided doses,

which need to be taken 3 hours before or 3 hours after taking the antibiotic.

+++If the person is unhealthy they should take all of the supplements in the

doses I recommend, except they may need to take less cal/mag depending upon

their intake of dairy products. If they are healthy they can take 1,000 mg

vitamin C per day instead of 4,000 mg.

> P.S. I'm happy to report that a golf ball sized fatty cyst above my husband's

knee has shrunk down to half! He has mentioned though that his eyesight has

gotten worse. He still has cheats just about every day. Any thoughts?

+++That's great news! If your husband has had any eye problems, gotten caustic

substances in his eyes, even tear gas, had treatments like Laser surgery, used

any medical treatments in his eyes, etc. in the past, his body will " retrace "

them in order to heal his eyes properly, according to Hering's Law of Cures.

OR he could be detoxifying through his eyes, which is what happened to me when I

did my candida program.

The best to you, Bee


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Hello Bee,

Regarding the antibiotic and probiotic, I originally told the husband that his

wife should take it while she was still taking the antibiotic. Since I told

him that antibiotic kills the good bacteria, he questioned why the probiotic

should be taken at the same time since the antibiotic would kill the additional

good bacteria. Thoughts?

I would send them both to your website but he is blind and she knows minimal


Also, she finished her antibiotic today and I already gave them the probiotic

yesterday. Will it hurt her or just not benefit her at all?

[ ] Re: Probiotics


> Hello Bee,


> I just learned that a friend of ours is finishing a broad spectrum

anti-biotic for what the doctors diagnosed as kidney infection and blood



> Would it be beneficial for her to take a probiotic to try to get something

back into her system? I have five capsules of Kirkmans Probio Gold. If so, what

and how long should she take something like this.


> They are interested in your candida protocol but mainly in your supplements

to start with. They already eat lots of low carb veggies and looking into

organic beef. They are chinese and still eat rice and wonton wrappers etc. If

someone is not going to do your diet completely, would you still recommend all

of your supplements or would you modify them such as cutting them in half etc.

+++Hi . Yes it would help her to take probiotics while she is on

antibiotics. She should take 10 billion units per day, taken in divided doses,

which need to be taken 3 hours before or 3 hours after taking the antibiotic.

+++If the person is unhealthy they should take all of the supplements in the

doses I recommend, except they may need to take less cal/mag depending upon

their intake of dairy products. If they are healthy they can take 1,000 mg

vitamin C per day instead of 4,000 mg.

> P.S. I'm happy to report that a golf ball sized fatty cyst above my

husband's knee has shrunk down to half! He has mentioned though that his

eyesight has gotten worse. He still has cheats just about every day. Any


+++That's great news! If your husband has had any eye problems, gotten caustic

substances in his eyes, even tear gas, had treatments like Laser surgery, used

any medical treatments in his eyes, etc. in the past, his body will " retrace "

them in order to heal his eyes properly, according to Hering's Law of Cures.

OR he could be detoxifying through his eyes, which is what happened to me when

I did my candida program.

The best to you, Bee


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> Hello Bee,


> Regarding the antibiotic and probiotic, I originally told the husband that his

wife should take it while she was still taking the antibiotic. Since I told

him that antibiotic kills the good bacteria, he questioned why the probiotic

should be taken at the same time since the antibiotic would kill the additional

good bacteria. Thoughts?


> I would send them both to your website but he is blind and she knows minimal



> Also, she finished her antibiotic today and I already gave them the probiotic

yesterday. Will it hurt her or just not benefit her at all?

+++Hi . Taking probotics now will still help her.

Luv, Bee

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Also, I might add, that you should always take a probiotics several hours

before or after you take your antibiotic, this will minimize the

antibiotics from killing the probiotics.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Bee

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 6:09 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Probiotics


> Hello Bee,


> Regarding the antibiotic and probiotic, I originally told the husband

that his wife should take it while she was still taking the antibiotic.

Since I told him that antibiotic kills the good bacteria, he questioned why

the probiotic should be taken at the same time since the antibiotic would

kill the additional good bacteria. Thoughts?


> I would send them both to your website but he is blind and she knows

minimal english.


> Also, she finished her antibiotic today and I already gave them the

probiotic yesterday. Will it hurt her or just not benefit her at all?

+++Hi . Taking probotics now will still help her.

Luv, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
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> I found Trophic Non Dairy Acidophilus but I see one of the ingredients is

Malto Dextrin ...... is that something we should not be having? It appears

malto dextrin is in all the trophic acidophilus but I'm pretty sure that's the

one she tolm to get ...

+++Hi Madonna. The small amount of maltodextrin in it won't cause you problems.

It is almost impossible to avoid everything in supplements that aren't ideal.

The best, Bee

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** Thank you Bee ..... see you on Saturday .....

Just to let you all know about the Stevia with the sand in it. I contacted

Mountain Rose Herbs and they did confirm LOT # 4078/A did indeed have sand

in it. So if any of you purchased from that LOT # you might want to check

it out. They are going to send me a replacement bag. I purchased a 1 lb bag

and a 4 oz bag and of course the large bag I have not even opened yet, just

have the small bag about half gone.




> +++Hi Madonna. The small amount of maltodextrin in it won't cause you

> problems. It is almost impossible to avoid everything in supplements that

> aren't ideal.


> The best, Bee


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> > I found Trophic Non Dairy Acidophilus but I see one of the ingredients is

Malto Dextrin ...... is that something we should not be having? It appears

malto dextrin is in all the trophic acidophilus but I'm pretty sure that's the

one she tolm to get ...


> +++Hi Madonna. The small amount of maltodextrin in it won't cause you

problems. It is almost impossible to avoid everything in supplements that

aren't ideal.


> The best, Bee


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