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Beware NutraMedix regarding Ezov!

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To respond to Barbara brfifield@... shannah9 question: " You don't have

alternative sources for their other antimicrobials such as Cumanda, Banderol,

Enula, Quina or Takuna do you? "

I searched the internet using their latin name and the name that NutraMedix gave

them. I could not find any other company that sells cumunda (campsiandra

angustifolia), Takunda (cecropia strigosa) and Banderol (otoba sp).


I found two companies that sell quina (cinchona calisaya).  Quinine by Raintree

Nutrition, Inc. http://www.rain-tree.com/

http://www.rain-tree.com/quinine-powder.htm One pound of ground quinine bark

powder is $24.


http://cayceconcepts.com/indexmain.htm#elixir makes Elixir of Calisaya. I don't

know if there are other ingredients. $40 four a four ounce bottle.


Regarding Enula, I am reprinting purple ffoxglove's excellent post on Enula

below. Enula contains elecampane which is a popular, inexpensive chinsese and

ayurvedic herb. The other two ingredients are vitis tiliafolia and ipomoea

jalapa. Pursuant to  http://www.realbigbuy.com/barohedrcaof.html, vitis

tiliafolia is also known as blood wiss. It is used to purge the blood and

alleviate pain.Vitis tiliafolia is an ingredient in Baba Roots Herbal Drink sold

at http://www.realbigbuy.com/barohedrcaof.html. Also included in the herbal

drink are two species of smilax (sarsaparilla). Buhner discussed

sarsaparilla in Healing Lyme.


Ipomoea jalapa is also known as convoluvus jalapa and bindweed. It is not known

as a anti microbial. See http://electrocomm.tripod.com/jalapa-jalap.html for its

medicinal uses.


I could not find any literature that described vitis tiliafolia or ipomoea

jalapa as anti microbial.


Posted by: " purple ffoxglove " purpleffoxglove@... purpleffoxglove

Date: Sun Oct 5, 2008 3:10 am ((PDT))

Iagree that Nutramedix may rename herbals to sell at more profit.  My doubt is

with their Babesia drops called " Enula " .  The main ingredient seems to be

Elecampane.  They added two other obscure jungle plants that no one had heard

of.  Yanivnaced on lymenet researched them and couldn't find much.

I bought one bottle of Enula, then decided to switch to plain Elecampane drops,

much cheaper, guessing that Nutramedix had added two harmless plants so they

could rename their combo and sell it at a higher price. It looked like that to


--from purple

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