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Yes, , I was on Lyrica about a year ago, and it does make a

person VERY sleepy. I only took it at night because I was working and

didn't want to be groggy during the day. I think my dosage was 75 mg.

Once, I was in alot of nerve pain and took one during the day at work

and I was like a drunk--slightly slurred speech and very drowsy,

tired, etc. I finally asked my pain doc if I could go on Neurontin

last November because I also read that Lyrica causes weight gain, and

I had gained about 7 lbs. while on it. He did, but the weight gain

didn't go away. Also, I didn't feel I was getting all of the " nerve "

benefits from only one dose a day.

So, yes, I was on it for a little over 5 months, and the " sleepiness "

thing never went away for me, anyway.

Carol V.


> Have any of you guys taken Lyrica before? I'm on it right now -


> right before bed time, so I supposedly sleep through the side


> It REALLY makes me drowsy. I am sleeping really deeply at night

> (unusual for me lately) because of it. The problem is, when I wake


> in the morning and I am still super drowsy and feel like I need a


> This drowsiness continues thru-out most of the day, and I really


> like feeling like that. My mind feels " slower " and everything too


> I am drowsy like this, and I think that is part of what is so

> frustrating & annoying. I think the Lyrica is helping, so I don't

> really want to stop it, but I hate the severe sleepy side effects.


> doc sees me every morning, and he insists that it should only last


> few days, and then my body will be used to the medication. I've


> on this now for over a week though and am still feeling slow and

> sleepy. He offered to lower the dosage for me, but I wanted to

give it

> a few more days first to see what happens.

> So has anyone here been on Lyrica before? Did you get the slow &

> sleepy side effects from it? How high & how often was your dose?


> you feel that it helped you?

> Thanks for any input!



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Thanks for sharing your experience. I've heard from quite a few

people on my MS lists too that the sleepiness side effect did NOT go

away for them after a few days. And then I've heard from several

people that it DID go away, and that it was a wonderful drug. So I

guess I will have to give it a few more days. I just really HATE

feeling drowsy, slow-minded, etc. all during the day. It makes doing

my therapy sessions hard too, because it takes an extra second or two

to process directions, and I just want to close my eyes and nap the

whole time!


> Yes, , I was on Lyrica about a year ago, and it does make a

> person VERY sleepy. I only took it at night because I was working


> didn't want to be groggy during the day. I think my dosage was 75


> Once, I was in alot of nerve pain and took one during the day at


> and I was like a drunk--slightly slurred speech and very drowsy,

> tired, etc. I finally asked my pain doc if I could go on Neurontin

> last November because I also read that Lyrica causes weight gain,


> I had gained about 7 lbs. while on it. He did, but the weight gain

> didn't go away. Also, I didn't feel I was getting all of

the " nerve "

> benefits from only one dose a day.

> So, yes, I was on it for a little over 5 months, and

the " sleepiness "

> thing never went away for me, anyway.


> Carol V.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been very lucky with the Lyrica. My dosage is 50mg. 3x/day. And the

doctors transitioned me to this from Gabapentin which, for me, had too many

problematic side effects. While I do have some minor forgetfulness and

spaciness from Lyrica, those side effects are nowhere near the side effects

I had from Gabapentic. Gaba (the generic for Neurontin) made me incredibly

forgetful and spacey. Plus, it made me hungry ALL the time. I gained nearly

20 pounds during the time I was on it. Lyrica, for me, has been

significantly better. I take it to reduce leg pain caused by my nerves. It

works for that and I am very satisfied.

Not to beat a dead horse -- but as we all know, read lists like this for

anecdotal information regarding drugs, pt, surgeries, etc. But be careful

not to dismiss things out of hand b/c of an email posting. Gather your

questions and talk to your doctor. If you're still unsure, get a second

opinion, even a third.

Hope everybody feels good today.

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the list of side effects are tabulated during the drug trial period and if 1

person has any problem during that time they have to list it. example: if

someone got a pimple they would have to report it. doesn't mean that it happens

to everyone but 1 person had that problem. even if the person just happened to

get the pimple if it happened while in the trial period they have to list it.



Re: Lyrica

I've been very lucky with the Lyrica. My dosage is 50mg. 3x/day. And the

doctors transitioned me to this from Gabapentin which, for me, had too many

problematic side effects. While I do have some minor forgetfulness and

spaciness from Lyrica, those side effects are nowhere near the side effects

I had from Gabapentic. Gaba (the generic for Neurontin) made me incredibly

forgetful and spacey. Plus, it made me hungry ALL the time. I gained nearly

20 pounds during the time I was on it. Lyrica, for me, has been

significantly better. I take it to reduce leg pain caused by my nerves. It

works for that and I am very satisfied.

Not to beat a dead horse -- but as we all know, read lists like this for

anecdotal information regarding drugs, pt, surgeries, etc. But be careful

not to dismiss things out of hand b/c of an email posting. Gather your

questions and talk to your doctor. If you're still unsure, get a second

opinion, even a third.

Hope everybody feels good today.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Camille,

Medications sure can have side affects, like those you listed for Lyrica. I read up on all meds prescribed to me or any family members, tons of info at our fingertips now days online. Lyrica I'm guessing was used for you for nerve pain( is an anti-seizure med) and listed in its side affects is swelling in the legs. Good to read even the minor side affects as even the minor side affects can be problematic. Years ago I was given a I.V. drug for osteoporosis, got home from the treatment and had the worst flu like symptoms( like the worst flu X's ten) and horrible headaches and bone pain. Called into the doc and he said" you must have a virus, we have never seen these side affects, and we do reams of this drug all the time". I was leary, but figured he must be right, although my brain kept saying you were fine when you got there, and now you aren't, maybe it's the med's. So the next month I went for a treatment, and guess what, same problem. I got online after the worst of it was over, and down at the bottom of the side affects for Aredia was, headache, bone pain, and flu like symptoms. I printed up that sucker and took to him. I guess I was one in a million who had those particular side affects to Aredia. With the info in hand, and two months of symptoms they finally believed me, and I got pre and post meds to combat my symptoms so I could take the drug for my Osteoporosis. Many med's are amazing at how they can help, and some side affects are manageable, but some won't be, so good to be aware, and have frank conversations with your doc.

Colorado Springs

[ ] Lyrica

I wanted to mention to everyone that I went off the Lyrica (at my pain doc's request) and guess what? No more swollen ankles, knees, and eyes. What a relief to be able to mark those symptoms off my worry list.camille

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Lyrica is now being marketed for fibromyalgia. My sister-in-law had swollen hands and feet from it as well.

, several of the IV drugs for osteoporosis cause flu-like symptoms. I see a lot of it on the NOF site.


[ ] Lyrica

I wanted to mention to everyone that I went off the Lyrica (at my pain doc's request) and guess what? No more swollen ankles, knees, and eyes. What a relief to be able to mark those symptoms off my worry list.camille

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  • 2 months later...

I took Lyrica, but only for a short time had no prescription coverage at the

time and could not afford it. It seemed to help somewhat. I had all kinds

of pains, stabbing sensations etc. Now that I have coverage again (medicare)

I am doing okay taking baclofen, which is actually more like a muscle

relaxer, but is often used in patients with spinal injuries. It makes the


muscle cramp like pains go away. Otherwise I am on seizure meds (zonegram)

and ativan for neurological problems, so I am not even sure if I still need

or want Lyrica at this time. It helps patients with unidentified pain such as

fibromyalgia. So it is not too bad for Lyme.


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Hi Guys,

Okay, I have Stickler Syndrome, was born

with it and a common side effect is fibro.

I started taking " Gabasomething " which

my insurance covers and is supposed to

work like Lyrica. For me it has worked

wonders. All of this happened BEFORE

Lyme so there are other things that cause



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


I am glad you are feeling better. That's what we all want. But make sure you

research Lyrica good. There are side effects.

After being on it for a few months I started having burred vision. After seeing

my neurologist, general doctor and an eye specialist turns out burred vision is

a side effect and it's permanent. I am now wearing glasses for the first time in

my life.

You will have to weigh the pros and cons for yourself.



> Wanted to share my wonderful news...


> I have harrington rods and flatback in my neck area. I have a herniated disc

at C5-C6 with confirmed compression on the C6 nerve. I can not tell you how

much pain I was in when I went to Dr. Hostin at the Southwest Scoliosis Institue

(formerly Consulting Orthopedisist) in Plano, TX on Friday. I could not move my

neck and my right arm was weak. It felt like someone was stabbing a knife into

my neck and back of my head with a pain radiating down into my shoulder and

upper arm. I came home Thursday leaving work early and just broke down crying in

pain. My 15 year old daughter held me while I bawled. I try very hard for the

pain not to effect me, so it does not effect my kids. I was so thankful she was

there to tell me everything is going to be ok, Mama. I needed her more than she

needed me at that moment and that was a first:) I called Southwest Scoliosis

institute and they got me in that day. They gave me steroids, Lyrica (first

time taking it), and a mild muscle relaxer because the muscles in my neck were

so tense from the pain. I started the Lyrica Friday night and by Monday my pain

was gone.The only side effects I have are a little concentration problem for the

first couple of hours after I take it. I am only on 50 mg once in the morning

and once at night. I am only taking it at night during the week, because I do

accounting work and need to concentrate:) I am not trying to make it out to be

for everyone, but it has worked wonders for me. I just stood there thinking

wait...I do not have any pain right now. I could not believe it. Even my lower

back pain has been reduced. It is still achy after a long day...but what 40

year old woman doesn't have lower back ache. It is nothing like what it was!

Of course it is not winter or rainy, usually the worst for my lower back, but I

am milking this for all its worth! If it is short term I will be thankful for

every second I have pain free. I have not had a pain free day in years. It may

not be for everyone and they have to make those decisions with their doctor. If

Lyrica allows me to walk around the mall with my girls, keep my house clean like

I like, or just sit and bask in the sunlight with no pain I will be so very

thankful! I am on cloud nine now and hopefully will stay there, God willing:) I

pray that everyone who is in pain gets the help they need! Peace and Love to





> Thanks,




> Warren from Dallas, TX


> Harrington Rods in 1984 - Dr. Messanbaugh - McBride Bone and Joint OKC,OK


> Multiple injections in spine to reduce pain.


> Physical Therapy


> No revision as of yet:)


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I have been taking Lyrica for a few years now for fibromyalgia.  It has never done anything for pain related to my spine and revision but it does help the fibromyalgia symptoms.  I take 150 mg twice a day.  I've not had the typical side effect of legs and hands swelling.  My SIL gets that but I do not.  I can't speak to the blurred vision.  I already wear glasses and my eyesight has been going downhill due to age. 

Right now I'm trying to come to grips with emotional abuse and a suicide attempt so everything else is taking a back seat.  I'm currently staying with my brother 3 hours away from my home.  I have been approved for food stamps.  I am trying to get Medicaid and had to apply for Social Security disability.  I can get Medicaid with partial disability.  I am also in vocational rehab to help find something I can do and get my life back.

PeggyOn Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM, <brightsquared@...> wrote:



I am glad you are feeling better. That's what we all want. But make sure you research Lyrica good. There are side effects.

After being on it for a few months I started having burred vision. After seeing my neurologist, general doctor and an eye specialist turns out burred vision is a side effect and it's permanent. I am now wearing glasses for the first time in my life.

You will have to weigh the pros and cons for yourself.



> Wanted to share my wonderful news...


> I have harrington rods and flatback in my neck area. I have a herniated disc at C5-C6 with confirmed compression on the C6 nerve. I can not tell you how much pain I was in when I went to Dr. Hostin at the Southwest Scoliosis Institue (formerly Consulting Orthopedisist) in Plano, TX on Friday. I could not move my neck and my right arm was weak. It felt like someone was stabbing a knife into my neck and back of my head with a pain radiating down into my shoulder and upper arm. I came home Thursday leaving work early and just broke down crying in pain. My 15 year old daughter held me while I bawled. I try very hard for the pain not to effect me, so it does not effect my kids. I was so thankful she was there to tell me everything is going to be ok, Mama. I needed her more than she needed me at that moment and that was a first:) I called Southwest Scoliosis institute and they got me in that day. They gave me steroids, Lyrica (first time taking it), and a mild muscle relaxer because the muscles in my neck were so tense from the pain. I started the Lyrica Friday night and by Monday my pain was gone.The only side effects I have are a little concentration problem for the first couple of hours after I take it. I am only on 50 mg once in the morning and once at night. I am only taking it at night during the week, because I do accounting work and need to concentrate:) I am not trying to make it out to be for everyone, but it has worked wonders for me. I just stood there thinking wait...I do not have any pain right now. I could not believe it. Even my lower back pain has been reduced. It is still achy after a long day...but what 40 year old woman doesn't have lower back ache. It is nothing like what it was! Of course it is not winter or rainy, usually the worst for my lower back, but I am milking this for all its worth! If it is short term I will be thankful for every second I have pain free. I have not had a pain free day in years. It may not be for everyone and they have to make those decisions with their doctor. If Lyrica allows me to walk around the mall with my girls, keep my house clean like I like, or just sit and bask in the sunlight with no pain I will be so very thankful! I am on cloud nine now and hopefully will stay there, God willing:) I pray that everyone who is in pain gets the help they need! Peace and Love to all!




> Thanks,




> Warren from Dallas, TX


> Harrington Rods in 1984 - Dr. Messanbaugh - McBride Bone and Joint OKC,OK


> Multiple injections in spine to reduce pain.


> Physical Therapy


> No revision as of yet:)


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Permanent? I was already wearing glasses because I am nearsighted before I started taking Lyrica. But a while after I started taking it, I began having trouble focusing (my eyes, not mentally). My eye doctor gave me new prism glasses that helped significantly with that, and I assumed it would just last as long as I was taking the medication. I'm no longer taking Lyrica (I take topirimate instead), but I'm also still wearing the glasses, so I am not sure if I'm still having the same difficulty focusing.

I always check the full prescribing I formation for each new medication I am prescribed, but looking through the list of side effects is always extremely terrifying and overwhelming. I saw a commercial warning about the dangers of topirimate to an unborn baby. I'm certainly not planning on getting pregnant anytime soon, but I have to wonder if taking it now may have effects on future pregnancies. I don't believe anything is known now, but not knowing scares me, you know? I'm only 31, and my husband and I had our hearts set on having a second child someday. Dr. Glazer said that it's likely that I'll eventually be well enough again that I will be able to.

So yeah, be careful. All these side effects are scary for many reasons. (Sorry for the tangent.)

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I will keep you in my prayers! I had a really bad childhood (my scoliosis

diagnosis was a God send because it stopped the abuse) and I know what you are

going through. Keep your head up and know that you have a purpose in life. I

have a SIL who has severe depression and has tried suicide twice...thank God the

pills did not work either time. I can not imagine life without her. I know how

hard it is for her to just get out of bed some days, but we have to hold on to

hope and live for the good days! I suffer from depression too, but not at that

level. I take Zoloft and it really helps me, without it I am in the bed not

wanting to deal with anyone or anybody. I hope you get all the assistance you

need. The vocational rehab will help lift your spirits...one step at a time:)


> > >

> > > Wanted to share my wonderful news...

> > >

> > > I have harrington rods and flatback in my neck area. I have a herniated

> > disc at C5-C6 with confirmed compression on the C6 nerve. I can not tell you

> > how much pain I was in when I went to Dr. Hostin at the Southwest Scoliosis

> > Institue (formerly Consulting Orthopedisist) in Plano, TX on Friday. I could

> > not move my neck and my right arm was weak. It felt like someone was

> > stabbing a knife into my neck and back of my head with a pain radiating down

> > into my shoulder and upper arm. I came home Thursday leaving work early and

> > just broke down crying in pain. My 15 year old daughter held me while I

> > bawled. I try very hard for the pain not to effect me, so it does not effect

> > my kids. I was so thankful she was there to tell me everything is going to

> > be ok, Mama. I needed her more than she needed me at that moment and that

> > was a first:) I called Southwest Scoliosis institute and they got me in that

> > day. They gave me steroids, Lyrica (first time taking it), and a mild muscle

> > relaxer because the muscles in my neck were so tense from the pain. I

> > started the Lyrica Friday night and by Monday my pain was gone.The only side

> > effects I have are a little concentration problem for the first couple of

> > hours after I take it. I am only on 50 mg once in the morning and once at

> > night. I am only taking it at night during the week, because I do accounting

> > work and need to concentrate:) I am not trying to make it out to be for

> > everyone, but it has worked wonders for me. I just stood there thinking

> > wait...I do not have any pain right now. I could not believe it. Even my

> > lower back pain has been reduced. It is still achy after a long day...but

> > what 40 year old woman doesn't have lower back ache. It is nothing like what

> > it was! Of course it is not winter or rainy, usually the worst for my lower

> > back, but I am milking this for all its worth! If it is short term I will be

> > thankful for every second I have pain free. I have not had a pain free day

> > in years. It may not be for everyone and they have to make those decisions

> > with their doctor. If Lyrica allows me to walk around the mall with my

> > girls, keep my house clean like I like, or just sit and bask in the sunlight

> > with no pain I will be so very thankful! I am on cloud nine now and

> > hopefully will stay there, God willing:) I pray that everyone who is in pain

> > gets the help they need! Peace and Love to all!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Warren from Dallas, TX

> > >

> > > Harrington Rods in 1984 - Dr. Messanbaugh - McBride Bone and Joint OKC,OK

> > >

> > > Multiple injections in spine to reduce pain.

> > >

> > > Physical Therapy

> > >

> > > No revision as of yet:)

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Peggy, I read your posts a few weeks back and you have been in my thoughts ever since, im glad to hear you are with your brother and are looking for ways to put your life back together. I applied for disability a year ago and got approved on the first try so i wish you the best..God bless you and keep you safe..From: Peggy Ticconi <pticconi63@...>To:

Sent: Thu, April 14, 2011 11:03:07 AMSubject: Re: [ ] Re: Lyrica

I have been taking Lyrica for a few years now for fibromyalgia. It has never done anything for pain related to my spine and revision but it does help the fibromyalgia symptoms. I take 150 mg twice a day. I've not had the typical side effect of legs and hands swelling. My SIL gets that but I do not. I can't speak to the blurred vision. I already wear glasses and my eyesight has been going downhill due to age.

Right now I'm trying to come to grips with emotional abuse and a suicide attempt so everything else is taking a back seat. I'm currently staying with my brother 3 hours away from my home. I have been approved for food stamps. I am trying to get Medicaid and had to apply for Social Security disability. I can get Medicaid with partial disability. I am also in vocational rehab to help find something I can do and get my life back.

PeggyOn Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM, <brightsquared@...> wrote:


I am glad you are feeling better. That's what we all want. But make sure you research Lyrica good. There are side effects.

After being on it for a few months I started having burred vision. After seeing my neurologist, general doctor and an eye specialist turns out burred vision is a side effect and it's permanent. I am now wearing glasses for the first time in my life.

You will have to weigh the pros and cons for yourself.



> Wanted to share my wonderful news...


> I have harrington rods and flatback in my neck area. I have a herniated disc at C5-C6 with confirmed compression on the C6 nerve. I can not tell you how much pain I was in when I went to Dr. Hostin at the Southwest Scoliosis Institue (formerly Consulting Orthopedisist) in Plano, TX on Friday. I could not move my neck and my right arm was weak. It felt like someone was stabbing a knife into my neck and back of my head with a pain radiating down into my shoulder and upper arm. I came home Thursday leaving work early and just broke down crying in pain. My 15 year old daughter held me while I bawled. I try very hard for the pain not to effect me, so it does not effect my kids. I was so thankful she was there to tell me everything is going to be ok, Mama. I needed her more than she needed me at that moment and that was a first:) I called Southwest Scoliosis institute and they got me in that day. They gave me steroids, Lyrica (first time taking it), and

a mild muscle relaxer because the muscles in my neck were so tense from the pain. I started the Lyrica Friday night and by Monday my pain was gone.The only side effects I have are a little concentration problem for the first couple of hours after I take it. I am only on 50 mg once in the morning and once at night. I am only taking it at night during the week, because I do accounting work and need to concentrate:) I am not trying to make it out to be for everyone, but it has worked wonders for me. I just stood there thinking wait...I do not have any pain right now. I could not believe it. Even my lower back pain has been reduced. It is still achy after a long day...but what 40 year old woman doesn't have lower back ache. It is nothing like what it was! Of course it is not winter or rainy, usually the worst for my lower back, but I am milking this for all its worth! If it is short term I will be thankful for every second I have pain free. I have not

had a pain free day in years. It may not be for everyone and they have to make those decisions with their doctor. If Lyrica allows me to walk around the mall with my girls, keep my house clean like I like, or just sit and bask in the sunlight with no pain I will be so very thankful! I am on cloud nine now and hopefully will stay there, God willing:) I pray that everyone who is in pain gets the help they need! Peace and Love to all!




> Thanks,




> Warren from Dallas, TX


> Harrington Rods in 1984 - Dr. Messanbaugh - McBride Bone and Joint OKC,OK


> Multiple injections in spine to reduce pain.


> Physical Therapy


> No revision as of yet:)


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