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Bladder infection responses

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I had a request to see the responses from my Bladder infection post, so here they are, without any names to protect the privacy of those who took the time to write me. (Thank you!) Patty


Dear Patty: Count me in.....I began having bladder/urinary tract infections about 10 years after getting my first implants. (Saline in '77-left ruptured in '81 & replaced them with silicone gel which were removed in '94). I am very familiar with the pain you are describing. In '93 the doc put me on Elavil to help with pain (antidepressant that does help with pain), and the infections got terrible, even on the lowest dose possible. The sulfa medicine they would give me really helped with the pain while trying to urinate. I must say that after my hysterectomy in '97, I haven't had as many infections, though I do have trouble urinating (slow to start). Good luck to you & I hope your infection clears up soon.


I have had bladder infections both before and since implants. An actual infection is as you describe, AWFUL! Mine were always hemorrhagic, that is, my bladder bled. Fever, intense pain. I'm sorry you had to go through it.The problems with my bladder SINCE implants is somewhat different. Not usually an infection. The pain is ever-present, the irritation, the need to go frequently. Many women with these symptoms are diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, a condition which is not unlike a bacterial infection, but there is no bacteria. It cannot be cured, but can in most cases be managed. It can be very debilitating.I have not been diagnosed with IC. My symptoms have improved since I've been on Klonopin. Still there, but not as incapacitating.Hope you are feeling better today. Having to take antibiotics is not a good thing for most of us! But with a bacterial infection, sometimes you must.*******************************

Yes, the FIRST physical problems I ever had in 1981 werevery frequent bladderinfections. I remember bladder infections being listed asone of our problemssomewhere, years ago. Can't dig it up. It might have evenbeen listed in theOriginal Global Settlement as a symptom/finding. I knowother women have notedit over the years, including interstitial bladder problems.My close friend, who lives near me, has had kidney/renalproblems and hadimplants, and I have heard of others. Renal problems arepart of some forms ofLupus. This is discussed at a Lupus website where I havecopies of non-renalinfo (but it was on their related pages):www.hamline.edu/lupus/articles/Cardiopulmonary_Disease_and_Lupus.htmlOne of the OTHER articles included renal info., and renal isalso overlappingin even more of their articles.Glad you are getting it taken care of.************************

I believe frequent bladder infections were one of thesymptoms listed in the original global settlementcriterion. While my problem is not as acute as yours,I have had a low-grade bladder infection/inflammation,with constant UTI symptoms,for a year and a half now.Sometimes the cultures show bacteria; sometimes theydon't, but the pain, burning and urgency never goaway. I've had a cystoscopy and taken a dozen coursesof antibiotics, with no improvement. The drs. arebaffled. (But aren't they always with this implantstuff?) Hope you're feeling better soon. ************************

Patty, I haven't had infections but have had urinary urgency since about 6 months after my saline replacements. Really bad sometimes--I know where the restrooms are in every store in town!!!!!


I am glad to hear you are feeling well! That is so funny that you had a bladder infection because I just had one too! I get them quite frequently so I am used to what they feel like. I have only had them since I got my implants. I get several urinary track infections to where I urinate blood and ohhhhhhh it hurts. Hope you are feeling better from it. Remember to not eat a lot of sugar or yeast when you are on antibiotics because it can give you yeast infections in your body. High yeast makes you even 10 times worse when you get your period. That is why we get so moody and brain fogged when we pms.


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