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Ticks Posing Early Lyme Disease Threat This Year - MA

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Ticks Posing Early Lyme Disease Threat This Year

2,500 Lyme Disease Cases Reported In Mass. Each Year

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_BOSTON -- Ticks are already popping up everywhere in Massachusetts,

bringing with them the threat of Lyme disease, according to health officials.

Lyme Disease Risk On Rise _


NewsCenter 5's Janet Wu reported that ticks were once relegated to Cape Cod

and Western Massachusetts. But more landscapers are finding ticks daily in

their clothes and bodies.

" In areas where brush comes in contact with lawn area, in that 10-foot

buffer area, that's where you'll find a lot of ticks, " said McPhee,


Greymont Landscapers.

Two members of McPhee's crew contracted Lyme disease last season. It can

only be transmitted through poppy-seed size deer ticks. Public health officials

predict another tough season ahead.

" The state of Massachusetts is one of the top five to 10 states in the

country for Lyme disease. It has been for a while, " said Dr. Bela Matyas, of


Massachusetts Department Of Public Health.

Concerned with the potential rise of cases, doctors told state officials

what they'll need to diagnose and treat patients this year.

" For the last several years we've been getting about 2,500 cases reported

per year statewide. But we've been seeing increases in certain communities, and

we suspect we'll see those numbers continue to rise, " said Matyas.

Experts said to prevent infection, people should cover up as much as

possible when outside. They should use insect repellent when near foliage. When

hiking, people should stay near the middle of trails and commit to daily tick

checks, especially for children. It takes 24 to 48 hours of attachment before


infection can occur.

" As long as this winter was, there are a lot of mild stretches which is when

ticks start to come out, " said Jim Abusamar of Hartney, Greymont


While 2,500 cases are reported each year, officials believe there are

actually five to 10 times more cases that go unreported in Massachusetts.

While there is no definite proof that Lyme disease can result in death, it

can lead to severe disability for prolonged periods for many victims.

Copyright 2008 by TheBostonChannel.com. All rights reserved. This material

may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Coughlan, President

MA Lyme Disease Awareness Association

Cape Cod, MA

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