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I had Graves disease, and have been well for about two years now. I actually

got better before I started communicating w/. I was on Tapezol and

Atenol, but pursued natural cures--supplements, acupuncture, herbs,

nutrition--and soon was off all meds. I also stopped using some of the

supplements I had recently started using about the time I got sick. had

written a letter to " Natural Health " magazine about natural cures for thyroid

illness, to which I responded, which is how I became involved with this group.



eGroups.com home: hyperthyroidism

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Sam, I am Sheri Lynn and I can tell you yes, the Graves antibodies in my

blood stream are now at <6 which is within the normal range along with a TSH

of 2.81 all thanks to the research has done. I am very iodine sensitive

though and avoid it like death because of the hyper symptoms I will

experience from it when I have tried to take it. My bulging eyes have even

gone done just leaving a bit of redness in the sides of them, thank God for

that. I take copper/2 mg. and zinc at 10 mg. Vitamins Only by Solgar, Vit-B

complex, Cal/Mag/Boron supplement and selenium at 100mcg. for now and I am

doing well on just the above so far... is a good friend for life. We all

are very lucky to be here in this group...


eGroups.com home: hyperthyroidism

- Simplifying group communications

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi and Everyone,

I posted a couple of research articles earlier but haven't really had time to

write much this past week. Just checking in and downloading my emails

and I saw your message. Before I go offline again I wanted to write a quick

note. About your question, I've heard two different opinions on how hot

weather affects people with arthritic conditions. Some seem to thrive in it and

others seem to get more easily rundown. On the AOSD list I'm on, a

lot of the members feel that the hot weather affects them negatively. My son

usually feels better in the warm weather but when it's cool and/or

rainy, his joints sometimes hurt more than usual. I've heard that the barometric

pressure can have effects on the condition of the joints, too. I

forget if it's when the pressure goes up or down, though.

About ... I've been thinking about her a lot these days, too. , I

really hope that the doctors get this figured out soon and that

gets whatever medical care she needs. I hope she's feeling better soon. I can

only imagine how hard this all must be on the family.

Also, , I am hoping that Diego is feeling a bit better. How is he coping

with the chemotherapy? I mentioned him to our rheumatologist on Friday.

He reminded me that the doctors were very concerned about Josh having leukemia

in the beginning, because his white blood cell count was higher than

75,000. I had thought that with still's it went up high (left untreated) and

with leukemia it was supposed to be low. So, he said there's a few

different types and the one that starts with an Myel.... well, that one presents

very similar to severe systemic JRA and has a high wbc count.

Hopefully, with the chemo everything will be okay again. Please let us know.

Also, I got your message about having posted something for Josh. Please, send me

your address too. You can email me personally with it. I'm going to

send something off to Kirk this week and want to send a mail to Diego at the

same time. Thanks.

Well, I'm just on my way to bring my friend to the grocery store, as she's

without a car. She's having a difficult time right now because her 3 year

old daughter has been having some unexplained fevers and some joint pains, and

loss of appetite, etc. It would be very strange for this to be what

she's thinking it might be. The mom is thinking that there's a reason for

everything and maybe this is the reason why we met. I really don't think

her daughter has JRA. At least not yet. I guess we'll learn more soon.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll have some time later to write more.

Take care,


> From: shancna@...


> hi two things i was wondering if any bodys children are effected by the heat

and how ,and to see how emily is doing ? thank you &

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Perhaps Diego has ALL, what it is called in English? If so, I've also heard

that the prognosis is good compared with other types of Leukemia (it is

harder to treat in adults, but with children they've had very good results).

Diego must be very tired with all he's been through. You too. We will

continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts.


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Hi Georgina,

The last diagnose was Leucemia Linfoblástica (I don't know how is the name

in english), the most treatable (thanks to God). The Myeloid is more

complicated. Diego received yesterday the second session of chemotherapy and

he was very tired... About results, we must to wait all this month when the

four session finish. I'm calling in this moment to the hospital for to know

how he passed the night but nobody answer!!!!!



Re: [ ] question

From: Georgina <gmckin@...>

Hi and Everyone,

I posted a couple of research articles earlier but haven't really had time

to write much this past week. Just checking in and downloading my emails

and I saw your message. Before I go offline again I wanted to write a quick

note. About your question, I've heard two different opinions on how hot

weather affects people with arthritic conditions. Some seem to thrive in it

and others seem to get more easily rundown. On the AOSD list I'm on, a

lot of the members feel that the hot weather affects them negatively. My son

usually feels better in the warm weather but when it's cool and/or

rainy, his joints sometimes hurt more than usual. I've heard that the

barometric pressure can have effects on the condition of the joints, too. I

forget if it's when the pressure goes up or down, though.

About ... I've been thinking about her a lot these days, too. , I

really hope that the doctors get this figured out soon and that

gets whatever medical care she needs. I hope she's feeling better soon. I

can only imagine how hard this all must be on the family.

Also, , I am hoping that Diego is feeling a bit better. How is he

coping with the chemotherapy? I mentioned him to our rheumatologist on


He reminded me that the doctors were very concerned about Josh having

leukemia in the beginning, because his white blood cell count was higher


75,000. I had thought that with still's it went up high (left untreated) and

with leukemia it was supposed to be low. So, he said there's a few

different types and the one that starts with an Myel.... well, that one

presents very similar to severe systemic JRA and has a high wbc count.

Hopefully, with the chemo everything will be okay again. Please let us know.

Also, I got your message about having posted something for Josh. Please,

send me your address too. You can email me personally with it. I'm going to

send something off to Kirk this week and want to send a mail to Diego at the

same time. Thanks.

Well, I'm just on my way to bring my friend to the grocery store, as she's

without a car. She's having a difficult time right now because her 3 year

old daughter has been having some unexplained fevers and some joint pains,

and loss of appetite, etc. It would be very strange for this to be what

she's thinking it might be. The mom is thinking that there's a reason for

everything and maybe this is the reason why we met. I really don't think

her daughter has JRA. At least not yet. I guess we'll learn more soon.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll have some time later to write


Take care,


> From: shancna@...


> hi two things i was wondering if any bodys children are effected by the

heat and how ,and to see how emily is doing ? thank you &


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Thanks ,

I spoke with Diego, few minutes ago and he passed the night very good, no

vomits and nothing and he is taking his breakfast now. The doctor said us

that the first session is the worst and the following ones are more

tolerable. Yes, he has ALL. I sent a lot of emails and the other day I

received a reply of Max Foundation, this organization has the headquarters

in Seattle but knows about the hospital and doctor of Diego. They can obtain

a marrow donor for Dieguito when he need one, also a person of Merck of Peru

wrote me and offered any medicine (difficult to get) if it was neccesary.

All these things would be almost impossible of getting if the internet

didn't exist!

And yes..... I'm tired too :-)



Re: [ ] question

From: Jakuch@...


Perhaps Diego has ALL, what it is called in English? If so, I've also heard

that the prognosis is good compared with other types of Leukemia (it is

harder to treat in adults, but with children they've had very good results).

Diego must be very tired with all he's been through. You too. We will

continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts.



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asked for three glasses of water today and drank them. This is a BIG

change from the last three weeks. The Docs have a new theory tonight with

regard to some of her liver breakdown enzymes. They say that the steroids

inflame the hepatasite cells of the liver and leak extra enzymes. This can be

misleading in a liver panel diagnosis. I'll find our more tomorrow. Her

hands recently peeled and she has a bright red rash over her palms and palms

of her feet. Her hands are hot. The Rheumy mentioned Vascalitis today. Does

any one know much about this possible complication?

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Hi ,

Diego had the same problem after each session of chemotherapy. hands peeled

and red rash over his palms. The doctor said that it's a effect of the


Give a kiss to on my behalf


Re: [ ] question

From: Skis@...

asked for three glasses of water today and drank them. This is a BIG

change from the last three weeks. The Docs have a new theory tonight with

regard to some of her liver breakdown enzymes. They say that the steroids

inflame the hepatasite cells of the liver and leak extra enzymes. This can


misleading in a liver panel diagnosis. I'll find our more tomorrow. Her

hands recently peeled and she has a bright red rash over her palms and palms

of her feet. Her hands are hot. The Rheumy mentioned Vascalitis today. Does

any one know much about this possible complication?


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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I am very interested in getting more information about thyrodine. I

have been taking armour thyroid for about thirteen years. is it possable to

bring a thyroid back after taking thyroid for tht long? I have Hashi Motos.

I have never found anyone that could offer any information other than it's

incurable. I am so tired all the time and over weight.Please send me more

information.Thank You so much in advance. Sabra,

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Dear Sabra:

Armour is " replacement " 'therapy' by use of ground up pig thyroid. It only

holds the fort while your gland slides further downhill.

Yes, the Thyrodine will most likely restore your thyroid function. It has

for thousands of people in similar situations.

It may take a full 2 to 4 months to regain full function but you will begin

feeling its rejuvenative effects in a few days, sometimes even in hours.

For Hashimoto's, we generally find a viral infection, most likely is

Epstein-Barr. To take care of that our ImmunoGuard will " take out " any

pathogenic organism..virus, bacteria, yeast [Candida], fungi, parasites.

I'll attach some data that you may find useful.

Our new web site is up and running. Check it out.


best wishes,


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Where is our moderator??? Isn't this the same fella who spammed us to death

not too long ago!!!

Barb Kreuziger


Avon Representative Selling Since C-22 1998

President's Club Member

Re: Question

>From: " Earl Conroy " <waiorama@...>


>Dear Sabra:

>Armour is " replacement " 'therapy' by use of ground up pig thyroid. It only

>holds the fort while your gland slides further downhill.

>Yes, the Thyrodine will most likely restore your thyroid function. It has

>for thousands of people in similar situations.

>It may take a full 2 to 4 months to regain full function but you will begin

>feeling its rejuvenative effects in a few days, sometimes even in hours.

>For Hashimoto's, we generally find a viral infection, most likely is

>Epstein-Barr. To take care of that our ImmunoGuard will " take out " any

>pathogenic organism..virus, bacteria, yeast [Candida], fungi, parasites.

>I'll attach some data that you may find useful.

>Our new web site is up and running. Check it out.


>best wishes,





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I was wondering the same thing but I had not saved the old posts and thought

that I was confused.

Barb wrote:

> From: " Barb " <ziger@...>


> Where is our moderator??? Isn't this the same fella who spammed us to death

> not too long ago!!!

> Barb Kreuziger

> ziger@...

> Avon Representative Selling Since C-22 1998

> President's Club Member

> Re: Question


> >From: " Earl Conroy " <waiorama@...>

> >

> >Dear Sabra:

> >Armour is " replacement " 'therapy' by use of ground up pig thyroid. It only

> >holds the fort while your gland slides further downhill.

> >Yes, the Thyrodine will most likely restore your thyroid function. It has

> >for thousands of people in similar situations.

> >It may take a full 2 to 4 months to regain full function but you will begin

> >feeling its rejuvenative effects in a few days, sometimes even in hours.

> >For Hashimoto's, we generally find a viral infection, most likely is

> >Epstein-Barr. To take care of that our ImmunoGuard will " take out " any

> >pathogenic organism..virus, bacteria, yeast [Candida], fungi, parasites.

> >I'll attach some data that you may find useful.

> >Our new web site is up and running. Check it out.

> >www.thyrodine.co.nz

> >best wishes,

> >Earl

> >

> >

> >---------------------------

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/8/99 6:04:32 PM Central Daylight Time,

dianebarbara@... writes:

<< Hi

I'm new to this list and this kind of healing and was hoping someone

with experience having colonics would recommend ways I can choose a

therapist? Plus I'm pretty confused about the issue of re-usable or

disposable equipment.

What questions do you ask when trying to choose a therapist? Any good

links are also appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Diane >>


There is a list that is run by a colon therapist. It is not very active but

will answer all sorts of questions you may have on this subject as well as


Go to www.sheilas.com to join


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In a message dated 9/8/99 18:04:33, dianebarbara@... writes:

<< I'm new to this list and this kind of healing and was hoping someone

with experience having colonics would recommend ways I can choose a

therapist? >>

I had a very bad experience with a colonic therapist who failed to diagnose

my roundworm infestation and when I finally diagnosed myself failed to

prescribe herbs and treatments. Moreover at the time of the acute

infestation her colonics made me sick and exhausted for three days afterward.

Her failure led me to do my research on the Net. If it weren't for her I

wouldn't be here on this list. Should I be grateful?

Therefore I agree that it is very important to select the proper therapist.

Being so happy with my new therapist I would recommend that you call her, Dr.

Trisha Rossi, member of the Board of Directors of the International

Association of Colon Therapy and ask for a referral in your area. Either she

or the IACT should be able to give you a good referral. Unfortunately I

don't know the IACT number but Dr. Rossi's number is 212-580-3333.

More information about her practice is in the e-mail I just sent Cheryl.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/27/99 7:43:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Skis@... writes:

<< hen after 7

weeks of no JRA symptoms she woke up from her afternoon nap with her right

knee very painful and her foot and ankle in pain. We used a heat pad on it

and it went after a couple of hours. No residue pain, nothing unusual about

what she did before her nap, no smashing it hard, no symptoms since. It


came out of the blue for two hours and went away. Has anyone else

experienced anything like that? >>

<nods> It happens to me sometimes. I'll wake up one morning, or stand up

after having been still for a few hours, and for no evident reason something

hurts. It's usually a knee or wrist -- whichever is most inconvenient for me

at the time. <g> I can usually taper the pain to managable levels by taking

a hot shower, using a heating pad as you did, and some tylenol. If all else

fails I just go back to sleep for a few hours and it's gone when I wake up

again. Odd.



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Go to the LPA Online Bookstore, at:


Dan Kennedy

Internet services coordinator

Little People of America, Inc.


On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Daugherty wrote:

> From: Daugherty <brian@...>


> Howdy,


> can anyone tell me a name of a good book about a little person? Thank You,


> ,


> >

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Does Josh have additional hair growth from the steroids? Does anyone know

how low you have to go for it to start falling out? Or do you have to stop

the steroids and then wait a time for it to happen?

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In a message dated 10/5/99 11:46:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Skis@... writes:

<< Does Josh have additional hair growth from the steroids? Does anyone know

how low you have to go for it to start falling out? Or do you have to stop

the steroids and then wait a time for it to happen? >>

If anyone figures this one out, I'd also like to know. Is there anything

that can be done about it other than reducing the steroids? I'm tired of

having stubble 5 minutes after I finish shaving. <sighs> I wanna look like

those women in the Nair commercials. <g>



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how is she feeling with the tapering? good I hope? has had instant

swelling in her joints be four for no reason I have brought her to the

doctor in a rush thinking that she broke some thing and he checked her out

and said that it was the jra it is a scary feeling !I hope she is feeling ok

see you

>From: Georgina <gmckin@...>

>Reply- onelist

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>Subject: Re: [ ] question

>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:35:20 -1000

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>From errors-80038-1490-shancna=hotmail.comonelist Mon Oct 4 21:36:22


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I do not know is down to 3 mg and she is still a hairy monkey


>From: Skis@...

>Reply- onelist

> onelist

>Subject: Re: [ ] question

>Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:45:13 EDT

>MIME-Version: 1.0

>From errors-80038-1519-shancna Tue Oct 05 11:45:48 1999

>Received: from [] by hotmail.com (3.1) with ESMTP id

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>From: Skis@...



>Does Josh have additional hair growth from the steroids? Does anyone know

>how low you have to go for it to start falling out? Or do you have to stop

>the steroids and then wait a time for it to happen?



>>Visit my homepage for a list of sites with info on childhood arthritis:


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if you have a lot of hair growth on your face I did read an ad the other day

offering 'light surgery' to remove it! They flash a light at the hair and it

drops out! It's not worth it for a small child but you are grown up and may

care more. I think it stops it from growing again like electrolysis but not

painful. How; long have you been on steroids and have you ever come off them

long enough to see if it makes a difference with the hair thing.

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  • 1 month later...


From: june najdek <jn516@...>

I joined this list because I would like those who are on meds for

seizure control, to give me their input on their experiences with

different meds.

My thirteen year old grandson was diagnosed @ 8 years of age, with

complex partial seizures. In the first couple of months he was given

several different meds for seizure control. The first two had terrible

side effects. Tegratol (sp?) changed him into an 8 year old who seemed

to be possessed. It was a frightening experience. Next was depakote

which was not much better and also made him violently sick to his

stomach. The last med, Dilantin (sp?) is the one he has been on and

remains on.

I've seen such changes in him since he started on meds. Prior to the

meds, he was a very spontaneous child, who talked non stop, and learned

at a rapid rate. He loved to read books and would sit for hours doing


Once the meds started, it seemed like he was in a fog much of the time,

the spontaniety gone. So much of the time, it seems like he is in

another world. He has noticed this and has commented to me that his

memory is not sharp like it used to be.

He also has developed major problems with school and is currently in a

dangerous situation. He absolutely refuses to go to school. He is a big

boy for his age (I think he is starting puberty) and his mother no

longer can physically force him to go. His parents, along with him, have

had to see a state probation officer because of this. They are trying to

get him into a special program, which involves up to eight weeks of

intense therapy along with school work.

I feel that at least part of this situation is caused by personality

changes from the meds. I realize that while the meds are probably not

the entire cause of the problem, they do play a significant part.

I would really appreciate feedback from all of you about this. I'm sorry

this is so long, however I am sick over this whole situation. Thank you.


June >>

Dear June:

Persoanlity changes are difficult, I know, what does your grandson's

doctors have to say about these persoanlity changes? Maybe a lower dose of

Dilantin? Maybe another drug or combination or drugs?

How many different neurologists have evaluated your grandson and his

condition and his medications? Could there be something else going on with

him physcally? Maybe it's time for a second, third, fourth or fifth

opinion... keep trying until you and your family are able to help this kd be

more like himself and be able to learn.

Good luck

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Thanks for your reply and your input. My grandson's neuro does not feel

the meds are the cause of at least some of the problems we are having. I

don't have too much faith in his opinion about this particular matter

since he also felt the first two meds he was on, was not the cause of

him acting as if he were possessed when he was first diagnosed. Overall

he is rated as being an excellent neuro.

Also my son and daughter-in-law took my grandson to a pediatric

epilepologist (sp?)about a year after the diagnosis was made, for a

second opinion regarding the meds he was on. This doctor agreed 100%.

Last year he was put on an anti depressant. The neuro thought this might

help with the school thing. My grandson also started seeing a therapist.

Apparently he did not connect with the therapist and finally refused to

go. His parents forced him to continue, hoping that sooner or later some

good would come out of it. Finally the therapist suggested they stop the

sessions since the boy refused to talk to her. He also stopped the anti

depressant because he did not feel any better after taking it for 3


I am sick with worry about him. Both my husband and I are very close to

our grandson and his younger brother. They, along with their parents

lived with us for 9 years. About a year and a half ago, they bought

their own home. However when you have someone in your home, from the

time they were born, they are more like your children than


We have a strong bond with both the boys and try to see them as often as

possible. They live nearby so distance is not a problem.



" Do little things with great love. " Mother





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