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> PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARTINE BEVEL

Hi e,

You can find a bunch of information about Hep B at the following



If you look under the Treatments section you will find stuff about

conventional treatments as well as alternative/herbal therapies.

Best Regards,



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  • 2 months later...
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Aside from looking for a new Dr., my reaction would probably be to copy

the prescription info or info from another source which clearly sets forth

gastrointestinal problems are a side effect and fax it to the Dr. insisting

she be switched to something else or put on a medication which helps the

stomach problems (I forget what the names of those meds are. Someone else

likely knows). Your daughter should probably also be checked for

gastrointestinal bleeding. They do that by taking a stool sample which will

show whether there's blood in her stool. Are her stools black and tarry?

When was sick with the flu this past winter, we saw a P.A. because her

pediatrician was on vacation. The P.A. was convinced her stomach problems

were the result of the Naprosyn (I was sure they weren't) and even when the

tests came back negative, she urged me to get her off the Naprosyn. It's

funny how differently medical providers react.


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My son had this problem as well. I second the motion to get a stool

sample, it will show blood if there is a problem. Also, please consider

traveling to a Ped. Rheumatologist. You don't have to go there for

every appointment, they can work through your adult Rheumatologist

after the initial visit and the course of treatment is set by them. I

made this mistake, my son (Poly also) suffered more then he needed

to for several years before I wised up and got him up to date treatment.


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My daughter who has systemic jra could not tolerate

the naproxen also. She had severe stomach pains even

with taking tagament. They switched her to Sulindac,

which she takes with no stomach pain. During her

second flare the sulindac kept everything under

control for her. Good Luck and we will keep her in

our prayers. Suzie and Chrissy

--- angel 73 <angelsbabysis@...> wrote:

> hello. I have a question if anyone can help me.. my

> daughter was diagnosed

> 10/2000 with polyarticular jra. she was put on

> naprosyn 1tsp. in the am and

> 1/2 in the pm.. she returned back to the DR. last

> month when she put her on

> plaquinel (100mg a day) so she has been on the

> naprosyn for almost 6 months

> and plaquinel for 1 month. she has been wakeing up

> in the night crying and

> when i go ask her what is wrong she says her stomach

> hurts so i rub it and

> get her back to sleep. i called her rummy today and

> questioned it maybe it

> was the naprosyn and when the nurse called back she

> stated the DR. doesn't

> feel it is from the naprosyn it doesn't have that

> side effect ( i am blonde

> but i know that IS a side effect)she said maybe it

> was the plaquinel and i

> explained to her that it doesn't have that kind of

> side effect. i think it

> is the naprosyn. i asked about vioxx and she said

> sence she doesn't feel it

> is from the naprosyn she will not change it.. what

> should i do? i told the

> nurse i will try this next month and if it doesn't

> get any better then if

> the DR. won't try somthing else then i will have to

> take her elsewhere we

> don't have any ped. rummy's here in ERIE PA where i

> live all we have is

> rummy's who treat ped's. the closest place to me is

> pittsburgh. does anyone

> have any ideas for me to try or any advice? i am

> tired of being pushed

> around. i went threw 9 months of the DR. telling me

> nothing was wrong with

> my daughter it was just growing pains, now this.. my

> poor baby is almost 7

> and i am tired of seeing her this way. she is very

> petite and weighs about

> 40 lbs. she is not a big eater and i don't know how

> to get her to gain

> weight, she wont eat sometimes she says her belly

> hurts.. please help me...

> thank you kellie



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Help! I am getting lots of unwanted email regarding JRA. Although I am a

member of the group I don't want to receive all these emails! What should I



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kellie hi my name is karen. my daughter was diagnosed with polyarticular jra

way back in 1989. the medicine we had trouble with was indocin. then they put

her on naporsyn. tabitha just reminded me that she also had stomach pain with

her naporsyn. her dr. prescribed zantac to help with any stomach pain she

has. she doesn't have it all the time though. i strongly urge you to get to a

specialist in this field. i dealt with childrens hospital in pittsburgh

before i moved to where i live now. i now deal with hershey hospital. if you

can even try to get into a shriners i also heard they are very good at

dealing with this disease. as far as weight i can understand your concern.

tabithas problem as far as weight gain was went was slow. she seemed to be 40

lbs. from 5 on up till about 11. well she would gain a couple of pounds then

lose a couple. but i was told that it was her methatrexate. a dr. told me

once that if methatrexate was a diet pill everyone would be skinny. she is

now 16 and weighs 77lbs. i was told that it would be harder on tabitha to get

around if she was heavy. so try and hold on and please listen to your

instincts because like you i agree we know when something is hurting our

children. good luck.

karen (tabitha)

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If you scroll down a bit you should see a blurp that is attached I believe

to most or if not all emails....

To manage your subscription settings, please visit:

You can set it to no mail, or to digest, or individual mail.

Good luck

Sharon and Meghann


Re: question

> Help! I am getting lots of unwanted email regarding JRA. Although I am a

> member of the group I don't want to receive all these emails! What should


> so


> nah


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> For links to websites about JRA:

> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html



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thank you to everyone who has responded to my letter in need.. jessica goes

to her pcp on monday and i will ask at that time for something to be done

(stool testing) and anything else maybe he could help me with.. thanks guys

you have been great help.




>Subject: Re: question

>Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:19:52 EDT




>My son had this problem as well. I second the motion to get a stool

>sample, it will show blood if there is a problem. Also, please consider

>traveling to a Ped. Rheumatologist. You don't have to go there for

>every appointment, they can work through your adult Rheumatologist

>after the initial visit and the course of treatment is set by them. I

>made this mistake, my son (Poly also) suffered more then he needed

>to for several years before I wised up and got him up to date treatment.




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Hi :

Lots of others have answered you, but thought I would too. My daughter

Mickey is also seven, very petite and tooooooo thin (35 lbs). She was on

naprosyn for the first few months after being diagnosed at 3. It caused the

same thing, tummy aches, lots of waking in the night. We'd initially been

taking her to an adult rheumatologist. Switched to a ped. rheum. when we

knew for sure it was systemic onset jra, and they got her off the naprosyn,

and onto indomethacin, plus Cytotec, to protect her stomach. Someone else

said monitor her stools, any bits of blackness in them could indicate occult

blood, caused from internal bleeding. Get a few stool samples checked. I

would take her to another doc ASAP, I am shocked your doc/nurse denies

naprosyn can cause stomach problems. This can be VERY serious, trust your

instincts with your little girl.

Good luck,


From: " angel 73 " <angelsbabysis@...>


Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:49:01 -0400

Subject: question

hello. I have a question if anyone can help me.. my daughter was diagnosed

10/2000 with polyarticular jra. she was put on naprosyn 1tsp. in the am and

1/2 in the pm.. she returned back to the DR. last month when she put her on

plaquinel (100mg a day) so she has been on the naprosyn for almost 6 months

and plaquinel for 1 month. she has been wakeing up in the night crying and

when i go ask her what is wrong she says her stomach hurts so i rub it and

get her back to sleep. i called her rummy today and questioned it maybe it

was the naprosyn and when the nurse called back she stated the DR. doesn't

feel it is from the naprosyn it doesn't have that side effect ( i am blonde

but i know that IS a side effect)she said maybe it was the plaquinel and i

explained to her that it doesn't have that kind of side effect. i think it

is the naprosyn. i asked about vioxx and she said sence she doesn't feel it

is from the naprosyn she will not change it.. what should i do? i told the

nurse i will try this next month and if it doesn't get any better then if

the DR. won't try somthing else then i will have to take her elsewhere we

don't have any ped. rummy's here in ERIE PA where i live all we have is

rummy's who treat ped's. the closest place to me is pittsburgh. does anyone

have any ideas for me to try or any advice? i am tired of being pushed

around. i went threw 9 months of the DR. telling me nothing was wrong with

my daughter it was just growing pains, now this.. my poor baby is almost 7

and i am tired of seeing her this way. she is very petite and weighs about

40 lbs. she is not a big eater and i don't know how to get her to gain

weight, she wont eat sometimes she says her belly hurts.. please help me...

thank you kellie


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In a message dated 4/17/01 2:33:25 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

nLilly@... writes:

<< I was

always a shy type person but since this jra thing the tiger in me has

come out! lol! >>

It does have that effect!!!


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Dear Kellie,

I just read your letter and I'm sure by now you've gotten many

responses, but here's one more. I have a 6 1/2 yr. old daughter dx. with

polyarticular jra at age 3. She too was on Naprosyn but was pulled due

to bruising and scarring. She was then put on Methotrexate (pulled due

to extremely high liver counts). Shorly before she was pulled off the

Naprosyn(around age 4) she had blood in her stools (she always had

complained of stomach pain) To make a long story short she had to

undergo a colonoscopy, endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. They found that she

had fissures (small " sores " in her colon) and also reflux problem. They

put her on Zantac but unfortunately it didn't help her much. She is now

currently on Ibuprofen, Enbrel and Prilosec for her stomach.The Prilosec

has helped immensely as she has had only occasional stomach pains. Also

her Dr. says these meds are good at causing constipation which also may

explain some stomach pain. I really understand what you mean about the

side effects of the meds as we have dealt with it too. It's important to

not let these drs. walk all over you and to find a dr. you're both

comfortable with (I know that's always easier said than done) I was

always a shy type person but since this jra thing the tiger in me has

come out! lol! I have had to battle drs. insurance companie etc.. ! As

far as the Dr. saying there's no side effects with Naprosyn-there is no

one medicine without some side effect in someone somewhere as we're all

different. Kate can't take Methotrexate because it affects her liver

severely but others can. So please keep trying and I hope you are able

to find a dr. who will listen. Good Luck and I'll be thinking of you


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HI :

I had a very similar situation with my daughter who was diagnosed at 17

months w/ polyarticular JRA. She was on Naproxyn and Methotrexate. Naproxyn

caused terrible stomach irritations and internal bleeding after almost a

year she was on it. Like your daughter's doctor, our Pediatric Rhumy did not

believe that naproxyn can cause stomach problems. We had to take my daughter

to a GI doctor and he did a sigmoidoscopy on her and did see the bleeding

ulcers in her little stomach. It was horrible. Even after the GI doctor's

tests, her rhumy did not want to take her off of the naproxyn. I had to do

it on my own and the GI doctor supported me in that decision. Listen to your

instincts. You see your daughter everyday whereas the doctor does not. My

poor daughter had internal bleeding from naproxyn. So this drug can in fact

cause severe stomach problems. She was also terribly constipated all the

time. Every time she wanted to have a bowel movement, she would be running

around the room in tears. When I remember those days, it makes me really

upset. Also, know that plaquenil does not cause stomach upset. I have been

on it myself for almost 5 years w/out any problems. With plaquenil, you have

to have regular eye exams though. just be aware....

My daughter is fine now. Her joints are quiet. She is not on any medication.

But she does have slight inflammation in her left eye. Therefore, she is on

cortison drops. You need to take your daughter to regular eye doctor visits

because Polyarticular jra causes inflammation of the eyes (Uveitis/Iritis).

Good luck and I hope your daughter starts feeling better.


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thanks alot for the response back.. yes my daughter has to see a ped. eye

Dr. every 3 months hopefully everything will go good.. so far so good..

thank god.. how old is your daughter now? they said she might outgrow this,

i am praying everyday she does.. i know they same some do but then some

don't.. well the best of luck to you.. nice talking to you

>From: " afsi goodarzpoor " <afsi_goodarzpoor@...>



>Subject: Re: question

>Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:40:33 -0400


>HI :


>I had a very similar situation with my daughter who was diagnosed at 17

>months w/ polyarticular JRA. She was on Naproxyn and Methotrexate. Naproxyn

>caused terrible stomach irritations and internal bleeding after almost a

>year she was on it. Like your daughter's doctor, our Pediatric Rhumy did


>believe that naproxyn can cause stomach problems. We had to take my


>to a GI doctor and he did a sigmoidoscopy on her and did see the bleeding

>ulcers in her little stomach. It was horrible. Even after the GI doctor's

>tests, her rhumy did not want to take her off of the naproxyn. I had to do

>it on my own and the GI doctor supported me in that decision. Listen to


>instincts. You see your daughter everyday whereas the doctor does not. My

>poor daughter had internal bleeding from naproxyn. So this drug can in fact

>cause severe stomach problems. She was also terribly constipated all the

>time. Every time she wanted to have a bowel movement, she would be running

>around the room in tears. When I remember those days, it makes me really

>upset. Also, know that plaquenil does not cause stomach upset. I have been

>on it myself for almost 5 years w/out any problems. With plaquenil, you


>to have regular eye exams though. just be aware....

>My daughter is fine now. Her joints are quiet. She is not on any


>But she does have slight inflammation in her left eye. Therefore, she is on

>cortison drops. You need to take your daughter to regular eye doctor visits

>because Polyarticular jra causes inflammation of the eyes (Uveitis/Iritis).

>Good luck and I hope your daughter starts feeling better.


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Yes, it could be transferrable via menstrual

blood. Use of a condom during this time may be good but

remember that the CDC doesn't recommend the use of condoms

by monogamous couples. Every doctor has their own

views on this.

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Yes it can, but remember, your husband MUST have

an open wound in order for it to be transfered. He

needs to be tested as well. As long as you avoid sex

during your period, and for the first few days after

your period, your chances of transmitting it to him

are slim.<br><br>Be sure he does not clean up any

cuts or blood spills of yours. If you get blood on a

counter or anything like that, clean it up with BLEACH.

Cover any cuts, including paper cuts, until they are


healed.<br><br>LeighAnn<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/1Leighann


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Debbie..The ammonia level blood test is a totally different test.....is not

done with the LFT's ----- Plasma Ammonia

Purpose of the test:

Evaluates liver function

Helps monitor progression of severe liver disease and treatment


Diagnoses possibility of impending or established liver failure

Patient preparation:

Don't eat any food or drink any liquid for at least 12 hours before the test

Activity after test:

Liver disease may produce bleeding problems, so be sure bleeding stops at

the site where blood was drawn. If bleeding continues, contact your doctor.

If plasma-ammonia levels are high, be aware of any signs indicating an

impending or established hepatic coma.

Time before test results available:

2 to 3 days

Normal values:

Plasma-ammonia levels are less than 50mcg/dl

What " high " or " increased " may indicate:

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

Congestive heart failure

Erythroblastosis fetalis

Reye's syndrome

Sever liver disease leading to hepatic coma

Taking these drugs may affect test results:


Ammonium salts






Other factors that may affect test results:

Portacaval shunt


If tourniquet is applied on the arm too long (over 1 minute), it may cause

an inaccurate test result. Request another sample to ensure accuracy.

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thanks for the info. I think this is one test I'll try very hard not

to have to take. Like there's a way to stop it? To everyone who has

had to have this and a lot of the other nasty test... God bless you

and I hope you don't have anymore. I've been very lucky. The worst

I've had so far was the biopsy and that was really easy! Some would

tell you that I'm so wacky that they would never know if I was sick

or just acting my normal self. Guess I need to have a code word or

something :?)

Meanwhile, I'm going to think about getting to Miami to get

whatever's left of Genny's liver. I told her she didn't have to

worry but now that I've got her where I want her...

Told you I was sick!


> Debbie..The ammonia level blood test is a totally different

test.....is not

> done with the LFT's ----- Plasma




> Purpose of the test:


> Evaluates liver function


> Helps monitor progression of severe liver disease and treatment

> effectiveness


> Diagnoses possibility of impending or established liver failure


> Patient preparation:


> Don't eat any food or drink any liquid for at least 12 hours before

the test


> Activity after test:


> Liver disease may produce bleeding problems, so be sure bleeding

stops at

> the site where blood was drawn. If bleeding continues, contact your



> If plasma-ammonia levels are high, be aware of any signs indicating


> impending or established hepatic coma.


> Time before test results available:


> 2 to 3 days


> Normal values:


> Plasma-ammonia levels are less than 50mcg/dl


> What " high " or " increased " may indicate:


> Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract


> Congestive heart failure


> Erythroblastosis fetalis


> Reye's syndrome


> Sever liver disease leading to hepatic coma


> Taking these drugs may affect test results:


> Acetazolamide


> Ammonium salts


> Furosemide


> Danamycin


> Lactulose


> Neomycin


> Thiazides


> Other factors that may affect test results:


> Portacaval shunt


> Hyperalimentation


> If tourniquet is applied on the arm too long (over 1 minute), it

may cause

> an inaccurate test result. Request another sample to ensure


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Bloody noses can be a symptom of high blood pressure.


>From: " Beth & Carl Walters " <bccj@...>


> " Onelist Liver " < >

>Subject: [ ] question

>Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 23:53:54 -0400


>Hi everyone,


>Has anyone else had trouble with bloody noses? I have never had a problem

>in my life and now for the past few months have had trouble. I'm on Medrol

>(Prednisone) and Imuran. Thought maybe it was from one of the meds.


>Just wondered....maybe it's something else, but I thought I'd ask you all.



>Beth, AIH 10/00, 33, Michigan



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I had nose bleeds mostly when I was in bed. I think I

got them cos my INR was high (blood clot).




--- Beth & Carl Walters <bccj@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> Has anyone else had trouble with bloody noses? I

> have never had a problem

> in my life and now for the past few months have had

> trouble. I'm on Medrol

> (Prednisone) and Imuran. Thought maybe it was from

> one of the meds.


> Just wondered....maybe it's something else, but I

> thought I'd ask you all.


> thanks,

> Beth, AIH 10/00, 33, Michigan






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I had nose bleeds mostly when I was in bed. I think I

got them cos my INR was high (blood clot).




--- Beth & Carl Walters <bccj@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> Has anyone else had trouble with bloody noses? I

> have never had a problem

> in my life and now for the past few months have had

> trouble. I'm on Medrol

> (Prednisone) and Imuran. Thought maybe it was from

> one of the meds.


> Just wondered....maybe it's something else, but I

> thought I'd ask you all.


> thanks,

> Beth, AIH 10/00, 33, Michigan






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If your friend is unable to attend the conference then she must US Mail

or email us the reason she is unable to attend, the name the registration

is in and then we will determine what fees we can refund. This is

stated in the registration packet. It must be done by the opening of

conference on July 13th. The sooner the better!

Marge Carlisle

Conference Co-Chair.

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 12:22:45 -0700 (PDT) Ming <ming-tea@...>


> Hi


> I have a question.

> I found out from my best friend that she won't be able

> to go to this years convetion. She already

> preregistrated for her and her mom, how would she go

> about cancelling her registration and getting her

> payment back?


> thanks

> jennifer




> __________________________________________________


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Hi Tammie

I think you will get a variety of answers to the symptom question. For me its

been mostly fatigue so far , not a normal tired but a very heavy kind. And

the brain fog people here speak of. For me the brain fog is almost a lack of

energy in the brain to process, at least thats what it feels like. I think

this virus as had been mentioned before, affects us in ways they suspect or

have not discovered yet. I had some problems with my saliva gland and then I

read somewhere it could be related to hep C. I recently was diagnosed with

gall stones and my gastro said people with hep C have more problems with this

then the average person. It is difficult to tell sometimes what is normal

getting older stuff or if it is the virus. I have noticed that I am more

irritable and angry then I have ever been , I was always very laid back,

probably lack of energy contributes to frustration . I'm not sure you should

be looking for symptons before you start treatment though, I think the

medical jury is still out on that one, and it will be a personal decision for


What has worked best for me is not to set too high of expectations for myself

energy wise and really focus on nutrition, that has helped a lot. Find

different ways to deal with stress as thats a real energy zapper and

obviously theres many mind body connections there. Ask your doctor about

getting the vaccination for A and B if you need B. Drink a lot of water.

Good luck to you, theres a lot of information and sometimes it can seem

overwhelming but a lot of people here have filtered through much of it and

can answer a lot of your questions.

I have been thinking about checking into B12 shots for energy ? Has that

helped anyone on this list ?

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Hi Tammy.....I think the quality of life differs from person to person. I am

in my third year of treatment and sometimes the side effects are awful, and

other times they are not so bad. I truly believe that it is very

indivulized, and once you start treatment you will develop your own " system "

for being able to tolerate the drugs. Good luck with your treatment...and

never give up. Sounds like your faith will get you thru the rough spots..

Peace, peggy

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Dear Tammy,

I did 11/2 years of treatment. The consensus of opinion among my docs is

that, I'm too little, but I'm tough. Until I get rid of the anemia and get

my immune system back up to speed, I'm out of the treatment loop.

EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever will stay down. And take your vitamins. The

alpha-Interferon wasn't that much worse than the symptoms I already had. The

ribavirin was a " horse of a different color " for me. For you, it may be a

walk in the park. My doc told me not to do the combo and I should have

listened to him. But being the stubborn idiot that I am, I insisted. The

good news is that my big mouth got the Navy to create a protocal for it and

get it on the formicary. The bad news is that I just about died from the

treatment. One of these days, I am going to LEARN to KEEP MY BIG MOUTH


Good luck and good health.


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I had no symptoms before diagnosis. Well, none that I recognized. I was

tired, but I worked 10-14 hour days in technology so of course I was

tired. Course once I saw the liver guy he pointed out other symptonms,

like the little red markings on my upper chest that are called spiders.

Maybe others will be able to help you more.


tammster62@... wrote:

> I am trying very hard not to have symptoms after I read about them

> LOL. As far as I know, I don't have any. Fatigue may be one, but on

> the other hand it could be that I am too fluffy and lazy LOL. The

> question is: what are the symptoms of this before you start

> treatment? I have read several things and I think that I have a grasp

> on this one, but I would like to hear what ya'll have to say.

> I am not depressed, I am not scared, I am just curious about all of

> this. Jesus Christ is Lord in my life and I truely believe that I

> have so many days on this earth and absolutely nothing can shorten

> that time. So this disease doesn't scare me in that way. I am just

> curious about quality of life.

> <><TammieD><>




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