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In a message dated 8/30/02 8:54:48 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

heather_buggy@... writes:

> Its says I E 6.0 patch...hope you like it...the message is 196kbs....is this

> a virus or what's the deal?



It's a virus, because that " hope you like it " was on a couple of messages I

got, too. Or, else the message says, " I wish that you would like it. "

Glitter, author of <A HREF= " www.xlibris.com/BlindReason.html " >Blind Reason</A>

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In a message dated 8/30/02 8:54:48 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

heather_buggy@... writes:

> Its says I E 6.0 patch...hope you like it...the message is 196kbs....is this

> a virus or what's the deal?



It's a virus, because that " hope you like it " was on a couple of messages I

got, too. Or, else the message says, " I wish that you would like it. "

Glitter, author of <A HREF= " www.xlibris.com/BlindReason.html " >Blind Reason</A>

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In a message dated 8/30/02 8:54:48 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

heather_buggy@... writes:

> Its says I E 6.0 patch...hope you like it...the message is 196kbs....is this

> a virus or what's the deal?



It's a virus, because that " hope you like it " was on a couple of messages I

got, too. Or, else the message says, " I wish that you would like it. "

Glitter, author of <A HREF= " www.xlibris.com/BlindReason.html " >Blind Reason</A>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,

I know this is off topic a bit, but I'm going crazy trying to find a

pediatrician. I found one that I like only to find out it's not covered by

the insurance. does anyone know of a good referral site, besides AAP, that

has good referrals like the one we use on www.thyroid.about.com? Or does

anyone know of a good pediatrician in the Cambridge/Boston, MA area? Sorry

that this is off topic - you can e mail me privately :) thank you for any

help!!!! I sure need it.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I have 3/4 of your symptoms. I would be more than glad to talk with you. You

may email me privately. I will be able to get back to you this weekend, as I

am off from work.

Diane M

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Hi Candance ~ I read your post and wanted to respond. Some of the things I

suffer with are the same as you and some are different. My health went

downhill after I got mono (EBV) for over a year (that's when I quit smoking).

Well, I think it was before that but that's when my body finally got my

attention. It sucks being ill all the time. I know. And it sucks not

having a " quick " solution. It seems there is a huge amount to do and change

in order to get better. It's hard enough for people to make changes when

they don't have health issues.... It is almost impossible when you are ill

and tired to make so many changes. And even though I struggle now on the

other side of the weight issue, (I am trying to gain weight and stregnth) it

still all has to do with making changes in our lifestyle. Today I feel

better than yesterday, Yesterday I felt better than the day before. Here's

what I discovered to help me make the changes I needed to do. (1) Don't Give

up! If you back track ... so what... try again. (2) make small changes

first.... we all know the 50,000 things we need to do to have a better life

but pick 2 and start with that... i.e. I will drink 8 glasses of water or I

will have one salad a day or I will make a daily commitment to take my

vitamins regularly or I will walk for 10 mins. down the road.... whatever it

is... make it easy enough to do that you can have success. I find that when

I get overwhelmed and can't manage is when I make my goals to big.

The other thing I did was I made a check off sheet. It has become like a

game to me to see how many things I can do. If I don't do it... I don't feel

bad and beat myself up either.... I just play again tomorrow.

And finally, with my health and eating habits ... the best way I found not to

back track it make a weekly menu. If I have to impulsively and randomly pick

what I am going to eat each day, I don't make good decisions. I personally

need the foods made and easy. I need a plan. This is hard because it does

take a bit of concentration (not easy with brain fog) and energy to plan.

Again, I suggest making it easy.... start with what you can realistically

manage.... maybe plan one meal a week and then you know for at least once or

twice a week you are eating as you think you should.

Anyway, I hope you can get something out of these ideas. I know it can feel

overwhelming and isolating but you are not alone. We are all struggling and

pushing for better health.

Best wishes,



> I have a question for the group...


> I want to know if there is anyone else out there struggling with the

> issues I'm struggling with. I have a multitude of problems:


> Candida

> Chronic fatigue (which is related to the Candida)

> Food sensitivities (also Candida)

> Leaky gut (yep same thing)

> Diabetes

> Sleep Apnea

> Epstein Barr Virus

> Allergies out the wazoo - basically if it is alive, I'm allergic to it.

> Sluggish liver

> Kidneys aren't happy with me

> High blood pressure

> Very overweight


> I've had irritable bowl syndrome, but that is gone, I've had a hernia

> but it's been repaired, and I'll just through in that I've had my

> stomach stapled (not bi-passed) for good measure.




> I guess I should have started this email with... " hello, my name is

> Candace and I'm a foodaholic "


> Thanks,



> Candace







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Thank you very much - right now any response is helpful. It is just

nice to know I'm not crazy, I'm not unusual and I'm not alone. I see

people who can make changes and never look back and I just don't relate.

I like the idea of the check list - I'm a lit kind of person... I will

definitely give some of your suggestions a try.


Re: question

Hi Candance ~ I read your post and wanted to respond.

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I probably have 1/2 of the symptoms and was moving towards probably having all

of them. I'm trying to incorporate a balanced solution, because I am NOT

balanced. Overworked, overstressed, overstimulated, possibly


I don't have problems quitting cigarettes, but I do have problems with eating

and drinking so I started looking for triggers and initial behaviors.

A trigger for me is stress, internal or external. Because I also inherited

depressive tendencies (also carb sensitivity, lack of coping balance), I had to

begin to look for the beginning of my problem, years ago.

Currently, any stress will throw me into my coping strategy of " treating myself

to a good time " which includes eating and drinking. That's because, years ago,

physical injuries forced me to give up running and weights, which had been my

coping strategies.

Because I was ill-equipped to handle stress, I started going out partying,

dancing, etc. Then, as I got older and my associates were established in

careers, lunching and pubs became the stress coping mechanism.

Whatever the cause, I have overloaded my kidney, liver, digestive system and

hormonal balance, so it is tough to stay on track. On one hand, it's worth it,

on the other hand " I've done so well, I should celebrate! "

Right now, I'm trying to reverse my coping from eating and drinking to bouncing

on a trampoline, walking, whatever, to try to get those endorphins back into my

system so I don't crave my " other " coping strategy.

Try to find the real " root " cause and then begin to deal with that, one moment

at a time. Some minutes your successful, some you aren't....but ANY successful

minute is a success and they can all be chained together to forge stronger,

longer lasting successes.

Keep at it.


I have a question for the group...

I want to know if there is anyone else out there struggling with the

issues I'm struggling with. I have a multitude of problems:


Chronic fatigue (which is related to the Candida)

Food sensitivities (also Candida)

Leaky gut (yep same thing)


Sleep Apnea

Epstein Barr Virus

Allergies out the wazoo - basically if it is alive, I'm allergic to it.

Sluggish liver

Kidneys aren't happy with me

High blood pressure

Very overweight

I've had irritable bowl syndrome, but that is gone, I've had a hernia

but it's been repaired, and I'll just through in that I've had my

stomach stapled (not bi-passed) for good measure.

I'm currently covered in a rash, and my hair has thinned out - not

horribly noticeable to anyone other than me, because my hair has always

been thin.

Now with all of that going on, risk of heart attack and all other kinds

of physical problems that can get worse, you would think that doing

whatever it took to get healthy would be easy, right? Well for me it is


Every time I try to go back on the Candida diet or Atkins I fail within

a week - just about the time you start to feel somewhat human again.

It frustrates me, because the one time I did follow either of these

diets - I lost an average of 5 pounds a day. Regardless of how much fat

I was eating.

I'm no longer a huge bread or pasta eater (takes up too much room in my

stomach). However, I do like my options to be open (this is why I

didn't have the bi-pass surgery - couldn't stand the idea of not being

able to eat something if I wanted it).

I know that my attitude isn't right - but I'm honest about it now (after

years of denial - I was even in denial about being diabetic). I dieted

my way to over 300 pounds (not there anymore thank God - but not that

low either). When I don't diet I do better - when I diet I lose weight

but the moment I blow it I binge and gain it all back plus.

I'm trying to make " baby step " changes to my diet - and eat healthier,

but I rebel. I feel like a part of me is 2 years old and throwing a

temper tantrum.

Can anyone else relate to this? If so, have you been able to get past

it? How?!?!

I don't to hear that I need to just do it - I KNOW what I NEED to do,

that isn't the issue, I need to know HOW. Some people don't have these

problems. Some people are told by the doctor they need to change, and

bam they change.

I needed to quit smoking, ok I quit. THIS, for some reason, is

different for me.

I guess I should have started this email with... " hello, my name is

Candace and I'm a foodaholic "



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<PRE>it all depends on how your body reacts when you eat the fruit, if you get

bloated or gassy, dont eat it. the only fruits i recommend trying would be

strawberries, blueberries, (preferrably cooked.the other problem with fruit

is the MOLD!!!) GOOD LUCK

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I can completely relate to your food issues. I think that most women (and

overweight men) can too! Especially when you say that part of you is like a 2

year old. I have so much trouble with the diet because of that reason too! Even

though I am only about 10 Lbs overweight that's just because of the grace of

God, my metabolism and some exercises that I enjoy doing. I KNOW that the way I

eat I should be heavier and even less healthy, but every day I STILL make bad


Unfortunately, I don't have answers for you but I can sympathize.



Help save rainforest or feed orphaned chimpanzees with Redjellyfish Long



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cooking the fruit would kill the enzymes and then it would ferment and

putrify in the gut since it did not have enzymes


Re: question

> <PRE>it all depends on how your body reacts when you eat the fruit, if you


> bloated or gassy, dont eat it. the only fruits i recommend trying would be

> strawberries, blueberries, (preferrably cooked.the other problem with


> is the MOLD!!!) GOOD LUCK




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Sympathy is helpful (:

Sometimes misery likes company <G>

But the encouragement and the advice is also good.

It is nice to know I'm not alone in this, not losing my mind - and not

the only person who just can't seem to let go.

Thank you all (:


Re: question


I can completely relate to your food issues. I think that most women

(and overweight men) can too! Especially when you say that part of you

is like a 2 year old. I have so much trouble with the diet because of

that reason too! Even though I am only about 10 Lbs overweight that's

just because of the grace of God, my metabolism and some exercises that

I enjoy doing. I KNOW that the way I eat I should be heavier and even

less healthy, but every day I STILL make bad choices.

Unfortunately, I don't have answers for you but I can sympathize.



Help save rainforest or feed orphaned chimpanzees with Redjellyfish Long



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Is anyone here taking Dioxychlor??

The reason I am asking is that I was considering starting it but I need to

know if it kills both the " good " AND the " bad " bacteria?

According to this site


and also the book by Sal D'Onofrio

it will kill both the good and bad.

I read recently in Prescription for Nutritional Healing that it will " not "

take out the good guy's... just the bad

Can someone help me with this question?



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<PRE>i took dioxychlor for a while, along with some other, anti-yeast herbs,


dr.biamonte... it was a waste of my time and money, alot of money... and when

things weren't happening and i had a quesstion for him, he wanted to charge

me a phone consultation fee....sorry just venting

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The book I have says it will not kill the " good guys " . It only kills the

bacteria that cannot live in an oxygen environment and, if I remember right, the

good bacteria can. Of course, I'm asking my brain fog memory to remember

something learned in high school, so don't quote me on that one...lol

I have not been able to find Dioxychlor in the health food stores around here.

I just started taking regular Stabilized Oxygen again, not the same but similar.

The dioxychlor has an additional ingredient in it, I believe. I have used

stabilized oxygen before with good results. I was recovering from mono and

encephalitis at the time, so I don't know if I just needed additional oxygen at

the time to help the body recover, or if it was related to the yeast. I sure

did feel better, though.


Re: question

Is anyone here taking Dioxychlor??

The reason I am asking is that I was considering starting it but I need to

know if it kills both the " good " AND the " bad " bacteria?

According to this site


and also the book by Sal D'Onofrio

it will kill both the good and bad.

I read recently in Prescription for Nutritional Healing that it will " not "

take out the good guy's... just the bad

Can someone help me with this question?



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I tried it. It did nothing for me.


--- " Evely " <je@...> wrote:

>Is anyone here taking Dioxychlor??

>The reason I am asking is that I was considering starting it but I need to

>know if it kills both the " good " AND the " bad " bacteria?

>According to this site


>and also the book by Sal D'Onofrio

>it will kill both the good and bad.

>I read recently in Prescription for Nutritional Healing that it will " not "

>take out the good guy's... just the bad

>Can someone help me with this question?







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  • 2 weeks later...

> I am an average sized person and my boyfriend is a lp. What is the

> percentage or likelyness that our children will be average sized

> and whats the percentage or likelyness that they will be lp?




Here is a short genetic tutorial that should help answer your

question. Some of your answer depends on what type of dwarfism is


Follow this link:


Hope this is helpful,


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