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HELL no I won't use a bed pan! Im going to request a catheter. Have my list all

ready to hand over to the surgeon on Monday with all the advice this great group

has given me. i really appreciate it.

Re: Question

, I had a tube in my throat but only during surgery it was out before i

woke and never felt anything that would even indicate it was there..I did have

a cathera also. No using the bed pain..Once i was able to get out of bed

which was on day 3 the cat came out..YEH!!!! then the normal IV tubes in my


and my pain pump. I also had a pulse taker in my right wrist..That came out I

think tues..

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WHAT? No Swedish massages?Champage breakfasts?Mud facials and pedicures? Hell

what we have to go through we should be treated as if though we were staying at

the Waldorf Astoria. :-) LMAO

No actually im a very excellent patient as long as i have the TV remote,my

Pepsi,my 'own' pillow and an escape route outside to have a cigerette!

Oh yuck,i forgot we won't be able to wash our hair for awhile,huh? OKay that

reminds me of another question-how long after surgery before you can take a

shower? This is why im asking all of you these questions instead of the


Re: Question

I can see your docs face when he get that list..


fluffy pillow

extra blanket for those chilly eves..

breakfast at 8. eggs over easy, toast no butter, and apple juice..no make it


news paper on my bed by 7am no excuses

and the beautican in by 9 to do my hair..

HAHA just kidding..

But i should have though of those during my stay..

I was sooo sick of apple juice, the news paper was 50cents and I didnt have

money on me..I mean really who brings money with them..I wasnt in the mood to

eat and but the 3rd day my hair was just so horrible looking I put it up. So


you might want to get some head bands or something of that sort..

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..I dont think your going to be smoking for a few days there..

I came home on fri 5days later and immediatly jumped in the shower...This is

how I did it with out getting my back wet..First all my bandages were still on

but I stood in the shower got the shower messager down and tilted my head so

my hair was in the front on my shoulder then washed it and all the water would

run down my shoulder cause my head was tilted..It worked for me..I guess you

have to try it and see. My hubby also helped me so that was easier.

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Well I've been wanting to quit smoking...maybe this will be the time to do it.

Hey i like your idea of how you did your shower,i will have to remember that.

Re: Question

..I dont think your going to be smoking for a few days there..

I came home on fri 5days later and immediatly jumped in the shower...This is

how I did it with out getting my back wet..First all my bandages were still on

but I stood in the shower got the shower messager down and tilted my head so

my hair was in the front on my shoulder then washed it and all the water would

run down my shoulder cause my head was tilted..It worked for me..I guess you

have to try it and see. My hubby also helped me so that was easier.

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I don't have the answer but a question: what is this dx code?



> What is the dx code for AIH? I can't seem to find it in the code

list. Thanks....Debby

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A diagnosis code (dx) is what the doctor's put on scripts, lab slips, etc. so the insurance will pay for the test, script, etc. I just don't know the one for AIH.


[ ] Re: Question

Deb,I don't have the answer but a question: what is this dx code?Thanks,a> What is the dx code for AIH? I can't seem to find it in the code list. Thanks....Debby

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Thanks Debby. Guess I should have known: many years ago I used to

work as a " Medical Insurance Claims Examiner " for Blue Cross/Shield

and had lots of " codes " memorized !!!


> > What is the dx code for AIH? I can't seem to find it in the


> list. Thanks....Debby




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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks Mike and Connie. I told my sister she better call the ortho and make

an appt. The ortho I want her to see is the brother of my pain management doc.

Who is the one who recomended my surgeon to me. The ortho woke up one morning

with a full blown herniated disc and my surgeon had to do emergency surgery on

him. She saw some other doc in the office who a few people werent crazy

about so I said she needs to make sure they make the app for Dr Fox.. So we


see. But I feel bad cause shes in pain. But hopefully she will get this solved

and feel better soon..

I dont know about anywhere else but its HOT and HUMID here and its

disgusting. 82 degrees in NJ...

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Hi ,

It sounds to me that it's some sort of irritation or pinched nerve.

Not nessesarily a disk, but even if it is the pain dosn't nessesarily

go down the whole leg. Before my third surgery while I was on the

road I was getting pain in my right hip and butt cheek. It didn't

radiate down the leg. At the time stuff like Adville or Tylenol or

asprine would releve the pain for a couple hours or so. Hope you and

your sister have a nice day! Mike

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Hi ,

It sounds to me that it's some sort of irritation or pinched nerve.

Not nessesarily a disk, but even if it is the pain dosn't nessesarily

go down the whole leg. Before my third surgery while I was on the

road I was getting pain in my right hip and butt cheek. It didn't

radiate down the leg. At the time stuff like Adville or Tylenol or

asprine would releve the pain for a couple hours or so. Hope you and

your sister have a nice day! Mike

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I've had pain in my left hip since it all started for me 3 years ago. Part of my

pain could be this tilted pelvis thing, but the majority of it is from the main

problem -- L5-S1, sciatic nerve, all ties in together in that area. My doc again

did xrays of this area last week again for my peace of mind that it wasn't

something new, nothing showed on the xrays. I walk with a little limp also to

take pressure off my left leg (when I'm not using a cart to walk with)and hip. I

also had cortizone shots right into my hip which didnt seem to help much at the

time but at my last appt I did talk to doc again about trying them to see if

they will work at least for the hip pain. Will keep ya updated if I do have them

done if it helps. I hope that answered your question?



> Hi..I have a question?? My sister has been getting pains in her hips. It

> started with one hip. She went to the ortho and he said it was brisitits and


> her a cortizone shot. Now its in both hips plus a little on her top of her

> legs. She said laying in bed her lower back bothers her and when getting out


> her car (suv) it hurts to walk..Now I am not familiar with that kind of pain

> and not sure if anyone here has had anything like that but I thought I just


> and see..If anyone has anything please email me..

> Thanks so much


> I love this group..:)




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  • 2 months later...

Hi ,

You have every right to be concerned. If I were you I would definitely

phone the doctor. At least to describe the symptoms you've been having

and see if it warrants an office visit. Better to err on the side of

caution than to put yourself in what could be a risky situation. As much

as you'd like to visit with your sister while she's in the hospital ...

I'd suggest that you call her instead. Why not wait at least until they

can figure out what it is that she has and whether or not it's

communicable. Experience is the best teacher, they say, and I can

understand why your Mom is worried. She doesn't want both of her

daughters in the hospital, if it can be prevented! Send your love, when

others visit. Or get a balloon or some flowers and a card, to let her

know you're thinking of her.

Hopefully, you haven't already gotten whatever it is your sister has. I

hope she's feeling better soon ... and you too! Be sure to let us know

how things go.

Take Care,


superstahlisa@... wrote:

> Hey Group,

> After returning from a camping trip (I wasn't at) my sister has

> come down with a random illness symptoms like a kidney infection

> includding white blood cells and blood in her urine, vomiting and

> diarrhea fever and what not. They aren't positive what is causing it

> but most likely a virus, bacteria, or parasite. My question is should I

> be concerned. The methotrexate directions state stay away from people

> who are sick. Should I be concerned that I might have been exposed and

> if so should I call my doctor. And should I probably stay away from

> her, she was admitted into the hospital and I just can't imagine not

> going to visit her. My mom is concerned though obviously because I've

> always been immune compromised, my body is not really good with the

> whole fighting off infection thing. Last time my sister had a virus

> within two days I had it and it caused a cardiac problem with me. The

> thing is for the last few days I have been feeling pretty nauseous and

> my kidneys were hurting (I was thinking from the MTX) and I've been

> running a fever... so what should I do? Just not even worry about it,

> stay cautious, or call up my doctor?


> (poly course JRA and Spondy 18)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been there, done that,get her to the hospital !! You can prevent something



Re: question

my sister also has thyroid problems and told me today that she was having

chest pains and her left arm was numb down to her thumb and index finger.

any thoughts??


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Hi Kelli,

I've been on the treatment for 7 1/2 months, too, and I cleared the virus at

3 months. I don't want to take the chance of quitting early. I've come

this far and I know I have a better chance of a sustained response if I

stick it out until the end. What genotype does he have. If it's 1a or 1b,

then the 48 week treatment is recommended. If it's genotype 2, 3, 4, or 5,

then six months is supposed to be enough. I know that it's hard to keep

going some times, but he's 2/3 the way through. I wish I could stop now,

but it's not worth the risk to me. Good luck to you.

Marie K.

At 09:36 AM 9/3/2003 -0700, you wrote:





>I need feedback on this....has anyone been on tx, cleared and stopped<BR>

>treatment early?? Relapse rate?? cleared at ten weeks, and has been<BR>

>on for a total of 7 1/2 months. Anyone have any experience they can tell us<BR>

>about with stopping and what happened???







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Most drs. do not recommand stopping early if there is not an adverse

medical condition occuring. If is a type 1 he should do at

least 48 weeks. Many drs. are keeping patients on treatment for 52

weeks or more to insure remission. There are some talk of extending

treatment to 72 weeks (18 months). Some phamacies would like to see

patients do 52 weeks or more, for obvious reasons. I know the

initial 3 or 4 weeks were rough and I would dread going through that

again if I had stopped early and then relasped. I am a type 2 with

360,000 copies at the start of treatment. I was undetectable at 2,

yes two, weeks and did the full 24 weeks as prescribed for type 2's.

I completed treatment in Jan. '02 and I am still undetectable. There

are several undetectable type 1's in the support that I attend.

Keep Fightin' the Dragon, Glenn

> I need feedback on this....has anyone been on tx, cleared and


> treatment early?? Relapse rate?? cleared at ten weeks, and

has been

> on for a total of 7 1/2 months. Anyone have any experience they can

tell us

> about with stopping and what happened???


> Kelli



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  • 3 weeks later...

> Just had a new X-Ray and the Dr there (Radiologist) called me into


> office to tell me that the screw on the bottom right goes into the

bone and

> out again the other side,(aal the others stop in the middle of the


> as a Radiologist he´s not sure if this is OK but found it a

bit " Funny "

> anyone else got this and if so does it cause any problems?

> Thanks

> Ann



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How old is your baby/toddler? Can you express some milk?

You should be able to drink water before the tests.


Hi All, does anyone know how long it takes the body to realize that it's

starving? I have to have tests on Tuesday at noon, so I can't eat after

midnight the night before and not until my tests are done at 5 PM, so it

will be about 20 hours without food or fluids. I am especially nervous

about this b/c I'm breastfeeding. any advice?


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and ,

thanks for the support and info. No, I will not be with my baby throughout

the day.... She is 11 months old, so I only b/f about 5 times per day at

this point. I'm not worried about her not getting my milk until I get home,

I'm worried that from not eating/drinking, my body may go into the 'famine

mode' and affect my milk longer term. , I left a message with my

lactation cons., but she hasn't returned my call. I'm sure I'll be fine,

but it's going to be real hard. I agree - I can go w/o food, but water,

well that's just rediculous. BTW, the doc told me that I could have a glass

of water in the morning about 4 hours before the test. Sorry to be off

topic here guys, but I know many of you are nutrition buffs and I really

need some assistance :) Thanks for understanding and anyone could e mail me

privately as well.


----Original Message Follows----

From: Jewell <dbjewell@...>



Subject: Re: question

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 18:17:27 -0700 (PDT)


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my sister also has thyroid problems and told me today that she was having

chest pains and her left arm was numb down to her thumb and index finger.

any thoughts??


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That really is something for an ER. I would not mess with heart attack symptoms

because no one knows for sure if it's her heart or not. Too big of a price to


Re: question

my sister also has thyroid problems and told me today that she was having

chest pains and her left arm was numb down to her thumb and index finger.

any thoughts??

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I told her to go to the hosp, but when I talked to her it had already

happened and she said that she didn't have time. I know - she's absolutely

rediculous. I don't know what to do b/c I don't think she's going to live

to 40. My mom is the same way - we think she has lupus and she won't go get

checked out. This has been ongoing. I feel like I'm going to lose both of

them soon :(

----Original Message Follows----

From: " Shirley White " <docwhite@...>


<hypothyroidism >

Subject: Re: question

Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 22:46:03 -0600

Been there, done that,get her to the hospital !! You can prevent something




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  • 3 weeks later...

, I don¡Çt know if smoking will hurt or

help the numbers. My guess is that it probably won¡Çt affect it one

way or the other.

As for the pain¡Ä.mine comes and goes. Don¡Çt really

understand it, but I just have learned to live with it. I really wish you

well with your labs that are coming up! Also, stress can cause flares, so

try as hard as you can to not stress out about your stress¡ÄI know¡Äit

is easier said than done, but really try. At least that is what I have to



[ ] Question

I was just wondering about

something. Does this upper right quadrant pain go away sometimes and then

come back? I didn't have any pain there for a whole day. It was

really nice. I thought, Oh boy the pain is gone and lo and behold the

next day it was back. Also, I had quit smoking but I have so many

stresses in my life right now I started back. Will that cause me any

problems? I go for my second round of blood tests on Friday. I sure

hope the numbers are down some more. I have been worried that the smoking

may cause the numbers to go back up. Anyway, thanks ahead of time for any




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i do not think that smoking has any affect on aih from janex

[ ] Question

I was just wondering about something. Does this upper right quadrant pain go away sometimes and then come back? I didn't have any pain there for a whole day. It was really nice. I thought, Oh boy the pain is gone and lo and behold the next day it was back. Also, I had quit smoking but I have so many stresses in my life right now I started back. Will that cause me any problems? I go for my second round of blood tests on Friday. I sure hope the numbers are down some more. I have been worried that the smoking may cause the numbers to go back up. Anyway, thanks ahead of time for any answers.

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Complications of badly treated or untreated hypothyroidism are

miscarriage and brain problems for the child.

I don't know conception percentages cause that would depend on how

one's thyroid is doing at the moment. Right now, my FT3 and FT4 are

very low and I am not ovulating, for example. But a woman whose FT3

and FT4 are in the upper part of the normal range won't have more

difficulty conceiving than a woman who is not hypothyroid.


> What is the average conception percentage upon women with


> disease? and what are some known complications during pregnancy?

> thanks so much.


> kellie




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