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I forgot Kole...what are you doing babysitting a child when you are in that much

pain? And why are his parents allowing you to do that??? I know to well wanting

to help. I had custody of my grand-daughter and had to give it up as I couldn't

care for her anymore. That was the hardest thing I have had to do. Luckily, my

daughter had gotten her life straightened out and could take her back.

Sometimes you just gotta say that you can't do it, and forget about their

selfish attitudes.

I don't know what your home life is, but it doesn't sound compassionate or

understanding. Or maybe you give the appearance of being strong and and able to

handle it?

I agree with ...take care of YOU first. You can't help anyone in the

condition you are in now.

I'm sorry if our emails don't sympathize well enough...but what I see is that

you need someone to help you look around and see what you, and others, are doing

to make things worse for you.

You don't have to be strong all the time. You give so much consideration and

priority to the others...take some for yourself.

And here are some...Hugs! Sounds like you need one.

<laughsinglive@...> wrote:

Oh, Cheryl, I truly can sympathize!!!

None of the typical " pain " words really describe how my low back hurts.

It's not really sharp, dull, tender, or aching. Neither is it searing,

shooting, burning, stabbing, cramping, radiating, throbbing, hot, cold,

needles, numb, or tingling. And I've run that list past my mother, who has

been training for medical transcription, and she can't think of any more,


I can describe it as awful, unrelenting, nagging, exhausting, gnawing,

miserable... but those are all relative terms, and someone who's never felt,

for example, a really *bad* headache, just plain has no frame of reference.

A person blind since birth will probably never understand the glory of a

sunrise, a person deaf since birth will never completely understand the

" tingle " I get from Trace Adkins. Same goes.

As for " Going to the ER " vs. " Bill wants to grill " ... I don't know Bill, and

I'm going to assume that he's normally a wonderful, supportive, perfect

partner... but on this one, he's got his head up his [bleep]. If you're in

enough pain that you need the ER, THE GRILL CAN WAIT. I don't care if his

last four hundred " grill holidays " have been disturbed by your indescribably


Or, in other words, TAKE CARE OF CHERYL FIRST. You can't do anything for

anyone else when you're in that kind of pain. Trying to is setting a

*terrible* example for Kole. Having Kole see Bill take proper care of you,

nurturing you when you're in pain, and doing it with a cheerful spirit,

*that* is what the child needs to learn. If you believe that everything in

this life has a " cosmic " reason, that could be one reason you're in pain, to

help Kole learn compassion. (Some part of me believes that things do have a

" purpose " ... it helps me hang on during the tough parts.)

Hang in there, sweetie... even if nobody else " gets " it, we do. Even

without adequate vocabulary to express it, we understand. The pain defies

description, but we know it's real anyway.

On 6/18/06, Cheryl Harple <gramm1992@...> wrote:


> hi everyone

> i wanted to know if anyone ever had pain that you really cant decribe

> well enough for people to understand how bad it is, i have never had

> this before, i have the same pain that i had for months low back right

> side with pain shooting down my leg DR said irritated nerve would get

> better ha its worst instead of better, now i have swelling in my feet

> & hands neck stiffness & my low back feels like a hot burning pain

> with a feeling like a run in your stockings does that make sence?i

> never know if i can stand up till i try i got up friday morning with

> Bills help & i couldnt stand i was up from 9:30am friday morning till

> 1pm saturday afternoon i slept till 10pm when Bill woke me up now i am

> in the same shape i will be up all night till at least 5pm i have to

> babysit Kole i dont know how but i have to try i was going to go to ER

> but its fathers day Bill wanted to cook on grill PLEASE HELP IF YOU

> CAN LOVE MY FRIENDS Cheryl in PA ( not yelling yet)




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this sounds exactly like my previous low back/leg pain but i could stand. have

you been diagnosed? that is necessary with xrays, mris. i had ablation on 10

nerves in my low back and that took care of the pain for several months.

Carlene in MT


hi everyone

i wanted to know if anyone ever had pain that you really cant decribe

well enough for people to understand how bad it is, i have never had

this before, i have the same pain that i had for months low back right

side with pain shooting down my leg DR said irritated nerve would get

better ha its worst instead of better, now i have swelling in my feet

& hands neck stiffness & my low back feels like a hot burning pain

with a feeling like a run in your stockings does that make sence?i

never know if i can stand up till i try i got up friday morning with

Bills help & i couldnt stand i was up from 9:30am friday morning till

1pm saturday afternoon i slept till 10pm when Bill woke me up now i am

in the same shape i will be up all night till at least 5pm i have to

babysit Kole i dont know how but i have to try i was going to go to ER

but its fathers day Bill wanted to cook on grill PLEASE HELP IF YOU

CAN LOVE MY FRIENDS Cheryl in PA ( not yelling yet)

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-Hi Joke,

PLEASE advise this person not to accept medication for

anxiety...especially for a 13 year old. The 'cure' may end up being

the problem..My 18 year old daughter committed suicide on Paxil.


Please have a look at www.emofree.com. EFT is a simple technique that

can be very successful in treating anxiety. In their position I would

also seriously consider hypnosis. The underlying problem may be one of

low selfesteem and no amount of chemicals is ever going to solve that

problem.Treat the cause, not the symptoms..

Kind regards.


-- In SSRI medications , " Joke Jolivette " <jokej@...> wrote:


> Hi,


> I am fairly new to this group, but love all the data that I have

> received until now. I saved several e-mails, because they were so

> valuable and I wanted to keep them as a resource.


> Now here is my question: Am I allowed to use part of those e-mails to

> post on another information group? I am a member of the Berkeley Parent

> Network, which is an e-mail group that exchanges advice with eachother.

> Someone is asking advice about putting their 13-yr old on anxiety

> medication (SSRI's). I really want to send her some of the data that I

> found here.


> Please let me know if that is okay.


> Thanks!


> Joke (Yoka) Jolivette


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-Hi Joke,

PLEASE advise this person not to accept medication for

anxiety...especially for a 13 year old. The 'cure' may end up being

the problem..My 18 year old daughter committed suicide on Paxil.


Please have a look at www.emofree.com. EFT is a simple technique that

can be very successful in treating anxiety. In their position I would

also seriously consider hypnosis. The underlying problem may be one of

low selfesteem and no amount of chemicals is ever going to solve that

problem.Treat the cause, not the symptoms..

Kind regards.


-- In SSRI medications , " Joke Jolivette " <jokej@...> wrote:


> Hi,


> I am fairly new to this group, but love all the data that I have

> received until now. I saved several e-mails, because they were so

> valuable and I wanted to keep them as a resource.


> Now here is my question: Am I allowed to use part of those e-mails to

> post on another information group? I am a member of the Berkeley Parent

> Network, which is an e-mail group that exchanges advice with eachother.

> Someone is asking advice about putting their 13-yr old on anxiety

> medication (SSRI's). I really want to send her some of the data that I

> found here.


> Please let me know if that is okay.


> Thanks!


> Joke (Yoka) Jolivette


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-Hi Joke,

PLEASE advise this person not to accept medication for

anxiety...especially for a 13 year old. The 'cure' may end up being

the problem..My 18 year old daughter committed suicide on Paxil.


Please have a look at www.emofree.com. EFT is a simple technique that

can be very successful in treating anxiety. In their position I would

also seriously consider hypnosis. The underlying problem may be one of

low selfesteem and no amount of chemicals is ever going to solve that

problem.Treat the cause, not the symptoms..

Kind regards.


-- In SSRI medications , " Joke Jolivette " <jokej@...> wrote:


> Hi,


> I am fairly new to this group, but love all the data that I have

> received until now. I saved several e-mails, because they were so

> valuable and I wanted to keep them as a resource.


> Now here is my question: Am I allowed to use part of those e-mails to

> post on another information group? I am a member of the Berkeley Parent

> Network, which is an e-mail group that exchanges advice with eachother.

> Someone is asking advice about putting their 13-yr old on anxiety

> medication (SSRI's). I really want to send her some of the data that I

> found here.


> Please let me know if that is okay.


> Thanks!


> Joke (Yoka) Jolivette


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-Hi Joke,

PLEASE advise this person not to accept medication for

anxiety...especially for a 13 year old. The 'cure' may end up being

the problem..My 18 year old daughter committed suicide on Paxil.


Please have a look at www.emofree.com. EFT is a simple technique that

can be very successful in treating anxiety. In their position I would

also seriously consider hypnosis. The underlying problem may be one of

low selfesteem and no amount of chemicals is ever going to solve that

problem.Treat the cause, not the symptoms..

Kind regards.


-- In SSRI medications , " Joke Jolivette " <jokej@...> wrote:


> Hi,


> I am fairly new to this group, but love all the data that I have

> received until now. I saved several e-mails, because they were so

> valuable and I wanted to keep them as a resource.


> Now here is my question: Am I allowed to use part of those e-mails to

> post on another information group? I am a member of the Berkeley Parent

> Network, which is an e-mail group that exchanges advice with eachother.

> Someone is asking advice about putting their 13-yr old on anxiety

> medication (SSRI's). I really want to send her some of the data that I

> found here.


> Please let me know if that is okay.


> Thanks!


> Joke (Yoka) Jolivette


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  • 1 month later...
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my ex sister in law is a Dr. Nurse in wisc She said that they are

doing good things at the u of wisc hospital is madison............I live in

florida so don't know this first hand

lena_five <jwisowaty@...> wrote: Can anyone tell me the

difference between HIV & AID?


I have cirrohsis since 5/2003 a lot of ups & down!

I am having alot of itchy & pins & creepy crawers, I can't even sleep

at night.

does anyone have this problem!

OH I don't have HIV or AIDS, just one of those things that jumped into

my head

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  • 1 month later...


Did Audrey have a repeat Urine test done after she finished her antibiotic?

If not, I would ask them to repeat it about 1 week after the meds were finished.

When Hannah had her UTI's (3 of them back to back) she really had no symptoms

after the first round of antibiotics other than being really tired all the time.

It was the UA that kept showing infection. If you have had this done and they

were normal, you may unfortunately be dealing with a new issue. I don't know

enough about the meds to offer any advice in that regard. Please keep us


son <newmom2003@...> wrote:

Audrey finished her course of antibiotics for her UTI yesterday. She

says it doesn't hurt anymore when she urinates, but her back still hurts. She

was laying on the floor tonight and I asked what's wrong, Audrey? And she said

her toes, hand, and back hurt.

So my question is this: how long will her back continue hurting after a UTI?

With my own personal experience, as soon as the infection was cleared up my back

stopped hurting. When I e-mailed her rheumy, he said that usually if they get a

flare from being sick, as soon as the illness goes away the flare usually does

too. But this doesn't seem to be the case - I think she's stayed about the same.

So if, heaven forbid, that this damn disease has gone into her lower back, what

will be the next course of treatment? That would mean she's failed naproxen,

joint injections, oral mtx, subcu mtx, and enbrel. What drugs can we try with a

child so young? I'm still holding out hope for someday getting her out of pain,

but with winter coming, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.

Winter is always hard on sweet Audrey.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Masters Marketing, International Antiaging or or Idrugstore -


I've had good experience from all these.




If one wanted to buy Armour Thyroid on the internet, what is a reliable

site for doing so?

I live outside the U.S. and don't want to end up with a bad product or

other problems.



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International Pharmaceutical Services is where I ship my tablets in from, into

the U.K. I just pay air mail costs. Orders arrive within seven days. Good news

about that site is it tells you which countries it cannot ship to as well.



If one wanted to buy Armour Thyroid on the internet, what is a reliable

site for doing so?

I live outside the U.S. and don't want to end up with a bad product or

other problems.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Sue,

Good for you for being a detective and trying to figure this out from

the standpoint of what you're doing different. I would say a

resounding " Yes " to your cycle being affected by the changes you've

made in your diet. My recommendation is to ride this out and chalk it

all up to healing.

Like you, most of my candida symptoms had to do with the

" reproductive " area of my body...and any time I made changes to my

diet, my body refelcted them in that area. Sometimes in a good way

(decreased symptoms) and sometimes in a " bad " way (increased

symptoms). Please remember that healing happens in cycles too, so

that's why some monthly cycles are better/easier than others.

Even after 2+ years of doing Bee's program, I almost always get an

increase in vaginal/anal itching right before my cycle and I hardly

ever have what would be considered a " normal " period. Sometimes it's

very light and sometimes heavy, sometimes it lasts 3 days and

sometimes as many as 7.

Last month I had a rather " normal " flow for waht used to be the

" normal " amount of days for me (usually 5). Then a few days after my

cycle was over, or so I thought, I started a few days of spotting. I

didn't get alarmed, just realized it's my body doing what it needed to

do. I'm also conscious of the fact that I'm 46 yrs. old and besides

the hormonal fluctutations from healing symptoms, I'm also likely

getting hormonal fluctutations because of my age.

so hang in there Sue, you're making great progress, even though it

doesn't always seem like it! :o)





> I was thinking since i was having such a bad month

> with my cycle what i did different this month.


> I increased my coconut oil to 1 1/2 Tblsp daily, i

> drink 4 cups of pau d arco tea daily and i eat lotx of

> broccoli, radishes and other vegs. I have not begun

> anti funals yet and am not to sure i want to after

> this month for a long time.


> Could all of this change be the reason for the

> increase in my bleeding and clotting this month?

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Thank you jackie! I love this group and your guys!

It's kind alike the aliens in the out side world of

candida dont understand what we go through. I told my

sister what i thought and she said, that is the most

insane thing i have ever heard. I thought. oh that's

right you are one of those lucky people who dont have

to deal with this.

Anyways, thanks again for the confirmation and support

Hugs n priase, sue


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You're welcome, Sue!

Something that has helped me keep track of my cycle is a website

called " My Monthly Cycles " . www.mymonthlycycles.com

It's geared towards helping women track their cycles for fertility

help, but they also track menstrual cycles as well. How it works is

that you just give them some basic info when you set up a membership

(free) and then based on that information, they calculate when your

next cycle should arrive. Once you get your period you fill in the

days of a calendar and the more info you give the site, the more

accurate the tracking can be. You can also set the site up to send an

email reminder a couple of days before your period should start. For

me, it's not always accurate because my cycle is erratic at times, but

I like the monthly reminders so I don't have to think about it.

I have no vested interest in the site, just thought it might help some

of you gals in the group.




> Anyways, thanks again for the confirmation and support

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  • 2 months later...

Hi , this is in reply to something you wrote

previously, about getting out of bed. Before my

surgery, the doctor and aids had me practice what is

called the 'log roll'. What you do is roll onto the

side where you want to get up/out of bed, then they

show you how to slowly and as painlessly as possible

roll/sit up. Since I work in nursing, I knew that

already since I need to teach my patients that. I

don't know if this helps, but ask your doctor before

surgery about getting up or out of bed.

I also have two cats that love to stand just behind

you without letting you know they are there. Since I

didn't need a walker or cane, I carried my 'grabber'

with me everytime I was up. The minute I put that

down, the cats would run :o)). I had playfully

'grabbed' them a couple of times before my surgery and

they weren't too thrilled with it. But, it taught

them to move out of my way when I was walking or

getting up.

Hope your New Year is a special one and that your

recovery is as speedy as the years seem to fly.

Peace, minx

--- <ccraven@...> wrote:

> Those of you who have had a fusion, did your doctor

> check your entire

> spine to see if other areas were weak? Since a

> fusion puts pressure

> on the discs above, shouldn't they know for certain

> there are no other

> areas that are likely to cause immediate problems?


> in NC




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Hi , this is in reply to something you wrote

previously, about getting out of bed. Before my

surgery, the doctor and aids had me practice what is

called the 'log roll'. What you do is roll onto the

side where you want to get up/out of bed, then they

show you how to slowly and as painlessly as possible

roll/sit up. Since I work in nursing, I knew that

already since I need to teach my patients that. I

don't know if this helps, but ask your doctor before

surgery about getting up or out of bed.

I also have two cats that love to stand just behind

you without letting you know they are there. Since I

didn't need a walker or cane, I carried my 'grabber'

with me everytime I was up. The minute I put that

down, the cats would run :o)). I had playfully

'grabbed' them a couple of times before my surgery and

they weren't too thrilled with it. But, it taught

them to move out of my way when I was walking or

getting up.

Hope your New Year is a special one and that your

recovery is as speedy as the years seem to fly.

Peace, minx

--- <ccraven@...> wrote:

> Those of you who have had a fusion, did your doctor

> check your entire

> spine to see if other areas were weak? Since a

> fusion puts pressure

> on the discs above, shouldn't they know for certain

> there are no other

> areas that are likely to cause immediate problems?


> in NC




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I had a couple of MRIs before I had my fusion at L5-S1 and the MRIs

showed that L4-L5 and L1-L2 were also herniated but not compressing the

nerves like L5-S1 was. So far the other 2 herniations have not gotten

worse in the year since my fusion but I feel I will always need to baby

my back knowing that the fusion does put more strain on the other

vertabrae. I have developed bursistis in my hips possibly because I now

have to bend at the hips and not at the waist. My SI joints are now

popping due to instability. It is extremely important to see a physical

therapist after your fusion to learn trunk stabilization exercises to

strengthen those stomach and back muscles.


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I had a couple of MRIs before I had my fusion at L5-S1 and the MRIs

showed that L4-L5 and L1-L2 were also herniated but not compressing the

nerves like L5-S1 was. So far the other 2 herniations have not gotten

worse in the year since my fusion but I feel I will always need to baby

my back knowing that the fusion does put more strain on the other

vertabrae. I have developed bursistis in my hips possibly because I now

have to bend at the hips and not at the waist. My SI joints are now

popping due to instability. It is extremely important to see a physical

therapist after your fusion to learn trunk stabilization exercises to

strengthen those stomach and back muscles.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally wouldn't call any of them. I would tell each of them

about it the next time I see them -- in my case, I see my pain

management doctor about once every three months, and he takes care of

most of my pain relief needs. However, the pain management treatments

are only temporary.

If it was something that was so new and so painful that I really

needed to do something quickly, I would call my PCP. He has all my

other records and it is his job to coordinate my care.

It has been my experience that the surgeon who is going to do my

revision surgery (assuming that I don't back out) is not interested in

doing much other than surgery. I think he would prefer the PCP to

write prescriptions (and what else could he realitically do??)


> I've started having numbness in my hips and legs. You know that

feeling you have after your legs have been asleep from sitting the

wrong way? Well, after I bend over for a minute, to say, adjust a rug

on the floor or scoop kitty litter, when I come back upright I get a

sensation of numbness and tingling down both legs. Should I call the

spinal surgeon I have been seeing, call the doctor that did the

epidural steroid injections, or call the surgeon that may do the



> Peggy


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I meant the complete deterioration has occured within 3 yrs time

nancy barnes <nancyb315@...> wrote: hi


I know this is a jrs list but thought some of you might have some knowledge.

Today I went to the orthopedist, expecting to get my usual injections in my

carpometacarpal joints but the x-rays showed the deterioration was so great I

can no longer postpone surgery.

What has puzzled me is that, while I am right handed, the deterioration is

worst in my left hand. I am just puzzled why they would be so deteriorated by

the time I am 50... my daughter has a primary immune deficiency and autoimmune

goes hand-in-hand (no pun intended) and another PIDD mom suggested with my

fibro, arthritis, etc, it might be something to consider.

Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge about why osteo would occur

simultaneously and pretty much equally on both joints? This has happened within

about 3 years time.

thanks for your thoughts,


mom to amanda, 16, fibro, unspecified arthritis, CVID, migraines


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> I'm completely new to this whole candida thing. I was diagnosed with

it in October and stuck very strictly to the diet right up until the

> holidays - when I blew it.

==>You just joined this group so the diet you were on isn't like my

diet for sure!

> Mostly with red wine in the evenings and a few (not too many) carbs.

What I'm wondering is am I back to square one? Do I have to start all

over? Also, could Candida be related to suppressed menses?

==>I don't know if you are back to square one because you probably

wern't on the diet I recommend; other diets contain foods that feed

candida and don't include the good meats and lots of natural saturated

fats that are vital to health like mine does. Menses can be messed up

because of candida for sure. Read my article sent to you when you

join and you'll understand more, or do a search with hormones on my

website: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com

Also please put your name at the end of your messages, mostly for our

blind member. Thanks.


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  • 1 month later...

Did you have itchy skin from AIH, before Imuran, or apart from it?


In a message dated 2/17/07 4:06:39 PM, loesvanderweiden@... writes:




> No I haven't.


> Know that my skin got irritated (itchy / rash) from Immuran




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No I haven't.

Know that my skin got irritated (itchy / rash) from Immuran


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of WOOTTEN

Sent: February 17, 2007 6:11 PM

Subject: [ ] Question

Have any of you taken Naltrexone for itching? If so, let me know. I've got a

few questions.

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I didn't have it started when taking the immuran, and went away when I

stopped it.


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

Sent: February 17, 2007 7:11 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

Did you have itchy skin from AIH, before Imuran, or apart from it?


In a message dated 2/17/07 4:06:39 PM, loesvanderweiden@

<mailto:loesvanderweiden%40cogeco.ca> cogeco.ca writes:




> No I haven't.


> Know that my skin got irritated (itchy / rash) from Immuran




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The only med I've taken has been atarax (it doesn't work). Also,I have

a question. Have any of you had this symptom? From time to time I've

had eye infections. The one I have right now is so very painful! My

eye is Very swollen (puffiness). Also, it's painful; the bones around

my eyes are extremely painful. I cannot even touch my eye & even my

skin, or it sends me to orbit. Thanks for listening to me.


> Have any of you taken Naltrexone for itching? If so, let me know.

I've got a few questions.





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I have a killer sinus headache today but wouldn't attribute this to any

medication; as I've been on one new for 8 days now & this just started


natbtran <natbtran@...> wrote:


The only med I've taken has been atarax (it doesn't work). Also,I have

a question. Have any of you had this symptom? From time to time I've

had eye infections. The one I have right now is so very painful! My

eye is Very swollen (puffiness). Also, it's painful; the bones around

my eyes are extremely painful. I cannot even touch my eye & even my

skin, or it sends me to orbit. Thanks for listening to me.


> Have any of you taken Naltrexone for itching? If so, let me know.

I've got a few questions.





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