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I would never install solar panels " above my head " ...


I'm not a specialist on technical stuff, but I think these are the

disadvantages of solar power on your roof (assuming you live under that roof!):


-Anything metal can act as an antenna (maybe you can ground it, don't know)


-The metal in the solar panel can also block some of the cosmic rays (earth,

sun and space)


-I suppose if you're very close to the solar panel you'll probably have

some emf from the electricity from the solar panel...?


-Probably there is some emf from the convertors/...?





From: Lynn Rose Demartini <lynnindigocenter (DOT) com>

Subject: question

emfrefugee@gro ups.com, groups (DOT) com

Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 9:39 AM


I have a client that posed this question and am wondering if anyone has

explored this..

" Does anybody know if the solar panels are good for our kids health? I am

asking this because we got this very good offer from a company that can

install the solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of our home and we don't

have to own it and pay anything about it - only pay the electricity bills

which will be much lower than what we are paying now and the panels will be

still owned and mainteined from the company. While this is very tempting and

I have always liked the idea of making our home as green as possible, I am

also wondering if this will be better for our and mainly for my kids health.

I know that electricity, EMF radiation and everything wireless is bad, but

what about the electricity generated from solar systems? Is it possible that

this might generate more bad radiation?

Thanks in advance for any information on this topic. "

Lynn Rose Demartini DSH-P, RN, LMT

www.indigocenter. com

www.homeopathyhoust on.com

" If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they

take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of

those who live under tyranny. " - Jefferson

" The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his

patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and

prevention of disease. " - Edison

" Let food be thy medicine; medicine thy food " - Hippocrates

" Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of Nature's protest

and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of

transgression. " - H Kress, MD

" Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. "

- Ephesians 5:11

" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change

the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. " - Margaret Mead

" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do

nothing. " -Edmund Burke

" Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. "

- Luther King, Jr

" Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people. "


" That which is looked upon by one generation as the apex of human knowledge

is often considered an absurdity by the next, and that which is regarded as

a superstition in one century, may form the basis of science for the

following one! " -Paracelsus

" Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light. " -Unknown


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm having a very painful morning. I am sending you prayers. I haven;t had

surgery yet



I'm 3 weeks post-op. Supposedly my L5/S1 discectomy went well. I'm recovering

well from the surgery itself. I had a strength of O, and I'm moving my (L) leg

pretty well now although my gait when I walk isn't what it should be. My

leg/foot was pretty much numb, but I notice it's gotten to be less than surgery.

I can now feel the inside and top of my leg. My foot is driving me crazy still,

and I haven't put shoes on since surgery.

My question is about the nerve pain. I'm off all narcotics. I was given a

steroid pack and went to Motrin after that. I'm able to sleep through the night

now and not be much bothered. I've been able to pull my toes towards me for the

last few days without fire from hell running up my leg. My problem is I can't

stand. I can walk, but I can't stand still for more than a minute or two before

liquid fire burns down my leg. I can't brush my teeth at the sink. I can't mix

a bag of prepared salad. I have to sit down or bend at my knee and pull my foot

back up to get relief to complete the task. The past couple of days, if my calf

hits the side of the bed, it hurts - I'm hoping this is just a sign that I'm

getting more feeling back with time.

Has anyone else had this? Is there anything I can do to help this pain go away

quicker. I'm married with 4 kids, and I can't even prepare a simple meal. I

have to pace in the tub just to be able to get shower. My house is getting

filthy. I don't mind it for a while, but is this pain something that will go

away or is this something that I'll have for the long run. I guess I'm looking

for some hope.


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It sounds like your nerves are firing up and causing this discomfort and issues

with your legs, is time to call your Doc and maybe have him prescribe some

Neurontin, Lyrica or something along those lines... You are only 3 weeks post-op

and it can take up to a year to start feeling the full effect of a spinal

surgery, so take it easy and don't expect too much too soon. Take care,



> I'm 3 weeks post-op. Supposedly my L5/S1 discectomy went well. I'm

recovering well from the surgery itself. I had a strength of O, and I'm moving

my (L) leg pretty well now although my gait when I walk isn't what it should be.

My leg/foot was pretty much numb, but I notice it's gotten to be less than

surgery. I can now feel the inside and top of my leg. My foot is driving me

crazy still, and I haven't put shoes on since surgery.


> My question is about the nerve pain. I'm off all narcotics. I was given a

steroid pack and went to Motrin after that. I'm able to sleep through the night

now and not be much bothered. I've been able to pull my toes towards me for the

last few days without fire from hell running up my leg. My problem is I can't

stand. I can walk, but I can't stand still for more than a minute or two before

liquid fire burns down my leg. I can't brush my teeth at the sink. I can't mix

a bag of prepared salad. I have to sit down or bend at my knee and pull my foot

back up to get relief to complete the task. The past couple of days, if my calf

hits the side of the bed, it hurts - I'm hoping this is just a sign that I'm

getting more feeling back with time.


> Has anyone else had this? Is there anything I can do to help this pain go

away quicker. I'm married with 4 kids, and I can't even prepare a simple meal.

I have to pace in the tub just to be able to get shower. My house is getting

filthy. I don't mind it for a while, but is this pain something that will go

away or is this something that I'll have for the long run. I guess I'm looking

for some hope.


> T


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.

Thanks for any input


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I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.

Thanks for any input


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If you spot something like this right away there are antibiotic plans

that don't require 6-8 weeks. In fact, I'm surprised your pediatrician

would be willing to do that without so much as a positive diagnosis. My

older brother just got Lyme and was able to take one dose of antibiotic

(one pill) because he caught it so early. I would wait the week or so

until she is able to be tested, the symptoms will not progress fast

enough to do much damage within that week.

Quoting Libsak2@...:

> I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

> and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

> bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

> has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

> complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience,

> I immediately

> think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

> we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

> question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

> Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

> 6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.


> Thanks for any input

> Libby




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If you spot something like this right away there are antibiotic plans

that don't require 6-8 weeks. In fact, I'm surprised your pediatrician

would be willing to do that without so much as a positive diagnosis. My

older brother just got Lyme and was able to take one dose of antibiotic

(one pill) because he caught it so early. I would wait the week or so

until she is able to be tested, the symptoms will not progress fast

enough to do much damage within that week.

Quoting Libsak2@...:

> I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

> and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

> bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

> has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

> complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience,

> I immediately

> think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

> we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

> question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

> Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

> 6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.


> Thanks for any input

> Libby




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J;ust start the meds for 6 to 8 wks of what your LLMD tells u too.

Madderra #235

ASSE International Representative

Host Families Needed/www.asse.com

Gift Baskets and Floral arrangements

Order Now


417 288 0085

Re: [ ] Re: question

I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.

Thanks for any input


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J;ust start the meds for 6 to 8 wks of what your LLMD tells u too.

Madderra #235

ASSE International Representative

Host Families Needed/www.asse.com

Gift Baskets and Floral arrangements

Order Now


417 288 0085

Re: [ ] Re: question

I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.

Thanks for any input


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Under the circumstances, I'd commit to the 6-8 weeks of antibiotics (a good

timeframe, btw -- don't settle for less) regardless of test results. As you

know, taking antibiotics, even for that long, is a small thing compared to what

awaits her if it *is* Lyme, and you don't push it down NOW. Waiting two months

is more than long enough for the Lyme to disseminate in her body, making it

almost impossible to eradicate.

Two other considerations. 1) The tests are notoriously flaky, especially in

these early weeks. If anything, it's possible the antibiotics will increase the

antibody level and thus the possibility of a positive result. Some doctors

actually like to give a couple weeks of abx before doing the test for this

reason. And 2) The CDC is quite clear that Lyme is a diagnosis based on clinical

symptoms, and does not require a positive test for treatment. If your doc thinks

it's Lyme based on symptoms and is willing to treat, the CDC backs up that



On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:34 50PM, Libsak2@... wrote:

> I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

> and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

> bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

> has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

> complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


> think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

> we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

> question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

> Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

> 6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.


> Thanks for any input

> Libby




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Under the circumstances, I'd commit to the 6-8 weeks of antibiotics (a good

timeframe, btw -- don't settle for less) regardless of test results. As you

know, taking antibiotics, even for that long, is a small thing compared to what

awaits her if it *is* Lyme, and you don't push it down NOW. Waiting two months

is more than long enough for the Lyme to disseminate in her body, making it

almost impossible to eradicate.

Two other considerations. 1) The tests are notoriously flaky, especially in

these early weeks. If anything, it's possible the antibiotics will increase the

antibody level and thus the possibility of a positive result. Some doctors

actually like to give a couple weeks of abx before doing the test for this

reason. And 2) The CDC is quite clear that Lyme is a diagnosis based on clinical

symptoms, and does not require a positive test for treatment. If your doc thinks

it's Lyme based on symptoms and is willing to treat, the CDC backs up that



On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:34 50PM, Libsak2@... wrote:

> I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

> and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

> bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

> has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

> complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


> think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

> we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

> question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

> Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

> 6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.


> Thanks for any input

> Libby




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Hi Terry,

Glad to hear it's nothing new, but I'm sorry you having such a hard time lately.

I hope the medicine helps. I couldn't take that drug either because I would wake

up and start walking sideways! haha Good luck and hopefully you will adjust to

it soon.


> >

> > I'm 3 weeks post-op. Supposedly my L5/S1 discectomy went well. I'm

recovering well from the surgery itself. I had a strength of O, and I'm moving

my (L) leg pretty well now although my gait when I walk isn't what it should be.

My leg/foot was pretty much numb, but I notice it's gotten to be less than

surgery. I can now feel the inside and top of my leg. My foot is driving me

crazy still, and I haven't put shoes on since surgery.

> >

> > My question is about the nerve pain. I'm off all narcotics. I was given a

steroid pack and went to Motrin after that. I'm able to sleep through the night

now and not be much bothered. I've been able to pull my toes towards me for the

last few days without fire from hell running up my leg. My problem is I can't

stand. I can walk, but I can't stand still for more than a minute or two before

liquid fire burns down my leg. I can't brush my teeth at the sink. I can't mix

a bag of prepared salad. I have to sit down or bend at my knee and pull my foot

back up to get relief to complete the task. The past couple of days, if my calf

hits the side of the bed, it hurts - I'm hoping this is just a sign that I'm

getting more feeling back with time.

> >

> > Has anyone else had this? Is there anything I can do to help this pain go

away quicker. I'm married with 4 kids, and I can't even prepare a simple meal.

I have to pace in the tub just to be able to get shower. My house is getting

filthy. I don't mind it for a while, but is this pain something that will go

away or is this something that I'll have for the long run. I guess I'm looking

for some hope.

> >

> > T

> >


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There is a good chance if you catch it this soon that the abx will take care

of it and there won't be any further problems. I'd put my child (or myself if it

were me) on them immediately. Waiting for results from a test that is not

particularly accurate anyway could lead her into years of illness, and I know

you don't want to do that.



From: Sara <srobinson@...>

Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 10:39:20 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: question


Under the circumstances, I'd commit to the 6-8 weeks of antibiotics (a good

timeframe, btw -- don't settle for less) regardless of test results. As you

know, taking antibiotics, even for that long, is a small thing compared to what

awaits her if it *is* Lyme, and you don't push it down NOW. Waiting two months

is more than long enough for the Lyme to disseminate in her body, making it

almost impossible to eradicate.

Two other considerations. 1) The tests are notoriously flaky, especially in

these early weeks. If anything, it's possible the antibiotics will increase the

antibody level and thus the possibility of a positive result. Some doctors

actually like to give a couple weeks of abx before doing the test for this

reason. And 2) The CDC is quite clear that Lyme is a diagnosis based on clinical

symptoms, and does not require a positive test for treatment. If your doc thinks

it's Lyme based on symptoms and is willing to treat, the CDC backs up that



On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:34 50PM, Libsak2aol (DOT) com wrote:

> I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

> and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

> bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

> has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

> complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


> think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

> we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

> question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

> Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

> 6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.


> Thanks for any input

> Libby




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There is a good chance if you catch it this soon that the abx will take care

of it and there won't be any further problems. I'd put my child (or myself if it

were me) on them immediately. Waiting for results from a test that is not

particularly accurate anyway could lead her into years of illness, and I know

you don't want to do that.



From: Sara <srobinson@...>

Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 10:39:20 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: question


Under the circumstances, I'd commit to the 6-8 weeks of antibiotics (a good

timeframe, btw -- don't settle for less) regardless of test results. As you

know, taking antibiotics, even for that long, is a small thing compared to what

awaits her if it *is* Lyme, and you don't push it down NOW. Waiting two months

is more than long enough for the Lyme to disseminate in her body, making it

almost impossible to eradicate.

Two other considerations. 1) The tests are notoriously flaky, especially in

these early weeks. If anything, it's possible the antibiotics will increase the

antibody level and thus the possibility of a positive result. Some doctors

actually like to give a couple weeks of abx before doing the test for this

reason. And 2) The CDC is quite clear that Lyme is a diagnosis based on clinical

symptoms, and does not require a positive test for treatment. If your doc thinks

it's Lyme based on symptoms and is willing to treat, the CDC backs up that



On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:34 50PM, Libsak2aol (DOT) com wrote:

> I have had Lyme for 5 years and have been feeling well after years of on

> and off treatment. . My 13 year old came home with what looked like a tick

> bite, but no tick. There was no bulls eye rash, but the area looked like it

> has after we have removed ticks in the past. 5 days later she is

> complaining of tiredness and headache. Because of my own experience, I


> think she has Lyme. Her pediatrician is willing to start antibiotics. If

> we do start, what are your thoughts on how long to continue, and my big

> question is, if she starts antibiotics will that effect the results of any

> Lyme test? I truly don't want to wait if it is Lyme, but committing to

> 6/8 weeks of antibiotics without being sure is also an issue.


> Thanks for any input

> Libby




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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Tina,

Although not a group per se, you could go to Curezone.com and then choose

" Enemas & colonics " or " Bowel cleanse " . Go cover the subject I believe you are

interested in and seeking advice.




> From: deb3857wick <deborahkharper@...>

> Subject: Fecal Transfusion

> bowel cleanse

> Date: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 7:49 PM







> Has anyone ever had this done for constipation? I am considering it if I can

find someone in the US that does it. Dr. Borody has great success with

it, but he is in Australia.













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This group is OK for you, even though there are other groups as well. Enema

Therapy comes to mind.

Good to see you again.

Dr. Dan

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Tina P <tinahere21@...> wrote:



> hey all,

> i have a question thats kinda basic but i think its best to ask anyway -

> hope its ok...


> i joined this group recently and have been readin some messages sent to the

> group on cleansing activities that i know nothing about and never heard

> about, so i wonder if this is the good group 4 me, and are there other

> group that would b better 4 me ... im in my 20s and have been gettin enemas

> which i thought would b what a group with this topic was about, but it seems

> like its a bigger topic than i realized! actually the details of the posts

> and replies were amazing - i didnt realize it was such a complicated topic!


> i was interested in comparing my experiences with others but this group

> might b more than im lookin 4. im cool about lookin in other groups if

> there are ones that are more focused on my experiences. just thought it was

> best 2 ask. thanks for all honest replies!

> tina






> From: deb3857wick <deborahkharper@... <deborahkharper%40gmail.com>>

> Subject: Fecal Transfusion

> bowel cleanse <bowel cleanse%40>

> Date: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 7:49 PM




> Has anyone ever had this done for constipation? I am considering it if I

> can find someone in the US that does it. Dr. Borody has great success

> with it, but he is in Australia.



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When they do Gallbladder surgery cant they tell if you have cirrossih or not?

From: sparkles43d <sparkles43d@...>Subject: [ ] Re: Stressing / Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:29 AM

Teri,I'm not on tx yet. I see my gastro Sept. 9th being that my surgeon who did the gallbladder faxed my gastro biopsy results that he did while in there for the gallbladder. I am pretty positive he will recommend it. I'll find out when I see him. I've been keeping a list of new things I've been experiencing. At times my liver feels hard. Like this afternoon and my daughter was pressing in on it and hit a very tender place but that might have been right around the gallbladder incisions. It still hurts now and then from that.My pregnant daughter is still pregnant...Don...send some of your energy and healing powers for baby Killian and so he stays put till after this coming Sun. that's the baby shower. I finished the quilt today just need to wash and iron it. I will get it posted here when I have that done and remember to get the picture before the lighting is too dim.Debbie> > > > > > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>> > Subject: [ ] Stressing / > > "Hcv" < >> > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM> > > > > > Â > > > > > > > >

I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can handle. Hell > >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4 gabapentins, 2 > >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit slow...but the pain is > >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some pills increased > >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it is all the > >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you probably can't > >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you to relax and > >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins. > >> > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don says; you > >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit and thought > >.> > Trudy... Drugged but here , in

OK> > > > > > http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "> > > > "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West> > > > http://oktravels.wordpress.com> > > > http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx> >>

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Hi Debbie,

I too am a quilter,  I hope you do post a pic when it is ready. 

I would love to see it



[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Beth Frey

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:11 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

When they do Gallbladder surgery cant they tell if you

have cirrossih or not?

From: sparkles43d <sparkles43d@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Stressing /

Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:29 AM


I'm not on tx yet. I see my gastro Sept. 9th being that my surgeon who did

the gallbladder faxed my gastro biopsy results that he did while in there for

the gallbladder. I am pretty positive he will recommend it. I'll find out

when I see him.

I've been keeping a list of new things I've been experiencing. At times my

liver feels hard. Like this afternoon and my daughter was pressing in on it

and hit a very tender place but that might have been right around the

gallbladder incisions. It still hurts now and then from that.

My pregnant daughter is still pregnant...Don...send some of your energy and

healing powers for baby Killian and so he stays put till after this

coming Sun. that's the baby shower. I finished the quilt today just need to

wash and iron it. I will get it posted here when I have that done and

remember to get the picture before the lighting is too dim.


> >

> >

> > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>

> > Subject: [ ] Stressing /

> > " Hcv " < >

> > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can

handle. Hell

> >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4

gabapentins, 2

> >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit

slow...but the pain is

> >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some

pills increased

> >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it

is all the

> >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you

probably can't

> >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you

to relax and

> >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins.

> >

> > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don

says; you

> >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit

and thought

> >.

> > Trudy... Drugged but here , in OK

> >

> >

> > http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877


> >

> > " A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West

> >

> > http://oktravels.wordpress.com

> >

> > http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx

> >


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Guest guest

I think the only way to know if you have cirrhosis is by a liver biopsy, but I could be wrong.ny From: Beth Frey <bethfrey42301@...> Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 7:10:37 AMSubject: Re: [ ] Question

When they do Gallbladder surgery cant they tell if you have cirrossih or not?

From: sparkles43d <sparkles43d@ hotmail.com>Subject: [ ] Re: Stressing / Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:29 AM

Teri,I'm not on tx yet. I see my gastro Sept. 9th being that my surgeon who did the gallbladder faxed my gastro biopsy results that he did while in there for the gallbladder. I am pretty positive he will recommend it. I'll find out when I see him. I've been keeping a list of new things I've been experiencing. At times my liver feels hard. Like this afternoon and my daughter was pressing in on it and hit a very tender place but that might have been right around the gallbladder incisions. It still hurts now and then from that.My pregnant daughter is still pregnant...Don. ..send some of your energy and healing powers for baby Killian and so he stays put till after this coming Sun. that's the baby shower. I finished the quilt today just need to wash and iron it. I will get it posted here when I have that done and remember to get the picture before the lighting is too dim.Debbie> > > > > > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>> > Subject: [ ] Stressing / > > "Hcv" < >> > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM> > > > > > Â > > > > > > > >

I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can handle. Hell > >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4 gabapentins, 2 > >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit slow...but the pain is > >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some pills increased > >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it is all the > >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you probably can't > >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you to relax and > >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins. > >> > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don says; you > >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit and thought > >.> > Trudy... Drugged but here , in

OK> > > > > > http://facebook. com/people/ andTrudy- Kinsey/134046087 7 "> > > > "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West> > > > http://oktravels. wordpress. com> > > > http://allrecipes. com/cook/ TrudyK/profile. aspx> >>

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This is true


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Barrett

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:41 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question


think the only way to know if you have cirrhosis

is by a liver biopsy, but I could be wrong.


From: Beth Frey


Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 7:10:37 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

When they do Gallbladder surgery cant they tell if you have

cirrossih or not?

From: sparkles43d <sparkles43d@ hotmail.com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Stressing /

Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:29 AM


I'm not on tx yet. I see my gastro Sept. 9th being that my surgeon who did

the gallbladder faxed my gastro biopsy results that he did while in there for

the gallbladder. I am pretty positive he will recommend it. I'll find out

when I see him.

I've been keeping a list of new things I've been experiencing. At times my

liver feels hard. Like this afternoon and my daughter was pressing in on it

and hit a very tender place but that might have been right around the

gallbladder incisions. It still hurts now and then from that.

My pregnant daughter is still pregnant...Don. ..send some of your energy and

healing powers for baby Killian and so he stays put till after this

coming Sun. that's the baby shower. I finished the quilt today just need to

wash and iron it. I will get it posted here when I have that done and

remember to get the picture before the lighting is too dim.


> >

> >

> > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>

> > Subject: [ ] Stressing /

> > " Hcv " < >

> > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can

handle. Hell

> >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4

gabapentins, 2

> >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit

slow...but the pain is

> >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some

pills increased

> >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it

is all the

> >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you

probably can't

> >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you

to relax and

> >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins.

> >

> > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don

says; you

> >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit

and thought

> >.

> > Trudy... Drugged but here , in OK

> >

> >

> > http://facebook. com/people/ andTrudy- Kinsey/134046087

7 "

> >

> > " A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West

> >

> > http://oktravels.

wordpress. com

> >

> > http://allrecipes. com/cook/ TrudyK/profile. aspx

> >


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Guest guest


The front of the quilt is stamped cross-stitch(embroidered) flannel backing all

hand quilted. I will have a picture on here by the weekend. The surgeon that did

my gallbladder could see my liver with the scope so he took enough of it to

biopsy and the pathology report came back with liver at grade 1 cirrhosis stage

4. I will know more when I see my gastro next month.


> > >

> > >

> > > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>

> > > Subject: [ ] Stressing /

> > > " Hcv " <

<http://us.mc506.mail./mc/compose?to= %40>


> > > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM

> > >

> > >

> > > Â

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can handle.


> > >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4 gabapentins,


> > >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit slow...but the pain


> > >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some pills


> > >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it is all


> > >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you probably


> > >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you to

relax and

> > >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins.

> > >

> > > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don says;


> > >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit and


> > >.

> > > Trudy... Drugged but here , in OK

> > >

> > >

> > > http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

> > >

> > > " A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West

> > >

> > > http://oktravels.wordpress.com <http://oktravels.wordpress.com/>

> > >

> > > http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

For the benefit of those that have been given the opportunity. There is a lot of research and comparison with the non-invasive use of "fibersure". Don would be able to direct us all to his library; but, from what my little mind remembers, this is a method of telling the Drs. what level of damage has been done to the liver as well. However, it's use is still not very widely accepted yet.I don't imagine that a whole lot of us would want to be guinea pigs for a whole lot of testing with both methods.Gloria

This is true


[mailto:HepCWebWarr iors@groups .com] On

Behalf Of Barrett

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:41 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question


think the only way to know if you have cirrhosis

is by a liver biopsy, but I could be wrong.


From: Beth Frey


Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 7:10:37 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

When they do Gallbladder surgery cant they tell if you have

cirrossih or not?

From: sparkles43d <sparkles43d@ hotmail.com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Stressing /

Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:29 AM


I'm not on tx yet. I see my gastro Sept. 9th being that my surgeon who did

the gallbladder faxed my gastro biopsy results that he did while in there for

the gallbladder. I am pretty positive he will recommend it. I'll find out

when I see him.

I've been keeping a list of new things I've been experiencing. At times my

liver feels hard. Like this afternoon and my daughter was pressing in on it

and hit a very tender place but that might have been right around the

gallbladder incisions. It still hurts now and then from that.

My pregnant daughter is still pregnant...Don. ..send some of your energy and

healing powers for baby Killian and so he stays put till after this

coming Sun. that's the baby shower. I finished the quilt today just need to

wash and iron it. I will get it posted here when I have that done and

remember to get the picture before the lighting is too dim.


> >

> >

> > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>

> > Subject: [ ] Stressing /

> > "Hcv" < >

> > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can

handle. Hell

> >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4

gabapentins, 2

> >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit

slow...but the pain is

> >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some

pills increased

> >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it

is all the

> >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you

probably can't

> >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you

to relax and

> >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins.

> >

> > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don

says; you

> >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit

and thought

> >.

> > Trudy... Drugged but here , in OK

> >

> >

> > http://facebook. com/people/ andTrudy- Kinsey/134046087

7 "

> >

> > "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West

> >

> > http://oktravels.

wordpress. com

> >

> > http://allrecipes. com/cook/ TrudyK/profile. aspx

> >


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Guest guest

I thought Fibersure was a yogurt. This coming from the one that thought Scotland was a continent!Giggling in Gurnee,Teri From: Gloria <gadamscan@...> Sent: Wed, August 4, 2010 12:48:27 AMSubject: Re: [ ] Question

For the benefit of those that have been given the opportunity. There is a lot of research and comparison with the non-invasive use of "fibersure". Don would be able to direct us all to his library; but, from what my little mind remembers, this is a method of telling the Drs. what level of damage has been done to the liver as well. However, it's use is still not very widely accepted yet.I don't imagine that a whole lot of us would want to be guinea pigs for a whole lot of testing with both methods.Gloria

This is true


[mailto:HepCWebWarr iors@groups .com] On

Behalf Of Barrett

Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:41 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question


think the only way to know if you have cirrhosis

is by a liver biopsy, but I could be wrong.


From: Beth Frey


Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 7:10:37 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

When they do Gallbladder surgery cant they tell if you have

cirrossih or not?

From: sparkles43d <sparkles43d@ hotmail.com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Stressing /

Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 12:29 AM


I'm not on tx yet. I see my gastro Sept. 9th being that my surgeon who did

the gallbladder faxed my gastro biopsy results that he did while in there for

the gallbladder. I am pretty positive he will recommend it. I'll find out

when I see him.

I've been keeping a list of new things I've been experiencing. At times my

liver feels hard. Like this afternoon and my daughter was pressing in on it

and hit a very tender place but that might have been right around the

gallbladder incisions. It still hurts now and then from that.

My pregnant daughter is still pregnant...Don. ..send some of your energy and

healing powers for baby Killian and so he stays put till after this

coming Sun. that's the baby shower. I finished the quilt today just need to

wash and iron it. I will get it posted here when I have that done and

remember to get the picture before the lighting is too dim.


> >

> >

> > From: Trudy <trudykinsey@>

> > Subject: [ ] Stressing /

> > "Hcv" < >

> > Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 12:54 AM

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> >

> >

> > I think as our pain gets really bad, it is more than the pills can

handle. Hell

> >it's certainly more than I can handle! In the past 4 hours: 4

gabapentins, 2

> >darvons, 1 elavil & my Halcion for sleep. Now I'm a bit

slow...but the pain is

> >just as bad & I can't sleep when it's this bad. Need to get some

pills increased

> >in dosages. Damn. I definately feel for you. I'm sure you realize it

is all the

> >stress in your life right now that has wore your body down....you

probably can't

> >do much about all the situations, but figure out what works for you

to relax and

> >let go of the stress , even just for 15-20 mins.

> >

> > Thinking soothing thoughts for you. Hope the pain eases up. As Don

says; you

> >are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can in spirit

and thought

> >.

> > Trudy... Drugged but here , in OK

> >

> >

> > http://facebook. com/people/ andTrudy- Kinsey/134046087

7 "

> >

> > "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West

> >

> > http://oktravels.

wordpress. com

> >

> > http://allrecipes. com/cook/ TrudyK/profile. aspx

> >


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