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lololololol you know its fun to counce off those beds

i use to put a chair next to the bed to learn melissa about rolling off

the pillows will help

i am glad she didnt get hurt


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I dont know if the water bed mattress can go on a regular bed but they have a

new kind of water bed mattress that goes inside of a cover that is the same

material as a regular mattress cover. It is solid like a regular mattress

too, not smushy like other water bed mattresses. That is what I plan to by

for my daughter if I can get it is a canopy frame.

Charlene(chychys mom)

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you might want to call your local waterbed store and see if they sell the

cover that the water bed mattress goes into. It cuts down on the motion of

water beds but the kids still get the benefit of the waterbed.

Charlene(chychys mom)

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Just another thought. If you put her back in a regular bed, they make heating

pads for hospital type beds that go under the sheet. That way she wouldn't be

exposed to the plug and all. My mom is disabled and has a hospital bed at

home and I buy her heating pads from the medical supply store. they usually

last about 5 years. My mom is very cold natured and uses hers year round.


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Thanks for the great ideas... I will definitely look into them! My husband

is off tomorrow night and all weekend so we plan on trying to get her to

sleep in her bed again. Hopefully she will!

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The new ones that they sell at water bedroom land where I live are able to

have the water bed heater used on them. I am not sure of the brand of the bed

but if I can remember next time I take a trip to town I'll stop in and find

out (just in case anyone is interested in it.)


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In a message dated 9/8/00 11:05:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

chychysworld@... writes:

<< The new ones that they sell at water bedroom land where I live are able


have the water bed heater used on them. >>


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Hi Pat,

I asked the nurse about getting on an anti-depressant. She said they will

not give one before treatment. If one is needed during treatment I will be

refered to mental health. Only because they know more about the

medications, and I shouldn't be alarmed. So far, I'm in great

spirits........Hope this lasts........Bye.....Dee Dee

>From: " Ken & Pat @home " <alleypat@...>

>Reply-Hepatitis Cegroups

><Hepatitis Cegroups>

>Subject: question

>Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 23:57:28 -0500


>I have a question.


>A hepper friend suggested I see a shrink for " support " while on treatment.

>Not that there was any particular thing we were discussing, just that she

>did it and thought it was a good thing.


>But I gotta ask, at what point do we need a shrink?


>I know it's really a personal decision. I'm sorta just thinking out loud


>wanting some feedback. I slept all afternoon and now wide awake! haha


>Are there counselors and/or psychiatrists and/or psychologists who are

>knowledgeable in Hep C and treatment and who work with your specialist?


>Has anyone done this and why?


>What did you gain by it? What were the drawbacks?


>For me I can't see me doing this.


>One - because it takes too much energy. Driving somewhere, taking off work

>for ANOTHER thing, is just not much of an option right now. We have one car

>and 3 people to get to work on a daily basis. So you can imagine the



>Two - I don't think I need it at this point. Like Marty says, everyone gets

> " down " now and then. That's part of life. I've assessed the risks on

>treatment and decided on anti-depressants and keeping close with my husband

>and my specialist as well as my online and live support groups. I trust

>their judgement to tell me if I'm getting " out of hand " and need

>professional help.


>Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying a professional couldn't or wouldn't

>be very helpful to someone going thru treatment. But for me, I'm weighing

>the cost - financially, energy-wise, and my current support system - and

>seeing that it isn't necessary " at this time " .


>But then.. hey.. i was looney before Hep and treatment! hahahahaha. I'm

>being silly of course. I'm so glad this is a short week! Feels like a year

>already since Tues!



>ICQ 12631861





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I'm being treated by a gastro Dr. through Kaiser. I seen his nurse who went

over the Rebetron. She is the one who told me I'd be refeered to Mental

Health, and not to be alarmed. It's all a part of Kaiser, but yeah, it does

seem a little strange that my Dr. couldn't prescribe it. Maybe he can, or I

could go to my PCP. Hopefully I won't need it. Sorry your husband is

having such a hard time on the combo. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

Hanging in there.......Dee Dee

>From: RLWINNE@...

>Reply-Hepatitis Cegroups

>Hepatitis Cegroups

>Subject: Re: question

>Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:09:20 EDT


>Dee Dee


>What kind of doctor or you being treated by for the HCV? It seems strange


>me that they wouldn't know more about the antidepressants since depression


>one of the big sides to the Rebetron combo treatment. The people I know


>have taken the Mental Health route have not gotten much help there for the

>depression from the Combo they always want to go back into their life to


>if something else is causing it first. Who wouldn't get depressed first

>learning about the disease and then the combo treatment on top of that.

>There are a lot of people on this list and that we know here in town with

>many kinds of doctors treating them for different things. We see one


>the Gastro who takes care of everything for my husband who has HCV and

>Porphyria from it and on the Combo. He had a real hard time with the

>depression and takes medication for it that helps him out a whole lot.

>Hopefully you will not need this I am very hopeful for you since you are

>doing so well so far. He has had a very hard time with the sides from the

>very first shot on. Hang in there!!!




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Dee Dee

What kind of doctor or you being treated by for the HCV? It seems strange to

me that they wouldn't know more about the antidepressants since depression is

one of the big sides to the Rebetron combo treatment. The people I know that

have taken the Mental Health route have not gotten much help there for the

depression from the Combo they always want to go back into their life to see

if something else is causing it first. Who wouldn't get depressed first

learning about the disease and then the combo treatment on top of that.

There are a lot of people on this list and that we know here in town with

many kinds of doctors treating them for different things. We see one doctor

the Gastro who takes care of everything for my husband who has HCV and

Porphyria from it and on the Combo. He had a real hard time with the

depression and takes medication for it that helps him out a whole lot.

Hopefully you will not need this I am very hopeful for you since you are

doing so well so far. He has had a very hard time with the sides from the

very first shot on. Hang in there!!!


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Dee Dee.. I think that is a policy of Kaiser, I've heard some other people

talk about it. Perhaps they feel the gastro isn't qualified enough to

evaluate the mental aspects of what the combo can do to a hepper. Which

might make sense when you look at it. It takes some of the work off the

gastro, who now only treats your physical symptoms.

Thankfully, we have a Physician's Asst assigned to us and we can call her

anytime with questions and problems. She has to get the doc's approval for

scripts, but my anti-depressants are standard procedure there (thankfully)

for heppers on combo.

So maybe it's good in the long run, you'll hopefully have a counselor (or

whatever can't type it's 4am) who is familiar with all the possible

mental/emotional sides of combo and hep. Cause my opinion is, if they dont'

know, then you in deep do do. LOL and you'll have to educate em. good luck!


ICQ 12631861



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You know.. if I don't go pcr neg at 6th month, I'm gonna pig out on

chocolate ice cream!!! Let a shrink analyze THAT haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Just

kidding. I didn't want yall to think I was a chocoholic anyway. but man..

sure is good. Hubby was so good to me today, took me to the bookstore till I

got tired then we drove thru Braum's and got big fat chocolate malts.

yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm good to go now :)


ICQ 12631861



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--- " Ken & Pat @home " <alleypat@...> wrote:

> Dee Dee.. I think that is a policy of Kaiser, I've

> heard some other people

> talk about it. Perhaps they feel the gastro isn't

> qualified enough to

> evaluate the mental aspects of what the combo can do

> to a hepper. Which

> might make sense when you look at it. It takes some

> of the work off the

> gastro, who now only treats your physical symptoms.

Another good thing is that people who specialize in

mental health are more familiar with the various

benefits and drawbacks of all the many antidepressants

available, and which work better for various problems.

This can be important since each person may

experience different symptoms of depression, and what

works for one may not work for another.



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it NEVER hurts to try cause if you never try you never know

my friends and family have told me several times

to try and apply for melissa BUT i am the stubborn one

lolololol but i may try it it cant hurt

call the SSI office they can do it over the phone most times

and then send you a appointment and if you cant get some information they

can get it for you remember they will ask for ALL doctors the child has

seen and why

any medical bills you have carry those also

any lab works you can get copies of xrays also

with the shortage of pediatric rhuemys they may send you to your own

that you see now they have to send you to a specialist

also if you have a eye doctor that checks for this and a dentist these

records could help also

a doctors letter of need could help also if the pediatrian is concerned he

could reccomend this help as NEEDED treatment and indifenite a good thing

to do now is go to the state patrol and get the application for a

handicapped sticker for the child and have the pediatrian fill it out this

will also help you

giveing you a time period on the condition and it will be in your childs


on melissas it states indefinte now also you can get a copy of the

medication from the pharmacy this will aslo be your help

sweetie the money is there and everyone of these kids need it

the medicaid will help with 100% of all of it any child 21 years old or


this includes dental and eye doctor and glasses

let me know if your going to at least try


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I'm definitely going to give it a try. The worst they can do is deny it, and

I've heard alot of people get denied the first time and have to appeal. I

just know there has to be something out there to help. I know first hand

that " middle class " people (I don't like to label people, but per se...)

really get the short end of the stick! LOL I would be happy with something

to supplement our insurance, paying for whatever it doesn't cover. But I am

going to make some phone calls tomorrow and see what we can do.

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i will tell you this much

if she is approved she will automatically get the medicaid

the money will depend on things

thats what the kids really need medicine and medical eye dr and glasses and

dental all would be free

this helps out so much


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Hi ,

Good luck today, as you begin the process of trying to locate services

that may be available to your family to help with some of the un-covered

medical costs. It's a good idea to see what options, if any, are

available. Especially when it's not yet an emergency situation. Good

luck. Don't forget to find out if there's a Shriner's Hospital nearby

and check into their program requirements. They have really good OT/PT

people & facilities.

Take care,


imshellrenee@... wrote:

> Robbin,


> I'm definitely going to give it a try. The worst they can do is deny it, and

> I've heard alot of people get denied the first time and have to appeal. I

> just know there has to be something out there to help. I know first hand

> that " middle class " people (I don't like to label people, but per se...)

> really get the short end of the stick! LOL I would be happy with something

> to supplement our insurance, paying for whatever it doesn't cover. But I am

> going to make some phone calls tomorrow and see what we can do.



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I know SSI is based on total household income. So your husbands income might

be to high to qualify you.

There is a boy here in Florida that has pauci jra thats is on SSI. I dont

know if he has any other disabilities but jra is the only one I'm aware he


Charlene(chychys mom)

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I spoke to Kelsey's doctor today and she told me of a program here called

Children's Specialty Services, and she is a participating physician with it.

She said alot of her patients qualify for this and not medicaid, so I guess

the income standards are figured differently. We do qualify for this, and

I'm waiting on a call back to find out what kind of benefits are included. I

do know it will cover all rheumatology related care, and hopefully PT, and

according to our income we would pay a $90 annual fee for the services, which

is certainly more affordable than $1400/month for PT! They said it wouldn't

cover regular pediatrician visits, but I'm not worried about those since our

insurance covers them. As soon as I find out all the details I'll let you

all know. Thanks for all the help,

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My daughter has Mediacl Assistance, her pediatrition suggested it. All I did

was take the letter, from the ped.to the welfare office. Even thought she is

on remission her pediatrition keeps it active. Because of nature of the

desaease at like most these kids she has other problems. It helped us. When

she first goot sick I was 2000

dollars in dpt in less then a month. I have ins too. This was just copays and

deductabliles. Good Luck SHU

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Dee Dee,

Not really that strange, my doc wouldn't evern prescribe me any thing for

headaches, had to go through my primary , so its just another quirk in the

medical field these days, prob to get more money out of us. Have often

wondered how some people even here on the list are getting all kinds of meds

through theie GI doc , I am not on prescription antidepresants and am

doing okay, down at times however I am taking St. s Wort which has

helped quite abit . Keep in touch


From: " Dee Dee " <deetaylor76@...>

Reply-Hepatitis Cegroups

Hepatitis Cegroups

Subject: Re: question

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:39:15 PDT


I'm being treated by a gastro Dr. through Kaiser. I seen his nurse who went

over the Rebetron. She is the one who told me I'd be refeered to Mental

Health, and not to be alarmed. It's all a part of Kaiser, but yeah, it does

seem a little strange that my Dr. couldn't prescribe it. Maybe he can, or I

could go to my PCP. Hopefully I won't need it. Sorry your husband is

having such a hard time on the combo. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

Hanging in there.......Dee Dee

>From: RLWINNE@...

>Reply-Hepatitis Cegroups

>Hepatitis Cegroups

>Subject: Re: question

>Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:09:20 EDT


>Dee Dee


>What kind of doctor or you being treated by for the HCV? It seems strange


>me that they wouldn't know more about the antidepressants since depression


>one of the big sides to the Rebetron combo treatment. The people I know


>have taken the Mental Health route have not gotten much help there for the

>depression from the Combo they always want to go back into their life to


>if something else is causing it first. Who wouldn't get depressed first

>learning about the disease and then the combo treatment on top of that.

>There are a lot of people on this list and that we know here in town with

>many kinds of doctors treating them for different things. We see one


>the Gastro who takes care of everything for my husband who has HCV and

>Porphyria from it and on the Combo. He had a real hard time with the

>depression and takes medication for it that helps him out a whole lot.

>Hopefully you will not need this I am very hopeful for you since you are

>doing so well so far. He has had a very hard time with the sides from the

>very first shot on. Hang in there!!!




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Dee Dee,

Not really that strange, my doc wouldn't evern prescribe me any thing for

headaches, had to go through my primary , so its just another quirk in the

medical field these days, prob to get more money out of us. Have often

wondered how some people even here on the list are getting all kinds of meds

through theie GI doc , I am not on prescription antidepresants and am

doing okay, down at times however I am taking St. s Wort which has

helped quite abit . Keep in touch


From: " Dee Dee " <deetaylor76@...>

Reply-Hepatitis Cegroups

Hepatitis Cegroups

Subject: Re: question

Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:39:15 PDT


I'm being treated by a gastro Dr. through Kaiser. I seen his nurse who went

over the Rebetron. She is the one who told me I'd be refeered to Mental

Health, and not to be alarmed. It's all a part of Kaiser, but yeah, it does

seem a little strange that my Dr. couldn't prescribe it. Maybe he can, or I

could go to my PCP. Hopefully I won't need it. Sorry your husband is

having such a hard time on the combo. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

Hanging in there.......Dee Dee

>From: RLWINNE@...

>Reply-Hepatitis Cegroups

>Hepatitis Cegroups

>Subject: Re: question

>Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 20:09:20 EDT


>Dee Dee


>What kind of doctor or you being treated by for the HCV? It seems strange


>me that they wouldn't know more about the antidepressants since depression


>one of the big sides to the Rebetron combo treatment. The people I know


>have taken the Mental Health route have not gotten much help there for the

>depression from the Combo they always want to go back into their life to


>if something else is causing it first. Who wouldn't get depressed first

>learning about the disease and then the combo treatment on top of that.

>There are a lot of people on this list and that we know here in town with

>many kinds of doctors treating them for different things. We see one


>the Gastro who takes care of everything for my husband who has HCV and

>Porphyria from it and on the Combo. He had a real hard time with the

>depression and takes medication for it that helps him out a whole lot.

>Hopefully you will not need this I am very hopeful for you since you are

>doing so well so far. He has had a very hard time with the sides from the

>very first shot on. Hang in there!!!




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I think we are very lucky to have found a Gastro doctor that takes care of

all my husbands woes instead of going to several as it seems most people on

this list have to do. I know others here in town that see many different

doctors also. He has prescribed the antidepressants and pain pills ect. that

he needs to make it through this Rebetron Combo treatment. Hope everyone has

a nice day today.


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