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I think we are very lucky to have found a Gastro doctor that takes care of

all my husbands woes instead of going to several as it seems most people on

this list have to do. I know others here in town that see many different

doctors also. He has prescribed the antidepressants and pain pills ect. that

he needs to make it through this Rebetron Combo treatment. Hope everyone has

a nice day today.


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I think we are very lucky to have found a Gastro doctor that takes care of

all my husbands woes instead of going to several as it seems most people on

this list have to do. I know others here in town that see many different

doctors also. He has prescribed the antidepressants and pain pills ect. that

he needs to make it through this Rebetron Combo treatment. Hope everyone has

a nice day today.


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I think we are very lucky to have found a Gastro doctor that takes care of

all my husbands woes instead of going to several as it seems most people on

this list have to do. I know others here in town that see many different

doctors also. He has prescribed the antidepressants and pain pills ect. that

he needs to make it through this Rebetron Combo treatment. Hope everyone has

a nice day today.


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Yes, because they said we as a family made too much money. Figure this one

out they take my husbands income and divide it by 7, that is the number of

people in this house and that portion becomes holly's income, and she

supposedly still makes too much money, what a farce :-( AJ

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My daughter was taken off SSI in 96 because they said she was no longer

disabled under the new law of the monetary part, but she does get disability

medicaid. So I just gave up fighting for it.


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Of course money is always nice, but I don't think we really need SSI for the

financial benefit, but we definitely need medical assistance. We have a

program here through the health department called Children's Specialty

Services, and even if you don't qualify for medicaid you can get this

sometimes. Fortunately, we do qualify and we will be paying an annual fee

(which is based on a sliding scale) of $90, and Kelsey will be seeing the

same ped. rheumatologist only at another hospital, which happens to be closer

anyway :) Also, this will cover her PT, but I'm not sure where it will be

yet. So I think $90 a year is awesome to get such coverage! This will cover

what our insurance does not. So searching for help really paid off, and we

seem to be set now!

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They just say that under the new law she no longer disabled and why they

say that when thing are still getting worse I don't know. I have even meet

with the SSI drs. they have and I guess this was their conclusion, so I just

stopped trying. I'm now in the process of applying again.


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ok thats good and at least you have that

one of the counselors today said they were talking about melissa the other


and wondered if we had been seeing the shriners hospital staff i said no why?

she said that the shriners had been to the school asking about any

chronically ill children and said to tell us about them

i told her thanks and if i needed it i would let her know

this is a help if they went to all the schools


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Hi ,

I'm so glad that you were able to find this program! That will be a big

help. One less thing to worry about.

All the best,


imshellrenee@... wrote:

> We have a

> program here through the health department called Children's Specialty

> Services, and even if you don't qualify for medicaid you can get this

> sometimes. Fortunately, we do qualify and we will be paying an annual fee

> (which is based on a sliding scale) of $90, and Kelsey will be seeing the

> same ped. rheumatologist only at another hospital, which happens to be closer

> anyway :) Also, this will cover her PT, but I'm not sure where it will be

> yet. So I think $90 a year is awesome to get such coverage! This will cover

> what our insurance does not. So searching for help really paid off, and we

> seem to be set now!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Connie, Type II is adult onset diabetes, I believe. Yes, there is a

correlation between any liver disease and diabetes. You are about the

3rd/4th person I've heard of being diag. lately with HCV & diabetes.

Sometimes it does seem like a never-ending road.....glad we are al here for

each other. We can walk it better hand-in-hand. Blessings and Love, gee

" We can do no great things; only small things with great Love. " Mother

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In a message dated 10/12/00 7:56:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

LoesvanderWeiden@... writes:


I woke up this morning and found I had some small blisters in my mouth.

Never had this. Hurts esp. when eating. Can this be due to Prednison.

More important does anyone know something I can do?

Loes aih Holland >>


I had that happen to me. I thought it was from the imuran. My doctor wasn't

too concerned and they went away. Good luck,


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