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Re: Changing my diet has made my pain go away.

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Guest guest

> > I saw results pretty soon. I began to feel better and better. Two nights


> >

> > I went out to eat and ate 3 bites of key lime pie and 2 bites of white


> > and felt really badly the next morning. So, I ate some fresh pineapple and

> > the pain in my joints stopped hurting. I'm learning to not eat these things

> > because I know they'll make me hurt in my joints and the hurting is not

> > worth the pleasure of eating. For dinnner, tonight, I just had 2 sweet

> > potatoes. All fresh vegetables, steamed, are good except the ones

> > mentioned. Also, garlic seems to help. Oh, for snacks, I ate triscuts with

> > no problem...either the rye or reduced fat didn't cause me any problems.

> >

> > 1. Eat a diet low in fat, salt, and animal protein. Use only canola or


> > oil.

> > 2. Eat asparagus, eggs, garlic, and onions.

> > 3. Eat brown rice, fish, green leafy vegetables, nonacidic fresh fruits,

> > oatmeal,

> > and whole grains.

> > 4. Eat fresh (not canned) pineapple frequently. Bromelain, an enzyme in


> >

> > pineapple reduces inflamation.

> > 5. Use some form of fiber daily. Whole wheat cereal without sugar or salt

> > is available....but, I've been eating triscuits and fresh fruit.

> > 6. Do not consume milk, dairy products, or red meat. Also avoid caffeine,

> > citrus fruits, paprika, salt, tobacco, and everything that contains


> >

> > 7. Avoid nighshade vegetables....peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, white


> > 8. Get your iron from your food, not supplements.

> > 9. Avoid eating alfalfa sprouts.

> > 10 Get plenty of rest and regular moderate exercise.

> > 11 Avoid strong sunlight and use protection from the sun.

> > 12 Avoid use of birth control pills. They may cause a flare.

> >

> > For dinner, one could have baked chicken, brown rice, and a vegetable. Eat

> > only bread with whole wheat flour...you'll have to check ingredients. Just

> > because

> > the bread is brown doesn't mean that it doesn't have bleached flour in it.

> >

> > Good luck and I hope that you feel as good as I do soon.

> >

> > Let me know if it helps you.

> >

> > Delaine

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Just read your email. Your diet looks like it might help. I am going to try

it. Thanks for the advice. I am at the point of just about trying anything.

Your diet makes a lot of sense. I just have to have some relief from this

pain. Pain medicine doesn't even help.

Sincerely, Anjillah

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Guest guest


I'm glad that the diet is helping you. I've read a lot about that book and

have heard many people have great success with it. I am glad that you

realize that it is not a cure. So many people stop their medication after

feeling better, and then get into trouble. Let us know how you are doing.

You may have company with your new diet! If nothing else maybe I could drop

ten pounds or so :)


----- Original Message -----

From: Jim & Delaine Lowry <keywest@...>

onelist < egroups>; <keywest@...>

Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 8:32 PM

Subject: [ ] Changing my diet has made my pain go away.

> I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 2 years. I have been on prednisone

> and

> finally got off of it and will not ever take it again. I've taken arava

> for 1.5

> years and methotrexate for 2 years. Even with taking the prednisone and


> arava, I have been in tremendous pain in my ankles, knees, wrists, and

> elbows and even in my fingers.


> About a month ago, my hairdresser told me how a change in diet had

> almost

> cured her RA. She told me that she didn't eat anything white (white

> rice, white

> bread, white potatoes, white crackers, white sugar, etc.), no shellfish,

> no dairy

> products, no pork, beef only occasionally, no alcohol, and only one cup

> of

> coffee per day..


> Since I was hurting so badly, I thought that I would try it and see if

> it would help

> me. I also found my Prescription for Nutritional Healing (you can find

> these in

> Walgreens, Sam's Wholesale Club, many nutrition stores. I looked up

> Lupus

> because I figured that it was similar to RA. It's recommendations were

> similar.

> The Nutritional Healing book said to eat asparagus, eggs, garlic and

> onions.

> Eat brown rice, fish, green leafy vegetables, nonacidic fresh fruits,

> oatmeal,

> and whole grains. It also said to avoid tobacco, paprika, everything

> that

> contains sugar, no nighshad vegetables - white potatoes, tomatoes,

> eggplant,

> peppers. Avoid eating alfalfa sprouts.


> Eat fresh pineapple frequently as it is excellent for reducing

> inflamation.


> Also, avoid strong sunlight and avoid using birth control pills.


> I had been taking birth control pills almost the entire time...because

> one

> doctor suggested them. I stopped taking them, and I felt a little

> better.


> Then, I tried to stay on the above diet. It worked very well.


> I'm still taking arava and methotrexate; however, I'm in NO PAIN at all

> when

> I follow the diet. However, if I eat anything beside this diet, my RA

> flares up.

> However, the fresh pineapple seems to really help the inflamation.


> I'm not taking ANYthing for pain anymore...no more celebrex, advils,

> etc.


> If anyone is hurting really badly, they might want to try this diet.

> The book

> also gives a list of vitamins to take.


> My husband used to bring me a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip bagel

> with

> cream cheese to me in bed each morning for breakfast. So, I was

> starting my

> day with all the wrong stuff.


> If anyone is interested in the remaining of this article about lupus and

> can't find

> the book, e-mail me and I'll try to make a picture of the pages and mail

> them

> to you.


> The diet doesn't cost anything and if it helps any of you as much as it

> helped

> me, you'll be glad that you tried it.


> My RA is NOT cured..I'm still taking my medication; however, the diet

> has kept me

> almost pain free for a few weeks now. I'm getting my energy back and my

> outlook

> on life is MUCH better than before.





> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Looking for SUPPORT on lowering Long Distance bills? Join beMANY!

> Our huge buying group gives you Long Distance rates which fall

> monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls!

> 1/4830/6/_/478567/_/960856777/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> URL to change your membership options:


> RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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Guest guest

Could I please find out how to get a copy of the diet...I will do anything

for pain relief.....

Thank you for your assistance

----- Original Message -----

From: " a " <aA@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 3:42 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Changing my diet has made my pain go away.

> Delaine,


> I'm glad that the diet is helping you. I've read a lot about that book


> have heard many people have great success with it. I am glad that you

> realize that it is not a cure. So many people stop their medication after

> feeling better, and then get into trouble. Let us know how you are doing.

> You may have company with your new diet! If nothing else maybe I could


> ten pounds or so :)


> a



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Jim & Delaine Lowry <keywest@...>

> onelist < egroups>; <keywest@...>

> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 8:32 PM

> Subject: [ ] Changing my diet has made my pain go away.



> > I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 2 years. I have been on prednisone

> > and

> > finally got off of it and will not ever take it again. I've taken arava

> > for 1.5

> > years and methotrexate for 2 years. Even with taking the prednisone and

> >

> > arava, I have been in tremendous pain in my ankles, knees, wrists, and

> > elbows and even in my fingers.

> >

> > About a month ago, my hairdresser told me how a change in diet had

> > almost

> > cured her RA. She told me that she didn't eat anything white (white

> > rice, white

> > bread, white potatoes, white crackers, white sugar, etc.), no shellfish,

> > no dairy

> > products, no pork, beef only occasionally, no alcohol, and only one cup

> > of

> > coffee per day..

> >

> > Since I was hurting so badly, I thought that I would try it and see if

> > it would help

> > me. I also found my Prescription for Nutritional Healing (you can find

> > these in

> > Walgreens, Sam's Wholesale Club, many nutrition stores. I looked up

> > Lupus

> > because I figured that it was similar to RA. It's recommendations were

> > similar.

> > The Nutritional Healing book said to eat asparagus, eggs, garlic and

> > onions.

> > Eat brown rice, fish, green leafy vegetables, nonacidic fresh fruits,

> > oatmeal,

> > and whole grains. It also said to avoid tobacco, paprika, everything

> > that

> > contains sugar, no nighshad vegetables - white potatoes, tomatoes,

> > eggplant,

> > peppers. Avoid eating alfalfa sprouts.

> >

> > Eat fresh pineapple frequently as it is excellent for reducing

> > inflamation.

> >

> > Also, avoid strong sunlight and avoid using birth control pills.

> >

> > I had been taking birth control pills almost the entire time...because

> > one

> > doctor suggested them. I stopped taking them, and I felt a little

> > better.

> >

> > Then, I tried to stay on the above diet. It worked very well.

> >

> > I'm still taking arava and methotrexate; however, I'm in NO PAIN at all

> > when

> > I follow the diet. However, if I eat anything beside this diet, my RA

> > flares up.

> > However, the fresh pineapple seems to really help the inflamation.

> >

> > I'm not taking ANYthing for pain anymore...no more celebrex, advils,

> > etc.

> >

> > If anyone is hurting really badly, they might want to try this diet.

> > The book

> > also gives a list of vitamins to take.

> >

> > My husband used to bring me a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip bagel

> > with

> > cream cheese to me in bed each morning for breakfast. So, I was

> > starting my

> > day with all the wrong stuff.

> >

> > If anyone is interested in the remaining of this article about lupus and

> > can't find

> > the book, e-mail me and I'll try to make a picture of the pages and mail

> > them

> > to you.

> >

> > The diet doesn't cost anything and if it helps any of you as much as it

> > helped

> > me, you'll be glad that you tried it.

> >

> > My RA is NOT cured..I'm still taking my medication; however, the diet

> > has kept me

> > almost pain free for a few weeks now. I'm getting my energy back and my

> > outlook

> > on life is MUCH better than before.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Looking for SUPPORT on lowering Long Distance bills? Join beMANY!

> > Our huge buying group gives you Long Distance rates which fall

> > monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls!

> > 1/4830/6/_/478567/_/960856777/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > URL to change your membership options:

> /group/

> > RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> > Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Get your cash there fast.

> Use PayPal to send money via email.

> Sign up today.

> 1/5025/6/_/478567/_/960929121/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> URL to change your membership options:


> RA-support website: http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start



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Guest guest


Probably the cheapest and easiest is


It's an online book store that has great prices

and you don't have to leave home. What meds are

you currently taking? Have you tried different

drug combos to get relief? Sorry you are in so

much pain. I hope you feel better.


-----Original Message-----



Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 6:02 PM


Subject: Re: [ ] Changing my diet has

made my pain go away.

Could I please find out how to get a copy of the

diet...I will do anything

for pain relief.....

Thank you for your assistance

----- Original Message -----

From: " a " <aA@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 3:42 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Changing my diet has

made my pain go away.

> Delaine,


> I'm glad that the diet is helping you. I've

read a lot about that book


> have heard many people have great success with

it. I am glad that you

> realize that it is not a cure. So many people

stop their medication after

> feeling better, and then get into trouble. Let

us know how you are doing.

> You may have company with your new diet! If

nothing else maybe I could


> ten pounds or so :)


> a



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Jim & Delaine Lowry <keywest@...>

> onelist

< egroups>; <keywest@...>

> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 8:32 PM

> Subject: [ ] Changing my diet has made

my pain go away.



> > I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 2 years.

I have been on prednisone

> > and

> > finally got off of it and will not ever take

it again. I've taken arava

> > for 1.5

> > years and methotrexate for 2 years. Even with

taking the prednisone and

> >

> > arava, I have been in tremendous pain in my

ankles, knees, wrists, and

> > elbows and even in my fingers.

> >

> > About a month ago, my hairdresser told me how

a change in diet had

> > almost

> > cured her RA. She told me that she didn't eat

anything white (white

> > rice, white

> > bread, white potatoes, white crackers, white

sugar, etc.), no shellfish,

> > no dairy

> > products, no pork, beef only occasionally, no

alcohol, and only one cup

> > of

> > coffee per day..

> >

> > Since I was hurting so badly, I thought that I

would try it and see if

> > it would help

> > me. I also found my Prescription for

Nutritional Healing (you can find

> > these in

> > Walgreens, Sam's Wholesale Club, many

nutrition stores. I looked up

> > Lupus

> > because I figured that it was similar to RA.

It's recommendations were

> > similar.

> > The Nutritional Healing book said to eat

asparagus, eggs, garlic and

> > onions.

> > Eat brown rice, fish, green leafy vegetables,

nonacidic fresh fruits,

> > oatmeal,

> > and whole grains. It also said to avoid

tobacco, paprika, everything

> > that

> > contains sugar, no nighshad vegetables - white

potatoes, tomatoes,

> > eggplant,

> > peppers. Avoid eating alfalfa sprouts.

> >

> > Eat fresh pineapple frequently as it is

excellent for reducing

> > inflamation.

> >

> > Also, avoid strong sunlight and avoid using

birth control pills.

> >

> > I had been taking birth control pills almost

the entire time...because

> > one

> > doctor suggested them. I stopped taking them,

and I felt a little

> > better.

> >

> > Then, I tried to stay on the above diet. It

worked very well.

> >

> > I'm still taking arava and methotrexate;

however, I'm in NO PAIN at all

> > when

> > I follow the diet. However, if I eat anything

beside this diet, my RA

> > flares up.

> > However, the fresh pineapple seems to really

help the inflamation.

> >

> > I'm not taking ANYthing for pain anymore...no

more celebrex, advils,

> > etc.

> >

> > If anyone is hurting really badly, they might

want to try this diet.

> > The book

> > also gives a list of vitamins to take.

> >

> > My husband used to bring me a cup of coffee

and a chocolate chip bagel

> > with

> > cream cheese to me in bed each morning for

breakfast. So, I was

> > starting my

> > day with all the wrong stuff.

> >

> > If anyone is interested in the remaining of

this article about lupus and

> > can't find

> > the book, e-mail me and I'll try to make a

picture of the pages and mail

> > them

> > to you.

> >

> > The diet doesn't cost anything and if it helps

any of you as much as it

> > helped

> > me, you'll be glad that you tried it.

> >

> > My RA is NOT cured..I'm still taking my

medication; however, the diet

> > has kept me

> > almost pain free for a few weeks now. I'm

getting my energy back and my

> > outlook

> > on life is MUCH better than before.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ------------------------------------------------


> > Looking for SUPPORT on lowering Long Distance

bills? Join beMANY!

> > Our huge buying group gives you Long Distance

rates which fall

> > monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls!

> >




> ------------------------------------------------


> >

> > URL to change your membership options:

> /group/

> > RA-support website:


> > Our chat room:


> >



> ------------------------------------------------


> Get your cash there fast.

> Use PayPal to send money via email.

> Sign up today.




> ------------------------------------------------



> URL to change your membership options:


> RA-support website:


> Our chat room:






Accurate impartial advice on everything from

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Guest guest


> > I saw results pretty soon. I began to feel better and better. Two nights


> >

> > I went out to eat and ate 3 bites of key lime pie and 2 bites of white


> > and felt really badly the next morning. So, I ate some fresh pineapple and

> > the pain in my joints stopped hurting. I'm learning to not eat these things

> > because I know they'll make me hurt in my joints and the hurting is not

> > worth the pleasure of eating. All fresh vegetables, steamed, are good

> except the ones

> > mentioned. Also, garlic seems to help. Oh, for snacks, I ate triscuts with

> > no problem...either the rye or reduced fat didn't cause me any problems.

> >

> This is a condensed version of the diet.

> > 1. Eat a diet low in fat, salt, and animal protein. Use only canola or


> > oil.

> > 2. Eat asparagus, eggs, garlic, and onions.

> > 3. Eat brown rice, fish, green leafy vegetables, nonacidic fresh fruits,

> > oatmeal,

> > and whole grains.

> > 4. Eat fresh (not canned) pineapple frequently. Bromelain, an enzyme in


> > pineapple reduces inflamation.

> > 5. Use some form of fiber daily.

> > 6. Do not consume milk, dairy products, or red meat. Also avoid caffeine,

> > citrus fruits, paprika, salt, tobacco, and everything that contains


> > 7. Avoid nighshade vegetables....peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, white


> > 8. Get your iron from your food, not supplements.

> > 9. Avoid eating alfalfa sprouts.

> > 10 Get plenty of rest and regular moderate exercise.

> > 11 Avoid strong sunlight and use protection from the sun.

> > 12 Avoid use of birth control pills. They may cause a flare.

I'd like to know if it helps anyone else as much as it has helped me.

I'm still taking all my medications...just, now, I'm not in pain. I haven't

needed a celebrex or advil in several weeks.


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