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graves disease

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In a message dated 4/7/00 10:35:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

nimbin@... writes:

<< Dear Group, this is my correct email address nimbin@...

After about three years of rapid weight gain, fatigue, difficulty

concentrating, muscle weakness, tachycardia, hypertension and breathlessness,

I finally convinced my GP to do a full set of bloods. The results..Graves


An ultrasound of my thyroid showed normal size and consistency. The doctor

offered Neomercozole and began explaining possible side effects and the fact

that it would bring levels to hypo. This rang alarm bells. My thyroid looks

normal yet it is going haywire.

Would there be another reason?? The doctor wants to fix it so that I would

be on medication for the rest of my life.......No thanks!!

I approached my homeopath who prescribed a remedy. Within days the symptoms

were more comfortable to live with. More frequent doses alleviated them

further. The addition of a homeopathic remedy to relieve blood pressure and a

one for fatigue were added.

The doctor was concerned that I would have a thyrotoxic crises. I stuck to

the alternative approach despite pressure from all sides and the fact I knew

I would take longer to get well. It was a big step.

Within six months both my T3 and T4 levels are back to normal. TSH is still

below normal.

Blood pressure and pulse normal now thyroid is not driving them. The

homeopathics brought them into a comfortable range while I was still sick.

Before homeopathics for blood pressure it was 210\130. Within two weeks


As well as homeopathy I began too look at my lifestyle. Skipped meals, own

business, stress and on and on. I had a naturopathic consultation....he said

I was low in various minerals including Selenium. This was in the early

days. He also prescribed kelp. I took kelp for about ten days and T3 and T4

went up. So I discontinued kelp. I am eating hazelnuts about three times a

week to help with selenium.

My weight has not done any dramatic turn around since normalization of

levels. I have managed to hold on to all of it since levels came done. How is

it that I have a disease that makes some people thin and I, an already

overweight woman get really fat..? My doctor said God is a stand up comedian

and we just don't get the jokes........Ha!

Through all of this I stayed in consultation with my doctor to monitor blood

levels. I had a contract with him that if my resting pulse in the morning was

over 100 that I would commence his treatment. Luckily for me this was already

well under control with the addition of the other homeopathics....I knew at

this stage it wouldn't.

Have you any suggestions to help me not drop into hypothyroid state ? I

don't need any more difficulty with my weight.

I would like to return to good health, a comfortable weight and normal

energy levels

Thanks. Hope this also gives some other sufferers some hope.


PS please note my homeopath is an exceptionally good one who only uses hand

made Indian homeopathics. >>

Dear Group, this is my correct email address nimbin@...

After about three years of rapid weight gain, fatigue, difficulty concentrating,

muscle weakness, tachycardia, hypertension and breathlessness, I finally

convinced my GP to do a full set of bloods. The results..Graves disease.

An ultrasound of my thyroid showed normal size and consistency. The doctor

offered Neomercozole and began explaining possible side effects and the fact

that it would bring levels to hypo. This rang alarm bells. My thyroid looks

normal yet it is going haywire.

Would there be another reason?? The doctor wants to fix it so that I would be on

medication for the rest of my life.......No thanks!!

I approached my homeopath who prescribed a remedy. Within days the symptoms were

more comfortable to live with. More frequent doses alleviated them further. The

addition of a homeopathic remedy to relieve blood pressure and a one for fatigue

were added.

The doctor was concerned that I would have a thyrotoxic crises. I stuck to the

alternative approach despite pressure from all sides and the fact I knew I would

take longer to get well. It was a big step.

Within six months both my T3 and T4 levels are back to normal. TSH is still

below normal.

Blood pressure and pulse normal now thyroid is not driving them. The

homeopathics brought them into a comfortable range while I was still sick.

Before homeopathics for blood pressure it was 210\130. Within two weeks 120/80.

As well as homeopathy I began too look at my lifestyle. Skipped meals, own

business, stress and on and on. I had a naturopathic consultation....he said I

was low in various minerals including Selenium. This was in the early days. He

also prescribed kelp. I took kelp for about ten days and T3 and T4 went up. So

I discontinued kelp. I am eating hazelnuts about three times a week to help with


My weight has not done any dramatic turn around since normalization of levels. I

have managed to hold on to all of it since levels came done. How is it that I

have a disease that makes some people thin and I, an already overweight woman

get really fat..? My doctor said God is a stand up comedian and we just don't

get the jokes........Ha!

Through all of this I stayed in consultation with my doctor to monitor blood

levels. I had a contract with him that if my resting pulse in the morning was

over 100 that I would commence his treatment. Luckily for me this was already

well under control with the addition of the other homeopathics....I knew at this

stage it wouldn't.

Have you any suggestions to help me not drop into hypothyroid state ? I don't

need any more difficulty with my weight.

I would like to return to good health, a comfortable weight and normal energy


Thanks. Hope this also gives some other sufferers some hope.


PS please note my homeopath is an exceptionally good one who only uses hand

made Indian homeopathics.

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 08/16/2001 1:27:10 PM Central Daylight Time,

ejohns9525@... writes:

> Ten years ago a friend had Graves disease and the doctors suggested he

> have his thyroid killed with radioactive something.


> Now he is having alot of problems with his eyes and the same doctors say it

> is

> his Graves problem. Is there anything this person can do that would

> over ride this?


> Thanks,

> Edith

> ps

I forgot to say that he did allow them to do the treatment to kill his



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In a message dated 08/16/2001 1:27:10 PM Central Daylight Time,

ejohns9525@... writes:

> Ten years ago a friend had Graves disease and the doctors suggested he

> have his thyroid killed with radioactive something.


> Now he is having alot of problems with his eyes and the same doctors say it

> is

> his Graves problem. Is there anything this person can do that would

> over ride this?


> Thanks,

> Edith

> ps

I forgot to say that he did allow them to do the treatment to kill his



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  • 5 years later...

My neice is 23 years old and has (or had?) Graves disease. They zapped her thyroid with radioactive iodine, and it is gone. She is on Synthroid. Does she have options other than Synthroid?

<<SB>>> Yes she does! She can use Armour which is a desiccated pig thyroid gland. I lost my thyroid to cancer 7 years ago and was on Synthroid for 6 years. I switched to Armour in January and it has been nothing short of a miracle. I feel so much better! She can look at the doctors on www.acam.org for help. The odds of her finding a military doctor to treat her the right way and prescribe natural therapies are slim to none. Most of us that choose the "alternative" treatment options pay for most if not all of the care out of their own pockets. I know I do.

Will Iodine still help her if she doesn't even have a thyroid?

<<SB>> Absolutely!!! Iodine is not only used by the thyroid but by the breasts, salavary glands, intestines, stomach and more. It is a vital nutrient needed to help regulate the normal lifecycle of cells. Please go to www.optimox.com and read the iodine research there. You will learn about what doctors like Flechas, Brownstein (my doctor) and Abraham have found.

How would she go about finding a doctor that would help her? Her husband is in the military, so I would imagine that she's limited to military doctors - not sure how that works. They live in Colorado Springs. What resources are available to her to treat herself if she cannot find a doctor who will help?

<<<SB>> http://www.acam.org/dr_search/index.php?q=CO & search=Search & field=state & submitted=1 is the link to the Colorado group of doctors. I would have to say that I am not convinced that self treating is the best option for thyroid issues. There are many that do this and I understand the desperation but I think that your body is very complex and sometimes I see people blaming all issues on thyroid. For me this was certainly true. I not only had thyroid but adrenal, hormonal, iodine, low ferritin, low DHEA, low Pregnenolone, mercury toxicity and uranium toxicity. I also had a toxic liver. There is no way I could have figured this all out w/o a doctor and I believe that having a good practitioner is the reason why I restored my health so quickly.

I hope this helps!

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  • 1 year later...

Today's email [see below] from Dr had a discussion of Grave's disease. Dr often recommends iodine for various issues, but on this one he recommended lithium (lithium orotate, I assume). Zoe

Q: Do you have any information on natural cures for Grave's disease? JVW: Grave's disease is a condition in which the immune system interferes with the work of the thyroid gland (though no one really knows why this happens). Many of the common symptoms of Grave's disease are the same as other cases of hyperthyroidism, such as weight loss, increased appetite, heart palpitations, elevated blood pressure, increased sweating, soft fingernails, diarrhea, tremors, restlessness, and irritability. However, this autoimmune disease also has an effect on the skin and eyes. One hallmark of the disease is bulging eyes, which is caused by fluid retention in the tissues behind the eyes and inflammation. Skin changes, such as red, thick, swollen skin on the shins and sometimes the tops of the feet are also a symptom of the disease. Mainstream treatments completely shut down the production of thyroid hormone using dangerous patent medicines. But lithium can get to the root of the problem much more safely. In 1972, Mayo Clinic researchers published the first clinical investigation of lithium treatment for Graves' disease. Using high-dose lithium for 10 individuals, they reported that thyroid hormone levels fell by 20-30 percent within five days. Twenty-six years later, in a review of more than 10 successful trials of lithium therapy for Graves' disease, the authors wrote: "a small number of studies have documented [lithium's] use in the treatment of patients with Graves' disease... it's efficacy and utility as an alternative anti-thyroid [treatment] are not widely recognized..." They also note lithium's rapid effect: "Lithium normalizes [thyroid hormone] levels in one to two weeks..." Of course, they also caution that "toxicity precludes its use as a first-line or long-term therapeutic agent." But if they'd just added flaxseed oil and vitamin E to their treatment, they would have basically eliminated the risk of toxicity. Herbs also offer effective relief for hyperthyroidism and Grave's disease. For more details on which herbs are best for this particular condition, refer back to the article "Calming an overactive thyroid with nature's soothing herbs," by Kerry Bone in the September 2001 issue of Nutrition & Healing.

graves disease

I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine and hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also methimazole - currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves; then ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited to find those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs did not.Thanks,

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The major variable for those with Graves that may consider using

iodine is whether or not you still have high titers of the antibodies

that cause Graves or not.

I've experimented with this a lot, and I would try it if:

-you test iodine deficient using the iodine loading test

-you have low titers (in the normal range) of Graves Disease

antibodies Stimulating TRab, or TSI as it is commonly called

Then you should build up slowly, because iodine is known to increase

antibodies and hence attacks, which means you could end up hyper

again; something you definitely don't want.

Do you currently have any other Graves related symptoms such as TED

or pretibial myxedema?

Also, the most successful treatment for Graves with the highest

remission rate is block and replace protocol.


> I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine and

> hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also

methimazole -

> currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves;


> ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited to


> those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs


> not.

> Thanks,



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I completely disagree with this. If you read the history of iodine you will see that it used to be used for hyperthyroidism. IMO Iodoral would be the treatment of choice and the cure for Graves. Iodine is not "known to increase antibodies". if the dose is adequate.

I have been hypo/hyper/hypo/hyper and take iodine no prob. I also only have a half a thyroid gland and was untreated for 30 years b/c of TSH.


The major variable for those with Graves that may consider using iodine is whether or not you still have high titers of the antibodies that cause Graves or not. I've experimented with this a lot, and I would try it if:-you test iodine deficient using the iodine loading test-you have low titers (in the normal range) of Graves Disease antibodies Stimulating TRab, or TSI as it is commonly calledThen you should build up slowly, because iodine is known to increase antibodies and hence attacks, which means you could end up hyper again; something you definitely don't want. Do you currently have any other Graves related symptoms such as TED or pretibial myxedema?Also, the most successful treatment for Graves with the highest remission rate is block and replace protocol.>> I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine and > hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also methimazole - > currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves; then > ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited to find > those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs did > not.> Thanks,> >

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I know of a woman who has the TRab (TSI) antibodies and is taking 125 mgs of

Iodoral. She took 50 mgs for quite a while and then upped her dose to 100

mgs around November of last year. She is only having normal detox

reactions. Otherwise no issues like some have described.

Re: graves disease

> The major variable for those with Graves that may consider using

> iodine is whether or not you still have high titers of the antibodies

> that cause Graves or not.


> I've experimented with this a lot, and I would try it if:

> -you test iodine deficient using the iodine loading test

> -you have low titers (in the normal range) of Graves Disease

> antibodies Stimulating TRab, or TSI as it is commonly called


> Then you should build up slowly, because iodine is known to increase

> antibodies and hence attacks, which means you could end up hyper

> again; something you definitely don't want.


> Do you currently have any other Graves related symptoms such as TED

> or pretibial myxedema?


> Also, the most successful treatment for Graves with the highest

> remission rate is block and replace protocol.





>> I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine and

>> hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also

> methimazole -

>> currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves;

> then

>> ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited to

> find

>> those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs

> did

>> not.

>> Thanks,












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While you may disagree, the research does not. (Actually, someone

just posted this research either here or on the natural thyroid

hormones group.) Iodine is a known trigger for Graves disease

antibodies and remission rates are higher in those limiting iodine

consumption while in an active phase of Graves disease. However,

SSKI, or Lugols solution, is frequently used to limit thyroid hormone

production in the short term for people in an acute phase of thyroid




> I completely disagree with this. If you read the history of

iodine you will see that it used to be used for hyperthyroidism.

IMO Iodoral would be the treatment of choice and the cure for

Graves. Iodine is not " known to increase antibodies " . if the dose

is adequate.

> I have been hypo/hyper/hypo/hyper and take iodine no prob. I

also only have a half a thyroid gland and was untreated for 30 years

b/c of TSH.

> Gracia



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Yeah - it entirely depends how high they are.

> >>

> >> I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine and

> >> hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also

> > methimazole -

> >> currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves;

> > then

> >> ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited


> > find

> >> those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs

> > did

> >> not.

> >> Thanks,

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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What do you consider high?

Re: graves disease

> Yeah - it entirely depends how high they are.




>> >>

>> >> I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine and

>> >> hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also

>> > methimazole -

>> >> currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves;

>> > then

>> >> ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited

> to

>> > find

>> >> those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs

>> > did

>> >> not.

>> >> Thanks,

>> >>

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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I think you can read the pro iodine view of hyper on http://www.optimox.com

the gland hyperfunctions trying to capture iodine.

I understand that the allopathic view/"research" says iodine is the cause---I say iodine is the cure.

I only have half a thyroid gland b/c I needed iodine. :((((

There is so much about allopathic medicine that is just plain wrong and harmful. I guess it is the surgery/drug perspective as opposed to the nutrient perspective.


While you may disagree, the research does not. (Actually, someone just posted this research either here or on the natural thyroid hormones group.) Iodine is a known trigger for Graves disease antibodies and remission rates are higher in those limiting iodine consumption while in an active phase of Graves disease. However, SSKI, or Lugols solution, is frequently used to limit thyroid hormone production in the short term for people in an acute phase of thyroid hyperactivity.>> > I completely disagree with this. If you read the history of iodine you will see that it used to be used for hyperthyroidism. IMO Iodoral would be the treatment of choice and the cure for Graves. Iodine is not "known to increase antibodies". if the dose is adequate.> I have been hypo/hyper/hypo/hyper and take iodine no prob. I also only have a half a thyroid gland and was untreated for 30 years b/c of TSH.> Gracia> >

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<I was diagnosed in 2003 with graves; then ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm excited to find those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo drs did not.Thanks,>


Please be sure to go to www.breastcancerchoices.org and you may also wish to join their discussin group, Amazon. They are conducting the Iodine Investigation Project, seeking the 'common thread' between iodine and cancer. There are many with thyroid disease as well.


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>>I completely disagree with this. If you read the history of iodine you will see that it used to be used for hyperthyroidism. IMO Iodoral would be the treatment of choice and the cure for Graves. Iodine is not "known to increase antibodies". if the dose is adequate.I have been hypo/hyper/hypo/hyper and take iodine no prob. I also only have a half a thyroid gland and was untreated for 30 years b/c of TSH.Gracia>>

Also if you check the Jefferies book, SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, there is a section where he describes the old treatment for hyperT of cortisol and iodine.


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I've read optimox view but I haven't seen any research to the effect

that iodine actually cures Graves disease. But I'd be open to take a

look if there is some.

Also, I think we should be clear in recognizing that someone may

technically have Graves Disease but not be hyperthyroid any longer.

That's a different situation. What I'm talking about here is people

who have high antibody titers and are hyperthyroid. Not people who

are now hypo.

> >

> >

> > I completely disagree with this. If you read the history of

> iodine you will see that it used to be used for hyperthyroidism.

> IMO Iodoral would be the treatment of choice and the cure for

> Graves. Iodine is not " known to increase antibodies " . if the dose

> is adequate.

> > I have been hypo/hyper/hypo/hyper and take iodine no prob. I

> also only have a half a thyroid gland and was untreated for 30


> b/c of TSH.

> > Gracia

> >

> >


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Anything over 2% is still considered active, under 2% is remission. I

know that's low, but normal healthy people don't have any TSI.

> >> >>

> >> >> I'm looking for info/experience anyone may have with iodine


> >> >> hyperthyroid-graves. I have treated it with PTU and also

> >> > methimazole -

> >> >> currently using bugleweed. I was diagnosed in 2003 with


> >> > then

> >> >> ovarian cancer in 2004 and now breast cancer (2007) I'm


> > to

> >> > find

> >> >> those that feel there is a common thread here - my past endo


> >> > did

> >> >> not.

> >> >> Thanks,

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

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Anyone taking high levels of iodine while in an active Graves-related

hyper phase could make themselves dangerously ill.

Has anyone on this group actually used iodine to cure or treat Graves

and taken it while in an active hyper phase?


> >>I completely disagree with this. If you read the history of

iodine you

> will see that it used to be used for hyperthyroidism. IMO Iodoral


> be the treatment of choice and the cure for Graves. Iodine is

not " known

> to increase antibodies " . if the dose is adequate.

> I have been hypo/hyper/hypo/hyper and take iodine no prob. I also


> have a half a thyroid gland and was untreated for 30 years b/c of


> Gracia>>


> Also if you check the Jefferies book, SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, there

is a

> section where he describes the old treatment for hyperT of cortisol


> iodine.


> Dahlia


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  • 8 months later...

it sounds like you are in desperate need of HC/cortef (adrenal meds) and probly thyroid meds like Armour. cutting out your thyroid gland won't solve those problems.

I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I have been there too.


Hello -This is my first post. I have been taking Lugols for 16 months, 13 drops a day. I get a big bottle 5% from community pharmacy with an rx. It is not working. As I am taking tons of iodine the loading test will not work. I've been in the hospital with a-fib and a rate of 200. I feel terrible and am not much of a mother or wife these days. I also have terrible chest pain due to an enlarged thymus, another complication of graves. Dr Hobbins was following me and he gave up, now I see an Endo at dean. My condition is serious. I take beta blockers, just to survive.I just finished Dr Brownstein's book I don't know what to do but cut it out!!!!!


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Well if I could have gotten my first message off correctly, I would have asked if anyone has had any luck treating graves with iodine. I would love to hear from you. I've read Dr Brownstein's book on iodine and began taking the suggested supplements about a month ago.Not quite sure all that Armour does, but I have hyperthyroid, isn't Armour for hypo?Anyone chime in! From: Gracia <circe@...>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:23 PMiodine Subject: Re: GRAVES DISEASE it sounds like you are in desperate need of HC/cortef (adrenal meds) and probly thyroid meds like Armour. cutting out your thyroid gland won't solve those problems.I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I have been there too.Gracia Hello -This is my first post. I have been taking Lugols for 16 months, 13 drops a day. I get a big bottle 5% from community pharmacy with an rx. It is not working. As I am taking tons of iodine the loading test will not work. I've been in the hospital with a-fib and a rate of 200. I feel terrible and am not much of a mother or wife these days. I also have terrible chest pain due to an enlarged thymus, another complication of graves. Dr Hobbins was following me and he gave up, now I see an Endo at dean. My condition is serious. I take beta blockers, just to survive.I just finished Dr Brownstein's book I don't know what to do but cut it out!!!!! . No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.comVersion: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.8.2/1738 - Release Date: 10/21/2008 2:10 PM

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: Hi I understand what you are going thru, I also have hyperthyroid and graves disease and all the problems with it, I had RAI several years ago and thankfully it did shrink my nodule, and according to my doctor my thyroid is not dead(thank god) and i have been on all natural compounded thyroid med and Iodoral for a couple of years now and feel pretty much stable, the doctor back then gave me atenol(spelled wrong sorry) for my heart palps however i did not like the side effects of it, i felt very strange, i also take dhea and progesterone cream which helped me tremendously, gracia is right cutting out your thyroid will not help, it will just create more problems for you down the road, some melatonin (all -natural not synthetic) would prob help you. I know you feel bad now, but finding a good doctor and pharmacist that understands all natural ways of

treating you would be more beneficial in the long run, i still have times where i am bouncing off the walls or my heart is beating incredibly fast and i try to find ways to calm down and bring my body under control(sometimes music,reading,meditation,just sitting in a quiet room or place have helped me)

If i could go back i would never have done the RAI i would have insisted on thyroid med and Iodoral,dhea to start with, of course my hormones were all messed up with all this too. I hope i helped in some small way. All the best to you, and please let us know how you are doing.

from someone who cares, Tessa

From: Dedrick <herbalparent@...>Subject: RE: GRAVES DISEASEiodine Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 7:32 AM

Well if I could have gotten my first message off correctly, I would have asked if anyone has had any luck treating graves with iodine. I would love to hear from you. I've read Dr Brownstein's book on iodine and began taking the suggested supplements about a month ago.Not quite sure all that Armour does, but I have hyperthyroid, isn't Armour for hypo?Anyone chime in!

From: Gracia <circefairpoint (DOT) net>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:23 PMiodinegroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: GRAVES DISEASE

it sounds like you are in desperate need of HC/cortef (adrenal meds) and probly thyroid meds like Armour. cutting out your thyroid gland won't solve those problems.

I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I have been there too.


Hello -This is my first post. I have been taking Lugols for 16 months, 13 drops a day. I get a big bottle 5% from community pharmacy with an rx. It is not working. As I am taking tons of iodine the loading test will not work. I've been in the hospital with a-fib and a rate of 200. I feel terrible and am not much of a mother or wife these days. I also have terrible chest pain due to an enlarged thymus, another complication of graves. Dr Hobbins was following me and he gave up, now I see an Endo at dean. My condition is serious. I take beta blockers, just to survive.I just finished Dr Brownstein's book I don't know what to do but cut it out!!!!!


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Hello Tessa -Thanks so much for your post. I so wanted to hear from someone with graves. In my heart of hearts I know that cutting out my thryroid is not the best solution. I have 4 very young children three are triplets and I am not much of a good mother when I snap at them all the time! I've had graves for 6.5 years and I have refused all the nasty options to "cure" it. I like the melatonin idea. What is the all natural compounded thyroid med you are taking? Where do you get it?THANKS!!!From: contessa hall <contessalou@...>Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:40 AMiodine Subject: RE: GRAVES DISEASE: Hi I understand what you are going thru, I also have hyperthyroid and graves disease and all the problems with it, I had RAI several years ago and thankfully it did shrink my nodule, and according to my doctor my thyroid is not dead(thank god) and i have been on all natural compounded thyroid med and Iodoral for a couple of years now and feel pretty much stable, the doctor back then gave me atenol(spelled wrong sorry) for my heart palps however i did not like the side effects of it, i felt very strange, i also take dhea and progesterone cream which helped me tremendously, gracia is right cutting out your thyroid will not help, it will just create more problems for you down the road, some melatonin (all -natural not synthetic) would prob help you. I know you feel bad now, but finding a good doctor and pharmacist that understands all natural ways of treating you would be more beneficial in the long run, i still have times where i am bouncing off the walls or my heart is beating incredibly fast and i try to find ways to calm down and bring my body under control(sometimes music,reading,meditation,just sitting in a quiet room or place have helped me)If i could go back i would never have done the RAI i would have insisted on thyroid med and Iodoral,dhea to start with, of course my hormones were all messed up with all this too. I hope i helped in some small way. All the best to you, and please let us know how you are doing. from someone who cares, TessaFrom: Dedrick <herbalparentymail>Subject: RE: GRAVES DISEASEiodine Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 7:32 AMWell if I could have gotten my first message off correctly, I would have asked if anyone has had any luck treating graves with iodine. I would love to hear from you. I've read Dr Brownstein's book on iodine and began taking the suggested supplements about a month ago.Not quite sure all that Armour does, but I have hyperthyroid, isn't Armour for hypo?Anyone chime in! From: Gracia <circefairpoint (DOT) net>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:23 PMiodinegroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: GRAVES DISEASE it sounds like you are in desperate need of HC/cortef (adrenal meds) and probly thyroid meds like Armour. cutting out your thyroid gland won't solve those problems.I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I have been there too.Gracia Hello -This is my first post. I have been taking Lugols for 16 months, 13 drops a day. I get a big bottle 5% from community pharmacy with an rx. It is not working. As I am taking tons of iodine the loading test will not work. I've been in the hospital with a-fib and a rate of 200. I feel terrible and am not much of a mother or wife these days. I also have terrible chest pain due to an enlarged thymus, another complication of graves. Dr Hobbins was following me and he gave up, now I see an Endo at dean. My condition is serious. I take beta blockers, just to survive.I just finished Dr Brownstein's book I don't know what to do but cut it out!!!!! . No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. comVersion: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.8.2/1738 - Release Date: 10/21/2008 2:10 PM

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, I take a compounded T3/T4 all natural thyroid med, I go to a compounding pharmacy to get this, the one i go to does do conventional/synthetic and all natural, and bio-identical, i would look for one near where you are and speak with the pharmacist who could point you to a doctor that would work with you and him in finding what would be the best course of treatment for your graves/hyperthyroid, my current doctor is very open and has been treating based on both blood/saliva/symptoms which i am very happy about, also i read several books one of which was mary shomon's book for hyperthyroidism with graves disease and also found out after having RAI that i am now a Celiac, because of what it did to my esophagus and stomach, so please do all the reading you can find, also the Iodoral did help me more than i can possibly say in one post, my dosage of that has

been a maintenance dose of 50mg,which i plan to increase soon as breast cancer runs in my family, and i have noticed that my cysts have shrunk down, they aren't gone yet but they will be. Also have your adrenals checked, this is sooo very important also. I would crash and burn on a daily basis before i started all natural dhea. Tessa

From: Dedrick <herbalparent@ ymail.com>Subject: RE: GRAVES DISEASEiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 7:32 AM

Well if I could have gotten my first message off correctly, I would have asked if anyone has had any luck treating graves with iodine. I would love to hear from you. I've read Dr Brownstein's book on iodine and began taking the suggested supplements about a month ago.Not quite sure all that Armour does, but I have hyperthyroid, isn't Armour for hypo?Anyone chime in!

From: Gracia <circefairpoint (DOT) net>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:23 PMiodinegroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: GRAVES DISEASE

it sounds like you are in desperate need of HC/cortef (adrenal meds) and probly thyroid meds like Armour. cutting out your thyroid gland won't solve those problems.

I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I have been there too.


Hello -This is my first post. I have been taking Lugols for 16 months, 13 drops a day. I get a big bottle 5% from community pharmacy with an rx. It is not working. As I am taking tons of iodine the loading test will not work. I've been in the hospital with a-fib and a rate of 200. I feel terrible and am not much of a mother or wife these days. I also have terrible chest pain due to an enlarged thymus, another complication of graves. Dr Hobbins was following me and he gave up, now I see an Endo at dean. My condition is serious. I take beta blockers, just to survive.I just finished Dr Brownstein's book I don't know what to do but cut it out!!!!!


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I am confused you take natural t3 and t4, don't you have too much thyroid running around in your system? Do you take armour? From: contessa hall <contessalou@...>Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:13 AMiodine Subject: RE: GRAVES DISEASE, I take a compounded T3/T4 all natural thyroid med, I go to a compounding pharmacy to get this, the one i go to does do conventional/synthetic and all natural, and bio-identical, i would look for one near where you are and speak with the pharmacist who could point you to a doctor that would work with you and him in finding what would be the best course of treatment for your graves/hyperthyroid, my current doctor is very open and has been treating based on both blood/saliva/symptoms which i am very happy about, also i read several books one of which was mary shomon's book for hyperthyroidism with graves disease and also found out after having RAI that i am now a Celiac, because of what it did to my esophagus and stomach, so please do all the reading you can find, also the Iodoral did help me more than i can possibly say in one post, my dosage of that has been a maintenance dose of 50mg,which i plan to increase soon as breast cancer runs in my family, and i have noticed that my cysts have shrunk down, they aren't gone yet but they will be. Also have your adrenals checked, this is sooo very important also. I would crash and burn on a daily basis before i started all natural dhea. TessaFrom: Dedrick <herbalparent@ ymail.com>Subject: RE: GRAVES DISEASEiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 7:32 AMWell if I could have gotten my first message off correctly, I would have asked if anyone has had any luck treating graves with iodine. I would love to hear from you. I've read Dr Brownstein's book on iodine and began taking the suggested supplements about a month ago.Not quite sure all that Armour does, but I have hyperthyroid, isn't Armour for hypo?Anyone chime in! From: Gracia <circefairpoint (DOT) net>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:23 PMiodinegroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: GRAVES DISEASE it sounds like you are in desperate need of HC/cortef (adrenal meds) and probly thyroid meds like Armour. cutting out your thyroid gland won't solve those problems.I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I have been there too.Gracia Hello -This is my first post. I have been taking Lugols for 16 months, 13 drops a day. I get a big bottle 5% from community pharmacy with an rx. It is not working. As I am taking tons of iodine the loading test will not work. I've been in the hospital with a-fib and a rate of 200. I feel terrible and am not much of a mother or wife these days. I also have terrible chest pain due to an enlarged thymus, another complication of graves. Dr Hobbins was following me and he gave up, now I see an Endo at dean. My condition is serious. I take beta blockers, just to survive.I just finished Dr Brownstein's book I don't know what to do but cut it out!!!!! . No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. comVersion: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.8.2/1738 - Release Date: 10/21/2008 2:10 PM

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