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As time goes by in most of the treatments the symptoms slow down a bit. Don't

loose hope I know you guys can do it. LIZI

dragonrider <dragonrider@...> wrote: LOL its me again guess we

belong to the same groups!! i am just on my 3rd shot and it is kicking my butt!


0-0000-000000000000} & page={8CDDF81D-D26F-4AD3-8A1E-077B8233913A} & site={CC8E6F79-\

7658-4D5D-A23B-734E87F374A2} another great help


Dear Lord, Either Quiet The Waves

Or Lift Me Above Them;

It's Too Late To Learn To Swim.


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Guest guest

As time goes by in most of the treatments the symptoms slow down a bit. Don't

loose hope I know you guys can do it. LIZI

dragonrider <dragonrider@...> wrote: LOL its me again guess we

belong to the same groups!! i am just on my 3rd shot and it is kicking my butt!


0-0000-000000000000} & page={8CDDF81D-D26F-4AD3-8A1E-077B8233913A} & site={CC8E6F79-\

7658-4D5D-A23B-734E87F374A2} another great help


Dear Lord, Either Quiet The Waves

Or Lift Me Above Them;

It's Too Late To Learn To Swim.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome back to the board, I'm Bonnie, 31 live in cali, not near to

Tennesee but I love ta chat anyway hahah I have messenger


Take care!



> Hey everyone...


> I have been a ghost on this message board for a while. and well i

just had a question. I am living in tennessee for the month of aug.

and i was wondering if anyone lives here... hmmm


> And i'm from Michigan ... i will be going back in september....

does anyone live there??


> I'm just looking for some friends to chill with. I'm 4'10 and i

don't belong to the lpa yet and i'm 23 well soon to be at least. i

would love to chat with some of you if anyone is around that would be

so awesome.


> Thanks :)


> Dawn






> ---------------------------------


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  • 3 months later...

" " <mom0244@...> wrote:

>Hello everyone. I didn't realize that my messages from last night

>were not posting until now. had shut off my group accounts when

>my mailbox overfilled while I was down.


>Hope that you are all doing good. Lots of changes here. ITs nice and

>peaceful again. My husband is gone for good. I have temp custody of


>thanks to everyone for all your support.




>hi ,

good to hear from you and glad yo are doing good kathy b



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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 12/6/02 9:01:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,

nightblossom2002@... writes:

> Hello Everyone!!...I know I don't post often...sorry. Just like for

> all to know that I have started my PEG_INTRON therapy today. Had my

> 1st shot tonight. I also found out what my geno-type is, I'm 1A..

Hey Gloria, I just took my 1st shot tonight too! I will find out my genotype

next week. Perhaps we can chart our progress together!


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Gloria and ....here's hoping both of you good luck.....judy

> Hello Everyone!!...I know I don't post often...sorry. Just like for

> all to know that I have started my PEG_INTRON therapy today. Had my

> 1st shot tonight. I also found out what my geno-type is, I'm 1A..

Hey Gloria, I just took my 1st shot tonight too! I will find out my


next week. Perhaps we can chart our progress together!


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Gloria, prayers are going out for you. I hope your sides aren't too bad.



Hello Everyone!!...I know I don't post often...sorry. Just like for

all to know that I have started my PEG_INTRON therapy today. Had my

1st shot tonight. I also found out what my geno-type is, I'm 1A..I'm

hoping to respond to this treatment. This is my second time. Please

pray for me ,as I pray for all. ....I'll try to post more


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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I could !! I take Hydroxygen Plus now for almost 1 1/2 years but I

can't afford to send for Threelac yet. I also am taking Primal defense and Apple

Cider Vinegar. Plus do the ant- candida diet. Let us know how you do with the

Threelac.I hope you do well.Ruth

trig5674@... wrote:can somebody tell me about thier expiernces with

threelac iam on a protocal

now and was wondering if i can use this too

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  • 1 month later...

Debby......... 2 things:

If your labs are going up, why doesn't she increase your prednisone to

see if they come down . 2mgs is a pretty low dose.

aren't you on imuran or some thing, also?

I have taken Zoloft on and off over the years with excellent results, no

side effects and I was prescribed it when I was severely cirrhosed so I

would say they are " liver friendly " . I don't know about glutens

It is possible they got a " clean " part of the liver but not probable....

a typical speciman will display as many as 8 portal fields and

inflammation is pretty much diffused about the parenchyma.

Typical liver " function " tests are used to indicate whether there is


activity. Higher billirubin could indicate a blockage of bile ducts. Are

you Dxd AIH or PBC? xactly what labs doubled? you migh have to have

pretty high values of billirubin to present jaundice. My labs ( alts

asts etc are almost always embarassingly low but I usually have slightly

high billirubin...... I don't know what to make of that.

Anyway try not to worry about it you sound fine to me ....just don't go

postal and shoot up the school administrator..

even they need love sometimes.

love jerry

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I'm sorry that you are not feeling well.

I read your post and after reading the end of it I thought that maybe I should respond.

I dont know how long you have been on the effexor for...but I was put on Effexor in September to try and help with an ongoing migraine that I was having.

After being on that along with a steroid, my liver functions jumped to almost to 6 times the normal!

My doctor told me that Effexor has been known to attack the liver in some cases.

I just wanted you to know that..be very careful with the antidepressant meds...the effexor is tough to come off ...you have to go very slowly.

Good luck with your labs


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LOL Jerry, you are too funny! Going postal~ indeed, this man does need

love and prayer! He just has been on the rampage with hate...it is very


I have been dx with AIH. It seems that every time I get one disease under

control, another creeps up. I suspect that they are all there, but as we

get one under 'control', the others are more evident. Just the other day, I

was dx with fibromyalgia. Don't know exactly what this is, but just that I

hurt at times more than others. I always thought it was from the liver, but

it seems not to be the case.

The labs that doubled were the ALT and the bilirubin. Whereas the ALT was

only in the low 100s, they jumped enough to make the doctor become alarmed.

The reason I am on 2 mg of prednisone, is that I am trying to decrease to

get OFF the prednisone. She wants me off. However, the only constant is

that I have reduced the prednisone while the labs increase. She is afraid

that I am becoming prednisone dependent. This last time they doubled, was

when I went from 4 mg to 3 mg. Now that I am on 2, I don't know what to

expect for the labs.

I will tell the doctor of Zoloft. All I have to do is call the pharmacy on

the gluten issue. THey call the company for all meds I am on to see if they

are laced with gluten or not.

Thanks....will let you know what the labs say.


Re: [ ] Hi

> Debby......... 2 things:


> If your labs are going up, why doesn't she increase your prednisone to

> see if they come down . 2mgs is a pretty low dose.

> aren't you on imuran or some thing, also?


> I have taken Zoloft on and off over the years with excellent results, no

> side effects and I was prescribed it when I was severely cirrhosed so I

> would say they are " liver friendly " . I don't know about glutens


> It is possible they got a " clean " part of the liver but not probable....

> a typical speciman will display as many as 8 portal fields and

> inflammation is pretty much diffused about the parenchyma.

> Typical liver " function " tests are used to indicate whether there is

> inflammatory

> activity. Higher billirubin could indicate a blockage of bile ducts. Are

> you Dxd AIH or PBC? xactly what labs doubled? you migh have to have

> pretty high values of billirubin to present jaundice. My labs ( alts

> asts etc are almost always embarassingly low but I usually have slightly

> high billirubin...... I don't know what to make of that.


> Anyway try not to worry about it you sound fine to me ....just don't go

> postal and shoot up the school administrator..

> even they need love sometimes.


> love jerry




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Tracey, I agree totally that effexor is very difficult to come off! I did it once, but under the doctor's care. It is NOT fun. However, my counselor suggested that I go back on it because I was struggling over the deaths of family members and was not coping well at all. So, I went back on. This time, though, I made certain the dosage was 1/2 of what I was on originally. I want to get off again. I feel it is imperative that I do. When I went off before, unfortunately, my lft's were not affected. They kept rising, but I still want to find a more liver friendly antidepressant.


Re: [ ] Hi

DebbyI'm sorry that you are not feeling well. I read your post and after reading the end of it I thought that maybe I should respond.I dont know how long you have been on the effexor for...but I was put on Effexor in September to try and help with an ongoing migraine that I was having. After being on that along with a steroid, my liver functions jumped to almost to 6 times the normal!My doctor told me that Effexor has been known to attack the liver in some cases.I just wanted you to know that..be very careful with the antidepressant meds...the effexor is tough to come off ...you have to go very slowly.Good luck with your labsTracey

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Jan, the GI is aware of the danger, but has not suggested that I change. However, since the effexor does not seem to be 'working' for me any longer, I am going to see if I can switch to something else. Hopefully, they can find something that will work.


[ ] Hi

Evening everyone. I have been sort of trying to recoup and handle the work situation. It is the time when the stress level goes UP and UP at work. The School Superintendent goes around saying he owns everyone...yelling, screaming, just ugly stuff....I try to stay away from it all...it just does NOT do the body any good at all!

I have been laying low because I just don't feel so hot. It seems that since the biopsy, it has taken longer to bounce back, but today and yesterday, I think I have more energy to use. So I will fill you in.

After the biopsy, my doctor spent time convincing me that my liver was much improved after the first biopsy. I was thrilled. There mild inflammation, and NO necrosis. I was thrilled. She asked me to have more labs just to double check....well...yesterday, she called ME to tell me that the labs doubled from January 20 - 30. I was crushed. She said the bilirubin was high enough for her to be concerned. She went over my meds because the latest biopsy suggested that possibly some meds were causing the problem. After talking with her, she knew the meds were not affecting my liver. The only constant has been the lowering of the prednisone. I have made it to 2 mg.

So, where do we go from here? Well, she is wondering if the biopsy was taken in a 'good' spot and the rest of the liver is bad, so another biopsy is in the offing. She also said that possibly there are some stones in the bile duct that are blocking bile and that could be part of the problem. I just don't know. She is going to monitor my blood for a while and see if something changes. I have not become jaundiced ... but I don't think that I WOULD change colors because I have no pigment. But, then my eyes would turn, so that is where she must be looking for.

I DID remind her when she called last night, that at the Jan 30th appointment, I had told her that I didn't feel good. Now, she has my labs AND my word that I didn't feel good...and now she knows I really DIDN'T feel good!

Tomorrow will be the day for labs, so with any luck, I will have some good labs. Maybe they just mixed up everything!

One more thing, is there an antidepressant that is "better" for the liver than others? I would be interested in learning which ones are more liver friendly. Currently, I am on Effexor XR, but I don't think it is really working well for me. So, if any of you know a liver friendly one, let me know, OK? Cause then I have to find out if it is gluten free too.....


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Gosh Debby, that is so weird to get a

great biopsy report and then bad blood test results. I don’t understand

that. I hope you are feeling better and the blood tests return to normal


[ ] Hi

Evening everyone. I have been

sort of trying to recoup and handle the work situation. It is the time

when the stress level goes UP and UP at work. The School Superintendent

goes around saying he owns everyone...yelling, screaming, just ugly stuff....I

try to stay away from it all...it just does NOT do the body any good at all!

I have been laying low because I

just don't feel so hot. It seems that since the biopsy, it has taken

longer to bounce back, but today and yesterday, I think I have more energy to

use. So I will fill you in.

After the biopsy, my doctor spent

time convincing me that my liver was much improved after the first

biopsy. I was thrilled. There mild inflammation, and NO necrosis.

I was thrilled. She asked me to have more labs just to double

check....well...yesterday, she called ME to tell me that the labs doubled from

January 20 - 30. I was crushed. She said the bilirubin was high

enough for her to be concerned. She went over my meds because the latest

biopsy suggested that possibly some meds were causing the problem.

After talking with her, she knew the meds were not affecting my liver.

The only constant has been the lowering of the prednisone. I have made it

to 2 mg.

So, where do we go from here?

Well, she is wondering if the biopsy was taken in a 'good' spot and the rest of

the liver is bad, so another biopsy is in the offing. She also said that

possibly there are some stones in the bile duct that are blocking bile and that

could be part of the problem. I just don't know. She is going to

monitor my blood for a while and see if something changes. I have not

become jaundiced ... but I don't think that I WOULD change colors because I

have no pigment. But, then my eyes would turn, so that is where she must

be looking for.

I DID remind her when she

called last night, that at the Jan 30th appointment, I had told her that I

didn't feel good. Now, she has my labs AND my word that I didn't

feel good...and now she knows I really DIDN'T feel good!

Tomorrow will be

the day for labs, so with any luck, I will have some good labs. Maybe

they just mixed up everything!

One more thing, is

there an antidepressant that is " better " for the liver than

others? I would be interested in learning which ones are more liver

friendly. Currently, I am on Effexor XR, but I don't think it is really

working well for me. So, if any of you know a liver friendly one, let me

know, OK? Cause then I have to find out if it is gluten free too.....


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, I agree with you....even the doctor is shocked at the labs after such a great biopsy report. Somewhere I read (at least I think I read it), that the liver can go really bad very very quickly...like within days. However, that is NOT where I am at! If I were truly critical, chances are that the doctor would have me in the hospital...so I feel comfortable with that.

There is the possibility that the labs mixed up results with others....not very likely, but with this last set of labs, perhaps it will shed light on some of the problem...at least that is what I hope.

For now...I continue to work, go to church, work in the garden, enjoy my life. I REFUSE to let all of this get my goat!



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Hi, I'm new to this group. I just got diagnosed

over Christmas and have a few questions. Can AIH

be passed to others sexully? Did I get this

genetically or did some other virus trigger it?

And it is true I must remain 100% alcochol free

right? Thanks



Petty Officer Third Class

Chief Master at Arms

United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Constitution Division: Methuen, MA

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Tim AIH is not a virus...it does seem to have a genetic genetic

relationship but not necessarily inherited. As was pointed out , it is

an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune response is one where the body's

natural protection system for some reason mistakes certain cells as an

invader or threat and trys to get rid of them. It can manifest in

different tissues and organs. AIH is a predominantly female disease, but

can attack anyone.

It is unique to you and can in no way be passed to others. (note the

prefix " auto " )

Since AIH is a liver disease it tries to destroy liver cells. Left

untreated it will eventually evolve into cirrhosis and 90% of those

untreated, will die within 10 yrs. Treatment usually involves a combo of

the drugs prednisone (an anti-inlammatory corticosteroid and

immunosuppressant) and typically imuran (an immuno- suppressant).

Since the idea is to save your life by trying to contain the destruction

of you liver cells it is pretty foolish to ingest those toxins which

work to destroy those same cells. Alcohol is highly toxic to the liver.

It would be like putting water and gasoline at the same time on a fire.

One can lead a very satisfying life without alcohol...it is no more

necessary than cigarettes and while both are pleasurable why purposely

try to defeat the intention of the treatment. Unless you are alcoholic

it can't be that hard to skip cocktail hour.

Please excuse the lecture and accept my welcome to the group....there

are far too few men here and the girls (sorry ladies)

like to gang up on me. (actually one of my favorite fantasies)


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Debby... it is true... liver damage can progress very rapidly....to

further dampen your day...a very badly damaged liver will show normal

enzymes except for maybe low albumin/ However the biopsy is the best

method of assessing damage.... " liver function tests " is a misnomer.

I forgot your post...was it a good Bx and bad enzymes or vice versa. I

'll bet there is a mixup and you don't have liver disease at

all....probably something easier like brain cancer.... (these are male

type jokes don't beat on me)

I know that every thing in your future is going to be alright and you'll

someday be the oldest in the group at 102 (well, except for me, of


love jerry

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Hi everyone and welcome to all you new members of the family. I am having a

rare good day, without my head permanently stuck down the loo. re:

anti-deppressants, i am on prozac 60mgs and amitryptalene 150mgs and seem to be

ok on these. I still have down days, but i feel thats quite normal for most of

us. If anyone would like to write back i would love to hear from you and maybe

catch up a bit with my being away from the froup for a while. hope everyones

ok. love and hugs



> From: " tdcc " <tdcc2000@...>

> Date: Fri 07/Feb/2003 05:20 GMT

> < >

> Subject: [ ] Hi


> Evening everyone. I have been sort of trying to recoup and handle the work

situation. It is the time when the stress level goes UP and UP at work. The

School Superintendent goes around saying he owns everyone...yelling, screaming,

just ugly stuff....I try to stay away from it all...it just does NOT do the body

any good at all!


> I have been laying low because I just don't feel so hot. It seems that since

the biopsy, it has taken longer to bounce back, but today and yesterday, I think

I have more energy to use. So I will fill you in.


> After the biopsy, my doctor spent time convincing me that my liver was much

improved after the first biopsy. I was thrilled. There mild inflammation, and

NO necrosis. I was thrilled. She asked me to have more labs just to double

check....well...yesterday, she called ME to tell me that the labs doubled from

January 20 - 30. I was crushed. She said the bilirubin was high enough for her

to be concerned. She went over my meds because the latest biopsy suggested that

possibly some meds were causing the problem. After talking with her, she knew

the meds were not affecting my liver. The only constant has been the lowering

of the prednisone. I have made it to 2 mg.


> So, where do we go from here? Well, she is wondering if the biopsy was taken

in a 'good' spot and the rest of the liver is bad, so another biopsy is in the

offing. She also said that possibly there are some stones in the bile duct that

are blocking bile and that could be part of the problem. I just don't know.

She is going to monitor my blood for a while and see if something changes. I

have not become jaundiced ... but I don't think that I WOULD change colors

because I have no pigment. But, then my eyes would turn, so that is where she

must be looking for.


> I DID remind her when she called last night, that at the Jan 30th appointment,

I had told her that I didn't feel good. Now, she has my labs AND my word that I

didn't feel good...and now she knows I really DIDN'T feel good!


> Tomorrow will be the day for labs, so with any luck, I will have some good

labs. Maybe they just mixed up everything!


> One more thing, is there an antidepressant that is " better " for the liver than

others? I would be interested in learning which ones are more liver friendly.

Currently, I am on Effexor XR, but I don't think it is really working well for

me. So, if any of you know a liver friendly one, let me know, OK? Cause then I

have to find out if it is gluten free too.....


> Debby



Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month for

your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a month

after that.

For more information visit http://www.freeserve.com/time/ or call free on

0800 970 8890

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Hi everyone and welcome to all you new members of the family. I am having a

rare good day, without my head permanently stuck down the loo. re:

anti-deppressants, i am on prozac 60mgs and amitryptalene 150mgs and seem to be

ok on these. I still have down days, but i feel thats quite normal for most of

us. If anyone would like to write back i would love to hear from you and maybe

catch up a bit with my being away from the froup for a while. hope everyones

ok. love and hugs



> From: " tdcc " <tdcc2000@...>

> Date: Fri 07/Feb/2003 05:20 GMT

> < >

> Subject: [ ] Hi


> Evening everyone. I have been sort of trying to recoup and handle the work

situation. It is the time when the stress level goes UP and UP at work. The

School Superintendent goes around saying he owns everyone...yelling, screaming,

just ugly stuff....I try to stay away from it all...it just does NOT do the body

any good at all!


> I have been laying low because I just don't feel so hot. It seems that since

the biopsy, it has taken longer to bounce back, but today and yesterday, I think

I have more energy to use. So I will fill you in.


> After the biopsy, my doctor spent time convincing me that my liver was much

improved after the first biopsy. I was thrilled. There mild inflammation, and

NO necrosis. I was thrilled. She asked me to have more labs just to double

check....well...yesterday, she called ME to tell me that the labs doubled from

January 20 - 30. I was crushed. She said the bilirubin was high enough for her

to be concerned. She went over my meds because the latest biopsy suggested that

possibly some meds were causing the problem. After talking with her, she knew

the meds were not affecting my liver. The only constant has been the lowering

of the prednisone. I have made it to 2 mg.


> So, where do we go from here? Well, she is wondering if the biopsy was taken

in a 'good' spot and the rest of the liver is bad, so another biopsy is in the

offing. She also said that possibly there are some stones in the bile duct that

are blocking bile and that could be part of the problem. I just don't know.

She is going to monitor my blood for a while and see if something changes. I

have not become jaundiced ... but I don't think that I WOULD change colors

because I have no pigment. But, then my eyes would turn, so that is where she

must be looking for.


> I DID remind her when she called last night, that at the Jan 30th appointment,

I had told her that I didn't feel good. Now, she has my labs AND my word that I

didn't feel good...and now she knows I really DIDN'T feel good!


> Tomorrow will be the day for labs, so with any luck, I will have some good

labs. Maybe they just mixed up everything!


> One more thing, is there an antidepressant that is " better " for the liver than

others? I would be interested in learning which ones are more liver friendly.

Currently, I am on Effexor XR, but I don't think it is really working well for

me. So, if any of you know a liver friendly one, let me know, OK? Cause then I

have to find out if it is gluten free too.....


> Debby



Freeserve AnyTime - Go online whenever you want for just £6.99 a month for

your first 3 months, that's HALF PRICE! And then it's just £13.99 a month

after that.

For more information visit http://www.freeserve.com/time/ or call free on

0800 970 8890

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Dear Debby,

While it’s probably not likely that

the lab report got mixed up with someone else, I would think that something

temporarily caused some inflammation to occur in the liver and it will hopefully

subside quickly. If your biopsy was great it would be bizarre for your liver to

go into fibrosis or cirrhosis overnight. Also, when the labs are taken there

are times when high AST and ALT numbers are missed because some inflammation occurred

between blood tests and things went to normal at the time the blood was taken. I

have heard that this happens frequently, the biopsy is one of the best ways to

assess things. What were the numbers? What is your normal report like?

I would continue to do all the things you

are doing which sound wonderful! By the way, I didn’t know you had a


Re: [ ] Hi

, I agree with you....even the

doctor is shocked at the labs after such a great biopsy report. Somewhere

I read (at least I think I read it), that the liver can go really bad very very

quickly...like within days. However, that is NOT where I am at! If

I were truly critical, chances are that the doctor would have me in the

hospital...so I feel comfortable with that.

There is the possibility that the

labs mixed up results with others....not very likely, but with this last set of

labs, perhaps it will shed light on some of the problem...at least that is what

I hope.

For now...I continue to work, go to

church, work in the garden, enjoy my life. I REFUSE to let all of this

get my goat!



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Dear Tim,

No, what you have is an immune response from your own body against your

liver. Your body suddenly thinks your liver is foreign! Weird isn't it?

Like your friendly next door neighbor that you've known for years

suddenly looks exactly like Saddam Hussein! What would you do? You would

try to get rid of him ASAP.

Autoimmune hepatitis is due to partially genetic and partially

environmental factors that bombarded your immune system over the years.

It caused your body to suddenly reject your liver because it's cellular

structure had changed enough to look like a big bacteria to your immune

system, as well as your immune system becoming more defective. There is

no way to prevent it from happening, but it most often can be

successfully treated with medications that are called


It is not sexually transmitted; it is possible that a virus triggered

it, or a prescription drug. It was going to express itself sooner or


Unfortunately it is so misunderstood that most people do think, you

caused it yourself, that you deserve it and you are a walking leper.

Many people only know of alcoholism or promiscuity as causes of liver


So do not drink any alcohol it will stress your liver as it's already

trying to defend itself. Also be very careful not to contract hepatitis

C and stay away from people with colds or flu.

Anyone else in your family have diabetes or thyroid conditions? Usually

you will find others in your family tree with immune disorders but you

are the lucky one who gets the liver version!

Best wishes!

Dx with AIH in Feb 2002

Re: RE: [ ] Hi

Hi, I'm new to this group. I just got diagnosed

over Christmas and have a few questions. Can AIH

be passed to others sexully? Did I get this

genetically or did some other virus trigger it?

And it is true I must remain 100% alcochol free

right? Thanks



Petty Officer Third Class

Chief Master at Arms

United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Constitution Division: Methuen, MA

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LOL...Jerry, you are right...I probably DO have something else quite easily

treated! Indeed, my bx was excellent. In fact, had the doctor, had she not

known the first biopsy had shown AIH, would have thought the elevated liver

enzymes indicated that meds was the cause for the problem. The other

partners in the clinic agreed. So, as long as the bx is good, I just don't

understand the labs....but she flipped out on the bilirubin. I am not too

stressed at this point. Actually, the doctor is more nervous than am I.

Heck, I can let her worry about it. I have too much living to do!


Re: [ ] Hi

> Debby... it is true... liver damage can progress very rapidly....to

> further dampen your day...a very badly damaged liver will show normal

> enzymes except for maybe low albumin/ However the biopsy is the best

> method of assessing damage.... " liver function tests " is a misnomer.

> I forgot your post...was it a good Bx and bad enzymes or vice versa. I

> 'll bet there is a mixup and you don't have liver disease at

> all....probably something easier like brain cancer.... (these are male

> type jokes don't beat on me)

> I know that every thing in your future is going to be alright and you'll

> someday be the oldest in the group at 102 (well, except for me, of

> course)


> love jerry




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Hi! Tim, Welcome to the group. You will and have already find many answers to your questions here. Keep asking for we all learn from each other. terri

Tim <timk225@...> wrote:

Hi, I'm new to this group. I just got diagnosed over Christmas and have a few questions. Can AIH be passed to others sexully? Did I get this genetically or did some other virus trigger it? And it is true I must remain 100% alcochol free right? ThanksTim--Tim Petty Officer Third Class Chief Master at Arms United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Constitution Division: Methuen, MA

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