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Hi ..I want to try a sit up but I am scared to death I will hurt

myself..I guess I should at least try and just do it slow and see how it goes..

How long of a plane ride will it be? Its really sad but I wont fly anymore..I

am just so scared that the fear will make me sick so I just dont even care to

get on a plane..We are going away in Aug but just to Ny for a wedding then

maybe some days camping. Then next year I want to go on a cruise sooooo bad but

to Bermuda so I can leave out of NY and not have to worry about flying to


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Hi..I know they can be so expensive..My sister took her family on one just in

march. It was a brand new ship only 5 months old and they had a blast..the

kids are old though 19, 23, 25..But I want my first cruise to be no kids. We

went to the bahamas for our 10th ann..It was nice we had fun. But that was the

last vaca we had alone and now its going to be 17 years..Oh my..where did all

the time go..

Yes the achy breaky back cruise would be sooooo cool..Water aerobica at 10

and massages by Joe and Nick at 11..lol

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Oh, . I'll keep your MIL & your family in my


BTW, my dad had a softball-sized tumor (bigger

than a baseball) in his liver. He was given 6 mos

to live, as the cancer had reached his portal vein

& was inoperable. Docs said he wouldn't survive

the surgery (diabetes, heart disease, asthma).

His alphaphetal protein markers were off the

chart. They tried chemoembolism. That was 4

years ago, so it must have worked!

I'll be praying mighty hard.

Re: hi

Hey and all,

Yes it has been quiet! I just haven't been on

because so much is happening here in my life now.

Just waiting for my EMG test to be done so we can

talk surgery. It is scheduled for July 23rd. I

told them to call me if they had a cancellation at

anytime so I can get this moving quicker(tired of

being in pain).So they did call me at 910am this

morning and wanted me to be there at

930am....hahaha! Still in my pj's,hadn't showered

and they are 30 minutes away....so that was a no


Then my husbands mother just had exploratory

surgery last night for a lower bowel

obstruction....they pretty much just opened her up

and closed her.Found out she is ridden with

cancer. So she is in ICU,they have removed the

ventalator and have put a tube in to feed her thru

her stomach.The prognosis naturally isn't good,so

family is coming in from all over so that is

keeping me busy.

And for those of you who have private emailed

me....I will try and get back to you tomorrow,as

im just totally exhausted today.


Hi..Has it been quiet or is it me??

Well things are going good. My back still isnt

as strong so I think I am

going to call and start therapy..As much as I

hate to I must go if I want to get

the strenght back in my back.. I am also trying

to loose the million pounds I

have gained since staying home. So far 2.4

pounds..wheeeewwww hooooo..

I am going back to work Sept 3rd. I just hope

that standing on my feet for 7

hours wont be so bad. If so my hubby and I

talked about it and if it comes

down to me leaving I will.

Ok so how is everyone else doing?

[Non-text portions of this message have been


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Hi, ,

Glad to hear things are on the up & up with you.

I'm awaiting word from my medical insurance on

whether they'll pay for any PT beyond the 60-day

limitation. Still having trouble extending my

arms upwards past my shoulder blades. B/c I was

feeling pretty good today I tried some stretches

that I used to do before my injury, besides the

ones my PT gave me. Ouch! Silly me. I still

have a hard time with some of the stretches she

gave me. Still can't do any push-ups, just girly

ones. One spectacular piece of news: I did

abdominal crunches!!! Real ones, not just the

easy ones from my PT. Of course, I have to

" brace " my back as taught, but hey, I'm doing

them! (Thank you, God.) :-)

I'm going back to part-time work in Sep, too. My

boss said to think about what office chair I'll

need. (I've already returned to my volunteer

work, but haven't yet rejoined the choir. I can't

hold up the choir books yet.)

My family finally made a decision to take a

vacation. My husband's 30th high school reunion

was the clincher, so we're heading to Wisconsin.

I guess I'll have to tell the flight attendants

why I'll be standing up a lot & walking around,

instead of sitting, so that they don't think I'm a

terrorist. LOL.


Hi..Has it been quiet or is it me??

Well things are going good. My back still isnt as

strong so I think I am

going to call and start therapy..As much as I hate

to I must go if I want to get

the strenght back in my back.. I am also trying to

loose the million pounds I

have gained since staying home. So far 2.4

pounds..wheeeewwww hooooo..

I am going back to work Sept 3rd. I just hope that

standing on my feet for 7

hours wont be so bad. If so my hubby and I talked

about it and if it comes

down to me leaving I will.

Ok so how is everyone else doing?

[Non-text portions of this message have been


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> Vivian I am in NJ.. <

Oh...okay...and no I am not stalking you! LOL

I saw your comment about cruises and wondered how close you were to a port or

able to drive. ton, SC has a new cruise leaving out of its port. I

thought there was one even more north also but can't remember.

I went on a cruise out of Tampa to the Western Carribean and it was awesome...so

nice to be spoiled, but very expensive, especially that last day when you come

back from lunch to find envelopes from everyone who wants a tip. LOL Our next

cruise will be to the Bahamas.

Would be nice if we could afford it for a bunch of us to take one

together...call ourselves The Achy-Breaky Back Cruisers. LOL But I have to wait

on my settlement.

Vivian H.

Vivian H.

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> > Vivian I am in NJ.. <


> Oh...okay...and no I am not stalking you! LOL

Speak for yourself. My name is Joe and I'll be

your stalker for the evening. :)


- I've flown a few times. Hasn't made

me sick at all.

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Isn't it amazing when you finally put it all together and realize

that you have a problem that can be tackled. There are several good

sources for candida control. The Yeast Connection by Wm. Crook is

one of them. You might want to refer to a web site that references

Crooks material and other sources for diet help. There is little

selling going on at this site: www.panix.com/~candida/

It also provides a link to Tripp's site. is a woman who

devised a methodology to cure herself and shares it on her site.

REad alot, try alot of different things. REalize that it took along

time to get ill and it will probably talk along time to heal your

body. Don't give up. Keep with the diet. If you slip up, don't get

discouraged....everyone here has given in to urges.

Good luck! We are in this with you.

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Hello Amy

I would start with some good reading material.... One book being THE YEAST

CONNECTION second there is a very knowledgeable man on the subject....His

name is Duncan Crow...

Another good resource is the internet of course, there is lots of material

and info and even diet information on the net....

From: " Amy " <Amelia@...>



Subject: Hi

Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 12:13:39 -0000


My name is Amy and I'm wondering how I can treat myself, and where I

need to start.

A few days ago...I made the connection between this yeast infection (

which I've had since my second child was born, about 15 years ago)

and my athlete's foot fungus and my thyroid disease!

I do not want to go the medical route...I want to do this on my own

but need some direction.

Everywhere I go on the internet it is some advertisment wanting to

sell me this or sell me that.

There has to be a structured plan.

I'll go back and read some of the " posts " here.

Thanks for any help.

It's time to change my life.




STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


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  • 2 months later...

> I just wanted everyone to know that I will be leaving the loop soon. <

awwww mannnn....was nice to have someone going thru the same thing a couple

weeks before I did. You were my guneau pig...LOL.

But at the same time, I am so happy for you, that you are comfortable with your

healing, and doing well!

Going to miss you, but know that you have to do what's right for you.

Thank you for being here for all of us!

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi in Montreal. Are you still in the cold up there?

I hope you are feeling well today and have a good day.

the WV hillbilly Re: [ ] Hi from WV


from newbi in Montreal Myers <SMYERS3999@...> wrote:

Hi everyone I am back. It has been a long 4 months and I really missed you guys.

I am doing good right now but have had pneumonia and other problems so am still getting on my feet.

My newest MRI showed something on my pancreas so I have to watch that and they increased my Imuran to 50 and my Pred. is 10.

I don't know who all is still on here but to the newbies hi and to the oldbies how are ya?

Time for my breathing treatment so got to go.

Bye for now,

the WV hillbilly

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The weather is not so bad now drove home with the window down

and didn't freeze my ears off, but boy it felt good.

Take care

in MontrealSMyers3999 <SMYERS3999@...> wrote:

Hi in Montreal. Are you still in the cold up there?

I hope you are feeling well today and have a good day.

the WV hillbilly Re: [ ] Hi from WV


from newbi in Montreal Myers <SMYERS3999@...> wrote:

Hi everyone I am back. It has been a long 4 months and I really missed you guys.

I am doing good right now but have had pneumonia and other problems so am still getting on my feet.

My newest MRI showed something on my pancreas so I have to watch that and they increased my Imuran to 50 and my Pred. is 10.

I don't know who all is still on here but to the newbies hi and to the oldbies how are ya?

Time for my breathing treatment so got to go.

Bye for now,

the WV hillbilly

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Welcome to the group .

Namaste, Bruce


Hi everyone,

I'm new here---just joined today. My name is . I'm a 34 stay at home mom to a son who is 19 months. The story behind me seeking you out is a long one and I won't bore you all with it but I did want to introduce myself.

My main interest in this group is support and hopefully diet education. I saw at the groups home page that there were many books on diet that I hope to be able to get my hands on. I've not been diagnosed by a professional to have a yeast problem but my symptoms and my guts hope is that I do and that I can overcome it's obstacles by changing my diet.

Thanks for welcoming me,

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  • 1 month later...
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I have had the cortisone(steroid) injections twice. The 1st didn't

help me. The 2nd helped me alot. They numbed the area on my back and

when they did the injection there was alot of pressure felt.There is

a limit on how many can be done. They did mine at the hospital. I

was awake for the procedure. But given meds to help me relax. Went

home that day.

Hope that helps. Good luck to you.

Take care,

Katrina :-)

> Hello, I'm sort of new to the group. I had a spinal lumbar fusion

> back in '89 and had a pretty normal life after that, no


> or anything, just a little stiffness. A few months ago I injured


> back again at work, the doctors said it was a new injury and

> everything was fine with the bolts and screws in the hardware,


> though I have pain in my right leg and lower back. They think it


> be a pinched nerve.

> Anyway, they said that surgery was not really an option, so they

> sent me to a pain man. spec. He wanted to try spinal injections of

> steriods. Here's the kick in the head, while they were waiting for

> approval from workman's comp, my wife had to rush me to the er


> we found out I had type one diabetes. Now they can't do they

> injections untill my sugar is under controll. Has anyone had these

> steroid shots and can they give me some info?

> thanks and glad to be here,

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It looks as though we are going through the same thing. I'm 55 and had L5/S1 fusion in April 2002 and was recovering slowly, but nicely. Some discomfort, but none of the back and leg pain I had before the fusion. Well, I slipped and landed on my tail bone in January and have had problems ever since. MRI shows possible pinched nerve, but not conclusive. I was told that a myelogram was needed with a cat scan to determine if there was nerve problems. I didn't want the myelogram, at least not yet. I was sent to a pain management doctor to see if steroid injections could help me. Three weeks ago I had my first injection. It helped some, but I was looking for about 80% more relief. I see the doctor tomorrow to evaluate the first injection. He did have some thoughts as to where he wanted to inject me. I will keep you updated if I receive another injection.

Something of interest that two different doctors have told me is that there may be a shift in where weight bearing support is above and below the L5/S1 and could be causing pain problems with the hip joints.

Good luck,


e_setser <e_setser@...> wrote:

Hello, I'm sort of new to the group. I had a spinal lumbar fusion back in '89 and had a pretty normal life after that, no limatiations or anything, just a little stiffness. A few months ago I injured my back again at work, the doctors said it was a new injury and everything was fine with the bolts and screws in the hardware, even though I have pain in my right leg and lower back. They think it may be a pinched nerve.Anyway, they said that surgery was not really an option, so they sent me to a pain man. spec. He wanted to try spinal injections of steriods. Here's the kick in the head, while they were waiting for approval from workman's comp, my wife had to rush me to the er where we found out I had type one diabetes. Now they can't do they injections untill my sugar is under controll. Has anyone had these steroid shots and can

they give me some info? thanks and glad to be here,

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My husband has had the steroid injections. They helped him a little.

He has cervical neck problems, I have cervical and lumbar problems. I

am going to most likely have metal plates and a fusion in the

cervical soon. I believe the leg pain I have been experiencing for

the last couple years is due to lower back herniation. Then

degenerative disk disease on L3-S1. I would love to be out of pain a

little at least. The herniated disk in the neck is pinching on the

spinal cord also. I am hopeing the surgery/surgeries help. Also found

on MRI is perineural cysts. In the S1 and down region. I did a little

research, but there is not much known about them. Its a rare thing.

They could be drained some, most likely they are on the nerves

pinching. The cysts can sometimes cause painful legs, and bladder

problems. Which I am having also.

I am on Atkins diet. I started in January. I have lost 50 pounds so

far. I was on the way to diabetes 2 I believe. I know some other

friends who are diabetic, and the Atkins Diet has done wonders for

them. So maybe try it? Pick the book up and give it a read, see what

you think. Its changed my life for sure. I plan on losing until goal

weight, 135.

My husband is on WC. He has had the steroid injections. The

epidurals. Tomorrow he is have nerve blocks done. Then most likely

surgery on his cervical around the same time I am having mine.

Good Luck, I am new here also!

> Hello, I'm sort of new to the group. I had a spinal lumbar fusion

> back in '89 and had a pretty normal life after that, no


> or anything, just a little stiffness. A few months ago I injured my

> back again at work, the doctors said it was a new injury and

> everything was fine with the bolts and screws in the hardware, even

> though I have pain in my right leg and lower back. They think it


> be a pinched nerve.

> Anyway, they said that surgery was not really an option, so they

> sent me to a pain man. spec. He wanted to try spinal injections of

> steriods. Here's the kick in the head, while they were waiting for

> approval from workman's comp, my wife had to rush me to the er


> we found out I had type one diabetes. Now they can't do they

> injections untill my sugar is under controll. Has anyone had these

> steroid shots and can they give me some info?

> thanks and glad to be here,

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dans un e-mail daté du 23/05/2004 19:21:34 Romance Standard Time,

tlatouf@... a écrit :

> Tinnitus. Gets worse with different foods/environments

I have that too.


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I've had tinnitus for a year and a half. I don't know if it is related to

candida or not. I haven't been able to correlate its changing intensities

with anything else - diet, weather, stress, physical activity or anything.

It just seems to change intensity at random.

I should keep some notes on when it gets lighter and when it gets stronger.

Maybe there is some sort of correlation.


[ ] hi



> Does anyone here get tinnitus that goes from soft to harsh depending

> on different foods eaten, different environments etc? I usually get it

> when I brush my teeth or drink something cold. My symptoms are :


> Sensitive to cold.

> Tinnitus. Gets worse with different foods/environments

> White coating on the back of the tongue.

> Fatigue.

> Dry skin

> Blood shot puffy eyes.


> .


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I just saw the photo. I can't believe this and maybe it's why we're both

sick. I used to ride too. Crazy!! I didn't all-the-way race motocross like

that but back in the early 70's I had a Yamaha 350 2-stroke twin that I'd go

out day after day and " scrape the pedals " . I loved to go fast. A guy saw me

at the car wash -- I must have been about 18 at the time -- and he was a big

motocross champion up there where I grew up. He was surprised and happy to

see that a girl was riding like that and so he worked with me out on the

shores of the Sandy River up in Oregon. We used Suzuki RM-50's and I learned

to fall and jump and everything. It made me a much better rider even though

I never raced in an organized way. I rode only bikes, all different ones,

until I was about 30.

That is so cool.

Well, I've got to go pack -- I leave for a party in Seattle Saturday night.

See you everybody! ~Robin


From: baysfit [mailto:baysfit@...]

Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 6:43 PM

Subject: [ ] HI

To post a photo Just go to the photo link on the left hand side of

the screen (below search box) and follow the instructions. I think

it will be great to share positive pictures as well.

See ya


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  • 1 month later...
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I think for the most part, some people have no pain after surgery and

some continue to have the same if not more pain after surgery. I

dont want my pain advertised, it is my pain and I deal with it. But

when it is brought up in discussions, or for the most part I cant get

out of bed because I cant move itsnt open season for people to refer

to me as lazy, or just dont want to get up. I think I would probably

love to be doing something other than laying in bed becasue I got 1

hr of sleep or because I cant move and get up. There are so many

different types of back problems, cervical problems etc that it is

hard to say to a group that have the same problem that they shouldnt

be in pain, or that they should do something different.

Up until April of this yr, I got around pretty well. Granted there

are things that I cant do and probably wont do. When the DR looks at

me and shows me where my vertibrae is moving on its own, well that

gives me a little more perspective on things. Washing dishes takes

me forever because I can only stand for 10 min at a time. Up and

down the stairs, well forget it, and bending well we can forget that

all together. I bend over to pick up laundry to go into the washer

and I cant (litterly) cant stand back up. It saddens me bacause I

cant bend down and pick up my grandson, and he doesnt know why. So

yes Larry, I to believe that we are all victims in one way or

another. There are some stretches that may work, if you can lay back

on your back and bring your knee to your chest and pull enough to

feel it in your muscles, but not to much, do this for 5 min and

change legs. Take your knee drawn up to your chest and try to roll

to the oppisite side of the leg you have and stretch a bit. But then

again, I am probably giving the suggestions that have already been


> Larry &


> Sometimes I think those of us with back problems have problems with

> other people recognizing our pain is that, for the most part, our

> pain/problem is not visible to others -- we are not walking around

> with a cast, or on crutches, etc. I least it seems that way to


> I am still using a cane post surgery, and I notice that people

> notice, open doors (not always) etc. Something for me to remember

> for others.


> kris!,


> maybe its because we victims and i call us that due to we are the


> burdened with this pain. it wouldn't matter whether or not they

knew we

> were hurting or not. i have talked with a brother-in-law and he gets

> around just fine and he had discal surgery, and still asks me why

am in

> pain. so no i for one don't believe that , even if they didn't or


> believe!, it really wouldn't matter to them. as matter of fact


> area ups driver told me him and a brother and countless friends of


> either has or has had back problems and had surgery and are fine

and yet

> still they think the same thing. so no they recognize it they just

> choose to turn there head in recognition thats all. and those


> people are the vary ones that says us the hurting ones are faking

it, or

> better yet they say i have back trouble but i sure don't act like


> well i just want to bitch slap them ( sorry about my french ) but


> how i feel. let them live in my shoes for just one dam day ,,,,just


> is all i ask. and rest assured they will be looking for a soft

chair, or

> a recliner or a bed. so yeh they see us and recognize us....Larry

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In a message dated 8/5/2004 3:21:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

sugarbutt1966@... writes:


when it is brought up in discussions, or for the most part I cant get

out of bed because I cant move itsnt open season for people to refer

to me as lazy, or just dont want to get up. I think I would probably

love to be doing something other than laying in bed becasue I got 1

hr of sleep or because I cant move and get up

, I agree with you 100%. I hate the idea of me not being able to do

much especially the fact that I cannot take care of my mom who is dying from

cancer. My mom loss use of her legs and needs to be lifted which it saddens me


much that I cannot do it. The decent people in my family understand but the

others do not they think it is me being lazy or not willing to help. Mom

stays with my brother and my sister-in-law insisted on taking care of my mom. I

told them in the beginning I wish I could but I cannot lift mom. Believe me I

tried and I have no strength. Back pain is not shown visibly to all so if I

walk normal people assume I am fine. I do think that my brother and his wife

maybe truly believing me now considering I took the paper for the cervical

anterior fusion to show them for opinions. They didn't comment either way as to

what to do but read it which was in detail of what would be done and why it is

done and all the risks involved. I honestly want to be normal again it hurts

like heck knowing I am 41 years old and can't pick up my niece who is two

without a lot of pain even. Carrying groceries is hard for me. I am losing

strength in my hands as these discs get worse. It is rough when people do not

understand you.

Hugs, joy

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  • 3 weeks later...


It was good to hear from you so soon after you joined the group.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I have a ruptured disk at the C4-5 level. I also have a bulging disk at the L4-5 and S1.

I have continuous pain in my neck that radiates down my neck to my shoulders and arms. I have that pain 24/7.

I go to sleep with the pain and I wake up with the pain as well.

I also have trouble with my low back.

When I stand ,or walk for more than 5 minutes both of my legs go numb. I am unable to walk ,or to stand with out pain in my back.

Even though my condition is not as bad as some in this group,I am still in constant pain.

Well,so much for me.

Welcome to the group.

May you have a better day tomorrow than today, and not as good a day as the day after.

Take as best care as you can ,and be safe.


h2ofall_the_imp <h2ofalltheimp@...> wrote:

Hi to all,I thought that I would introduce myself. My name is Em and I am a 34 year old female. I live with my husband, 17 yr old foster son, our son's father (long story), our two dogs, and 4 cats. I think that is everyone. I am a Red Cross Disaster Educator and a Disaster Volunteer, who does Search and Rescue with my canine partner, Paks. If anyone ever wants to know that things can get better for you, ask me her story. It is my inspiration on bad days (which are happening a lot more often lately).I have congenital fusion of most of my cervical spine, C2-3,3-4,5-6, and 6-7. My c4-5 disk is bulging and causing intractible migraines and neck pain. My neurosurgeon wants me to wait as long as possible before surgery. I have spondylosis, DJD, and nerve impingement. Just great, right?

LOLWhile, I hurt all the time, I really feel sorry for my family. I get so frustrated at not being able to do the things I use to do, simple things...Like being able to pick keys up with my left hand, not limp with my left leg...things like that. Evidently, I have become a bear to live with....I try not to be, but everyone yelled at me last night that I am just awful.Oh well, enough pity party for me. I am really glad to meet all of you and hope you are having a good day.EmREMEMBER ALL OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE ARMED SERVICE OF OUR NATION


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It was good to hear from you so soon after you joined the group.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I have a ruptured disk at the C4-5 level. I also have a bulging disk at the L4-5 and S1.

I have continuous pain in my neck that radiates down my neck to my shoulders and arms. I have that pain 24/7.

I go to sleep with the pain and I wake up with the pain as well.

I also have trouble with my low back.

When I stand ,or walk for more than 5 minutes both of my legs go numb. I am unable to walk ,or to stand with out pain in my back.

Even though my condition is not as bad as some in this group,I am still in constant pain.

Well,so much for me.

Welcome to the group.

May you have a better day tomorrow than today, and not as good a day as the day after.

Take as best care as you can ,and be safe.


h2ofall_the_imp <h2ofalltheimp@...> wrote:

Hi to all,I thought that I would introduce myself. My name is Em and I am a 34 year old female. I live with my husband, 17 yr old foster son, our son's father (long story), our two dogs, and 4 cats. I think that is everyone. I am a Red Cross Disaster Educator and a Disaster Volunteer, who does Search and Rescue with my canine partner, Paks. If anyone ever wants to know that things can get better for you, ask me her story. It is my inspiration on bad days (which are happening a lot more often lately).I have congenital fusion of most of my cervical spine, C2-3,3-4,5-6, and 6-7. My c4-5 disk is bulging and causing intractible migraines and neck pain. My neurosurgeon wants me to wait as long as possible before surgery. I have spondylosis, DJD, and nerve impingement. Just great, right?

LOLWhile, I hurt all the time, I really feel sorry for my family. I get so frustrated at not being able to do the things I use to do, simple things...Like being able to pick keys up with my left hand, not limp with my left leg...things like that. Evidently, I have become a bear to live with....I try not to be, but everyone yelled at me last night that I am just awful.Oh well, enough pity party for me. I am really glad to meet all of you and hope you are having a good day.EmREMEMBER ALL OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE ARMED SERVICE OF OUR NATION


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