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that just burns me when my hubby tries to do it to me. there was a time when he would just take them and not say anything to me I would not notice until i started to run out. I had to hide them he got the clue but then had the nerve to start asking for them. now i tell him if he asks that he needs to make an appointment. well miracuously he gets better IMAGINE THAT Goodman <moon_angel_goddess27@...> wrote:

oh I know my own hubby tries to do it to me!!! Janine Newman <jnewmans1@...> wrote:

doesnt that just kill you?? how about the ones that know what you have gone through and asks you for some of you pain meds for there aches they have. I have had a few of my friends and family do that to me on several occasions I told them if they were hurting that bad they needed to go to the doctors and I would be more than happy to take them. they said it was bad but it was irritating and they just wanted some relief for a few. I just about died what I wouldnt give for RELIEF for a few. sometimes I wonder what the hell they really think we are feeling. if they think its like a stiff neck or something what i wouldnt give for that Goodman <moon_angel_goddess27@...> wrote:

ugh ok now i have a reason to like summer LOL I'm so not looking forward to this mess come winter. I've noticed tho with other people who know about my back problems, that they will sit there and complain about the littlest thing, i just sit back and i smile and say oh that must be really rough on you. If only they knew the pain that we all go through every single day of every single hour. They are taking life for granted, it really urkes me. I just thought id share my rant today :) And here i struggle just to be able to clean my house and take care of my daughter, if only i had there pain. once again have a great weekend!!

Janine Newman <jnewmans1@...> wrote:

Its always worse when it is cold and there parts of my body that are weakening are affected in the cold TO PUT IT IN A NUT SHELL I AM A MESS IN THE WINTER LOL

Janine Goodman <moon_angel_goddess27@...> wrote:


I'm glad :D

today I'm having an ok day... have any of you noticed that your back hurts more with colder weather. I'm here in Wisconsin and today is finally a cold day but at the same time I feel stiffer in the back at least more than usual. I'm just thankful that I have this little girl sitting next to me saying "momma I got an idea" and well go and do her idea LOL. Hoping everyone else is getting ideas. Have a good weekend.

Janine Newman <jnewmans1@...> wrote:

Believe it or not this message that wrote is a answered prayer. Early this morning I was praying and asked God to allow the members in the group to be able to say that there day is better than yesterday. I also asked Him to allow you guys to share it with the group no matter how big or small the good day was. You have made my day . It just confirms to me that God does hear my prayers.

Sincerely Janine In CaliMoon Angel Goddess <moon_angel_goddess27@...> wrote:

Hi Katrina,Yes it is hard on the kids expecially when they are little. :( So this morning I woke up with a bit of "im feeling good attitude" LOL so i took my morning PK and Arissa, Myself and our little Thunder went for a 10 min walk. For once I didn't trip (woohhoo) My left leg has some numbness in it (dont know if it will come back completely) but i was more aware of my surroundings. That has been my longest walk outside. My right side hurts just a little bit. So it was a good walk id say. So now i have to rest up, I'm planning on selling AVON just to bring in a little bit of money. I can honestly say (tring not to be negative) but i dont think i can sit at a desk all day long. and thats all my background is on- office work. So I'm off to try and start training our Min Pin on

picking up things for me hehe you have to find something to do LOL. I hope everyone is feeling good today... And I look forward to getting to know more of you :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Sounds like your curves are about what mine were when I had my first

fusion (60 and 48, give or take a bit). Since you're case is

undoubtedly different than my case, I'm not implying that you need


If you have anything you want to kick around, let us know.

> Hello to Ev1:


> I just thought that since there is already a who is a regular

member that I would in the future sign myself as Momo as in most of

the cyber world my Nickname is momoflacrosse lol since both of my boys

play lacrosse.

> Glad to see that you all have sorted things out and started this off

shoot - it will solve the issues I am sure.

> I have not got flatback as I have never had surgery for my

scoliosis - it is now progresses to 60 degrees thoracic and 45 lumbar

but I still find useful info from those of you that post here so thank

you all for letting me join in and for all the help I get


> Momo(Canada)

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Don't forget to take Milk Thistle and Astragulus, this

should speed up the regeneration of your liver.

--- Connie <angel34@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone

> Well I went to the Dr. again today, my liver test

> were up just a

> little, but I have been having so much pain in my

> liver my Dr thought

> it would be a good idea to raise my Prednisone to 15

> mgs. I still

> have not recieved the Cellcept from the drug

> company, hope I get it

> soon. I just hope liver is not getting worse without

> a rejection drug.

> My prayers are with you all

> Connie





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  • 1 month later...


I’am going to visit

Canada, Ontario Windsor Essex surrounding next week to see if we would like to

live over there. So I am very curious how it is!

I let you know what we

think of it when we’re back.


loes van der weiden, aih

The Netherlands


[mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Marie

Sent: zaterdag 3 september 2005


Subject: [ ] Hi

Another Canadian here, in

Ontario. Yes there are not many on the group

from Canada but we all check in from time to time.

Glad to hear that

you are doing well. Hope it continues that way for



Marie (Ont)

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Hi Loes,

I haven't forgotten that you might relocate to my old

home town area. Email me if you need any info. and I

will ask my friend about docs etc. You might be

better off going to the university hospital in London,

Ont. for specialists. I have heard that a lot of the

Windsor docs have headed to the U.S.A. Where will you

be staying, in Windsor or Essex County. You picked a

godd time to come. Nothing beats the Essex County

corn, tomatoes etc. at the end of the summer. Enjoy

your visit.

Kathy from Ont.

--- Loes van der Weiden <loesvanderweiden@...>


> Hello,




> I'am going to visit Canada, Ontario Windsor Essex

> surrounding next week to

> see if we would like to live over there. So I am

> very curious how it is!


> I let you know what we think of it when we're back.




> Greetings


> loes van der weiden, aih




> The Netherlands




> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of Marie

> Sent: zaterdag 3 september 2005 20:29


> Subject: [ ] Hi




> Another Canadian here, in Ontario. Yes there are not

> many on the group

> from Canada but we all check in from time to time.

> Glad to hear that

> you are doing well. Hope it continues that way for

> you.


> Hugs

> Marie (Ont)







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Ohhh DO have fun! I love Canada. Haven’t been back east, but spent

many summers in BC and Alberta!


[ ] Hi

Another Canadian here, in Ontario.

Yes there are not many on the group

from Canada but we all check in from time to time.

Glad to hear that

you are doing well. Hope it continues that way for



Marie (Ont)

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  • 3 weeks later...

--- thinin02 <ew1409@...> wrotee

> I understand the basics of the diet.I had tried a

> low carb diet before

> and found I did not lose any weight because I am

> hypothyroid and need

> a certain amount of carbs for my meds to work

Try coconut oil. My doctor prescribed 3-5 tbs of

virgin coconut oil daily for thyoid problems. Since

it's a medium chain fatty acid, it goes directly into

energy instead of being stored as fat. As well as

helping with weight loss (just type in coconut oil at

Amazon), it will also help greatly with your energy

levels and hormonal functioning -- as well as killing

the Candida. See all the info in the files.

Muchos saludos,

Jeanne OTS


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  • 1 month later...


I buy some spring water here bottled in Canada. I just think there

is less pollution when you go to less industrialized areas, like far

north. I think it tastes better also. I buy Gabralter, which is

popular here but I had to look around a bit for it. My doctor is

concerned because some spring water can be a mixed bag, depending on

where it comes from. With that in mind, I might steriolize it and

then after cool, might put it through a Brita (charcoal) filter and

then keep it in refrig. I hope I have enough disappline to do that

anyway. Right now I'm just using spring water. Some spring water

may not be better than tap water depending on how good your local

water supply is kept, and your the plumbing in your house and area.

I know the Brita or similar filter improves the taste usually and I

think that is a good sign. I tried to drink the reverse osmosis but

didn't like it. You can buy 'trace minerals' in health food store

and add them to reverse osmosis water or distilled water to offset

but I don't know how much to put. You don't want to put too much

since trace minerals contains some undesireables like arsenic. I

guess it's hard to preserve the minerals and not get some

undesireable elements in also if they are same size molecule.


> Could someone tell me what kind of water is best to drink? I am

getting very confused!


> Thanks!


> Gwen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Deb

I was wondering what surgeon did your surgery and where near L.A. you are? I love in the Pasadena area and stillhave not had revision yet but I am getting closer! Love tohear more form ya!

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Dear Debbie,

So good to have you here with us. Who did your surgery? Was it in the L.A. area? We have a member in your area looking for a good doc. What did your surgery entail? I had my revision nearly three years ago and I'm doing well. Look around the site, our stories are listed under the files section. So glad your up and doing well enough to get on the computer, it's a slow go, but for me it was worth it.

Glad to have you here, anything we can help with just ask!

Colorado Springs

[ ] HI

I am new to the group and wanted to say HI. I am 43 and had surgery for my Flatback problems due to my harrington rod surgery I got back in 1980. I had my surgery about a month ago now. Its been painful and a slow process. But I do believe in the long run all this I am going thru now will be worth it.I live outside of L.A. and am staying with family so that helps allot.So Hello to you all and look forward to chatting....ThanksDebbie

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It was done at Cedars Sinai with Dr Pashman. I looked into

doctors at s Hopkins, University San Fransisco and Cedars and

decided on him. He trained under the doctor in San Francisco who is

noted to be one of the best. Dr Pashman does many revisions, he just

did another this past Monday. So I felt good under his care and all

the other specialist he has with him during the surgery as well.


> Hi Deb

> I was wondering what surgeon did your surgery and where near L.A.

you are?

> I love in the Pasadena area and stillhave not had revision yet but

I am

> getting closer! Love tohear more form ya!



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Welcome! How far are you fused now? If you already posted this,

forgive me. I have been reading kind of quickly to get caught up and

go do other things before bed...like eat dessert!



> I have 3 incisions, 2 in back to remove the rod and the one in


> where they put in the new hardware. It was at Cedars Sinai. I


> highly recommend that Hospital! As far as hospitals go, and I


> been in many, they were by far the best.. It was done by Dr


> and the vascualr surgeon was Dr Wagner, I forget who the Neuro was

> tho... They were all very good and I would reccommend.

> Thanks for the well wishes! It is a very slow and a bit painful

> going but I know the outcome will be worth it..

> Thanks

> Deb

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Hello Debbie and welcome!

Wow..one month post op....amazing isn't it!

I am glad to hear you are doing well and feel well. I was just saying

today that I got my bone growth stimulator about 3 weeks post op and

when I learned I had to use it for 9 months I thought that would be

forever....turns out it went by in a flash and I only have a few

batteries left....(yeah)....and I can't believe how quickly time has

gone. Before you know it you will be up and around a lot more. I

remember reading that a lot of people hit a little " bump "

or " pleateau " around 6 weeks, and I did too...I don't know why...maybe

by then your body is done with the massive healing and things slow

down a little...maybe people pay less attention then...I don't

know..but don't let it get you down! Improvement seems to come in

dribs and drabs...not a steady improvement...at least not for me. But

come it will.

Where do yo live when you are not recovering? Cam

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> Hello Debbie and welcome!


> Wow..one month post op....amazing isn't it!

> I am glad to hear you are doing well and feel well. I was just


> today that I got my bone growth stimulator about 3 weeks post op


> when I learned I had to use it for 9 months I thought that would


> forever....turns out it went by in a flash and I only have a few

> batteries left....(yeah)....and I can't believe how quickly time


> gone. Before you know it you will be up and around a lot more. I

> remember reading that a lot of people hit a little " bump "

> or " pleateau " around 6 weeks, and I did too...I don't know


> by then your body is done with the massive healing and things slow

> down a little...maybe people pay less attention then...I don't

> know..but don't let it get you down! Improvement seems to come in

> dribs and drabs...not a steady improvement...at least not for me.


> come it will.


> Where do yo live when you are not recovering? Cam


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I do not recall I believe L-3 to coccyx is what they said.

> >

> > I have 3 incisions, 2 in back to remove the rod and the one in

> front

> > where they put in the new hardware. It was at Cedars Sinai. I

> would

> > highly recommend that Hospital! As far as hospitals go, and I

> have

> > been in many, they were by far the best.. It was done by Dr

> Pashman

> > and the vascualr surgeon was Dr Wagner, I forget who the Neuro


> > tho... They were all very good and I would reccommend.

> > Thanks for the well wishes! It is a very slow and a bit


> > going but I know the outcome will be worth it..

> > Thanks

> > Deb


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  • 1 month later...

I've had a hair loss problem for many years. Two things I've found that have

helped are using the Nioxin line of shampoo products and recently someone

suggested massagng my scalp with almond oil and leaving it on for about an hour

before shampooing and that did reduce the amount of hair shedding in the



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Dear Angel,

YES, it will grow back, please don't worry, it always does. You won't go

bald, I promise! I got nervous when mine started to come out, but it grew back

fine, and never fell out enough for anyone to notice.

You might want to have your levels checked, as you might be becoming

hypothyroid. Doctors love to keep you on too high a dose of meds for too long,

to get

you into the hypo state. I started to feel a little hypo after a few months

on the meds--I could tell bec. I was putting weight back on. I insisted the

doctor start lowering my dose of Tap, but he refused. Of course, it was not up

to him, it was up to me, so I started weaning myself off the drug. After he

took labs, at my insistence, he reluctantly agreed that, indeed, I was

slightly hypo, and helped me wean successfully. After a few months, I was


off meds, and have been fine for over 7 years. I am the only one I know who got

totally better from Graves, and I think my decision to not stay on the drugs

and become hypo is what made the difference.

Even if this is not the case w/you, and you are not slightly hypo, your hair

still will grow back about 3 months after you stabilize your thyroid levels.

Keep us posted,


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When your levels are off you lose hair but it grows back in when they level

back out. Mine has been doing this for 8 years. That is one of the ways I

know my levels are off and my dose of meds needs to be changed.



Hi, I'm 23 years old and I've had hyperthyroidism for almost a year

now...well maybe even longer but I started taking PTU and Inderal for almost

a year. I have been feeling great now than before but it seems like my hair

has been falling out so much lately. Whenever I take a shower, brush my

hair, when I put my hair up...so much hair falls out. It just really

depresses me. I'm scared that more hair is going to fall and I'm going to

go bald. My doctor said not to worry and that it will grow back but I'm

just so scared that it wont. I was wondering if anyone has any problem with

this? If so ...please tell me it'll grow back.



Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at

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AntJoan - did your graves disease effect your eyes? Are THEY better now?




Re: Hi

> Dear Angel,


> YES, it will grow back, please don't worry, it always does. You won't go

> bald, I promise! I got nervous when mine started to come out, but it grew

> back

> fine, and never fell out enough for anyone to notice.


> You might want to have your levels checked, as you might be becoming

> hypothyroid. Doctors love to keep you on too high a dose of meds for too

> long, to get

> you into the hypo state. I started to feel a little hypo after a few

> months

> on the meds--I could tell bec. I was putting weight back on. I insisted

> the

> doctor start lowering my dose of Tap, but he refused. Of course, it was

> not up

> to him, it was up to me, so I started weaning myself off the drug. After

> he

> took labs, at my insistence, he reluctantly agreed that, indeed, I was

> slightly hypo, and helped me wean successfully. After a few months, I was

> totally

> off meds, and have been fine for over 7 years. I am the only one I know

> who got

> totally better from Graves, and I think my decision to not stay on the

> drugs

> and become hypo is what made the difference.


> Even if this is not the case w/you, and you are not slightly hypo, your

> hair

> still will grow back about 3 months after you stabilize your thyroid

> levels.


> Keep us posted,

> AntJoan




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In a message dated 12/14/2005 4:54:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

interclean.christchurch@... writes:

AntJoan - did your graves disease effect your eyes? Are THEY better now?

Dear Andria,

No, I had no thyroid eye disease. I was starving, angry, lost a lot of

weight, so weak I could hardly stand up, but my eyes were fine.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Nan, you just lost your job and you're a LITTLE bummed? Sounds like a major

bummer to me. Sorry to hear it.

I have had my left leg buckle under me in the past. I thought it was my

sacroilliac, but of course I didn't go for a diagnosis. I found that

sitting would eventually relieve the pain, and then I could stand again, but

while it was happening it was just excruciating to put weight on my left

leg. I first had trouble when I originally started getting massage therapy

on a regular basis, and eventually realized it happened when I stretched out

my body, as when lying face down on a massage table, or flat on my back in

bed. Swimming could also trigger it. My massage therapist could help me

with it by massaging my piriformis muscle. After I began working out with

weights it stopped for a few years, but it may be starting up again. Maybe

it's really stenosis or something. I don't know, but I'll be asking Dr.

Rand for sure.


[ ] Hi

> Yes, it's me, the ever inconsistent flatbacker, chiming in to say that

> I am still here & feeling guilty because I can never seem to keep up

> with the rest of you. Forgive me !


> I have had an enormous amount of neck pain lately that I can feel in

> my right arm & hand, and therefore have not wanted to do a lot of

> typing. I just had to wish a very sucessful time with the

> surgery. I wish I was having mine in a few weeks. , it sounds

> like everything is happening all at once with you!


> To Lorrie, I wish you continued good luck with your rehabilitation.

> You sound like me when you mentioned the spot on the floor. It just

> bugs me to death when I see a spot on my floor and I am not able to

> get it up. Then, instead of asking someone to do it for me, I just

> assume that everyone else saw it, and assume they will wipe it up. I

> guess that is not the case. I can relate and that is going to be the

> hardest problem that I will have to face in May when I have my surgery.

> I think I am a tad bit obsessive about a clean floor.


> Kam, I will be in St. Louis the 26th thru the 29th of Jan.to see Dr.

> Bridwell, a PT, and a hip specialist, so I should be able to come see

> you.


> I know that a lot of you had trouble with your hips before the

> revision surgery, but has anyone experienced it feeling like it locks

> up on you, and your leg buckles? Dr. Bridwell said that I have a

> moderate amt. of hip dysplasia, but I never asked him about the

> buckling up, as it just started a few weeks ago.


> Oh well, I,m off to fix dinner, so you all take care. Pray for me. I

> just lost my job today, and I.m feeling a little bummed.


> Nan







> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates


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Second what Sharon said....you lost your job and are a little

bummed?. At the risk of jumping in where I don't belong...you didn't

by chance loose it because your employer was hoping to dump your

medical risk/increased insurance premiums or they didn't wish to

accomodate you .....right? Medical Leave Act and whatnot can mean

an employer that knows you are headed for surgery might be tempted

to let you go for no reason.

No one is expected to be here on a full time basis...I for one am

glad you are touching bases with us whenever you can...and you know

we all want to do what we can to help you out!! Please don't feel

guilty..you have enough on your plate.

I never had my leg give out....but now that I don't have to focus on

my back I notice my hips a lot...It amazes me that now that I am

back swimming (after a 2 week break becasue the pool closed over the

holidays) my hips feel signifigantly better...so I am still assuming

the pain I have from time to time is from the very tight hip capules

my PT says I have (flatback induced?)...and the flutter kick must be

just the thing to loosen them up a little...maybe?

I am sorry your neck is hurting...maybe the tension of the job which

will lessen now? If not...hopefully you will have a good visit with

Dr Bridwell.

Take Care, Cam

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Thank you Nan

– I keep saying “I’ll feel better tomorrow” –

some day it will work.

I’m so sorry to hear that you lost

your job.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of dams4all

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006

6:11 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

Yes, it's me, the ever inconsistent flatbacker, chiming in to say that

I am still here & feeling guilty because I can

never seem to keep up

with the rest of you. Forgive me !

I have had an enormous amount of neck pain lately

that I can feel in

my right arm & hand, and therefore have not

wanted to do a lot of

typing. I just had to wish a very sucessful

time with the

surgery. I wish I was having mine in a few

weeks. , it sounds

like everything is happening all at once with you!

To Lorrie, I wish you continued good luck with

your rehabilitation.

You sound like me when you mentioned the spot on

the floor. It just

bugs me to death when I see a spot on my floor and

I am not able to

get it up. Then, instead of asking someone

to do it for me, I just

assume that everyone else saw it, and assume they

will wipe it up. I

guess that is not the case. I can relate and

that is going to be the

hardest problem that I will have to face in May

when I have my surgery.

I think I am a tad bit obsessive about a clean


Kam, I will be in St. Louis the 26th thru the 29th of Jan.to

see Dr.

Bridwell, a PT, and a hip specialist, so I should

be able to come see


I know that a lot of you had trouble with your

hips before the

revision surgery, but has anyone experienced it

feeling like it locks

up on you, and your leg buckles? Dr.

Bridwell said that I have a

moderate amt. of hip dysplasia, but I never asked

him about the

buckling up, as it just started a few weeks ago.

Oh well, I,m off to fix dinner, so you all take

care. Pray for me. I

just lost my job today, and I.m feeling a little



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It sounds like you are more upset over a dirty floor than losing your job. I used to be the same way. I would see a piece of thread on the floor and get up and get it. Then came fusion to the sacrum. I couldn't pick up anything anymore. I wouldn't say anything, just assumed my husband would pick it up. Not the case. I would get fuming mad and he was like, now what did I do. So now, 16 months later, I could care less about that spot on the floor. As long as there is not a trail of ants passing each other and telling their friends, it can stay there until our housekeeper comes every two weeks. It is the least of my worries.

Joyce E

[ ] Hi

Yes, it's me, the ever inconsistent flatbacker, chiming in to say that I am still here & feeling guilty because I can never seem to keep up with the rest of you. Forgive me !I have had an enormous amount of neck pain lately that I can feel in my right arm & hand, and therefore have not wanted to do a lot of typing. I just had to wish a very sucessful time with the surgery. I wish I was having mine in a few weeks. , it sounds like everything is happening all at once with you!To Lorrie, I wish you continued good luck with your rehabilitation. You sound like me when you mentioned the spot on the floor. It just bugs me to death when I see a spot on my floor and I am not able to get it up. Then, instead of asking someone to do it for me, I just assume that everyone else saw it, and assume they will wipe it up. I guess that is not the case. I can relate and that is going to be the hardest problem that I will have to face in May when I have my surgery.I think I am a tad bit obsessive about a clean floor.Kam, I will be in St. Louis the 26th thru the 29th of Jan.to see Dr. Bridwell, a PT, and a hip specialist, so I should be able to come see you.I know that a lot of you had trouble with your hips before the revision surgery, but has anyone experienced it feeling like it locks up on you, and your leg buckles? Dr. Bridwell said that I have a moderate amt. of hip dysplasia, but I never asked him about the buckling up, as it just started a few weeks ago.Oh well, I,m off to fix dinner, so you all take care. Pray for me. I just lost my job today, and I.m feeling a little bummed.Nan

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Hi Joyce E,

I could have authored your email below! I have had the exact same expeirence and the exact same resolution. But I must admit it feels so good to have a perfectly clean house, even if it's perfectly clean only once every two weeks. But then there's the garage.....


[ ] Hi

Yes, it's me, the ever inconsistent flatbacker, chiming in to say that I am still here & feeling guilty because I can never seem to keep up with the rest of you. Forgive me !I have had an enormous amount of neck pain lately that I can feel in my right arm & hand, and therefore have not wanted to do a lot of typing. I just had to wish a very sucessful time with the surgery. I wish I was having mine in a few weeks. , it sounds like everything is happening all at once with you!To Lorrie, I wish you continued good luck with your rehabilitation. You sound like me when you mentioned the spot on the floor. It just bugs me to death when I see a spot on my floor and I am not able to get it up. Then, instead of asking someone to do it for me, I just assume that everyone else saw it, and assume they will wipe it up. I guess that is not the case. I can relate and that is going to be the hardest problem that I will have to face in May when I have my surgery.I think I am a tad bit obsessive about a clean floor.Kam, I will be in St. Louis the 26th thru the 29th of Jan.to see Dr. Bridwell, a PT, and a hip specialist, so I should be able to come see you.I know that a lot of you had trouble with your hips before the revision surgery, but has anyone experienced it feeling like it locks up on you, and your leg buckles? Dr. Bridwell said that I have a moderate amt. of hip dysplasia, but I never asked him about the buckling up, as it just started a few weeks ago.Oh well, I,m off to fix dinner, so you all take care. Pray for me. I just lost my job today, and I.m feeling a little bummed.Nan

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