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Hi Kim,

Noticed you are online. I have sent this out and wonder if you can help

with it?

As you know it has been a struggle for me to get any blood results from Dr.

Well, this time I managed to get them from the receptionist! It was worth

the try:-) She didnt have my readings from the last time but said that there

was a note on these results by the Dr that there was a marked difference.

so, my levels this time, after six weeks of Carbimazole are

FT3 is 4.2, FT4 is 9.7 and TSH is less than 0.1. Can someone help by explaining

if these are good results or not? The Dr wants to speak to me tommorrow

on the phone (as she has no free appointments) regarding puting me on thyroxine

as well now (block and replace). I would rather reduce the Carbimazole slightly

(I just have started this week to reduce it by one tablet out of six per

day) and she is against this. This was after getting the bloods taken for

these results.

I would like to understand my results so that I know what results I am aiming

for and so I can compare results with how I feel.

Please reply soon as I would like to understand these results before she

phones me in morning?

Thanks guys



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Hi Kim

I checked and I see it is hypOs who take the potassium, sorry. Just thought

I had better let you know. Gosh so much to learn isn't there??

Well that is good, it is something I can cross off my list:-)



Tiscali Broadband from 14.99 with free setup!


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Sorry, Grace. I didn't get this e-mail til this morning. I did repond to the

other post with the same question.

You do need to try to get copies of your labs. As far back as you can.

Let us know how your phone visit with your dr goes.


Re: Hi

Hi Kim,

Noticed you are online. I have sent this out and wonder if you can help

with it?

As you know it has been a struggle for me to get any blood results from Dr.

Well, this time I managed to get them from the receptionist! It was worth

the try:-) She didnt have my readings from the last time but said that there

was a note on these results by the Dr that there was a marked difference.

so, my levels this time, after six weeks of Carbimazole are

FT3 is 4.2, FT4 is 9.7 and TSH is less than 0.1. Can someone help by explaining

if these are good results or not? The Dr wants to speak to me tommorrow

on the phone (as she has no free appointments) regarding puting me on thyroxine

as well now (block and replace). I would rather reduce the Carbimazole slightly

(I just have started this week to reduce it by one tablet out of six per

day) and she is against this. This was after getting the bloods taken for

these results.

I would like to understand my results so that I know what results I am aiming

for and so I can compare results with how I feel.

Please reply soon as I would like to understand these results before she

phones me in morning?

Thanks guys



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Thanks for the clarification. Its makes sense though. I can only eat so much

bananas at times. Occasionally I get on a kick and will buy them. Eventually I

just can't stand them. Hmmmm.

Re: Hi

Hi Kim

I checked and I see it is hypOs who take the potassium, sorry. Just thought

I had better let you know. Gosh so much to learn isn't there??

Well that is good, it is something I can cross off my list:-)



Tiscali Broadband from 14.99 with free setup!



Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I am a former IV user & drinker ect. Like all bad habit's drinking, drugs

(all the same) and smoking are the worse and hardest to leave behind. I

totally understand your relapse and wish you strength in overcoming your

demons for you and your families sake.

From your post I am assuming that your recent relapse was done alone. If

not, you might want to let anyone concerned of their exposure.

All the best,



> I'll start by introducing myself, I'm a 25 year old male living in

> Vancouver. I was diagnosed with hepc about a year ago, and completed

> six months of pegetron treatment about two weeks ago. I have (had?)

> genotype 3, and have yet to find out if the treatment worked.


> I hope what I have to say next doesn't offend anyone, as many of you

> probably weren't infected because of IV drug use (I was). Well, I

> stayed clean/sober for the duration of the treatment, and then right

> at the end decided to go and celebrate (HUH?).


> Something came over me that day (lack of will, desire for self

> destruction?), or was it a six a pack of corona, I think so. I was

> with a well wishing friend who tried to stop me, I told him 'dude

> it's fine, I can handle a few beers'.


> So I made my way to pick up some heroin and cocaine, was given three

> syringes, two 1cc syringes (in the orange wrappers, seemed to be

> sealed) and one .5 cc syringe (I think?) (with a white lid that was

> still on) and a spoon (I'm not sure if it was clean, or what) which

> I washed with water (and maybe some dish soap, I cant remember).


> So now I'm wondering: did the treatment work (I wont know for

> another week), if it did, were the syringes and spoon clean , or did

> I reinfect myself? Do I have HIV?


> -Peace-










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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


First let me say WELCOME TO THE GROUP.

I also have neck problems with a herniated disc at the C4-5 level as well as

disc protrusion at the C5-6 and the C6-7 3level. I have not had any surgery on

my neck ,so I hurt 24/7.

I also have disc problems in my low back as well.

This is a good group of folks . There will always be someone here for you to

talk to and to give you an ear to bend ,if you know what I mean. So,come here as

often as you like and let us know what is going on.









l s <southgagirl31@...> wrote:

Hi, My name is Lorey. Just wanted to send a quick

hello to everyone out there as I just joined the group


I injured my neck at work this month was a year ago. I

had surgery in October which relieved some of the pain

but it has slowly but surely came back. As I am sure

you are all aware of, it is agonizing at times. I

havent been able to go back to work and am so

frustrated with dealing with the pain. I can be so

hateful at times to people, I dont mean to be. I find

it is mostly when I am so tired I can barely hold my

eyes open. Sleep is a scarce thing for me anymore. I

have a four year old that I have to take care of, that

has been a choir within itself as well. He starts

school next week, I am hoping that things dont get any

worse so this doesnt become a major conflict for his

schooling. It hasnt helped that my insurance company

has been the most awful people in the world to deal

with. When I found out I had to have surgery or risk

being paralyzed they didnt care at all. I had to

threaten them with an attorney and they told me ok do

what I had to do. I was so upset, I knew at that point

that they really could care less. I made the threat

three times and then finally had to because they

wouldnt allow me to make appointments or make referals

for me. A year later they are still the same way.

After having my surgery and telling them that two o

fmy disk were actually collapsed out of my neck, they

still had no sympathy. It is bad enough when you are

in pain but then when you talk to someone that doesnt

care it makes it worse for you mentally as I am sure

you are all aware of. I just hope that not everyone

here has been treated like this. I still have two disk

messed up that I am aware of. They are saying only one

but the attorney ordered my med records and they all

note two disk are bulging not one. He has recommended

for me to get a second opinion. I really trusted my

doctor in the beginning, I am not sure what I believe


WOW! I guess I can stop babbling now, it felt good to

get all of that out. Especially to someone that can

relate. I have no family here where I am, so there is

really no support other than my b/f. He is wonderful

but I know he gets tired of listening to me hurt and




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Guest guest


First let me say WELCOME TO THE GROUP.

I also have neck problems with a herniated disc at the C4-5 level as well as

disc protrusion at the C5-6 and the C6-7 3level. I have not had any surgery on

my neck ,so I hurt 24/7.

I also have disc problems in my low back as well.

This is a good group of folks . There will always be someone here for you to

talk to and to give you an ear to bend ,if you know what I mean. So,come here as

often as you like and let us know what is going on.









l s <southgagirl31@...> wrote:

Hi, My name is Lorey. Just wanted to send a quick

hello to everyone out there as I just joined the group


I injured my neck at work this month was a year ago. I

had surgery in October which relieved some of the pain

but it has slowly but surely came back. As I am sure

you are all aware of, it is agonizing at times. I

havent been able to go back to work and am so

frustrated with dealing with the pain. I can be so

hateful at times to people, I dont mean to be. I find

it is mostly when I am so tired I can barely hold my

eyes open. Sleep is a scarce thing for me anymore. I

have a four year old that I have to take care of, that

has been a choir within itself as well. He starts

school next week, I am hoping that things dont get any

worse so this doesnt become a major conflict for his

schooling. It hasnt helped that my insurance company

has been the most awful people in the world to deal

with. When I found out I had to have surgery or risk

being paralyzed they didnt care at all. I had to

threaten them with an attorney and they told me ok do

what I had to do. I was so upset, I knew at that point

that they really could care less. I made the threat

three times and then finally had to because they

wouldnt allow me to make appointments or make referals

for me. A year later they are still the same way.

After having my surgery and telling them that two o

fmy disk were actually collapsed out of my neck, they

still had no sympathy. It is bad enough when you are

in pain but then when you talk to someone that doesnt

care it makes it worse for you mentally as I am sure

you are all aware of. I just hope that not everyone

here has been treated like this. I still have two disk

messed up that I am aware of. They are saying only one

but the attorney ordered my med records and they all

note two disk are bulging not one. He has recommended

for me to get a second opinion. I really trusted my

doctor in the beginning, I am not sure what I believe


WOW! I guess I can stop babbling now, it felt good to

get all of that out. Especially to someone that can

relate. I have no family here where I am, so there is

really no support other than my b/f. He is wonderful

but I know he gets tired of listening to me hurt and




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Hi Lorey welcome to the group. It sure sounds like you have a rotten

insurance co. sorry to hear they treat you so badly. I'd go get a

second opinion and see what another dr says about your back. I know

that bulging discs can be a real pain. Since they can swell and hurt

like heck at times and then others go down so dr's see very little

to look at, its no wonder they drive us crazy. I had one dr tell me

that herniated discs were better for dr's to see than bulging ones

because bulgings ones were alot harder to diagnose. He sure was

right as far as I could tell. I had more dr's tell me I was NOT

in pain than dr's agree I was in pain. It took me over 5 yrs to get

a decent amount of releif from my bulging discs. Hang in there and

keep pushing dr's to listen to you, Sooner or later one will

finally listen and hear your pain. Unfortunately it takes time to

find that dr who will lit Best wishes in finding that dr who will

hear you. Hang in there. Sharon Group Onwer


> Hi, My name is Lorey. Just wanted to send a quick

> hello to everyone out there as I just joined the group

> today.

> I injured my neck at work this month was a year ago. I

> had surgery in October which relieved some of the pain

> but it has slowly but surely came back. As I am sure

> you are all aware of, it is agonizing at times. I

> havent been able to go back to work and am so

> frustrated with dealing with the pain. I can be so

> hateful at times to people, I dont mean to be. I find

> it is mostly when I am so tired I can barely hold my

> eyes open. Sleep is a scarce thing for me anymore. I

> have a four year old that I have to take care of, that

> has been a choir within itself as well. He starts

> school next week, I am hoping that things dont get any

> worse so this doesnt become a major conflict for his

> schooling. It hasnt helped that my insurance company

> has been the most awful people in the world to deal

> with. When I found out I had to have surgery or risk

> being paralyzed they didnt care at all. I had to

> threaten them with an attorney and they told me ok do

> what I had to do. I was so upset, I knew at that point

> that they really could care less. I made the threat

> three times and then finally had to because they

> wouldnt allow me to make appointments or make referals

> for me. A year later they are still the same way.

> After having my surgery and telling them that two o

> fmy disk were actually collapsed out of my neck, they

> still had no sympathy. It is bad enough when you are

> in pain but then when you talk to someone that doesnt

> care it makes it worse for you mentally as I am sure

> you are all aware of. I just hope that not everyone

> here has been treated like this. I still have two disk

> messed up that I am aware of. They are saying only one

> but the attorney ordered my med records and they all

> note two disk are bulging not one. He has recommended

> for me to get a second opinion. I really trusted my

> doctor in the beginning, I am not sure what I believe

> now.

> WOW! I guess I can stop babbling now, it felt good to

> get all of that out. Especially to someone that can

> relate. I have no family here where I am, so there is

> really no support other than my b/f. He is wonderful

> but I know he gets tired of listening to me hurt and

> complain.

> Lorey


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Lorey welcome to the group. It sure sounds like you have a rotten

insurance co. sorry to hear they treat you so badly. I'd go get a

second opinion and see what another dr says about your back. I know

that bulging discs can be a real pain. Since they can swell and hurt

like heck at times and then others go down so dr's see very little

to look at, its no wonder they drive us crazy. I had one dr tell me

that herniated discs were better for dr's to see than bulging ones

because bulgings ones were alot harder to diagnose. He sure was

right as far as I could tell. I had more dr's tell me I was NOT

in pain than dr's agree I was in pain. It took me over 5 yrs to get

a decent amount of releif from my bulging discs. Hang in there and

keep pushing dr's to listen to you, Sooner or later one will

finally listen and hear your pain. Unfortunately it takes time to

find that dr who will lit Best wishes in finding that dr who will

hear you. Hang in there. Sharon Group Onwer


> Hi, My name is Lorey. Just wanted to send a quick

> hello to everyone out there as I just joined the group

> today.

> I injured my neck at work this month was a year ago. I

> had surgery in October which relieved some of the pain

> but it has slowly but surely came back. As I am sure

> you are all aware of, it is agonizing at times. I

> havent been able to go back to work and am so

> frustrated with dealing with the pain. I can be so

> hateful at times to people, I dont mean to be. I find

> it is mostly when I am so tired I can barely hold my

> eyes open. Sleep is a scarce thing for me anymore. I

> have a four year old that I have to take care of, that

> has been a choir within itself as well. He starts

> school next week, I am hoping that things dont get any

> worse so this doesnt become a major conflict for his

> schooling. It hasnt helped that my insurance company

> has been the most awful people in the world to deal

> with. When I found out I had to have surgery or risk

> being paralyzed they didnt care at all. I had to

> threaten them with an attorney and they told me ok do

> what I had to do. I was so upset, I knew at that point

> that they really could care less. I made the threat

> three times and then finally had to because they

> wouldnt allow me to make appointments or make referals

> for me. A year later they are still the same way.

> After having my surgery and telling them that two o

> fmy disk were actually collapsed out of my neck, they

> still had no sympathy. It is bad enough when you are

> in pain but then when you talk to someone that doesnt

> care it makes it worse for you mentally as I am sure

> you are all aware of. I just hope that not everyone

> here has been treated like this. I still have two disk

> messed up that I am aware of. They are saying only one

> but the attorney ordered my med records and they all

> note two disk are bulging not one. He has recommended

> for me to get a second opinion. I really trusted my

> doctor in the beginning, I am not sure what I believe

> now.

> WOW! I guess I can stop babbling now, it felt good to

> get all of that out. Especially to someone that can

> relate. I have no family here where I am, so there is

> really no support other than my b/f. He is wonderful

> but I know he gets tired of listening to me hurt and

> complain.

> Lorey


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Lorey welcome to the group. It sure sounds like you have a rotten

insurance co. sorry to hear they treat you so badly. I'd go get a

second opinion and see what another dr says about your back. I know

that bulging discs can be a real pain. Since they can swell and hurt

like heck at times and then others go down so dr's see very little

to look at, its no wonder they drive us crazy. I had one dr tell me

that herniated discs were better for dr's to see than bulging ones

because bulgings ones were alot harder to diagnose. He sure was

right as far as I could tell. I had more dr's tell me I was NOT

in pain than dr's agree I was in pain. It took me over 5 yrs to get

a decent amount of releif from my bulging discs. Hang in there and

keep pushing dr's to listen to you, Sooner or later one will

finally listen and hear your pain. Unfortunately it takes time to

find that dr who will lit Best wishes in finding that dr who will

hear you. Hang in there. Sharon Group Onwer


> Hi, My name is Lorey. Just wanted to send a quick

> hello to everyone out there as I just joined the group

> today.

> I injured my neck at work this month was a year ago. I

> had surgery in October which relieved some of the pain

> but it has slowly but surely came back. As I am sure

> you are all aware of, it is agonizing at times. I

> havent been able to go back to work and am so

> frustrated with dealing with the pain. I can be so

> hateful at times to people, I dont mean to be. I find

> it is mostly when I am so tired I can barely hold my

> eyes open. Sleep is a scarce thing for me anymore. I

> have a four year old that I have to take care of, that

> has been a choir within itself as well. He starts

> school next week, I am hoping that things dont get any

> worse so this doesnt become a major conflict for his

> schooling. It hasnt helped that my insurance company

> has been the most awful people in the world to deal

> with. When I found out I had to have surgery or risk

> being paralyzed they didnt care at all. I had to

> threaten them with an attorney and they told me ok do

> what I had to do. I was so upset, I knew at that point

> that they really could care less. I made the threat

> three times and then finally had to because they

> wouldnt allow me to make appointments or make referals

> for me. A year later they are still the same way.

> After having my surgery and telling them that two o

> fmy disk were actually collapsed out of my neck, they

> still had no sympathy. It is bad enough when you are

> in pain but then when you talk to someone that doesnt

> care it makes it worse for you mentally as I am sure

> you are all aware of. I just hope that not everyone

> here has been treated like this. I still have two disk

> messed up that I am aware of. They are saying only one

> but the attorney ordered my med records and they all

> note two disk are bulging not one. He has recommended

> for me to get a second opinion. I really trusted my

> doctor in the beginning, I am not sure what I believe

> now.

> WOW! I guess I can stop babbling now, it felt good to

> get all of that out. Especially to someone that can

> relate. I have no family here where I am, so there is

> really no support other than my b/f. He is wonderful

> but I know he gets tired of listening to me hurt and

> complain.

> Lorey


> __________________________________________________


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Tammy,

I have not had spinal surgery yet but I can understand your fears

about going through yet another painful procedure. I'm sure the more

surgeries you have the more you dread them and the time needed to

recover. Is there a particular reason why this one is more difficult?

Or is it a general anxiety about the whole thing. I'm afraid I can't

give the kind of advice some of the others on the board can. But I can

say that I hope everything turns out the best possible way for you.



-- In neck pain , " Tammy " <jusrya@...> wrote:


> Hi i joined this group cause im going in for my 5th back surgery this

> one they are going to extend my fusion cause i have anouther tear in


> disc. Im going in dec.1st and for some reason this one scares me more

> than any other. Anyone else ever feel this way. Thank you


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Hi Tammy,

I have not had spinal surgery yet but I can understand your fears

about going through yet another painful procedure. I'm sure the more

surgeries you have the more you dread them and the time needed to

recover. Is there a particular reason why this one is more difficult?

Or is it a general anxiety about the whole thing. I'm afraid I can't

give the kind of advice some of the others on the board can. But I can

say that I hope everything turns out the best possible way for you.



-- In neck pain , " Tammy " <jusrya@...> wrote:


> Hi i joined this group cause im going in for my 5th back surgery this

> one they are going to extend my fusion cause i have anouther tear in


> disc. Im going in dec.1st and for some reason this one scares me more

> than any other. Anyone else ever feel this way. Thank you


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  • 2 weeks later...

try using colloidal silver to keep the virus load down while you keep


it works great, causes no problems if you learn a bit about what you're

doing which doesn't take much.

it will allow you to not be sick or so depressed, which can aid your search.

when not sick or depressed you can do better making intelligent choices not

based on desperation.



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> HI














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hey sweetie

now everything is happening so fast i cant even begin to sort it out and

explain to you. i hope your shoulder is feeling better. at least your man

works. my wife dosent clean or help with kids or work. i do laundry

kitchen kids and pick up; she says she does the real cleaning; with her

occasional desinfectant kicks. oh well it has been hard on both of us for

different reasons this year. thank you for calling its nice to put a voice

to the conversations. you sound really young, my wife, was like " that IS

not the voice of a fifty year old " i just laughed at her, yu do sound

pretty young-you have a good phone voice, i hate listening to mine. keep

calling as often as you can or want. if you need to during the holidays for

whatever reason, and i dont care if its christmas eve or christmas day. you

can always reach me on my cell phone 571-330-4727; i know its a weird

message but try and leave your own, so i can put your number in my phone. i

hope you guys our coming to a sensible insurance plan for hubby, which of

course means your plan! :)

gotta go, i need a better computer chair.

happy holidays and all that good stuff!!!



No greater burden can be borne by an individual than to know no one cares or


>From: " jeannieboo1 " <jeannieboo1@...>

>Reply-neck pain

>neck pain

>Subject: Hi

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:41:21 -0000


>Hi all,

>Just wanted to let you all know I'm recovering from my shoulder surgery

>and have a few sessions of PT left. I can feel the arthritis cracking

>and popping in my right shoulder more now, though. Maybe the PT will

>help strengthen it. They want me to give my poor body a rest until

>after the first of the year, and do an MRI on the area above the L3,

>which is where I had my fusion before, but now I have pain in that

>area. Three surgeries in a year has been a bit much. I try to take up

>the slack at home, my husband has such horrible pain,but I have to do

>housework when he's away, or he tells me he'll take care of it. I think

>their pride gets in the way. Yes I hurt, but I can take rest breaks

>through the day, he needs to stay healthy to go to work. MEN!!

>It is so cooold here in Vegas, it's going to be in the low 30's, which

>is probably nothing to most of you all out there. Plus the wind is

>blowing. And of course, everything aches.

>I hope everyone had a nice holiday as possible, and say a prayer that

>we all have low pain levels





Talk now to your Hotmail contacts with Windows Live Messenger.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Diane,

You must be confusing me with someone else. I am 8 months

post op. I had a full revision with Dr Glazer in Boston. I wore

a brace for 90 days and a bone stim for 24 hrs a day for 90 days

also. Thanks,

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Hi ,

No, I'll explain what happened. I was reading one of your very old

posts, and at that time you were just 30 days post-op.

Sorry I made that mistake. I thought I had deleted it but obviously

you read it.

Diane B


> Hi Diane,

> You must be confusing me with someone else. I am 8 months

> post op. I had a full revision with Dr Glazer in Boston. I wore

> a brace for 90 days and a bone stim for 24 hrs a day for 90 days

> also. Thanks,


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Hi Chris...

Welcome to the group.

You have a very long fusion, but I actually know a few people who have had more. There are actually 25 vertebrae in a normal spine (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, and the sacrum).


On 12/28/06 10:19 AM, " cwpeters2004 " <cwpeters2004@...> wrote:

I just got this link from somebody at Braintalk.com I had my spine

fused in 2003. 15 hour surgery, 21 three inch screws, two rods going

from my shoulders to my tailbone. All 17 vertabras fused. Ive never

talked to anybody who has had a similar surgery. Has anybody here had

this surgery?


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Hi and welcome.

Unfortunately the answer is yes, many of us have had similarly long

fusions. For the most part we had surgery earlier on, 70's and 80's,

and have developed a condition know as flatback (or other complications

of degenertaing/deterioriating discs) which have necessitated yet more

fusion and/or surgery.

I am now fused from T4 to the sacrum. It is a challenging body to live

in, but it works for me pretty well now most days. I am 50 and almost 2

years from my revision surgery.

Where in the country are you and how old?

Take Care,


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Hi, Chris

I am fused from T4 to the sacrum, like Cam. At age 13 I received my first fusion for scoliosis, from T4 to L5, and this past summer I had revision surgery for flatback. My single Harrington rod was removed, and 2 rods placed with screws, my lumbar lordosis restored, and my fusion extended to the sacrum.

It is not a small matter having a long fusion, but those of us who have had them out of necessity seem to learn to cope.


PS: Sorry you need to be here, but welcome to the group!

[ ] Hi

I just got this link from somebody at Braintalk.com I had my spine fused in 2003. 15 hour surgery, 21 three inch screws, two rods going from my shoulders to my tailbone. All 17 vertabras fused. Ive never talked to anybody who has had a similar surgery. Has anybody here had this surgery? chris

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Hi The surgery you described sounds like mine. I had it done in 1977 when I was 16 years old at Childrens Hospital in Boston. I am 46 now. I believe I had a very good outcome. While the years have brought a broken rod and occasional pain or fatigue I believe I am in pretty good shape. Is there anything specific you wanted to ask?


Diane M

[ ] Hi

I just got this link from somebody at Braintalk.com I had my spine fused in 2003. 15 hour surgery, 21 three inch screws, two rods going from my shoulders to my tailbone. All 17 vertabras fused. Ive never talked to anybody who has had a similar surgery. Has anybody here had this surgery? chris

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Hi Sharon,

If you don't mind me asking how long ago did you have the original surgery?

Thank you,

Diane M

[ ] Hi

I just got this link from somebody at Braintalk.com I had my spine fused in 2003. 15 hour surgery, 21 three inch screws, two rods going from my shoulders to my tailbone. All 17 vertabras fused. Ive never talked to anybody who has had a similar surgery. Has anybody here had this surgery? chris

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Diane, it was in 1971.


[ ] Hi

I just got this link from somebody at Braintalk.com I had my spine fused in 2003. 15 hour surgery, 21 three inch screws, two rods going from my shoulders to my tailbone. All 17 vertabras fused. Ive never talked to anybody who has had a similar surgery. Has anybody here had this surgery? chris

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  • 3 weeks later...

> About 2 hours after I take my supplements and coconut oil and

sometimes without the coconut oil I get very nauseated and or pain

that I would classify as gall bladder pain if I still had a gall

bladder (pain is very similar to the pain I had when my gall bladder

went non functional) So do I just live with this or is it something

my body has to go through?

==>It is something your body needs to go through in order to heal.

Coconut oil and butter do not require bile in order to be digested

and absorbed. To understand more about healing see the articles on

my new website:


==>When you do not have a gall bladder it is important not to snack

and to eat meals at regular times every day. That way the liver

gets used to letting down bile on a regular basis.

The best, Bee

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Thanks Bee, I also wanted to ask I quit smoking about 8 weeks ago and I was

wondering if this also had anything to do with the nausea etc.


[ ] Re: Hi

> About 2 hours after I take my supplements and coconut oil and

sometimes without the coconut oil I get very nauseated and or pain

that I would classify as gall bladder pain if I still had a gall

bladder (pain is very similar to the pain I had when my gall bladder

went non functional) So do I just live with this or is it something

my body has to go through?

==>It is something your body needs to go through in order to heal.

Coconut oil and butter do not require bile in order to be digested

and absorbed. To understand more about healing see the articles on

my new website:


==>When you do not have a gall bladder it is important not to snack

and to eat meals at regular times every day. That way the liver

gets used to letting down bile on a regular basis.

The best, Bee

Bee's Website: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com

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> Thanks Bee, I also wanted to ask I quit smoking about 8 weeks ago

and I was wondering if this also had anything to do with the nausea


==>Yes, I believe quitting smoking can contribute to nausea, but

candida is worse. To help nausea first try chew on fennel seeds or

cloves (the kind we put into ham), or drink ginger and/or fennel tea,

or take 1 tsp. baking soda in 6 ounces of warm water - sip slowly and

stop drinking when the nausea eases. These methods won't require bile

so they shouldn't cause problems for you in between meals.


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