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Hi, . It doesn't look like anyone has answered that, yet.

VCO stands for Virgin Coconut Oil. And if you see EVCO, that's

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. And CO is just Coconut Oil.

Hope this helps.


> I just joined this group & open for any info I can get on

Coconut Oil. I am a diabetic, on insulin and pills. I don't control

it very well. I have read that this oil is good for diabetics but

have also heard it can be dangerous. Where would I purchase the oil?

Health food store? Any advice or onformation would be greatly





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  • 2 weeks later...
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It is nice to see what people look like, I also love to see the before and after. I can't wait to see your before and after pics. As for the file staying open what you could do is start your story on "microsoft word" or similiar program and when you are ready you can copy and paste on to the file. That is what I did I am not the best speller so I wanted to check my spelling before I submitted my story. Hope that helps "Diane B." <roziedb@...> wrote I forgot to

tell you I cked out the pix of you & your hubby. It is really nice to know what the people you talk to look like. I finally posted a pix of me when I graduated college in 78 & one of me & Jim taken a couple of yrs ago. I have been a member of these groups since the late 90's & don't know why I never did it before. When I go bk to Dr Boachie I will bring my digital camera & take my before & after shots & post them also. One of these days I will write my story for the Files section. As I said before I have already started it but cuz I share my pc with Jim he went to his side before I was finished & I lost it. Wish I could think of a way to keep the File open until I was done. Does anyone know how I could do that?Diane

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Thanks ,

That is a good idea. I am bound & determined to get my history on

file once and for all.



> It is nice to see what people look like, I also love to see the

before and after.

> I can't wait to see your before and after pics.

> As for the file staying open what you could do is start your

story on " microsoft word " or similiar program and when you are ready

you can copy and paste on to the file. That is what I did I am not

the best speller so I wanted to check my spelling before I submitted

my story.

> Hope that helps



> " Diane B. " <roziedb@...> wrote

> I forgot to tell you I cked out the pix of you & your

hubby. It is

> really nice to know what the people you talk to look like. I


> posted a pix of me when I graduated college in 78 & one of me & Jim

> taken a couple of yrs ago. I have been a member of these groups


> the late 90's & don't know why I never did it before. When I go bk


> Dr Boachie I will bring my digital camera & take my before & after

> shots & post them also. One of these days I will write my story for

> the Files section. As I said before I have already started it but

cuz I

> share my pc with Jim he went to his side before I was finished & I


> it. Wish I could think of a way to keep the File open until I was

> done. Does anyone know how I could do that?

> Diane







> ---------------------------------

> Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection.

> Try the free Beta.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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> Hi Bee and everyone!

> I finally joined this group. I have to say that I really impressed

> with all the information and wisdom here. However, I could not figure

things out just by reading, and so I will take an active approach and

start posing questions.

==>Hi there. Welcome to our group my friend! What is your name?

That's great you see the wisdom of my diet. You should do well on it.

I hope you enjoy Bee's raw egg drink like many others. I caution you

to start with smaller amounts, particularly the fats - the recipe is

completely flexible so you could start with 1 egg as well and adjust

the other ingredients accordingly. We look forward to hearing from you.

The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Bill, by burger, I assume you mean bread buns with meat inbetween?

If that is the case, the bread is not allowed. It will cause problems.

The meat is fine, you can grill and have any meat you wish, but burger

buns, any bread at all, any grains/cereals are a no no.


> is it a no no to have deer berger on a george forman grill.


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I don't see why it would be. Grilling meat is fine - george forman way

or not :).



> is it a no no to have deer berger on a george forman grill.


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Hi Bill, I did answer this post earlier, but cannot see that it's come

through. I'm having this occur quite a bit. Messages not getting

through or being delayed sometimes for a day.

I'll try again.

Candida can cause gas (either end). Candida die off can also cause it,

and it may worsen during that process. So you can expect an

aggravation of symptoms and maybe even new ones whilst you go through


Some symptoms to expect during candida die off are headaches, extreme

fatigue, drowsiness, feeling drugged or drunk, cramping, muscle

weakness, joint pains, coated tongue, dizziness, depression, anxiety,

nervousness, rashes, itching, constipation/diarreah etc. Basically

flare ups.

So many symptoms a person gets with candida, can worsen when the

candida is dying because it gives off even more toxins and alcohols

during that time. You may also get an increase in cravings, or may

temporary lose your appetite. And your digestive disturbances with the

burping etc, maybe part of the candida problem, or part of it beginning

to die.

I hope that helps a bit. i'm sure someone more expert will give a far

ore accurate explanation. But just passing this on from what I've read

and heard.

> im haveing a lot of burping after dinner. and when i drink water can

> any one here. tell me why thank you.


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No reason why not.

Unless you have a problem with animal fat, like my husband and I do - I

would kill for some lamb!!



is it a no no to have deer berger on a george forman grill.

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Too little hydrochloric acid? Maybe Duncan or would know.



im haveing a lot of burping after dinner. and when i drink water can

any one here. tell me why thank you.

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You can eat all meats, but be aware that you may have an individual

reaction to one of the foods - a sensitivity brought about by leaky gut

or candida.



hi can u eat blue gill on this diet. frome a pond

thank you.

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I had a friend with this problem, even drinking water caused her toburp.

Turned out she had h. pylori.



Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

-- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

> im haveing a lot of burping after dinner. and when i drink water can

> any one here. tell me why thank you.

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Fat is a great storer of fat soluble compounds.

Your problem might be adulterants and " approved " chemicals in husbandry.

We got tired of not feeling well the next day from commercial meat and now

raise our own. Our meat doesnt boil in the pan as commercial meat does. They are

allowed to inject a " brine " for tenderizing etc and as long as they keep it

under 15% dont have to list it. I find commercial hamburgers cook to about half

size and boil for a long time due to water. Our burgers cook quickly and almost

zero shrinkage. Also my 3 1/2 year old grandson likes our home grown - he

usually leaves most of the commercial meat on his plate.

You might - depending on where you live- find someone who will pasture an

animal for you and not vaccinate it. If you dont know how to dress meat look in

the phonebook for custom meat processing/mobile slaughter company.

Might be a lovely surprise to find the problem is the adulterations that are

causing you grief. Made a huge difference for us.


Keen Venables <kvenables@...> wrote:

No reason why not.

Unless you have a problem with animal fat, like my husband and I do - I

would kill for some lamb!!



is it a no no to have deer berger on a george forman grill.

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Yes I had this too when I had gastritis caused by H Pylori

Re: hi

I had a friend with this problem, even drinking water caused her toburp.

Turned out she had h. pylori.



Blog ~ http://shellyct.blogspot.com/

~One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.~

-- Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

> im haveing a lot of burping after dinner. and when i drink water can

> any one here. tell me why thank you.


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Bill, there are a number of differing views on certain aspects of the

candida diet. And you'll find that if you check them out, so it can

get really confusing. Some say nuts are ok, some say no way, some

say " some are ok " .

I would probably advise you to leave out the cashews at this stage.

Some seem to think almonds and brazil nuts are safe....not sure what

others think on that?

> hi all can u tell me if u can eat raw cashews. thank u


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HI Kirk

Thanks for the suggestions. I am trying to find someone why sells

organic meat here, but it is hard to find in this country (I live in

South Africa).



is it a no no to have deer berger on a george forman grill.

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What about walnuts?

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely.



> hi all can u tell me if u can eat raw cashews. thank u






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No. Cashew nuts are very bad for candida and raw are even worse. Try

almonds rather.



hi all can u tell me if u can eat raw cashews. thank u

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To clarify, yes, avoid them. Almonds, brazil nuts, sprouted sunflower,

even PINE NUTS are fine.

You can blend pine nuts with some of that toffee stevia and make a

pudding, I'm sure, to scratch a sweets itch. And avocado or

something. :-)

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Sounds a little like hypoglycemic symptoms. When hypoglycemics get hungry,

I believe they tend to feel weak and shaky. If you have weak adrenals, then

it is not recommended to let yourself go hungry to the point of feeling like

that because that puts stress on the adrenals. For those with weak adrenals

small snacks throughout the day is sometimes recommended to avoid getting

hungry and shaky.


-- hi

hi all im not to sure if i have this cadia but i get week. my hand shackes.

then i eat i get felling better . my stomach. gergels and burps. thank you

all on here im glade i found this site u all been i big help i wish i new

more to help to.


Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.

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Hand shaking - that could be blood sugar, too, especiall if it goes

away when you eat. Of course, I have blood sugar issues as a result of

my candida. And the other symptoms - yes, they are signature of

candida, and also many common digestive parasites. All signs that an

improvement of diet would assist. I would do the spit test. There has

got to be file on the spit test on this board...


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Well, put it this way, the diet is there to help your body heal full

stop. Whether it's candida and/or other problems mixed in, this diet

and the healthy fats will aid your body in healing and you maybe

surprised at what happens over the weeks if you stick with the


Sounds like you have blood sugar problems and candida can cause that

or contribute. Whatever the real problem, keep on the programme and

give your own body a chance to heal. These things may start to go!

But at least you're not doing yourself harm by doing the diet anyway.

Many of us can end up with a load of health issues over the years and

finally they can become more serious, because certainly I never

really looked at my diet and ate a lot of sugar etc. Who knows what

that did over time and what it can lead to once the body begins to


so hang in there and keep us posted on how things go. It's not a

quick fix. It can take weeks or more.


> hi all im not to sure if i have this cadia but i get week. my hand

shackes. then i eat i get felling better . my stomach. gergels and

burps. thank you all on here im glade i found this site u all been i

big help i wish i new more to help to.


> ---------------------------------

> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate

> in the Answers Food & Drink Q & A.



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HI Bill,

No you are not doomed. Yes you can get well! The diet is not just for

candida, but aimed at healing the body as a whole. and yeah the diet

does reduce yeast, but heals the body too.

You can indeed take things that may " aid " the process of reducing

yeast. Like garlic, oregano oil, etc. But diet is the main deal and

the place to start. Diet alone can actually cause die off and at this

stage, you dont want to overdo it too much. You can add things later

as you progress more. you can of course use garlic if you wish to help

this process, but go easy. Dont try and kill off too much yeast in one

go, you could make yourself too sick.

It does take time to start improving. Can takes weeks or longer

before anything maybe noticed. Which is annoying because during that

time, you may slip up and cheat or you may eat something that contains


I would not beat yourself up about the roast chicken. Yes, there may

have been some sugar in it from some spices added to the skin and it

may have set you back a bit, but it is not the end. Just keep on and

be careful what chicken you buy if you feel they are adding things to

it for the skin. Perhaps even do them yourself? But of course, when

you're tired and not well, the last thing you want to do is cook.

Certainly, you can ask the people you buy it from. But it should not

be too much of a setback. I've done far worse than that! E.g. gone

and binged on chocolate and set myself right back having to start from

scratch! Yours may have set you back a few days or so, but again, just

get on track and keep on track as much as you can. These things will

happen sometimes.

> hi i never been checked for candida but my gut hurts iv been on diet.

> to day i had some chicken. that was rosted i think it had suger on it


> tryed not to eat the skin but i think its wasent good for me now my


> hurts again. do i have to stared all over again and can any one tell


> what to take im not working and i herd on here u cant get better on

> just diet. can any one on here tell me what i cant take that will get

> reed. of this. or am i domed. thank u


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