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I was scared of the liver biopsy. Personally I have experienced more discomfort

both during and prior the procedure from having a tooth pulled at the dentist.

darkangel_fromthecrypt <no_reply > wrote: I am new, and

I just wanted to say I have Hep c, 10 years, and am

getting ready to get a liver biopsy. I am very afraid of this, I hate

needles for one thing. This whole thing is beginning to creep me out,

I am afraid most of the time. I feel so alone. Thanks for reading.


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My name is Pushpa.

Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> Hello Everybody,

> I am new to this group.My greetings to all.

==>Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

The best, Bee


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  • 2 weeks later...


Glad to have you aboard.


--- pushpakaran22 <pushpakaran22@...> wrote:

> Hello everybody,

> I an a new member and i convey my

> greetings to all.





> With Regards,

> Pushpa.






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hi Pushpa and welcome. your name makes me think you are Indian and

vegetarian--am I right? Are you living in America?


Hello everybody,

I an a new member and i convey my greetings to all.

With Regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...


> Hello, I am , 38. I have recently lost 15 pounds due to ?

> candida, hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue? Every time I eat ANY sugar I

> get completely exhausted within minutes and it feels like my blood

> sugar plummets. I have been eating brown rice and chicken okay

> however. Has anyone here had this ultra quick reaction to sugar which

> is very scary?


>Hi Kel. Welcome to our group. It is important that you read Candida

Basics emailed to you when you join so you understand about candida and

how this diet plus supplements cures it. The reason this program works

so well is because it eliminates all foods that feed candida like brown

rice, as well as high good saturated fats, and moderate protein - there

is no other program like it!

==>You would have a very quick reaction to sugar since it feeds candida

which produces over 79 different kinds of toxins that are designed to

break down the body - most of which are alcohol, so sugars will make

you feel very bad all over, causing exhaustion, etc. It is very

important to build up your immune system with this program so it will

be able to " change " candida back into the friendly organism it is

supposed to in the body. Unfortunately there are no quick fixes. It

takes time and patience to heal the body naturally.

The best to you, Bee

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At 11:30 AM 9/4/07, you wrote:

>Hi all

>Just a brief note

>Have been through hospital hell- 17 days in because of gall bladder

>that had complications. Had to beg for pain meds. from some nurses,

>they don't understand withdrawals,

Glad your back. So sorry to here how your stay was. When I was in

the ER they contemplated keeping me for observation. Not having

access to my prescribed meds scared me. My Wife said she would make

sure she sneak them in. I wasn't sure if they understood the level I

take, AS Prescribed, and why. 17 days must have been hell. I take

it there were complications or they didn't do it through the

laproscope. Both my Wife and daughter had it done through 3 little

incisions and were discharged same or next day. I pray you'll get

the rest you must need. Dave

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At 11:30 AM 9/4/07, you wrote:

>Hi all

>Just a brief note

>Have been through hospital hell- 17 days in because of gall bladder

>that had complications. Had to beg for pain meds. from some nurses,

>they don't understand withdrawals,

Glad your back. So sorry to here how your stay was. When I was in

the ER they contemplated keeping me for observation. Not having

access to my prescribed meds scared me. My Wife said she would make

sure she sneak them in. I wasn't sure if they understood the level I

take, AS Prescribed, and why. 17 days must have been hell. I take

it there were complications or they didn't do it through the

laproscope. Both my Wife and daughter had it done through 3 little

incisions and were discharged same or next day. I pray you'll get

the rest you must need. Dave

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Hi all~~~~Just a brief note~~~~~~~

Have been through hospital hell. Had to beg for pain meds.~~~~~

It was a nightmare, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Hi,Jennie,Sorry it took me so long to respond to you.I've been in a lot of

pain all week. Sorry to hear about your treatment in the hospital.

Glad you are at home now and hopefully will be able to get some much needed


Well,I got to go.



Take as best care as you can and be safe.

Larry form Cowtown,That's Ft. Worth,Texas,Where the West Begins





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  • 1 month later...

Keep your pets if you possibly can. They are sometimes the only ones

who understand your pain. My daughter's dog stays with me the entire

time I am home. He " guards " my door when I go to bed too. He is just

a mutt, but a lover.

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As an owner of two dogs, I can attest that they are really more than a

companion. They are members of the family. They are great stress

relievers. My dogs always give me a rousing greeting when I get home

from work.

They sense when you are hurting and provide you with TLC.


> Keep your pets if you possibly can. They are sometimes the only ones

> who understand your pain. My daughter's dog stays with me the entire

> time I am home. He " guards " my door when I go to bed too. He is just

> a mutt, but a lover.



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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through! Please get

yourself a lawyer asap!!!! There HAS to be one, ask around, open the

phone book and start interviewing them over the phone, you need a

lawyer to help you navigate!

I have been on SSDI for 10 yrs., and had a lawyer help me. You need

to save your home, and get medical care for yourself...a good lawyer

can help, but you will have to be persistant!

I have three dogs, and I wouldn't give them up for anything in the


I have kept my home, my dogs, I have received assist. with

housekeeping, laundry, etc., and have good quality of life. It can be


I wish you the best. E-mail me privately if you wish.


> My name is . I have been a member for a while, but haven't

> introduced myself before. I am 31 years old, and I have an

> Associates in Applied Science with a major in Respiratory Care.


> About 7 years ago, I found out that I had degenerative disk disease

> with multiple bulging & herniated disks plus a compression fracture

> in my T6 vertebrae that was too late to be fixed.


> On December 1st, 2006, as I was on my way to work, I had a pretty

> bad car accident whereby the airbag deployed and nearly broke my

> arm, and the ER doc's at my hospital weren't worried about my back

> even though I told them several times about it. When I tried to go

> back to work, I was in so much pain that on my last day, I was


> the full 12 hour shift. Luckily it was night shift and the rooms

> were dark, so that my patients couldn't see me. I lost my job


> that day. Every muscle was locked, including my muscles in my


> I was wondering if the people who used botox felt like this. It


> me over 24 hours to get relief even though both my body and my ego

> were badly bruised.


> On April 2nd, 2007, I had a discogram done. It is a test (if you

> don't know) where they inject radioactive dye into your disks until

> you have pain, and then you get looked at through the CT Scan to


> if you have tears and leaks. They did this on L3 to S1.


> On Easter Sunday, April 8th, 2007, I woke up in horrible paralyzing

> pain. I couldn't get out of my bed! I pushed my huge & fluffy

> comforter on the floor because I couldn't reach my cell phone from

> where I was and dropped on my stomach to the floor and reached up


> call for help. The paramedics had a rough time getting me off the

> floor because moving me was painful. They used someo kind of

> rubber/plastic sheet to flip me over like a pancake.


> I was in the hospital until that Friday the 13th only given pain


> and adjustments on the pain meds I was on. I was havning multiple

> symptoms of infection but because my fever wasn't high and because


> white blood cells weren't high, they decided to send me home not

> being able to walk.


> That weekend is fuzzy to me. I only remember falling in my Mama's

> bathroom while using a walker and at some point my sister and 16


> old nephew picked me off of the floor. Lucky for me, I didn't go

> home but stayed with Mama, although Mama didn't know what meds to

> give me when I became delirious, so I didn't get any meds yet my

> birthmom & sister had thought I overdosed and because I couldn't


> off the floor and was really acting weird, Mama called the



> It turns out I had a fever of over 105 degrees Fahrenheit. I only

> remember them wanting to put in a central line and me wanting my

> birthmom to stay with me because I was scared.


> I was given Levaquin & Gentamycin (sic) and wasn't getting better.


> was in terrible pain and they forced me to try to sit up in a chair

> and go to millions of tests including the fearful CLOSED MRI


> It wasn't until they put me on Vancomycin that I started to feel

> better and was ready for physical therapy. I got sent home with a

> PICC line in my arm that is just like a central line, they both go


> your heart but are put in different places to have IV Vancomycin

> along with the Levaquin.


> Having both those strong antibiotics was like what I imagined

> chemotherapy was like and certain family members couldn't


> why I wasn't able to do anything during that time. I stayed with

> Mama and my family shared the task of taking care of my 2 pugs, my

> little Yorktese and my 2 cats. Ever since then, I have been told


> many people that I should get rid of them. Folks, they help keep


> alive, keep me moving, keep me healthy! It would only do me more

> damage to not have them!


> In June as soon as the PICC came out, I went home. I was barely


> to lean over to pick up the water dish at all (I had promises from


> sister that she would come and help...never happened). I was


> to afford PT. I was living off of my car insurance for everything.


> I tried many times to get a lawyer for being fired, for the


> everything, but no luck there either. I tried to find work-at-home

> jobs, but most are scams. I signed up for a Transcription class,


> the antibiotics damaged my joints & tendons esp. in my fingers,


> & knees.


> My pain/spine doctor says I have juvenile Scheuremann's disease


> [along with just a horrible amount wrong with my spine, disks, just


> terribly painful back] which is partly the degenerative disk


> & that I have cracks on the endplates of my vertebrae. The car


> took an already bad back and just pushed it up several years and I

> have experienced horrible pain, but am getting help with my



> strengthen my body through exercise (some stuff that was easy


> is MEGA hard to do now, but I will percevere (sic)). I feel like I

> can't spell today. Woke up hurting bad...ilk.


> You ask " If they are hurting, how can you type now? " Well, I take

> Wellese Liquid Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM that I found on

> drugstore.com and later at Walgreens too as well as Joint Juice.


> Wellesse is 2 ounces a day, and it is my savior!


> I am doing so much better! Yesterday, I took my fattest pug for a

> walk at the park, and I did " Anchor Bay's Healing Yoga for Aches &

> Pains " yesterday and went to bed ridiculously early. I am on high

> levels of narcotics and my pain specialist has me as disabled. My

> car insurance is finally paying my medical bills (that have gone


> collections... :(( ), so that leaves me with the money I saved


> gives me approx. 3 months as I own my own home, etc.


> I have been ready, mentally, to go back to work for months but not

> physically. I believe I can handle it now if I work agency work


> space out the days and work part-time as I am still so weak and

> because of the pain as well as looking at jobs where I don't have


> be so physical.


> I have an agency that wants to use me that will send me to


> I am already familiar with because I went to them when I worked

> agency before. My problem is I need to have a physical (I have no

> insurance since I lost my job at a CATHOLIC Institution which is


> ONLY ONE EXEMPT from giving COBRA & I have too much money to be


> to qualify for Medicaid).


> I know if I tell my primary care physician to say I can work and to

> give me my PPD test she will because I don't have any other

> opportunities but to go back to work, and it takes forever for

> disability. I don't want to lose everything, so I am going back to

> work.


> I have to ask for those who are on the narcotics (yes, I know they

> only look for illegal narcotics with drug tests, and I have

> legitimate perscriptions to be on Morphine & Roxicodone), but will


> be able to pass a drug test? I am fully functional because of the

> medicine, and I am dying to go back to work.


> The agency requires a copy of a recent drug screen, so I am a


> bit worried. I cannot live without the pain medicine, and I can't

> work without them. I just want some assurance (sic) that I will be

> ok getting the job because I need to work for my sanity and so I

> won't lose my house and all. Any advice is welcomed. I have been

> through a lot in my 31 years, and I am not going to let my pain

> define me and let my dreams go by the wayside.


> Please feel free to contact me at mandac76@... if you have a

> similar story or advice. I feel in my heart that I will be ok in

> getting the job, but it is Columbus Day, so I am not sure if any

> place is open to ask.


> I look forward to making friends with others who live with chronic

> pain, and I hope that one day I will be able to help all of you


> way too.


> Sincerely,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Olivia,

How long have you had neck pain? Have you had any tests, like MRI's? Do

you have any nerve compression, symptoms in your arms and/or hands? My

neck MRI showed the following: DDD in all 7 discs, facet disease in 5

discs, 3 bulging discs, narrowing in 3 disc spaces, and spondylosis

(osteoarthritis). What exactly that all means, I'm not sure :) I do

know it has been quite painful but I don't have any nerve compression

symptoms (which is good!). I briefly did some PT and on Friday I will

be having facet joint injections to see if that's the major source of

pain. If that's the cae, then I will have a radio frequency procedure

done, that's where the nerve tips actually get burned off. I work with

a pain mgmt dr, do you have one? If not, I would highly suggest seeing

one. Take care,

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Hi Olivia,

How long have you had neck pain? Have you had any tests, like MRI's? Do

you have any nerve compression, symptoms in your arms and/or hands? My

neck MRI showed the following: DDD in all 7 discs, facet disease in 5

discs, 3 bulging discs, narrowing in 3 disc spaces, and spondylosis

(osteoarthritis). What exactly that all means, I'm not sure :) I do

know it has been quite painful but I don't have any nerve compression

symptoms (which is good!). I briefly did some PT and on Friday I will

be having facet joint injections to see if that's the major source of

pain. If that's the cae, then I will have a radio frequency procedure

done, that's where the nerve tips actually get burned off. I work with

a pain mgmt dr, do you have one? If not, I would highly suggest seeing

one. Take care,

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Hi Olivia,

How long have you had neck pain? Have you had any tests, like MRI's? Do

you have any nerve compression, symptoms in your arms and/or hands? My

neck MRI showed the following: DDD in all 7 discs, facet disease in 5

discs, 3 bulging discs, narrowing in 3 disc spaces, and spondylosis

(osteoarthritis). What exactly that all means, I'm not sure :) I do

know it has been quite painful but I don't have any nerve compression

symptoms (which is good!). I briefly did some PT and on Friday I will

be having facet joint injections to see if that's the major source of

pain. If that's the cae, then I will have a radio frequency procedure

done, that's where the nerve tips actually get burned off. I work with

a pain mgmt dr, do you have one? If not, I would highly suggest seeing

one. Take care,

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Hi Olivia,

How long have you had neck pain? Have you had any tests, like MRI's? Do

you have any nerve compression, symptoms in your arms and/or hands? My

neck MRI showed the following: DDD in all 7 discs, facet disease in 5

discs, 3 bulging discs, narrowing in 3 disc spaces, and spondylosis

(osteoarthritis). What exactly that all means, I'm not sure :) I do

know it has been quite painful but I don't have any nerve compression

symptoms (which is good!). I briefly did some PT and on Friday I will

be having facet joint injections to see if that's the major source of

pain. If that's the cae, then I will have a radio frequency procedure

done, that's where the nerve tips actually get burned off. I work with

a pain mgmt dr, do you have one? If not, I would highly suggest seeing

one. Take care,

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Hi , I have 2 bulging discs(c5-6 and c6-7)...they are not

affecting my spinal cord..I do have some bone spurs and

other " arthritic changes " in my neck as well...they are concerned

because of my age(28) and also because of my age do not think surgery

is a good option right now...which in talking with other people I now

understand why...I've been dealing with this for over a year now...3

bad " episodes " with this one being the worst...they've gotten

progressively worse..I did see a neuro Dr.( not a surgeon) this past

Mon....he wants me to go back and do some phy. ther. this coming

week...he also gave me a script for a neck brace...which I'm having a

hard time getting used to(it might be helping though)and also gave me

some meds...he's " hoping " that with some therapy(traction mostly is

what he mentioned) and the rest in the brace I will improve...he did

mention some of the other treatments that you did...the tough thing for

me is I didn't have any real injury that brought this on...and it's

been bad lately...any info or suggestions would be greatly

appreciated...and I'll be happy to share my " experience " as

well...please keep in touch, best wishes, Olivia

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Hi , I have 2 bulging discs(c5-6 and c6-7)...they are not

affecting my spinal cord..I do have some bone spurs and

other " arthritic changes " in my neck as well...they are concerned

because of my age(28) and also because of my age do not think surgery

is a good option right now...which in talking with other people I now

understand why...I've been dealing with this for over a year now...3

bad " episodes " with this one being the worst...they've gotten

progressively worse..I did see a neuro Dr.( not a surgeon) this past

Mon....he wants me to go back and do some phy. ther. this coming

week...he also gave me a script for a neck brace...which I'm having a

hard time getting used to(it might be helping though)and also gave me

some meds...he's " hoping " that with some therapy(traction mostly is

what he mentioned) and the rest in the brace I will improve...he did

mention some of the other treatments that you did...the tough thing for

me is I didn't have any real injury that brought this on...and it's

been bad lately...any info or suggestions would be greatly

appreciated...and I'll be happy to share my " experience " as

well...please keep in touch, best wishes, Olivia

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Hi Olivia,

Yes you are too young for all this, I am too at 34. We just have to

keep a positive attitude that we'll be ok and the med treatments they

are working on now will help us in the future. I didn't have any

injuries with my back or neck either. I was getting off the floor whem

myback " popped " and stretching in bed when my neck " crunched " . I feel

like a walking time bomb! I think at our age the PT is important to

keep our bodies mobile, even if we don't get great pain relief from it.

I know I have days when I think I'll just try the surgery, how much

worse could surgery make this, but really we are way too young for

fusions. If anyone recommends a discetomy or laminectomy for you,

definetly have that done because that is 98% successfull. But a fusion

is a different story, although there are people that have good outcomes

there are many that don't and the hard part is having it done so young

is we'll be right back in the OR for an extension fusion within 5 years

because it casuses your other discs to wear out so much faster. That is

what I know about lumbar fusions, neck fusions might be different??

Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. I'll be hoping

PT helps you a lot and your pain improves. Take care,

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Hi again , I had my first PT appt. yesterday...it went ok...they

are only doing traction, a TENS unit, and light massage on me for now

(Dr. orders)...they don't want me to move my neck for a while( you

probably read in another post they have me wearing a neck brace now)and

see if they can get the nerves to calm down and take some pressure off

the discs...I kinda think I'm feeling a little better...it was so bad

last week...having a tough time getting used to the brace...trying

though...LOL!!!...anything to get better at this point...have you had

any luck with certain treatments etc., please stay in touch as

well...are you scheduled to see a Dr. again soon?...I go back in Dec.,

hope you are feeling better, take care, Olivia

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  • 2 weeks later...


Unfortunately the blood work doesn't' always show it. Continue to

peruse, and don't let up. You have found a good resource to voice your

concerns. Your daughter is showing systemic symptoms and some people

that are on this board with those kids can tell you more. I wish you

luck and hope in your search for an answer.

and Allie (11 poly)


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of tricia_sassaman

Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 4:07 PM

Subject: Hi

Hi my name is Tricia. I have a 2 year old duaghther named Kenna. Sthe

\\\he has been getting realy weird rashes since Aug and the high

feavers and know swollen and painful joints. We have taken her to a

rhum. at dupont hosp and she sent us to an allergist becacuse all of

her blood work is fine. The allergist said no this is de.fiently not

allergies and now we are going to the diagnostic center at CHOP. I

almost feel like I should back off and wait to see if she gets better,

at this point she cant even get a hair cut w/o freaking out. Just tired

and frustrated.....I was wondering how long did it take to fiqure out a

clear diagnoses for any of your children.

Thanks and prayers to you and your families


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Hi Tricia,

I have a daughter with systemic jra, and she also started out with

fevers, rashes and painful joints. She was hospitalized for " fevers

of unknown origin " while they poked and prodded and ran any test

they could think of. It still took two months to get a diagnosis.

I am in PA, but not near CHOP. How lucky you are to be able to go

to CHOP! I heard Dr. Sherry speak, and he seems like a wonderful

doctor. Don't give up.


's mom, systemic jra, age 7


> Hi my name is Tricia. I have a 2 year old duaghther named Kenna.


> \\\he has been getting realy weird rashes since Aug and the high

> feavers and know swollen and painful joints. We have taken her to


> rhum. at dupont hosp and she sent us to an allergist becacuse all


> her blood work is fine. The allergist said no this is de.fiently


> allergies and now we are going to the diagnostic center at CHOP. I

> almost feel like I should back off and wait to see if she gets


> at this point she cant even get a hair cut w/o freaking out. Just


> and frustrated.....I was wondering how long did it take to fiqure

out a

> clear diagnoses for any of your children.

> Thanks and prayers to you and your families

> Tricia


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What hosp or doctors did you go to.....How is your daughter now....Was her

blood work normal in the begining? sorry just a lot of questions


slevindoski <slevindoski@...> wrote:

Hi Tricia,

I have a daughter with systemic jra, and she also started out with

fevers, rashes and painful joints. She was hospitalized for " fevers

of unknown origin " while they poked and prodded and ran any test

they could think of. It still took two months to get a diagnosis.

I am in PA, but not near CHOP. How lucky you are to be able to go

to CHOP! I heard Dr. Sherry speak, and he seems like a wonderful

doctor. Don't give up.


's mom, systemic jra, age 7


> Hi my name is Tricia. I have a 2 year old duaghther named Kenna.


> \\\he has been getting realy weird rashes since Aug and the high

> feavers and know swollen and painful joints. We have taken her to


> rhum. at dupont hosp and she sent us to an allergist becacuse all


> her blood work is fine. The allergist said no this is de.fiently


> allergies and now we are going to the diagnostic center at CHOP. I

> almost feel like I should back off and wait to see if she gets


> at this point she cant even get a hair cut w/o freaking out. Just


> and frustrated.....I was wondering how long did it take to fiqure

out a

> clear diagnoses for any of your children.

> Thanks and prayers to you and your families

> Tricia



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My 10 year old son, Cade, started high fevers and rash back in January. He was

hospitalized twice before he was diagnosed with a " fever of unknown origin " . He

initially had an elevated WBC, CRP and an elevated sed rate. He was finally

diagnosed in March with systemic JRA. He has been taking prednisone,

methotrexate, tolmetin (anti-inflammatory) and folic acid.

He has been weaned off of the prednisone in October. He has not had any fever

or pain since the end of June (two months after starting the methotrexate).

Methotrexate was a miracle for him. He is in a medicated remission now. Hope

this helps.

tricia_sassaman <tricia_sassaman@...> wrote:

Hi my name is Tricia. I have a 2 year old duaghther named Kenna. Sthe

\\\he has been getting realy weird rashes since Aug and the high

feavers and know swollen and painful joints. We have taken her to a

rhum. at dupont hosp and she sent us to an allergist becacuse all of

her blood work is fine. The allergist said no this is de.fiently not

allergies and now we are going to the diagnostic center at CHOP. I

almost feel like I should back off and wait to see if she gets better,

at this point she cant even get a hair cut w/o freaking out. Just tired

and frustrated.....I was wondering how long did it take to fiqure out a

clear diagnoses for any of your children.

Thanks and prayers to you and your families



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