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Hi Amru,

You can check the archives on this board, as we were discussing the increased

rate of hyperthyroidism seen in dogs and cats last year.

However, if your pet's FT4 is normal, the goiter could be caused by

insufficient iodine. Have you tried adding iodine? Iodine can be blocked by

soy, fluoride, chloride ions and other substances, including lithium.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Clair, and God bless .

So sorry your baby has been diagnosed with this terrible affliction, but glad

you have found us. The life of child and parents dealing with this disease

change dramatically from what they are used to. So long as she is having

trouble with the disease you will be continually going through one series of

medical tests and proceedures or another. There is alot that is not understood

about JRA and RA but much is being discovered lately. All we parents know is

that we must do all we can to ease the pain of our children and hope/pray for a


The good news is you have tapped into a place that will vastly help you in

knowing how to treat your child and arming yourself with more insight than most

Dr.s will ever have. You are now IN CHARGE of your daughters treatment and must

find out all you can to guarantee she is getting the proper care. There is much

you have yet to go through, but know that there are those here allready that

have been there and can help you to see down the roads to come.

When times get toughest you will find many shoulders to cry on and allies to

support you - even if it means having to wage war against an insurance Co. and

threaten them with the media! [snide grin]

Again, welcome and know you have a whole new group of friends to call on.


[ & Skyler]


Hi everyone,

I have been reading all teh psots and find the articles particularly


My daughter who is 6 has just been diagnosed with juvenile arthriits.

The rheumotologist checked her over and at first we thought her bent swollen arm

was a break but now we know for sure. She also has a finger, ankles, knees

inflamed at present. She had 3 bolld test - full blood picture, the rheumatoid

factor and a gene test. She sees the physio next week and her rheumotologist

next week too to find out the results. We had a long appouintment last week to

get all the info. She is supposed to go into hospital in a couple of weeks for

joint injections. Is this what I can expect for her over the next months? I am

so unsure of what to expect for her.

We are just waiting and I am trying to read everything to get some idea of JA.

Anyway, have a wonderufl weekend,

Best wishes for es recovery - hope she is on the mend.

Take care,


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I think you will find this group to be a wonderful source of information and

support. My daughter (19 months) was diagnosed at the end of August.

During the first month or two, she was very demanding. She's always been a

wonderful sleeper, but suddenly was waking up crying all the time, and wanted

to sleep with me and my husband. She wanted to be held all the time. I

think she was hurting and not understanding why. I also think she was

probably picking up on my anxiety. I was making a fuss over her and wanted

to coddle her because I was so upset. She fed into that and demanded more.

Things have calmed down and are closer to " normal " now. There is definitely

an adjustment period. Good luck.


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Thank you everyone for the welcomes- you are all so amazing coping with all

your little darlings.I will be asking lots of questions too.

I just feel it such an unknown quantity for us at the moment. I just cringe

when she cries in pain or knocks her self. Her behaviour has been very

interesting and demanding over the last few months. I just wonder if it is

her way of coping with how she feels.





> Hi everyone,

> I have been reading all teh psots and find the articles particularly


> My daughter who is 6 has just been diagnosed with juvenile

arthriits. The rheumotologist checked her over and at first we thought her

bent swollen arm was a break but now we know for sure. She also has a

finger, ankles, knees inflamed at present. She had 3 bolld test - full blood

picture, the rheumatoid factor and a gene test. She sees the physio next

week and her rheumotologist next week too to find out the results. We had a

long appouintment last week to get all the info. She is supposed to go into

hospital in a couple of weeks for joint injections. Is this what I can

expect for her over the next months? I am so unsure of what to expect for


> We are just waiting and I am trying to read everything to get some idea

of JA.

> Anyway, have a wonderufl weekend,


> Best wishes for es recovery - hope she is on the mend.

> Take care,

> :)





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Welcome to the group and ask all the questions you needs, because this group

has given me more info than all my daughter dr.s together. Her rheumy told me

that when she in pain the behavior changes and boy does it change. Some days

I wanna put her out lol, but I know she's hurting when she's very mean and

can't stand for her brothers to even look at her. But if I ask her do she

wants something for pain she refuse it, but when I've had enough I all but

push it down her throat for all of us some relief. It may sound mean but when

the pain stop she's a brand new child and my sons wait on her like they are

her maids and they are getting along again.


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In a message dated 11/18/2000 10:09:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

sweetpea200001@... writes:

> But if I ask her do she

> wants something for pain she refuse it, but when I've had enough I all but

> push it down her throat for all of us some relief. It may sound mean but

> when

> the pain stop she's a brand new child and my sons wait on her like they


> her maids and they are getting along again.

> Ywellen



Too bad she has to wait to get to a point of " no return " before she will

allow the meds. If she took them sooner then she would be happy sooner,. they

also don't take as long to work when you get them into the system sooner

Marcie, s Mom

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Dear Group,

My daughter used to bang her head. It was horrible because if

the surface wasn't hard enough she would seek out a harder surface. She would

bang her head until she was bruised or bleeding or both. and I used to

put her to bed with a bicycle helmet on. Thank God she quit banging her head

but we are now wondering if she was banging her head because she could not

verbalize that she was in pain due to the jra. We have her in a " medicated

control " but she still can be a handful at times. has started physical

therapy. They are working on stetching and strenghtening on both legs.The PT

is going to check with the rheumy about a brace for her left leg. Emmy's

ankle turns inward a little. Emmy has a 5 degree contracture in her left knee

which the PT says isn't bad at all. Emmy also has decrepitus in both

knees.(something about the cartiledge in the knees).


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My husbands sister, now 24, used to bang her head when she was a child to the

point where she once had a concussion. She has suffered from migraine

headaches since she was a pre-teen, and they wonder if she was having the

headaches as a young child and banging her head out of frustration due to the

pain. Also, Kelsey went through a phase of banging her forehead on the

floor, not in a tantrum, just to be doing it. Fortunately it didn't last

long, but now that you've mentioned this it makes me wonder if it was due to

her jra. Good luck to you and with the PT, I hope it helps her. Its

good they are getting her started before the contracture got worse, Kelsey's

was about 20 degrees back in April. After therapy and being on Naprosyn her

knees/legs are completely straight. Hoping for the best :)

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" ...Too bad she has to wait to get to a point of " no return " before she

will allow the meds. If she took them sooner then she would be happy

sooner. they also don't take as long to work when you get them into the

system sooner... "


Yup. I completely agree with Marcie on this point. If the arthritis is

active it's better, IMO, to have a regular and consistent dosing

schedule. That way the meds will have a chance to build up in the

bloodstream and be better able to prevent the occurrence of pain. It

usually works more effectively than waiting for the pain to happen and

then trying to ease it.

I just talked with 's pediatrician about a similar topic. When a

child has the experience of chronic pain they have a higher chance of

brain receptors doing seeking behaviors to try to dull the pain. What

controls the pain at one point in time may not be enough to control the

pain at a future point so our kids can be more likely to have to move on

to higher forms of pain control later. We talked about this because when

Josh was having pain that interfered with his sleep, I asked about

giving him a dose of the codeine-containing medicine that was prescribed

to him by a doctor at the ER for chosteochondritis in the past. He said

it's not a good idea. Better to use a product like Benadryl that will

help cause drowsiness but which doesn't conatin opiates. Using a

stronger pain med might make his body more unresponsive to meds he takes

regularly for pain, like NSAIDs. Increasing the chance that he'd have to

move up to a class of stronger pain meds, at some point in time.

Take care,


AplBlssm@... wrote:


> In a message dated 11/18/2000 10:09:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> sweetpea200001@... writes:


> > But if I ask her do she

> > wants something for pain she refuse it, but when I've had enough I all but

> > push it down her throat for all of us some relief. It may sound mean but

> > when

> > the pain stop she's a brand new child and my sons wait on her like they

> are

> > her maids and they are getting along again.

> > Ywellen

> >

> Ywellen,

> Too bad she has to wait to get to a point of " no return " before she will

> allow the meds. If she took them sooner then she would be happy sooner,. they

> also don't take as long to work when you get them into the system sooner


> Marcie, s Mom

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For some reason, this reminds me of my grandmother. She is on a cocktail of

medications for diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and vertigo and the other day

she called me complaining of feeling faint like she was going to pass

out...feeling dizzy. Well, come to find out she had stopped taking her

vertigo medicine, Meclizine, because she said " it wasn't doing any good " and

made her feel sick to her stomach. (she has acid reflux and also refuses to

take her Pepcid...very stubborn, but I love her) Well, funny that while she

was taking it she felt great and she stopped taking it and had the same

problems again. Then, of course, it took a few days to get back into her

system and to start working again. Most medications do require a consistant

dosing or they won't work affectively.

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- here they like to put them in hospital - but unfortunately there

are no anaesthetists available for this type of procedure. So we have to

wait until Feb-


Re: Hi

> hi claire, cant they do your daughters joint injections on an out patient

> basis? brandy

> _________________________________________________________________________

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> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

> http://profiles.msn.com.




> For links to websites with JRA info please visit:

> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html


> To manage your subscription settings, visit:

> subscribe/



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When you see that huge snake leave your body, it is no longer a mystery to

cleanse. But a mastery at cleansing.


> I am new to this list.


> To me it is a mystery, how one can cleanse his bowel when a huge

> tape-snake is inhabiting it.


> Lenny





> Subscription email:

> mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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This should help your sleep patterns to get disrupted.



Re: Hi

http://www.afraidtoask.com/images/wormpassage.gifWARNING: IT IS SHOCKING -- Ascaris worms passed by infected human.-----------------------> When you see that huge snake leave your body, it is no longer a mystery to> cleanse. But a mastery at cleansing.> > Bernadette> > > I am new to this list.> >> > To me it is a mystery, how one can cleanse his bowel when a huge> > tape-snake is inhabiting it.> >> > Lenny> >> >> >> >> > Subscription email:> > mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups> >

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I thought you have a scarier picture than mine. But the idea

" Numerous cases have been reported in which patients in

surgical recovery rooms have had worms migrate from their small

intestine, through their stomach, and out their nose or mouth " sounds

like a scenario for a good horror movie. And since at least 25% of the

people on Earth are infected with this worm you don't need to go to

cinema. Just look the people around and use some imagination... :-)

> This should help your sleep patterns to get disrupted.


> http://www.word.com/place/lazarus2/worms/ascaris.html


> Dale

> Da_@m...


> Re: Hi



> http://www.afraidtoask.com/images/wormpassage.gif


> WARNING: IT IS SHOCKING -- Ascaris worms passed by infected human.

> -----------------------


> > When you see that huge snake leave your body, it is no longer a

> mystery to

> > cleanse. But a mastery at cleansing.

> >

> > Bernadette

> >

> > > I am new to this list.

> > >

> > > To me it is a mystery, how one can cleanse his bowel when a


> > > tape-snake is inhabiting it.

> > >

> > > Lenny

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Subscription email:

> > > mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

> > >

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Hi Jackie, welcome to the bulletin board - this is a great place to ask

questions and receive answers or direction...ithyroid.com is filled with

great info, take care, Mona


Hi everyone, My name is Jackie and I just joined your group. I have

had type 1 diabetes since I was 21 and found out that I also had

hyper T about 2 years ago. I also have a daughter that is 3 and I

live in Alaska. Hope to hear from some of you!

Later Jackie

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  • 2 months later...

- a very excellent book that can be found at any book store - or at

www.half.com is called " Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Environmental

Illness " by Burton Goldberg. IT is extremely comprehensive. There is a lot

in the book on Candida and a lot on testing as well.... this is a book you

can keep 'handy' all the time because there is 'scads' of info....

anyway - testing for candida - quite often people talk about the

" Anti-Candida Antibodies Panel or a comprehensive Stool Analysis... " . An

excellent Lab that is used a lot by docs everywhere is Great Smokies

Diagnostic Laboratory, 63 Zillicoa Street, Asheville, N.C. 28801... tel:

(704)253-0621 or 800-522-4762 - you could also phone them and tell them

about your friend and ask what she needs to do.... ??



This is just a quick note before my husband boots me off the computer to

work again on it - (grin) but I have a friend who's child (6yrs) is getting

really sick. I suspect he and his sister both have chronic candida. When I

gave her a bottle of CS to try on him, he broke out in an itchy rash, which

is a pretty good indication of Candida. Anyway, he is covered in excema,

has asthma, and is TOTALLY blocked in his nose all the time with allergic

rhinitus. He has allergies galore etc etc. She was wanting to know what

tests she could have done on him to determine if he has candida? Bowels

etc? Please help. I am seeing her tomorrow and he is just getting worse

and worse, complaining of aching this and aching that.


Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to


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Hi Connie,

Good luck! I just hope that this time you are

able to stay on, and that it WORKS! We will all be

here for you. Get your lab work done, no matter what

it takes. I guess you already know what all to do and

expect, but make sure you are drinking lots of water!

Is your daughter still living at home? Make sure you

let us know how you are doing so we don't worry about



--- Constance Dickson

<constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,

> Well, I start the Combo again tomorrow morning ...


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Hi Sylv,

Are you doing the old combo, or are you doing the

peg combo?


--- sylvati <sylvati@...> wrote:

> Hi Connie


> I start my first combo in one week. lets hope its

> easy for us both eh?

> love Sylv


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Hi Connie

I start my first combo in one week. lets hope its easy for us both eh?

love Sylv


> Hi Everyone,

> Well, I start the Combo again tomorrow morning and I

> am quite nervous. I am wondering what it has in store

> for me this time. It took me over a year to get back

> to feeling almost normal the last time. I have spent

> the last few days trying to get everything situated in

> case it knocks me down for a while. Last time the

> first 2-3 weeks were fine. The longer I was on it the

> worse it got. I felt like I was dead and just forgot

> to lay down, smile. From what I have heard from

> friends and read from Dr's correspondence to each

> other about me, they were all worried about my mental

> health. I was on anti-depressants and had a shrink.

> Lot of it I don't remember though, which I suppose is

> good. I think if I did I might forego doing it again

> to myself. It is going to be hard swallowing those

> pills and sticking that needle in, remembering what I

> do on how I felt before. I hope I have built it up

> worse in my mind than it will be. I am glad I have

> this group here this time to talk to it helps to have

> someone who knows what you are going through and also

> who won't abandon you.....Take Care All, and Thank

> You, Connie



> __________________________________________________


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Hope the tx goes better for you the second time around i felt like I was a

bout dead at times tooo and now get the chance to build my body back up,

lost about 50 lbs and my muscle cuz never felt like doing much,except sleep



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

That brain fog can sure get in the way. there are so many times I ask my

husband to help me to remember something and then we both look at each other

and laugh because we know that is a lost cause. He is hoping one day to get

some relief from that part of the disease and treatment. Hang in there!!!

Stay positive!!!


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Guest guest

That brain fog can sure get in the way. there are so many times I ask my

husband to help me to remember something and then we both look at each other

and laugh because we know that is a lost cause. He is hoping one day to get

some relief from that part of the disease and treatment. Hang in there!!!

Stay positive!!!


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