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I know I am very slow in catching up with my mail....I am trying to get to all that took the time to write to us...

We are totally listening to Tylers doctors...I trust them completely. They feel that Ty is much better off keeping his spleen....infact feel that he may have more problems at this point without. it...Plus the transplant team want all the orginal hook ups untouched....

It is just not something that is going to go away...that is the pain....but it should get to the point where it is bearable....The orginal areas that first started bothering him back in January were very small....the main problem this time was that the area is so large....Tys spleen is very large...goes about 2" below his naval and over to the right to push on his liver....covering his entire abdomen...They have him wearing a spleen guard again...he hates it....goes around his entire middle and is rather uncomfortable...hard in some places and elastic...hooking with velcro....but it protects him from a blow to the abdomen...even getting bumped in the school halls at this point is something they want to avoid....So he will wear it.....

Again thanks for your concern and well wishes...

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Jerry,

I am not sure what is protocol for answering the posts I have received but I will write to you and maybe you can tell me how to respond so that you, Bonnie, Debra, and Barabara can read my messages. First in answer to your question where I live in California,

It is Tustin, in Orange County. That is about an hour away from your good friend. I have attended lots of 12-step programs, such as AA, CODA and the Christian twelve step program that encompasses all of the other 12-step programs. I enjoyed the friends I had met, but circumstances that were out of my control had me moving away and I lost touch with a lot of people. Besides God, I have Gregg and an extended family which include and a neighbor named Alan. My immediate family consists of three sibling brothers younger than myself, all unmarried and my 77 year old father who is in denial about being an alcoholic (recovering) and having to be on renal dialysis for four days a week. My mom is deceased since 1995 and she died of liver and kidney complications after a hernia surgery. She was diagnosed with Cirrhosis and jaundice back in 1980 which is when her and my dad stopped drinking. I have two daughter who are grown. is 31, and has a 13 year old daughter from a previous marriage, and I also have a daughter 30, who lives in New York. She flew out here to see me while I was in the hospital this last time. I don't know where you live or how old you were when you had your transplant, but I am only 48 years old. I am actually looking forward to having the surgery now since I have heard from Bonnie that she heard of someone who recovered in less than three weeks. How long did it take you? and, Who did you have to make decisions and take care of you when you were recovering. I have faith that God has a plan for me, like you mentioned or I would have died during one of my hospitalizations when I had to have blood transfusions and was in a coma. The prayers from my family, church members, Gregg and the churches who put me on their prayer list were my life line and I thank yourself and the other members of the support system for their prayers.

God Bless

& Gregg

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Why would they take Synthyroid off the market??? You have to get on it again my Dear woman.... I had a problem with levels and oh my! It was horrible!!!!! I can tell you from first hand experiannce its better to be on meds than off!!!! Good luck to you and may you feel better soon!!!



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I will know more when I go to dr., get the blood tests and go for a

followup visit. Probably take months!!! ;( Thank you and will let you


Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Yes i agree with peaches. When I got off my meds for a year my body shut down and I could not drive, walked like an 80 year old, couldn't finish sentences, couldn't complete a thought, couldn't get off the sofa. my parents had to care for my children. GOOD LUCk if you plan do do without meds.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.---Blaise Pascal

Re: HI

Why would they take Synthyroid off the market??? You have to get on it again my Dear woman.... I had a problem with levels and oh my! It was horrible!!!!! I can tell you from first hand experiannce its better to be on meds than off!!!! Good luck to you and may you feel better soon!!! Sincerely, Deb

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Hi ,

Have you done any liver cleansing? Have you done chelation? What

supplements are you taking? Are you getting any seavegatables in your


I was on synthroid a couple of years ago, and went off of it (now a

year) because I didn't like the idea of taking a drug for the rest of

my life! :( I realized that taking the drug was only a bandage and if

I really wanted to get to the root of the problem, I was going to

have to take responsibility for my own health.


> Hi,

> I have hypotyroid several years ago, as put on synthroid. I took

myself off a few years after that. I now have gained 40 pounds, and

very exhaused, can't sleep, feet or hands cold often, dry, falling

out hair, depressed,etc.

> I made an appt. with a endocrinologist for next week, and I am sure

the lab tests will come back normal like always these last several

years since off the meds. I hear now, that the lab tests aren't

always accurate. I am going to do the temp. test if he wants me to.

I have done a murcury detox, but still have the same symptoms. If he

wants me on meds, I don't like the idea of synthroid bec. they are

supposedly going to take off market i hear. Also, with the Armour,

it has animal parts in it, and goes against my beliefs.

> I was told that plain kelp is not the answer also.

> And, is there another med. with T3 and T4 in it? I was told that

is good bec. sometimes you can't tell if the body is converting the

proper T4 ot T3.

> Well, I bet I got you all confused, but I want to be armed when

going to drs. Thank you so much,


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I did a intestinal cleanse and a chelate cleanse with cilantro pesto for

2 weeks. And sea veg.? Kelp? No, bec. I don't want to put anything in

my system to throw the blood tests off. I don't eat any meat, but

that's been for 7 years. I read that kelp wasn't the total answer. I

would love to just take supplements bec. I don't want to take medicines

if I don't have to. ;) Thanks

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Please don't go off your meds. I just had to by doctor's instructions for five weeks because of a test I have to have today. I feel like I'm dying.

You feels bad enough when you're level is off but to go without for awhile is torture.


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I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about 10 months ago and have been on

Synthoid since. I must admit that I do feel much better. I do have my bad

days when all I want to do is sleep. I go to a general practioner and at

first he tested my blood once a month. All he tells me is the bloodwork is

fine. So why do I feel great some days and useless so many others?


Donna Faucheaux


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I just thought I would comment that for the first time in years I feel human this week. I actually wake up in the morning and dont feel the urge to schedule my nap. Ive only been on synthroid for a month and finally this week I can tell something is working right. Everything was so gradual that it was blamed on depression. The tiredness, the weight gain. It was my thyroid all the time.

Re: HI

Please don't go off your meds. I just had to by doctor's instructions for five weeks because of a test I have to have today. I feel like I'm dying. You feels bad enough when you're level is off but to go without for awhile is torture. Christel

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, I went off Synthroid several years ago because I didn't want to be on

medication " for the rest of my life. " Big mistake. I'm not saying that the

only way to go is through prescription medication, but if you want to go off

medication, you need to take aggressive steps to help your body get back on

course. Someone on this list has suggested something called Thyrodine (I

think that's the name) and it is supposed to be a natural product. That

might be something to look into. Also, why wait for the doctor to do the

temperature tests? Why not start taking them now and take the information

with you to the doctor. Also, have you always had your blood tests analyzed

by an endocrinologist? So far I have only seen a general practitioner, and

he tells me that now that I am on .15 mg of Synthroid that my thyroid levels

are perfect. But a couple of coworkers have told me that general

practitioners don't look at the whole picture, so now I'm thinking of making

an appointment with an endocrinologist as well, just to make sure. Anyway,

good luck with your treatment and keep us posted.




I have hypotyroid several years ago, as put on synthroid. I took myself off

a few years after that. I now have gained 40 pounds, and very exhaused,

can't sleep, feet or hands cold often, dry, falling out hair, depressed,etc.

I made an appt. with a endocrinologist for next week, and I am sure the lab

tests will come back normal like always these last several years since off

the meds. I hear now, that the lab tests aren't always accurate. I am

going to do the temp. test if he wants me to. I have done a murcury detox,

but still have the same symptoms. If he wants me on meds, I don't like the

idea of synthroid bec. they are supposedly going to take off market i hear.

Also, with the Armour, it has animal parts in it, and goes against my


I was told that plain kelp is not the answer also.

And, is there another med. with T3 and T4 in it? I was told that is good

bec. sometimes you can't tell if the body is converting the proper T4 ot T3.

Well, I bet I got you all confused, but I want to be armed when going to

drs. Thank you so much,

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I am glad you feel better. What was your lab tests results If I can

ask. Mine have been normal these last 2 years without meds.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Thyroine (sp?) is very expensive and out o pocket for me. And may have

to take it forever?

I went off meds bec. I didn't notice a diff. but the thyroid tests came

back down to normal when on it tho. When off the meds for a while the

thyroid tests were consistantly normal also. I got my tests done by a

regular dr. Now this is my first appt. with a endo. dr.

I did take my temp for 5 days and was told that I need to take temp.

when my period starts and for 2 weeks, (which happens to start the day

after drs.) I have a feeling this will drag out for months bec. it

takes 4 to 6 weeks just to get back in to see him!! I hope if he puts

me on meds. that It will help me lose the wieght I have gained. He will

probably tell me I gained weight bec. I stopped exercising, but have you

ever tried exercising when you were so tired? Hard to to. I am so glad

you all understand. I will let you know when I get back from drs. Hope

he's not closed minded.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Speaking of being tired, my roommate was tired for months and months and

tried in vain to continue her gym routine but finally stopped out of sheer

exhaustion. She finally went to a doctor who told her she was so anemic she

needed a blood transfusion! Every other doctor had told her to just take an

over-the-counter iron supplement. Needless to say, the transfusion, followed

by a course of strong iron supplementation, did the trick. My roommate had

suffered from excessive menstrual bleeding for months, and I guess it just

wore her out. So, for all of you who are bone tired, maybe the problem is

not just low thyroid, especially if you have menstrual problems.

As for the Thyrodine, it is expensive for me too, but I am considering it

because it is so hard for me to lose weight (compared to my friends), and so

I was thinking it might help my metabolism. I did lose weight on the Atkins

diet but went off it and gained back all my weight plus more. After

allowing myself to eat starches again after not having them for months I

became a starch-fiend, and craved carbs continuously.(Forbidden fruit

syndrome? :)) Plus, Atkins kinda encourages you to eat whatever amount of

protein you want, so I got used to eating large meals, eating pounds of

bacon at a time, etc. I lost weight, but my eating habits were ruined.

Still, I'm considering going back on it and also taking Meridia so I don't

over consume. I went to the knee doctor the other day and he suggested

bariatric surgery! I figure if the doctors are now telling me to get

surgery to lose weight (I weigh well over 300 pounds), maybe I should try

all other possible options first. Sorry to be so long winded.




Thyroine (sp?) is very expensive and out o pocket for me. And may have

to take it forever?

I went off meds bec. I didn't notice a diff. but the thyroid tests came

back down to normal when on it tho. When off the meds for a while the

thyroid tests were consistantly normal also. I got my tests done by a

regular dr. Now this is my first appt. with a endo. dr.

I did take my temp for 5 days and was told that I need to take temp.

when my period starts and for 2 weeks, (which happens to start the day

after drs.) I have a feeling this will drag out for months bec. it

takes 4 to 6 weeks just to get back in to see him!! I hope if he puts

me on meds. that It will help me lose the wieght I have gained. He will

probably tell me I gained weight bec. I stopped exercising, but have you

ever tried exercising when you were so tired? Hard to to. I am so glad

you all understand. I will let you know when I get back from drs. Hope

he's not closed minded.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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I think the Thyroine is from Young Living?

All my blood panels come back normal, (iron, etc) and I am 42 and don't

bleed much every month now, (yea).

I don't know what surgery the dr. wants you to have, but my stepdaughter

is going to have a good portion of her stomach removed or stapled.

Don't know the correct wording. It is dangerous and risky. If you go

on the thyrosine, let us know how you like it, k?

Take care of yourself

PS that is a good point you made, that just because we are fatigued, it

can mean we have other conditions causing it.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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One final response and then I'll try to shut up for awhile. The thyrodine

is from a company called " InSpired Nutritionals. " The website is

www.thyrodine.com. I'll send a progress report to the list when I start

taking it. As for the surgery, I'm not sure, but stapling doesn't sound

like a good idea. Carnie (?) had it done and although she is

happy with the results, she gets sick if she overeats. My doctor referred me

to a surgeon so I guess I would have to see what the surgeon suggests.

OK, Joy out



I think the Thyroine is from Young Living?

All my blood panels come back normal, (iron, etc) and I am 42 and don't

bleed much every month now, (yea).

I don't know what surgery the dr. wants you to have, but my stepdaughter

is going to have a good portion of her stomach removed or stapled.

Don't know the correct wording. It is dangerous and risky. If you go

on the thyrosine, let us know how you like it, k?

Take care of yourself

PS that is a good point you made, that just because we are fatigued, it

can mean we have other conditions causing it.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Thyroid function is key to regulating weight.

Standard super-market processed food with no nutritional value forces one to

eat prodigious amounts of food to vainly try to get some nutrition.

Thyrodine is not expensive it is the cheapest form of supplement when you

consider that it will restore full thyroid function, permanently.

However, Thyrodine is only available as part of either a Thyroid

Regeneration protocol or an Hormone Regeneration protocol.

These protocols eliminate auto-immune problems which cause degeneration of

the affected tissues [in this case the thyroid].

Unless the real causes of thyroid disorders are addressed playing with

" meds " not only delays recovery but allows further deterioration of the


To gain some semblance of control of weight or PMS or depression or fatigue,

one needs to consider

1-restoring natural thyroid function [with the Thyroid Regeneration


2-eating lesser amounts of organically grown, 50% raw fruit, veges,

potatoes, brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, chick peas [last 3

need to be sprouted before cooking] and supplement with a good greens

formula [like Vital Nutrition Plus from www.thyrodine.com or any of the many

greens formulae available. Check out www.vegsource.com or just vegsource and

download Dr. Klaper's article about the zone diet and blood type diet. This

will enable you to know what you are doing with data from a medical expert.

There are some!]

3-address mercury by using cilantro and having amalgam removed [and

considering a law suit against dentist who placed amalgam and company that

makes amalgam. Many law suits are being placed. The only way to stop a

criminal act is to hit the offenders in the pocket!!]

4-Take responsibility for your own health. Medically trained personnel are

trained to prescribe drugs and do surgery.

Naturopaths are trained to restore health by natural means.

If naturopaths are not licensed in your state, then have a word with your

governor and legislative representative.

Alternative to a naturopathic doctor would be a biologically oriented

chiropractor, osteopath, PhD. Ask at your health food store who practices

natural medicine in your area.

Vegsource has lots of good data. Look it up and use it.

For the religious sector, check out www.hacres.com They have some excellent

data on how to restore health naturally.





Thyroine (sp?) is very expensive and out o pocket for me. And may have

to take it forever?

I went off meds bec. I didn't notice a diff. but the thyroid tests came

back down to normal when on it tho. When off the meds for a while the

thyroid tests were consistantly normal also. I got my tests done by a

regular dr. Now this is my first appt. with a endo. dr.

I did take my temp for 5 days and was told that I need to take temp.

when my period starts and for 2 weeks, (which happens to start the day

after drs.) I have a feeling this will drag out for months bec. it

takes 4 to 6 weeks just to get back in to see him!! I hope if he puts

me on meds. that It will help me lose the wieght I have gained. He will

probably tell me I gained weight bec. I stopped exercising, but have you

ever tried exercising when you were so tired? Hard to to. I am so glad

you all understand. I will let you know when I get back from drs. Hope

he's not closed minded.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Donna Jean:

Blood tests are almost always " normal " .

Synthetic drugs do not really " replace " your own hormones.

Taking " meds " is to place a synthetic toxin in your body [just like

vaccinations] and hope that some miracle will allow this toxin to create

health in one's body.

It is fairly necessary to take responsibility for one's own health.

To allow a medically trained person to prescribe toxic drugs is to forfeit

your right of self understanding of your own body.

Look up vegsource on the net and get some alternative opinions about

controlling your own health.

For specific data about restoring thyroid function, naturally, access



Re: HI


I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about 10 months ago and have been on

Synthoid since. I must admit that I do feel much better. I do have my bad

days when all I want to do is sleep. I go to a general practioner and at

first he tested my blood once a month. All he tells me is the bloodwork is

fine. So why do I feel great some days and useless so many others?


Donna Faucheaux


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Hi Tom

Don't know if you were refering to me , but I'm assuming you were. Haven't

heard anyone else talking about it but me. I am taking DMSA and also

chlorella.DMSA is a prescription you get from an MD. Let me know if you want

any other info. The mercury issue is about to explode. There will be a

national press conference with Americans Against Mercury in Wash on April

24, many class aciton law suits are being filed due to the horrible health

effects from this deadly poison we are carring around in our mouths.


Re: HI

> What sort of Mercury detox did you do?


> Thanks

> Tom

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Terri

My name is , I was diagnosed with cirrhosis in December of last

year. I have also had hepatitis C due to blood transfusions I have been

receiving due to anemia. I had gone through several gastroenterologists who

gave me upper and lower GI's and bone marrow biopsies to find the source of

my bleeding. I was even vomiting black and they still did not diagnosis me

with cirrhosis until December when my ammonia levels went through the roof

and I had hepatic encephalopathy and bleeding varicies. Two things you wind

up with when the cirrhosis gets worse. I hope that I did not scare you. If

I can be of any help, please feel free to e-mail me.


in Tustin, CA

[ ] Hi

> My name is terri and i have HCV. i'm scared and don't understand alot

> about what lies down the road. i am 45 with a husband and 3 sons. i

> have was diagnosed in july 2000, we think it may have come from tainted

> blood from a transfusion i had in 1977. i am very symtomatic since my

> outbreak in july. my main problem is severe fatigue but also have the

> stomach problems and never seem to be wiyhout a fever. it's more

> irritating than anything else. i haven't started tx yet due to firing my

> first GI. i see another one in july. the firt GI said that he was sure

> that i had some degree of cirrihois due to reddish ( look like

> birthmarks) patches on my skin and webbing on my chest. i will have a

> biospy when i see the new doctor in july, i hope. thank you for letting

> me join your group

> terri




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Thanks for the email. No you didn't scare just want to know what

could be down the road for me. i appreciate any info i can get. we don't

have many drs in my area that don't have a god complex. but right now

i'm calming down after 4 tornadoes came thru just south of us last nite.

please keep in touch.


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