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Re: TONS of questions

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So many of the symptoms you mention I am going through too---some for

years but the hair falling out thing: that's recent for me. It's

really been freaking me out. I was in denial about it for months (must

be my imagination) when I started finding hair everywhere : the walls,

the furniture, the rugs, the food, the cats. When I noticed my hair

was getting really thin (it's always been abnormally thick my whole

lilfe) I went to several drs. It was the dermatologist (this was just

the other day) who put me on Nizoral shampoo--over the counter--Rogaine

for women and this prescription lotion for the scalp. (Nizoral is a

fungas killing drug--you can take it orally for candidasis too) Oh and

Atarax for itchiness. Now he said it wasn't related to the

candida---that it was related to a recent illness or too much stress.

But I don't think so--it makes a lot more sense that it's the

candidiasis. So if I were you I'd get the shampoo and Rogaine right

away---can't hurt--and see a dermatologist--might have to see a couple.

I cant believe all the flack I get from most doctors who swear up and

down there's no way I could have this illness. One of them told me only

Aids patients get candidiaisis. Another one said if I had it, I would

be bedridden and unable to walk. I told him that's true a large

percentage of the time--because of the accompanying chronic fatigue.

Good luck--let us know.



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You mentioned your son who's on the autism spectrum and wondered if

it would be good for him too. I have a son who is on the spectrum

and has been on this diet for about 2 months or so. I think it

depends on more than just whether or not he has autism but rather

what his problems with that condition are. For example, my son has

had diarrhea for 3 years, been on numerous antibiotics and tested

extremely high for yeast & bacteria. These were good reasons to put

him on the diet (as well as the GFCF diet) but if your son doesn't

have yeast problems, maybe the GFCF diet alone would help. Cutting

out sugars, dyes, etc. can be good for our kids but on this diet they

can also lose some of the nutrients they need, so it's best to either

test him for this (such as a organic acids test) or talk to a DAN dr.

(or well-educated Dr. in autism) about doing this diet and get your

son some good vitamins and supplements. It's a big step to do this

diet with young kids and fairly hard, so although I think it's helped

my son A LOT, I would look into it first so you know he needs it.

It's tough to go through the die-off also and that scares a lot of

parents and they quit before their child gets better. Anyway, I'm

not an expert but it really depends on specifics for your child which

you didn't mention. You may want to tell us more about him and/or

post on the autism boards such as GFCFdiet, GFCFKids, and

Autismdiet. Let me know if I can help you find any information or

look into it further.


> First of all, thank you all for the welcomes and advice!


> Please forgive my ignorance, but I have many more questions for you

guys. Like I said in my other email, I was on vacation for 4 days

and I was planning to start the diet today, but now I can't seem to

remember much about it. My brain is pathetic! I'm going to re-read

the book before I start the diet, but I also have some questions that

weren't in there. I don't have a doctor to help me with this. Mine

think I am a hypochondriac and wave off my concerns. I have many

doctors due to my many health problems. I think not being able to

think straight is the scariest symptom. Anyone have that problem?


> What do you have if you need a snack? Say it's 2 p.m. and too

early for dinner but you had lunch earlier. ALL of the snacks I

usually have I won't be able to have on this diet. I need new

ideas. I do NOT like to munch on raw veggies. :( I don't much like

veggies at all, so this diet might not be possible for me to stick



> I DETEST cooking. It's the worst chore in the world, to me. So

I'm having some trouble coming up with things to make. I usually

make very easy things like spaghetti, hot dogs and mac and cheese,

etc. Once in a while I'll make meat but we aren't big meat eaters.

I guess I'll have to change that. I do love chicken and fish, but

not red meats as much. What are some examples of meals you guys

make? Are there ANY easy foods you can make at all?


> Are there ANY condiments you can use? Do you have to eat

everything plain? (Yuck)


> Does anyone have any problems with hair loss? For the past year I

have been losing a LOT of hair. It's thinning out so much that I

only have about 1/3 of my hair left. :( When I brush my hair it

just flies right out of my head. You should see the shower drain!

But the doctors have tested me for all sorts of things and say I am

fine. This is yet another reason I am a medical mystery, so I'm

wondering if it might be candida related. The hair I do have is also

very brittle, frizzy, and in bad condition. The doctor has told me

that it could be related to my Crohn's Disease, but other doctors

have told me that's not true.


> I also have anxiety disorders, depression, constant vaginitis,

sleeping problems, restless leg sydrome, brain fog... I could go on

forever. I have most of the symptoms the book describes. I am

constantly going to the doctor for each of these things.


> Does anyone overheat easily? This is a HUGE problem for me. I

have always overheated too easily, even when I was thin. My face

turns BEET red and it's horribly embarrassing. Then I feel like I'm

gonna pass out. And most people are usually just a little bit hot

when I feel like I'm dying of heat. It really restricts the things I

can do, even in the winter. If I take a walk when it's freezing out,

I still turn beet red.


> When I get hungry (every 4 hours or so) I shake uncontrollably.

Does this happen to anyone else? I can't write or do anything I

shake so bad. I worry about this when I'm going somewhere, so I

usually eat when I'm not hungry to make sure I'll stay full. NOT a

good thing to do, I know.


> My son (and possibly me too) is autistic, so I was thinking of

starting him on this diet. But he is only 5 years old. I just don't

know if this would be a good idea. Anyone have a small child on this



> Anyone been pregnant while on this diet? When I was pregnant with

I had gestational diabetes and was put on a low-carb diet. I

actually lost weight while pregnant! My doctor had said that if I

get pregnant again, just go right on that diet. It wasn't as strict

as the candida-free diet, but it did cut out a lot of carbs. My

hubby and I are thinking of having another baby so I'm wondering

about this.



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  • 7 years later...
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Hello and Jody,

This group is great, so you have come to the right place.

Its hard to stay calm when your kid is always so sick, but it does get easier. I

was a CRAZY person for the first year dealing with the fevers. But I feel that

me and my child have both gotten used to them, and even though they suck and its

hard on your child!!!! You start to get a flow to your life (living with the


As for the spoiled thing, I go through the same thing. And these kids also

seem to be very moody before and after a fever. Sometimes I feel we only get one

good week where my daughter is feeling perfect.

Its tough having a sick kid, but I try to stay thankful that its only a fever.

And not something worse.

I would try all the meds that are associated for helping some kids with

(antacid, steroids) and see if they help manage your childs fevers. (It has

really changed some kids lives). We've tried everything includeing naturaly

remedies and chiropractors. And nothing has helped. I treat with Motrin/Tylenol

every three hours. And wait it out. As my child has gotten older, the fevers are

only about 3-4 days long. They used to be up to 7 days.

Good luck with everything!

P.S. you should push for the genetic tesing. Just to be sure.

Hali mom to Sky 3.5 fevers since 12 months old.

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Hello and Jody,

This group is great, so you have come to the right place.

Its hard to stay calm when your kid is always so sick, but it does get easier. I

was a CRAZY person for the first year dealing with the fevers. But I feel that

me and my child have both gotten used to them, and even though they suck and its

hard on your child!!!! You start to get a flow to your life (living with the


As for the spoiled thing, I go through the same thing. And these kids also

seem to be very moody before and after a fever. Sometimes I feel we only get one

good week where my daughter is feeling perfect.

Its tough having a sick kid, but I try to stay thankful that its only a fever.

And not something worse.

I would try all the meds that are associated for helping some kids with

(antacid, steroids) and see if they help manage your childs fevers. (It has

really changed some kids lives). We've tried everything includeing naturaly

remedies and chiropractors. And nothing has helped. I treat with Motrin/Tylenol

every three hours. And wait it out. As my child has gotten older, the fevers are

only about 3-4 days long. They used to be up to 7 days.

Good luck with everything!

P.S. you should push for the genetic tesing. Just to be sure.

Hali mom to Sky 3.5 fevers since 12 months old.

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I know at first it seems overwhelming...but soon you will get into a routine. 

We went through it for 3 years with my daughter before I read about the T & A and

insisted on treatment.  It's a little different for us because Sami is 1 of 5,

and life just can't stop for 5 days every month..it's not fair to the others. 

We got to the point where we would just wrap Sami in a blanket and take her

where ever we needed to go.  I always took offense when people said, " It's just

a fever, it's not life threatening "   It's easy for other's to say.  I used to

tell people, " We are thankful that it is not life threatening, but it is very

hard on our family and Sami.  Have you thought about what it would be like to

sit on a couch for 5 days with 105 fever wondering if this was the month it was

going to go higher or cause seizures?  Just to recover to know that it's going

to happen again next month? "   That always made people a little more sensitive. 

Also keep

in mind that if this wasn't happening to you, you would have a hard time

believing it too!  I would say sometimes, " If I wasn't living it I'd say I was

crazy! "


Spoiling is natural when you have a child with illness...there are several books

to read about it.  I would suggest reading some of them.  I don't know how you

wouldn't spoil a child going through this..we did and I think she actually

missed being sick a bit at first because she didn't get spoiled as much.


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