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Oh, ok.


--- MogdrMom@... wrote:

> Mona: My Dr. has a Doctorate of Nutripathy, Degree

> in Natural Healing & a

> Masters in Clinical Nutrition, he is affiliated with

> " International Academy

> of Clinical Nutritionists & International Academy of

> Nutrition & Preventive

> Medicine. Mogdrmom



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>From: lfallen328@...

>Reply-bowel cleanseegroups

>bowel cleanseegroups

>Subject: Re: (no subject)

>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:16:39 EDT


>hi, you keep addressing the group but there is no message? fred


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>From: DPATCA@...

>fpmorgan@..., g.goldsmith@...,

>scottonthespot@..., mri@...

>CC: Shawsadpa@...

>Subject: (no subject)

>Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 10:27:37 EDT


> The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps

>it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or

>maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way,

>the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable.


>A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the basement shack with

>a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the

>other. What began as a typical Saturday morning, turned into one of

>those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time. Let me tell


>about it.


> I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my

>ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net. Along

>the way, I came across an older sounding chap, with a tremendous signal and

>a golden voice. You know the kind, he sounded like he should be in

>the broadcasting business. He was telling whoever he was talking

>with something about " a thousand marbles. " I was intrigued and stopped to

>listen to what he had to say.


> " Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you're busy with your job. I'm

>sure they pay you well but it's a shame you have to be away from

>home and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have

>to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet. Too bad

>you missed your daughter's dance recital. "


>He continued, " Let me tell you something Tom, something that

>has helped me keep a good perspective on my own priorities. " And

>that's when he began to explain his theory of a " thousand marbles. "

> " You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The

>average person lives about seventy-five years. I know, some live more and

>some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years. "


> " Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900

>which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their


>lifetime. Now stick with me Tom, I'm getting to the important part. "

> " It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all

>this in any detail, " he went on, " and by that time I had lived through

>over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I

>lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of

>them left to enjoy. "


> " So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they

>had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to roundup 1000 marbles. I

>took them home and put them inside of a large, clear plastic container

>right here in the shack next to my gear.


>Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and

>thrown it away. " " I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I

>focused more on the really important things in life. There is nothing


>watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities

>straight. "


> " Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you

>and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very

>last marble out of the container. I figure if I make it until next

>Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we


>all use is a little more time. "


> " It was nice to meet you Tom, I hope you spend more time with

>your family, and I hope to meet you again here on the band. 75 year Old

>Man, this is K9NZQ, clear and going QRT, good morning! "


>You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow

>signed off. I guess he gave us all a lot to think about. I had planned to

>work on the antenna that morning, and then I was going to meet up with a

>few hams to work on the next club newsletter. Instead, I went upstairs and

>woke my wife up with a kiss. " C'mon honey, I'm taking you and the

>kids to breakfast. "


> " What brought this on? " she asked with a smile. " Oh, nothing

>special, it's just been a long time since we spent a Saturday together with

>the kids. Hey, can we stop at a toy store while we're out? I need to buy

>some marbles. "


>Give your troubled child a hug, your beautiful wife/husband a

>compliment, and your aging grandmother a phone call! They will all

>appreciate the moment and it will be long-lasting!


>Be careful out there, we are all losing our marbles.




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Thanks so much for all the info. Your not feeling well yourself and

your using your energy on us. I just wanted to let you know we

appreciate you.

Thanks again

Joan Claffey

gehud119@... wrote:






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Amy,

Welcome here!

Greetings from Holland

Loes, aih

[ ] (no subject)

> I am new to this group, how does it work? I have autoimmune hep diag


> 2 years ago and everytime I think about that biopsy i get a sick feeling.

> Help does anyone feel like this?


> Amy



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Hi All,

I never received any education before my transplant and none after. Most of

what I know came from stumbling onto it through the net. However as I was

stumbling the other day found this on the web site from the hospital I go to.

For me this sums it all up and acceptance can now be reached somewhat. Don't

think I will ever totally accept this new life. But it does make it easier.


- Financial pressures

- Never-ending threat of complications

- Daily medication

- At least monthly follow-up

- Potential readmission to the hospital at any time

- Changes in relationships with family due to any of the above

You may seek support from a variety of persons >>


galye@... ^0^



- Financial pressures

- Never-ending threat of complications

- Daily medication

- At least monthly follow-up

- Potential readmission to the hospital at any time

- Changes in relationships with family due to any of the above

You may seek support from a variety of persons


galye@... ^0^


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I take it that's the USA Disc. Health. The UK one lists some thing else.

However we just had a prog. on allergies, V interesting



(no subject)


> Great Smokies Featured on Discovery Health Channel

> Program Highlights Gastrointestinal Health

> A special program with footage shot at Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory

> will air this month on the Discovery Health Channel, a new programming

> alternative for viewers with satellite or digital cable service. The lab


> highlighted in the second part of the three-part series, " Inside Tract. "


> special includes amazing facts about the digestive tract, as well as

> information about the causes of and treatments for digestive conditions


> plague millions of people.


> One segment of the program follows a stool sample through analysis in our

> Microbiology and Parasitology labs and includes an interview with

> Gastroenterologist Myron Lezak, M.D., on the functional medicine approach


> gastrointestinal health.


> The Discovery Health Channel will air the series four times in January:


> Jan 13 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm (Entire)


> Jan 14 - 3:00pm to 6:00pm (Entire)


> Jan 17 - 1:00am to 2:00am (Part one: " System Breakdown " )


> Jan 18 - 1:00am to 2:00am (Part two: " The Choice Is Ours " )


> Jan 19 - 1:00am to 2:00am (Part three: " We Are What We Eat " )


> Jan 20 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm (Entire)


> hY~Y~Y~Y~Yg

> Tracey

> hY~Y~Y~Y~Yg


> Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to



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Very interested in this program but don't have sat or digital cable.

Will there be a webcast???




> Great Smokies Featured on Discovery Health Channel

> Program Highlights Gastrointestinal Health

> A special program with footage shot at Great Smokies Diagnostic


> will air this month on the Discovery Health Channel, a new


> alternative for viewers with satellite or digital cable service.

The lab is

> highlighted in the second part of the three-part series, " Inside

Tract. " The

> special includes amazing facts about the digestive tract, as well


> information about the causes of and treatments for digestive

conditions that

> plague millions of people.


> One segment of the program follows a stool sample through analysis

in our

> Microbiology and Parasitology labs and includes an interview with

> Gastroenterologist Myron Lezak, M.D., on the functional medicine

approach to

> gastrointestinal health.


> The Discovery Health Channel will air the series four times in



> Jan 13 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm (Entire)


> Jan 14 - 3:00pm to 6:00pm (Entire)


> Jan 17 - 1:00am to 2:00am (Part one: " System Breakdown " )


> Jan 18 - 1:00am to 2:00am (Part two: " The Choice Is Ours " )


> Jan 19 - 1:00am to 2:00am (Part three: " We Are What We Eat " )


> Jan 20 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm (Entire)


> hY~Y~Y~Y~Yg

> Tracey

> hY~Y~Y~Y~Yg

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  • 4 weeks later...

MOG- I had witten a question to a parasite site, I posted that

some time ago. The question I asked was, "I see pictures of

your adult worms and the eggs but you do not have photos of

the young worms. Do the young worms look the same as the


His reply was this," The answer to your question is yes and no. Certainly, immature tapewormslook very different from immature roundworms and trematodes, etc., etc., andin some instances the immature stages of closely related species ofparasites (e.g., two species of roundworms) look quite different. However,in many instances the immature stages of different species of parasites(e.g., two species of roundworms) look very similar. The reason I showadults and eggs is that these are the life cycle stages that are seen mostoften and used for diagnosis."

So consider the fact that you may have had a look at an immature worm

and not the adult. Maybe.... It could be that's why you cant identify it!!!!

I didn't keep records of my situation, I became so depressed that no

doctor takes me seriously. I will buy you book, maybe this information

will make doctors think TWICE. LIZ

Liz: i can not find a picture of my parasites, (brace your self everyone, ) they are white, flat, about 3'' long. there was 3 tiny lines comming off from the main stem. i now realize the males and females may not look alike, i think it is a Whiteworm, i will know more the 20th of this month, i have a appointment at the cleveland clinic with a specialist. i haven't taken any pills for 2 days they are really potent & the toxins are bad. but i will take 2 today. i have the newest Zapper & i use it daily, i can't really tell if it works or not. before i had these new herbs i used the zapper & didn't get any toxins, i have followed Dr. Biamonte's advice for the last 3 years, he is GREAT!! so understanding and knowledgeable, he is expensive!!!!!but my husband agrees he is the only person i have found who could treat me properly & i feel i would of died with out his help. he has a!

lab they test your stools & urine, his Herbs have potent ingredients, i have looked at home at our very best vitamin stores & take his bottles and they agree the ingredients are good but they had nothing to compare, so i do buy from him. we set up a date for appointment and talk by phone, he goes by the samples, how your feeling, & your symptoms. he has astounded me more than once. i had "fluttering" at first and thought it was the yeast, as my yeast cleared up my fluttering went to swimmers, back and forth, they are in the muscles, they never leave their home, swim back and forth, during the day i don't feel them as much because i'm busy and your muscles are tight but, when resting they start "Playing" i've been to the Emergency room so many times with different ailments, they put so much pressure in my head one night i thought i had a stroke, i must say today i felt my lump in my breast & it iisn't as hard !

as it was before. make sence? once you know what your dealing with i don't go to emergency quite as ofton. last yr. they were working on my legs! they swelled & i thought i had blood clots & did go to emergency they did an ultra sound, no blood clots "no explanation" i even confided in the technician & asked her if she could see everything in the legs, she said "what are you looking for?" she said she was not surprised. i could go on & on i to am writing a book about my experiences, i started keeping notes from 1998, keep a journal, you can always refer to certain situations that you may have forgotten the treatment & it helps. if anyone wants to add their story with my book i would be happy to use it, i have some but everyones story is not the same.! I am sorry this is so long, just so much could be said about this subject! Thank you Angie, Mog

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Thanks Ann: everyone on this site is courageous, strong, powerful , we have to be, to get thru this with out Dr.'s help most of us! we take our health into our own hands & ask for guidance along the way, & we make it!!!!!! no other way! Mog

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Hi there. I agree. we must fix ourselves. There are no other way. Greetings.


From: mogdrmom@...



Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 15:36:39 EST

Thanks Ann: everyone on this site is courageous, strong, powerful , we have

to be, to get thru this with out Dr.'s help most of us! we take our health

into our own hands & ask for guidance along the way, & we make it!!!!!! no

other way! Mog


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Hi, I'm doing exactly what you did except I'm doing the master phase

right now. My ph wasn't right, but I felt strong enough to do it and

I'm not having bad reactions at all.

I'm curious why you did this cleanse because I'm was chronically

constipated and worried because only shit came out of me, no rubbery

stuff. My stuff did look old, but not rubbery or casings like you


I would eat maybe 3 meals a day 1 or 2 grapefruit, salad with avocado

and more vegies. Occasionally some carob bar.

Could that have done it?

please write back at hopetohealth@...


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Mog - great to hear from you! Its amazing to me how sensitive you are that you could 'feel' that parasite 'jump'??? is that what you said? i've never known that feeling... that must be very strange.

maybe you could find a different doc that deals with parasites that could help you??

Please keep us in touch with what is going on with your treatment.... (((HUGS))))


(no subject)Well. here is my report from my Dr.'s this week. my mass in my neck artery is just plaque buildup & is 50-60%percent closed. i go back in 6 months for an ultra sound. the other artery is fine (how can that be? i thought it would be equal) The visit at Cleveland clinic for the parisites was a joke!!! big time! we visited for 1 1/2 hours. he refused to believe i have parisites, they can live in your body, have thousands of eggs a day, BUT........they do not hatch in the body, they would be excreted & i would have to ingest them again! isn't that stupid! i said how did i start with one and now i feel 6-8? he didn't think one died in me, thats highly uncommon, he didn't know what i felt! & as for the live one & althou it jumped 2 times he didn't believe, he says it was fiber or material of some sort & that i am paranoid (sp) about them. until he sees proof, he won't do anything. He did do a blood test & 3 days i collect stool samples, i have done the stool samples in Chemicals before for Dr. B. so i'll wait & see. BUT.........in the meantime, my breast surgeon is taking out my Lympth nodes March 7th. checking them out & i will have a drain tube for a few weeks. right now my cancer is a 1. if the Lympth's come back cancerous i will be a 2. i will have Chemo & radiation. if the lympth's come back cancerous i will probably have a higher degree of chemo but if not possible i could get a low dose. so if your praying i need the low dose! i am watching my acids, no more coffee! sugar, The radiation goes to the breast only! we will start probaly the end of March, so i am looking into oncology depts. now & seeing that they are up to date with their treatments & of course Turbans & wigs! i will not cut my hair till i see i need to. i have white gray hair & is long! but i am ok with cutting it! i will have a wig of the same color but not length. i am ok with all this for right now. i don't feel sick thats why! i don't like being sick i have had to many die-offs from Candida & didn't take them well. Oh! is figured if this parisite Dr's won't give me any thing to kill them with surely the Chemo will! don't you think? if it's gonna half kill me surely they will die to! we'll see who is the strongest. Have a good day! Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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OH GOOD GRIEF!!!! that is quite a 'visual' mog.... i've never heard of that before....


Re: (no subject)i passed the parasite and put it in the sink to get it clean to take to the Dr. & it jumped 2 times. not to many Dr's know how to deal with parisites, i thought i finally found the Dr. who knew. Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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i passed the parasite and put it in the sink to get it clean to take to the Dr. & it jumped 2 times. not to many Dr's know how to deal with parisites, i thought i finally found the Dr. who knew. Mog

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: you gotta do what you gotta do! when you want to prove it to everyone (Dr.) after a while your curious as to what is giving you this trouble & if the opportunity comes along in your stool you take it,! believe me i was shocked at the first one & didn't save it & i wasn't taking that chance again! regardless the nurses lost it!!! oh well! i'm going square dancing tonight figure i only have 2 more weeks to enjoy it! Everyone have a good night! talk to you tomorrow! Mog

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On 22 Feb 2001, at 10:24, mogdrmom@... wrote:

we'll see who is the strongest.

I think all of us here know the answer to that one. You're an


I'll light a candle tonight for good news about the chemo doses

you'll need. You're in my thoughts.



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Mog, Your visit sounds like they typical medical profession.

I am sorry it went so bad. I wanted to post that my aunt

was given radiation for her breast cancer, it made her feel

sick but she didn't lose any hair! Hoping good things to

come by your way shortly.


Well. here is my report from my Dr.'s this week. my mass in my neck artery is just plaque buildup & is 50-60%percent closed. i go back in 6 months for an ultra sound. the other artery is fine (how can that be? i thought it would be equal) The visit at Cleveland clinic for the parisites was a joke!!! big time! we visited for 1 1/2 hours. he refused to believe i have parisites, they can live in your body, have thousands of eggs a day, BUT........they do not hatch in the body, they would be excreted & i would have to ingest them again! isn't that stupid! i said how did i start with one and now i feel 6-8? he didn't think one died in me, thats highly uncommon, he didn't know what i felt! & as for the live one & althou it jumped 2 times he didn't believe, he says it was fiber or material of some sort & that i am paranoid (sp) about them. until he sees proof, he won't do anyt!

hing. He did do a blood test & 3 days i collect stool samples, i have done the stool samples in Chemicals before for Dr. B. so i'll wait & see. BUT.........in the meantime, my breast surgeon is taking out my Lympth nodes March 7th. checking them out & i will have a drain tube for a few weeks. right now my cancer is a 1. if the Lympth's come back cancerous i will be a 2. i will have Chemo & radiation. if the lympth's come back cancerous i will probably have a higher degree of chemo but if not possible i could get a low dose. so if your praying i need the low dose! i am watching my acids, no more coffee! sugar, The radiation goes to the breast only! we will start probaly the end of March, so i am looking into oncology depts. now & seeing that they are up to date with their treatments & of course Turbans & wigs! i will not cut my hair till i see i need to. i have white gray hair & is long! but i!

am ok with cutting it! i will have a wig of the same color but not length. i am ok with all this for right now. i don't feel sick thats why! i don't like being sick i have had to many die-offs from Candida & didn't take them well. Oh! is figured if this parisite Dr's won't give me any thing to kill them with surely the Chemo will! don't you think? if it's gonna half kill me surely they will die to! we'll see who is the strongest. Have a good day! Mog Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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Mog, so glad to hear you are going square dancing. That ought to lift your spirits and your physical self. FUN is such a good medicine!

I applaud your warrior-ness. We do what we must do until we hear the next bell.

Please take a moment and feel all the support you have from me and the rest of the group. You are in my prayers as is everyone here.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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> Dear ann,

> Did you have to go to Dr. Boyd to get this NTI device. I have also

> spent

> tons of money and have found no relief. I am very interested. Thank

> you.

> Margo

No, I didn't have to go see him. (San diego??) He is (or was?) selling

them to dentists. Or he was the agent for the company that makes them?


About 6 months ago. I saw my dentist (local) and he said that I can

continue to get the NTI from him but that it would have to be out of

pocket (whenever I need a new one) as the powers that be - ins. cos.

and ego-doctors have decided that NTI cannot be used for TMJ. Duh.

So, if you are close to wherever he is, go! He was posting at


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