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Re: Thyroid Help-OT

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MSM is great for hair loss, brittle fingernails, etc.; just be sure to

match it gram-for-gram with Vitamin C, or you'll be even *more* tired

than you already are! MSM is pretty commonly available -- I got my

last batch from the supermarket.

> My hair is

> still falling out at an alarming rate. Every time I wash my hair,

or brush

> it or even run my fingers through my hair, I get anywhere from 5 to


> strands of hair.....this is each time. so during the course of

washing my

> hair, I could lose up to 50 or more strands. My hair has went from


> very thick and fully, to very thin.

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I still think (yes, I should just do a standard e-mail for my answer to

things like this <grin>), you should consider taking iron, preferably in

liquid and definitely non sweetened form (with vitamin C of some kind, as

someone mentioned earlier when I wrote about this before).

It's virtually impossible for any menstruating woman to not be anaemic, but

there are degree of iron deficiency. The birth control pill and any other

synthetic steroids (and I expect antibiotics as well but I don't have the

evidence for this) creates, as well as worsens, mineral and vitamin

deficiencies. Lack of iron also depresses the immune system and thus can lead

to thyroid problems as well as many other problems,

according to the individual's susceptibility. Lack of iron and a depressed

immune system also predisposes a person to yeast overgrowth and candidiasis

which leads, with or without the wrong types of processed foods, to bloating

and weight problems.

Hair loss is a classic sign of anaemia. There are also lots of people who are

naturally anaemic and of course in women it becomes a thousand times worse,

compounded by menstruation, prescription drugs, candidiasis etc.

I was told for years I was not anaemic, although in recent times I have been

aware of

anaemia in the family after finding a wartime medical certificate for

grandfather saying he was suffering from anaemia and digestive problems. In

the past couple of months, I insisted on having a copy of a recent blood test

and found that I was indeed severely anaemic despite taking liquid iron off

my own bat for about four months beforehand. No medic has ever told me that I

was anaemic.

I have been " treated " , (wrongly I now realise), for all types of ills which I

now know are attributable to anaemia, being told (wrongly I now realise) I

have a separate medical conditions for all these ills. I have also been

" treated " wrongly for all the symptoms of anaemia in isolation from each

other and given prescription drugs which have damaged my body.

This is really what is meant by physicians not treating the whole body. Of

course, a lot of chief executives of drug companies and medics have lots of

dosh to spare for visiting golf clubs on luxury holidays out of this...


In a message dated 2/13/02 3:55:09 AM, Teddii189@... writes:

<< Hey gang..

I've been following the thyroid thread with great interest. A friend of mine

is having lots of problems with hers and it doesn't seem to be improving. I

know this isn't exactly candida-related but I have been impressed with the

enormous wealth of knowledge that this group collectively holds and thought I

would see if anyone can relate to my friend or offer suggestions. Here's her


Beginning: In October 2001, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed

(spelling) with hypothyroidism. The doctor put me on .1 mg of Levothyroxine

(Synthroid). When I went back to have blood drawn in December to check my

thyroid levels, they were still extremely low, so the doctor increased my

dosage to .2 mg of the same meds. I am currently on the .2 mg of

Levothyroxine (Synthroid). I will be going back to have my thyroid levels

tested on March 1, 2002. I will let you know what they are or if they are

still low.

I am not taking any vitamins, herbs or anything else. I have also been

warned about ingesting Dairy, or calcium (spelling) at the same time that I

take my meds, so I have been very careful about not drinking milk at the same

time. If I plan on having dairy, then I try to wait at least an hour or

longer before I take my meds or after I take my meds to have the milk.

I have already mentioned my symptoms, but I will rewrite them so you have

everything in the same email.

I am extremely tired, although this is starting to get better. My hair is

still falling out at an alarming rate. Every time I wash my hair, or brush

it or even run my fingers through my hair, I get anywhere from 5 to more

strands of hair.....this is each time. so during the course of washing my

hair, I could lose up to 50 or more strands. My hair has went from being

very thick and fully, to very thin.

I can't seem to lose weight no matter how much or how little I eat. I

don't think I have gained any weight. Although I might have...I don't keep

track very well. I hate scales. Like I told you the other night, I look

like I am 9 months pregnant and about ready to " pop " My face is very

round....looks like I have at least 2 or more chins....this could just be my

weight, but one never knows.





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I certainly think it's possible for some people to have a minor iron

deficiency and others

to have a greater one. I don't actually know the technical definition of

anaemia ... My

dictionary says " lack of blood or red corpuscles in the blood,

bloodlessness " .

I've now shown to a number of people my

blood test and they all say I'm definitely severely below par. I just had one

test relevant

to my " iron " levels. I don't know if there are different kinds of tests one

can have. But I

had two tests, one for iron and one for Iron Binding Sat which were both


below par.

It's an interesting question you pose -- whether anaemia is a very specific

ailment or

whether it just means iron deficiency. Although it could be nitpicking if the


to treat both is the same...

So the answer is " I don't know " . Perhaps others are more expert than me...


In a message dated 2/14/02 2:14:19 PM, roniron4@... writes:

>so is it possible to be not be anemic and have an iron deficiency?



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